--- en: activemodel: attributes: assembly: area_id: Area assembly_type: Assembly type assembly_type_other: Assembly type other banner_image: Banner image closing_date: Closing date closing_date_reason: Closing date reason composition: Composition copy_categories: Copy categories copy_components: Copy components copy_features: Copy features created_by: Created by created_by_other: Created by other creation_date: Date created decidim_area_id: Area decidim_assemblies_type_id: Assembly type decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description developer_group: Promoter group domain: Domain duration: Duration facebook: Facebook github: GitHub hashtag: Hashtag hero_image: Home image included_at: Included at instagram: Instagram internal_organisation: Internal organisation is_transparent: Is transparent local_area: Organization area meta_scope: Scope metadata parent_id: Parent assembly participatory_processes_ids: Related participatory processes participatory_scope: What is decided participatory_structure: How is it decided private_space: Private space promoted: Highlighted published_at: Published at purpose_of_action: Purpose of action scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled short_description: Short description show_statistics: Show statistics slug: URL slug special_features: Special features subtitle: Subtitle target: Who participates title: Title twitter: Twitter youtube: YouTube assembly_member: birthday: Birthday birthplace: Birthplace ceased_date: Ceased date designation_date: Designation date designation_mode: Designation mode full_name: Full name gender: Gender position: Position assembly_user_role: email: Email name: Name role: Role errors: models: assembly: attributes: document: invalid_document_type: 'Invalid document type. Accepted formats are: %{valid_mime_types}' activerecord: models: decidim/assembly: one: Assembly other: Assemblies decidim/assembly_member: one: Assembly member other: Assembly members decidim/assembly_user_role: one: Assembly user role other: Assembly user roles decidim: admin: actions: import_assembly: Import new_assembly: New assembly new_assembly_type: New assembly type assemblies: create: error: There was a problem creating a new assembly. success: Assembly created successfully. edit: update: Update index: not_published: Not published private: Private public: Public published: Published new: create: Create title: New assembly update: error: There was a problem updating this assembly. success: Assembly successfully updated. assemblies_copies: create: error: There was a problem duplicating this assembly. success: Assembly successfully duplicated. assemblies_settings: update: error: There was a problem updating settings. success: Settings updated successfully. assemblies_types: create: error: There was a problem creating a new assembly type. success: Assembly type created successfully. destroy: success: Assembly type successfully deleted. new: create: Create title: New assembly type update: error: There was a problem updating this assembly type. success: Assembly type successfully updated. assembly_copies: new: copy: Copy select: Select which data you would like to duplicate title: Duplicate assembly assembly_imports: create: error: There was a problem importing this assembly. success: Assembly successfully imported. new: import: Import select: Select which data you would like to import title: Import assembly assembly_members: create: error: There was a problem adding a member for this assembly. success: Member successfully created for this assembly. destroy: success: Member successfully deleted for this assembly. edit: title: Update assembly member. update: Update index: assembly_members_title: Assembly members new: create: Create title: New assembly member. update: error: There was a problem updating the member for this assembly. success: Member successfully updated for this assembly. assembly_publications: create: error: There was a problem publishing this assembly. success: Assembly successfully published. destroy: error: There was a problem unpublishing this assembly. success: Assembly successfully unpublished. assembly_user_roles: create: error: There was a problem adding an admin for this assembly. success: Admin successfully added to this assembly. destroy: success: Admin successfully removed from this assembly. edit: title: Update assembly admin. update: Update index: assembly_admins_title: Assembly admins new: create: Create title: New assembly admin. update: error: There was a problem updating an admin for this assembly. success: Admin updated successfully for this assembly. menu: assemblies: Assemblies assemblies_settings: Settings assemblies_submenu: assembly_admins: Assembly admins assembly_members: Members attachment_collections: Folders attachment_files: Files attachments: Attachments categories: Categories components: Components info: Info moderations: Moderations private_users: Private users assemblies_types: Assemblies types models: assemblies_types: fields: created_at: Created at title: Title assembly: fields: created_at: Created at private: Private promoted: Highlighted published: Published title: Title name: Assembly assembly_member: fields: ceased_date: Ceased date designation_date: Designation date full_name: Name position: Position name: Member positions: other: Other president: President secretary: Secretary vice_president: Vice president assembly_user_role: fields: email: Email name: Name role: Role name: Assembly admin roles: admin: Administrator collaborator: Collaborator moderator: Moderator valuator: Valuator titles: assemblies: Assemblies assemblies_types: Assemblies types admin_log: assembly: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} assembly" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} assembly" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} assembly" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} assembly" assembly_member: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} member in the %{space_name} assembly" delete: "%{user_name} removed the %{resource_name} member from the %{space_name} assembly" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} member in the %{space_name} assembly" assembly_setting: update: "%{user_name} updated the assemblies settings" assembly_type: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} assembly type" delete: "%{user_name} removed the %{resource_name} member from the %{space_name} assembly type" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} assembly type" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} assembly type" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} assembly type" assembly_user_role: create: "%{user_name} invited %{resource_name} to the %{space_name} assembly" delete: "%{user_name} removed the participant %{resource_name} from the %{space_name} assembly" update: "%{user_name} changed the role of %{resource_name} in the %{space_name} assembly" assemblies: admin: assemblies: form: duration: Duration duration_help: If the duration of this assembly is limited, select the end date. Otherwise, it will appear as indefinite. filters: Filters images: Images included_at_help: Select the date when this assembly was added to Decidim. It does not necessarily have to be the same as the creation date. metadata: Metadata other: Other select_a_created_by: Select a created by select_an_area: Select an Area select_an_assembly_type: Select an assembly type select_parent_assembly: Select parent assembly slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this assembly. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' social_handlers: Social title: General Information visbility: Visibility assemblies_settings: edit: update: Update form: title: Settings for assemblies assemblies_types: form: title: Title assembly_copies: form: slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this assembly. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' assembly_imports: form: document_legend: Add a document slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this assembly. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' assembly_members: form: existing_user: Existing participant non_user: Non participant select_a_position: Select a position select_user: Select a participant user_type: Participant type index: filter: all: All ceased: Ceased not_ceased: Not ceased filter_by: Filter by search: Search content_blocks: highlighted_assemblies: max_results: Maximum amount of elements to show new_import: accepted_types: json: JSON assembly_members: index: members: Members assembly_types: commission: Comission consultative_advisory: Consultative/Advisory executive: Executive government: Government others: Others participatory: Participatory working_group: Working group content_blocks: highlighted_assemblies: name: Highlighted assemblies created_by: city_council: City Council others: Others public: Public filter: all: All types commission: Commission consultative_advisory: Consultative/Advisory executive: Executive government: Government help: 'Show:' others: Others participatory: Participatory working_group: Working group index: title: Assemblies last_activity: new_assembly: New assembly pages: home: highlighted_assemblies: active_assemblies: Active assemblies assemblies_button_title: Link to the Assemblies page displaying all the assemblies see_all_assemblies: See all assemblies user_profile: member_of: member_of: Member of show: area: Area assembly_type: Assembly type children: Assemblies closing_date: Closing date composition: Composition created_by: Created by creation_date: Date created developer_group: Promoter group duration: Duration included_at: Included at indefinite_duration: Indefinite internal_organisation: Internal organisation is_transparent: 'false': opaque 'true': transparent local_area: Organization area participatory_scope: What is decided participatory_structure: How is it decided private_space: This is a private assembly purpose_of_action: Purpose of action read_less: Read less read_more: Read more related_participatory_processes: Related participatory processes scope: Scope social_networks: Social Networks social_networks_title: Share this assembly on target: Who participates statistics: answers_count: Answers assemblies_count: Assemblies comments_count: Comments debates_count: Debates endorsements_count: Endorsements headline: Activity meetings_count: Meetings orders_count: Supports pages_count: Pages posts_count: Posts projects_count: Projects proposals_count: Proposals results_count: Results surveys_count: Surveys users_count: Participants votes_count: Supports assembly_members: assembly_member: designated_on: Designated on index: title: Members conferences: pages: home: highlighted_conferences: conferences_button_title: Link to the Conferences page displaying all the conferences events: assemblies: create_assembly_member: email_intro: An admin of the %{resource_name} assembly has added you as one of its members. email_outro: You have received this notification because you have been invited to an assembly. Check the assembly page to contribute! email_subject: You have been invited to be a member of the %{resource_name} assembly! notification_title: You have been registered as a member of Assembly %{resource_name}. Check the assembly page to contribute! assembly: role_assigned: email_intro: You have been assigned as %{role} for assembly "%{resource_title}". email_outro: You have received this notification because you are %{role} of the "%{resource_title}" assembly. email_subject: You have been assigned as %{role} for "%{resource_title}". notification_title: You have been assigned as %{role} for assembly %{resource_title}. help: participatory_spaces: assemblies: contextual: "
An assembly is a group of members of an organization who meet periodically to make decisions about a specific area or scope of the organization.
Assemblies hold meetings, some are private and some are open. If they are open, it is possible to participate in them (for example: attending if the capacity allows it, adding points to the agenda, or commenting on the proposals and decisions taken by this organ).
Examples: A general assembly (which meets once a year to define the organisation's main lines of action as well as its executive bodies by vote), an equality advisory council (which meets every two months to make proposals on how to improve gender relations in the organisation), an evaluation commission (which meets every month to monitor a process) or a guarantee body (which collects incidents, abuses or proposals to improve decision-making procedures) are all examples of assemblies.
\n" page: "An assembly is a group of members of an organization who meet periodically to make decisions about a specific area or scope of the organization.
Assemblies hold meetings, some are private and some are open. If they are open, it is possible to participate in them (for example: attending if the capacity allows it, adding points to the agenda, or commenting on the proposals and decisions taken by this organ).
Examples: A general assembly (which meets once a year to define the organisation's main lines of action as well as its executive bodies by vote), an equality advisory council (which meets every two months to make proposals on how to improve gender relations in the organisation), an evaluation commission (which meets every month to monitor a process) or a guarantee body (which collects incidents, abuses or proposals to improve decision-making procedures) are all examples of assemblies.
\n" title: What are assemblies? log: value_types: assembly_presenter: not_found: 'The assembly was not found on the database (ID: %{id})' assembly_type_presenter: not_found: 'The assembly type was not found on the database (ID: %{id})' menu: assemblies: Assemblies metrics: assemblies: description: Number of assemblies created object: assemblies title: Assemblies pages: home: hero: participate_title: Participate to the platform's processes sub_hero: register_title: Sign up to create an account on the platform participatory_processes: pages: home: highlighted_processes: processes_button_title: Link to the Processes page displaying all the processes show: related_assemblies: Related assemblies errors: messages: cannot_be_blank: can not be blank layouts: decidim: assemblies: assembly: more_info: More info take_part: Take part index: children: 'Assemblies: ' organizational_chart: Organizational chart promoted_assemblies: Highlighted assemblies reset_chart: Reset order_by_assemblies: assemblies: one: "%{count} assemblies" other: "%{count} assemblies" promoted_assembly: more_info: More info take_part: Take part assembly_navigation: assembly_member_menu_item: Members assembly_menu_item: The assembly assembly_widgets: show: take_part: Take part