# Bib::Vagrant [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/easybiblabs/bib-vagrant.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/easybiblabs/bib-vagrant) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/easybiblabs/bib-vagrant/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/easybiblabs/bib-vagrant) This is a work in progress - and subject to [additions and changes](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Objective 1. Remove developer-specific settings from a project's `Vagrantfile`. 2. Streamline setup/onboarding. 3. Avoid stale settings all around. ## Installation Install the plugin: $ vagrant plugin install bib-vagrant Do not use this command in a directory with a Vagrantfile which requires the plugin. Vagrant does _always_ include the Vagrantfile, and therefore will fail before installation because of the missing plugin. Just ```cd``` somewhere else and retry the command, maybe from your homedir? ## Usage ### Developer Settings The config file with all developer specific settings is currently ```~/.config/easybib/vagrantdefault.yml```. If no such file exists, the plugin will create the file with default settings. The content of this file can be retrieved using the plugin as an array, the the Vagrantfile-Example below for usage. The current default settings and their respective usage in our Vagrantfiles are: ``` #Use filesystem shares over nfs nfs: false #Path to the cookbooks cookbook_path: ~/Sites/easybib/cookbooks #Chef Log Level chef_log_level: debug #Additional JSON to be merged in the Chef JSON additional_json: ! '{}' #Show Virtualbox GUI gui: false # Token to use with composer composer_github_token: # npm proxy in the form of "http://npm-proxy.tld/" npm_registry: # your npm user email address in the form of user@domain.tld npm_username: # your npm or user email address in the form of user@domain.tld npm_usermail: # Authentication Token to use with npm npm_userpass: ``` Additional parameters can be added to the file and used in the Vagrantfile - but you then have to make sure to use sensible fallback defaults in your Vagrantfile, since not every developer might have this setting in the .yml. ### Vagrantfile In your `Vagrantfile`: ```ruby Vagrant.require_plugin 'bib-vagrant' Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| bibconfig = Bib::Vagrant::Config.new vagrantconfig = bibconfig.get config.vm.define :db do |web_config| #... web_config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.gui = vagrantconfig["gui"] #... end web_config.vm.synced_folder "./../", "/vagrant_data", :owner => "vagrant", :nfs => vagrantconfig["nfs"] web_config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef| chef.cookbooks_path = vagrantconfig["cookbook_path"] chef.add_recipe "something::here" chef.log_level = vagrantconfig["chef_log_level"] end web_config.vm.provision "bib_configure_npm" end ``` The configuration is located in `~/.config/easybib/vagrantdefault.yml`: ```yaml --- nfs: false cookbook_path: ~/Documents/workspaces/easybib-cookbooks chef_log_level: debug additional_json: ! '{}' gui: true composer_github_token: npm_registry: npm_username: npm_usermail: npm_userpass: ``` ## Contributing See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)