Feature: Textarea As developer I want to interact with textarea elements in many ways Scenario: Finding a textarea Given I am on a page that has a textarea Then I should can knows if this page has a textarea #TODO graceful fegradation @pending Scenario: Finding a textarea (counter proof) Given I am on a page that has a textarea Then I should fail when ask if this page has a textarea named "false_field" Scenario: Setting a text on a textarea Given I am on a page that has a textarea Then I should be able to write a text like "Testing automation Rockst" in the textarea Scenario: Getting the text from a textarea Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I shoud be able to get the text "Testing automation rocks" from this textarea Scenario: The textarea does not contais the text Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should be able to know if the text on the textarea does not contais the text "Fooooooo" Scenario: The textarea does not contais the text (counter proof) Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea does not contais the text "rocks" Scenario: The textarea contains a text Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should be able to know if the text on the textarea contais the text "rocks" Scenario: The textarea contains a text (counter proof) Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea contais the text "foo barrrrrr" Scenario: The text on a textarea is exactly some text Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should be able to know if the text on the textarea is exacly the text "Testing automation rocks" Scenario: The text on a textarea is exactly some text (counter prooF) Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea is exacly the text "rocks" Scenario: The textarea is empty Given I am on a page that has a textarea Then I should be able to know if the textarea is empty Scenario: The textarea is empty (counter proof) Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should fail when ask if the textarea is empty @pending Scenario: textarea max lenght Scenario: The lenght of a textarea text Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should be able to know if the size of the textarea text is "24" Scenario: The lenght of a textarea text (Counter Proof) Given I am on a page that has a textarea And There is a textarea with the text "Testing automation rocks" Then I should fail when ask if the size of the textarea text is "42"