== 0.11.1
* # - 818 Migrate taxons to nested set for major performance boost
* # - 1303 Taxonomies with no taxons cause NoMethodError
* # - 1414 Bump will_paginate to 2.3.12
* # - 1439 Bump state_machine to latest version
* # - 1452 Extra closing tags in checkouts/_address
* # - 1462 Fix path finding for script/extension script
* # - 1463 Remove deprecated script/breakpointer
* # - 1464 Remove deprecated script/performance/request
* # - 1475 Require email address on checkout model
* # - 1482 Creditcard model only integer validation is wrong in syntax
* # - 1492 no such file to load -- rspec when running the tests
* # - 1494 Allow specifying where shipping methods are displayed
* # - 1499 Fix escaping HTML issue with rails 2.3.8
* # - 1503 Fix admin additional field labels id
* # - 1509 Extensions are not being loaded
* # - 1515 Shipping Methods mixed up between Country-based zone and State-based zone
* # - 1523 error from double submit on checkout payment
* # - 1526 Cannot proceed to Delivery Step from Address step if address entry does not meet validation
* # - 1534 Backport patches from rails3 branch
* # - 1538 Could not use Check payment because validation js of credit card payment
* # - 1541 Tidy up admin interface
* # - 1572 Checkout validation can raise exception in certain states
* # - 1573 Sample payments not capturing properly
* # - 1574 Editing a paid order in admin screen can result in incorrect shipment states
* # - 1621 Add validationMode support to Gateway::AuthorizeNetCim
* # - 1636 Coupon submission destroying payment
* # - 1654 RMA number changes when record updated
* # - 1658 Credits / Voids can result in invalid order states
* # - 1668 Canceled order should allow balance_due or credit_owed state
== 0.11.0
* # - 728 ProductsController::change_image method is not in use
* # - 1170 Support EWay payment gateway (AU)
* # - 1194 Improve confirmation button text for checkout steps
* # - 1232 user.has_role? should respect changes to roles and reloads
* # - 1235 Explicitly define the @orders collection on which to paginate in the admin/orders/index view
* # - 1236 Improve API for products.
* # - 1239 Introduce support of Cucumber
* # - 1256 Add alternative text to product images
* # - 1259 Admin orders shipping method not saving
* # - 1266 Ensure CheckoutsController#update uses consistent variable names
* # - 1268 Allow disabling of inventory level management
* # - 1277 Add "Use Billing Address" tickbox to admin checkouts
* # - 1288 Add ruby-openid into gem dependency
* # - 1290 missing 'show_active' in translation yml
* # - 1294 undefined method `payment_profiles_supported?' for nil:NilClass
* # - 1297 Button for applying coupon/discount codes
* # - 1299 Wrong usage of I18n in dashboard
* # - 1305 Protx gateway needs updating
* # - 1307 Do not restrict index action for OrdersController
* # - 1311 [patch] Making unit tests faster
* # - 1312 Inline Styles in theme_default/app/views/checkouts/edit.html
* # - 1313 Taxon rename through admin interface sends wrong new name in ajax request
* # - 1314 Potential vulnerability after overriding OrdersController actions
* # - 1318 permalink handling of non-unique strings is broken
* # - 1321 Address model's checkouts association does not return all checkouts
* # - 1325 Coupons with lower-case characters fail - With Fix
* # - 1327 Content controller should have option to skip cacheing
* # - 1328 Extraneous migration folder with script/generate extension_model
* # - 1329 Allow admin to delete shipments
* # - 1331 Sample Data
* # - 1333 Error in vat calculation
* # - 1337 Remove white-space from creditcard fields
* # - 1338 States / Countries info should be returned by API
* # - 1341 Ensure admin orders are associated to user
* # - 1343 Failed cucumber features caused by fixing ticket #1194
* # - 1346 Taxons need Description and Image
* # - 1352 Bug when Backordering is FALSE and user adds product to cart
* # - 1354 Rails scripts are not up-to-date
* # - 1358 Move translations into new extension
* # - 1361 Wrong translation used to confirm password
* # - 1365 Allow specifying where payment methods are displayed
* # - 1374 Shipment API calls are not eagerly loading
* # - 1376 Searching for user during admin order can be slow with large datasets
* # - 1377 Delete shipment does not unassign inventory units
* # - 1378 Allow adjustments to be added to new admin orders
* # - 1383 Checkout test fails when anonymous checkout is enabled in an extension
* # - 1384 [PATCH] Migration that add a description and an icon to taxons created with wrong date
* # - 1388 Improve performance of admin order search
* # - 1393 Improve GatewayError logging
* # - 1394 Inventory can be double counted if order completion fails unexpectedly
* # - 1399 Order#cancel is not updating shipments
* # - 1403 Completed orders can be incorrectly reassigned
* # - 1405 Improved staging environment
* # - 1406 Improve product search for admin orders
* # - 1409 Inventory units are not created / destroyed on admin order edit
* # - 1410 Dates change when searching for orders by date ranges
* # - 1412 Document code in app/helpers/admin/base_helper.rb
* # - 1413 Upgrade to Rails 2.3.8
* # - 1415 Remove RubyGems deprecation warning workaround
* # - 1417 Spree could not use AuthLogic 2.1.4
* # - 1421 Error while deleting an user in admin backend
* # - 1425 Promote new Rails2.3.6 way for Flash alert and notice
* # - 1430 Add tags, *.swp and rerun.txt to Gitignore
* # - 1432 Error when emptying the cart
* # - 1434 Escape issues with Rails 2.3.8
* # - 1435 Remove deprecation warnings caused by rake tasks
* # - 1436 ruby 1.9.1 i18n wrong argument issue
* # - 1438 Cucumber tests can fail with RoR 2.3.8
* # - 1443 Escape issues with breadcrumb
* # - 1445 Problem when submitting a coupon code
* # - 1446 Rake task for i18n:sync not work
* # - 1447 Analytics showing incorrect checkout step
* # - 1448 Allow setting default tax category for all products via UI
== 0.10.2
* # - 1215 Update Vietnamese translation
* # - 1230 Product#recalculate_count_on_hand migration from 0.9.4 to 0.10.0
* # - 1234 Billing address not accepting UK state
* # - 1238 Should not create empty order in db for orders/new action
* # - 1240 Add test-unit to gem dependency
* # - 1249 Authorize.net CIM does not work with live account
* # - 1251 Skip confirmation step if payment profiles are not available
* # - 1253 Table variants doesn't exist when bootstrapping with extensions installed that modify the Variant model
* # - 1255 Products groups edit error
* # - 1257 Coupons do not recalculate credit after redeemed
* # - 1261 Type Error when Checkout
* # - 1263 Submitting a coupon during the checkout confirmation fails
* # - 1269 Orders Overview page breaks when there are no orders in the last 7 days
* # - 1276 Product Images not updating properly
== 0.10.1
* # - 1209 Ruby Gems Warning (reverted this fix - RubyGems 1.3.6 is now required again)
* # - 1245 payment_gateway extension fails to load in production when spree is gemified
* # - 759 Error with creating admin user during bootstrap: unknown attribute: password_confirmation (Fixed in production mode)
== 0.10.0
* # - 16 Add Robots.txt file
* # - 188 Allow admin to create new shipments
* # - 247 Restrict shipping methods based on order contents
* # - 301 Limit billing and shipping address to the same list of countries.
* # - 316 Relation between option_types and product_option_types can break
* # - 320 Remove all traces of Prototype
* # - 361 Drop tlsmail dependency
* # - 373 Rake gems command fails if you have an earlier version of haml then what is required
* # - 503 Problem adding multiple option types to a product
* # - 517 _products.html.erb hardcodes an image size.
* # - 576 Support test:unit in extensions
* # - 586 Modify SEO Product URL's in favor of single path to product
* # - 595 Move extension load order out of environment.rb
* # - 598 Ruby 1.9 Support
* # - 602 sku search on admin/products shows one link per matching variant
* # - 607 Add extension that will give your store accurate titles in the core.
* # - 608 Migrations for the site extension should always be applied last
* # - 624 link_to_delete, ajax request missing datatype
* # - 637 Translation of helpers and confirmation messages
* # - 638 Property and Prototype specs fails when spree is running in language other than en-US
* # - 651 Use I18n to display order statuses in com bobox.
* # - 652 Calls will_paginate helper with wrong attributes.
* # - 667 jQuery.validate plugin should support internationalization.
* # - 675 Remove calendar_date_select
* # - 680 Administration for payment gateways is not over SSL
* # - 695 admin product editing needs to report validation failures
* # - 696 Add "clone" function to product admin interface
* # - 704 Names of additional fields of variant must displayed in current locale.
* # - 706 Paypal password field is visible
* # - 711 account_url don't work.
* # - 712 Improve performance of work with inventory units.
* # - 735 reject_unknown_object fails for products
* # - 746 move inline javascripts to it's own file
* # - 765 Charge information should not change for completed order
* # - 768 Change filename of ApplicationController (application.rb)
* # - 769 Move common controller logic into Spree::BaseController
* # - 771 Move contents of application.js
* # - 772 Rebase database migrations
* # - 775 Update payment_gateway extension to use jQuery and I18n.
* # - 777 SearchLogic and thinking_sphinx
* # - 780 Upgrade state machine plugin
* # - 781 OrderMailer views are no longer overrideable
* # - 785 title helper_method not available for extension controllers
* # - 787 Rename application layout
* # - 798 html cleanup
* # - 799 Update french localization
* # - 800 "Unknown action" when changing local after a login error message displayed
* # - 801 Little bug in report_criteria partial.
* # - 806 Document i18n rake tasks
* # - 808 rake db:sample to load fixtures and copy over assets from extensions
* # - 809 User login is forced to be same as email
* # - 810 dynamic product groups
* # - 811 Refactor Payment Gateways
* # - 812 Remove Github gem dependencies
* # - 814 FlatPercent calculator doesn't work for shipment method.
* # - 815 Calls of admin_country_states_path oriented to U.S.
* # - 818 Migrate taxons to nested set for major performance boost
* # - 819 improve product scopes
* # - 820 Product search
* # - 821 Don't hit db on every config call
* # - 828 Billing Integration configuration
* # - 830 OpenID Support
* # - 832 Creditcard.expiry_date is hardcoded to current date
* # - 834 Preference values get truncated over 255 characters
* # - 835 cleanup and separate thumbnail related javascripts
* # - 836 Coupons usage_limit is not counting correctly
* # - 838 Fix taxons fixtures for in sample data
* # - 839 404 while assigning product taxons
* # - 841 New applicable? method for adjustments
* # - 843 shipping charge descriptions not updated
* # - 848 Rails Metal doesn't work from extensions
* # - 849 Product search does not search master variant
* # - 851 Guest account email on registration
* # - 852 Missing strings localizations
* # - 853 Issue with Shipping Address On Multiple Checkouts From Single User
* # - 858 Integration tests failing because of Metal
* # - 860 Checkout can prematurely process creditcard
* # - 862 Errors when adding item to order are never displayed
* # - 863 Improve performance of displaying of products.
* # - 864 Ensure global admin activity indicator is visible on long pages
* # - 868 Cannot register new account during checkout
* # - 869 Little bug in redirect after login via OpenID
* # - 870 Variant#check_price trigger failed in case Product.destroy_all
* # - 889 Allow extensions to override core seed and sample data
* # - 894 Random test failure with short Faker user_name
* # - 897 Error in admin Shipping_rates_controller
* # - 908 make add_extension_admin_tab more UF
* # - 911 2 javascript caches with same name bug
* # - 920 Australian translation - en_AU
* # - 923 Security issue: Customer addresses and telephone numbers are insecure
* # - 925 Allow admin to edit order and adjustments
* # - 931 Inventory units should not backordered if backorders disallowed
* # - 932 "Mark as shipped" causes incorrect order total
* # - 938 Invalid HTML in app/views/admin/products/index.html.erb
* # - 939 Charge and Credit amount saved before checkout is complete
* # - 940 Order.email not set
* # - 950 Exclude stylesheet requests from admin user check
* # - 953 Add FSM for shipments along with associated state events
* # - 956 rails default english locale not being picked up
* # - 958 Zone#country_list is empty for state-based zones
* # - 964 Theme Support
* # - 965 Multi-Step Checkout
* # - 966 Do not create shipments at checkout
* # - 967 Incorrect for-attribute in labels for address fields.
* # - 968 List of states does not updated when user change selected country
* # - 969 Update Ruby 1.9.x support
* # - 970 Provide friendly error message if no shipping methods are configured
* # - 973 Creditcard model should not store mask information
* # - 976 Provide an option to prevent loading sample data from the Spree core
* # - 977 User isn't set in the new Order
* # - 978 Update Russian translation (for 1.0)
* # - 983 Support creating new orders via admin ui
* # - 994 Order views should not assume address information
* # - 997 ProductGroup#products generates invalid SQL for mysql and postgresql
* # - 1000 Validation errors in LineItem should support I18n.
* # - 1001 Remove config.extensions from environment.rb
* # - 1002 Typo in views/admin/prototypes/new.html.erb
* # - 1004 Verify that params[:page] and params[:per_page] are an integer
* # - 1005 Several new/edit admin page have no way back to index view.
* # - 1007 Admin screen (edge spree) shows exception instead of listing products
* # - 1009 hook to add additional scripts to admin pages footer
* # - 1011 Add I18n support to password resetting
* # - 1015 bill_address can be nil
* # - 1017 more patches breaks on heroku
* # - 1027 CheckoutsController#register action needs to be protected by SSL
* # - 1028 Convenient name method for order
* # - 1032 REST API for managing orders and shipments
* # - 1033 Don't check deleted_at attribute directly, use deleted? instead
* # - 1038 Delete invalid, unused template.
* # - 1042 Some unit tests inherit from Test::Unit::TestCase not ActiveSupport::TestCase
* # - 1044 Speed up ProductGroupTest
* # - 1046 It should be possible to remove only one item from the cart
* # - 1048 Cart: row for the "your cart is empty" message should be rendered iff there is not items in the cart
* # - 1049 Email string should be split on comma prior to uniq
* # - 1050 Support Authorize.net CIM
* # - 1056 Provide consistent validation instructions
* # - 1057 Enhanced Google Analytics Configuration
* # - 1058 Sales Report
* # - 1067 Support for refunds and voids (including profile based ones)
* # - 1068 Change required to validate as XHTML 1.1
* # - 1073 Default tax category isn't assigned to new products
* # - 1075 Graceful error handling for ActiveMerchant::ConnectionError
* # - 1080 Improve Product Group Performance
* # - 1084 XSS security vulnerability in LocaleController
* # - 1085 Translation for product_has_no_description is incorrect
* # - 1086 Extend API to return products / variant information
* # - 1087 Doesn't work sorting products by price in admin panel.
* # - 1091 User text input for all admin date selectors
* # - 1092 Staging env caused problems with sessions.
* # - 1095 Replace Papercliip plugin with gem dependency
* # - 1102 Error with inventory_units for db:bootstrap
* # - 1106 Ensure both products and taxons are only available via one url
* # - 1118 Update to ActiveMerchant 1.5.0
* # - 1123 Shipping/Billing addresses always the same during checkout
* # - 1125 Fix
clear attribute for shared admin partials
* # - 1126 Fix missing
elements in prodcut description * #60 - Fix image clipping in product details * #61 - Price change is not always reflected in the actual order * #62 - Ability to override mailer templates in extensions * #63 - New spree applications should use a random secret key for sessions * #64 - Extension support of "public" assets * #69 - New spree project is missing script/plugin * #79 - Frozen gems inside of the Spree source are not copied into new applications * #80 - Named routes don't work when defined inside its own extension using define_routes. * #84 - Generating Thumbnails for products: wrong aspect ratio * #82 - Unable to start server when both rails and spree are frozen == 0.2.0 2008-06-05 * Extension support. * Improved user/address model. * Improved payment gateway configuraiton. == 0.0.9 2008-04-23 * Changed source code layout. Spree now runs in stand alone, gem and application modes. * Removed dependency on Engines plugin. * Removed free tagging (will be made obsolete by categorization features in upcoming release) * #20 - Product images in arbitrary order. == 0.0.8 2008-03-27 * Fixed a few new bugs introduced by the variant refactoring * Replaced some instances of the old Railscart logo == 0.0.7 2008-03-26 * Fixed an error with improperly named helper in one of the mailers (this was preventing checkout) * Removed several trivial references to old project name == 0.0.6 2008-03-26 * Now properly requires the mini_magick dependency * Fixed a few minor rake task issues * Other very minor bug fixes == 0.0.5 2008-02-26 * Test release of the newly named gem (formerly known as railscart) == 0.0.4 2008-02-12 * Cookie sessions (no more db sessions) * Streamlined migration stuff * Removed database.master.yml configuration stuff (no longer really necessary) * Improved data model for images * Fixed --edge option to point to new railscart SVN location == 0.0.3 2008-02-07 * Added --edge option to railscart command (which gets latest version of all plugins from SVN.) * Refactored the product optioning stuff. == 0.0.2 2008-01-29 * Additional gem release testing. == 0.0.1 2008-01-29 * Initial release. Test of gem release mechanism.