require "spec_helper" describe SauceWhisk::Jobs do let(:auth) {"#{ENV["SAUCE_USERNAME"]}:#{ENV["SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"]}"} describe "#all", :vcr => {:cassette_name => 'jobs'} do it "should return an enumerable" do SauceWhisk::Jobs.all.should be_an Enumerable end it "should return a set of jobs" do jobs_found = SauceWhisk::Jobs.all jobs_found.each {|job| job.should be_a SauceWhisk::Job} end end describe "##change_status", :vcr => {:cassette_name => "jobs"} do let(:pass_string) {{:passed => true}.to_json} it "exists" do SauceWhisk::Jobs.respond_to? :change_status end it "passes a test status to the REST api" do job_id = "bd9c43dd6b5549f1b942d1d581d98cac" SauceWhisk::Jobs.change_status job_id, true assert_requested :put, "https://#{auth}{job_id}", :body => pass_string, :content_type => "application/json" end end describe "##pass_job" do it "Calls the API and passes the given job" do job_id = "rerfreferf" SauceWhisk::Jobs.should_receive(:change_status).with(job_id, true) {} SauceWhisk::Jobs.pass_job job_id end end describe "##fail_job" do it "Calls change_status to fail the job" do job_id = "rcercer" SauceWhisk::Jobs.should_receive(:change_status).with(job_id, false) {} SauceWhisk::Jobs.fail_job job_id end end describe "##save", :vcr => {:cassette_name => "jobs"} do it "sends a put request" do job_id = "bd9c43dd6b5549f1b942d1d581d98cac" job ={:id => job_id}) (job) assert_requested :put, "https://#{auth}{}", :body => anything, :content_type => "application/json" end it "only sends updated information" do job_id = "bd9c43dd6b5549f1b942d1d581d98cac" job ={:id => job_id}) = "Updated Name" (job) expected_body = {:name => "Updated Name"}.to_json assert_requested :put, "https://#{auth}{}", :body => expected_body, :content_type => "application/json" end end describe "##fetch", :vcr => {:cassette_name => "jobs"} do let(:job) {SauceWhisk::Jobs.fetch("bd9c43dd6b5549f1b942d1d581d98cac")} it "contains the list of screenshots for the job" do job.screenshot_urls.should be_a_kind_of Enumerable job.screenshot_urls.length.should_not be 0 end it "returns a job when a valid one is fetched" do job.should be_an_instance_of SauceWhisk::Job end end describe "##stop", :vcr => {:cassette_name => "jobs"} do it "calls the API correctly" do SauceWhisk::Jobs.stop "3edc8fe6d52645bf931b1003da65af1f" assert_requested :put, "https://#{auth}", :content_type => "application/json" end it "does something interesting when the job is already stopped" do SauceWhisk::Jobs.stop "9591ce8519f043f8b3bea0462923c883" end it "throws a ResourceNotFound error when the job isn't found" do expect {SauceWhisk::Jobs.stop("job_id")}.to raise_exception RestClient::ResourceNotFound end end end