require 'google-cloud-tasks' require 'net/http' module RailsCloudTasks module AppEngine class << self def project_id @project_id ||= metadata('project/project-id') end def service_account_email @service_account_email ||= metadata('instance/service-accounts/default/email') end def reset! @project_id = nil @service_account_email = nil end protected def metadata(path) return nil unless ::Google::Auth::GCECredentials.on_gce? uri = URI("{path}") req = req['Metadata-Flavor'] = 'Google' Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) { |http| http.request(req) }.body rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN # This error occurs sporadically when trying to resolve the metadata endpoint # locally. It is unlikely to occur when running on GCE. nil end end end end