module Spout class Actions def interpret(argv) case argv.first when 'new', 'n', 'ne', '-new', '-n', '-ne' new_template_dictionary(argv) when '--version', '-v', '-ve', '-ver', 'version', 'v', 've', 'ver' puts "Spout #{Spout::VERSION::STRING}" when 'test', 't', 'te', 'tes', '--test', '-t', '-te', '-tes' system "bundle exec rake HIDE_PASSING_TESTS=true" when 'tv' system "bundle exec rake" when 'import', 'i', 'im', 'imp', '--import', '-i', '-im', '-imp' import_from_csv(argv) when 'import_domain', '--import_domain', 'import_domains', '--import_domains' import_from_csv(argv, 'domains') when 'export', 'e', 'ex', 'exp', '--export', '-e', '-ex', '-exp' new_data_dictionary_export(argv) when 'hybrid', '-hybrid', '--hybrid', 'y', 'hy', '-y', '-hy' new_data_dictionary_export(argv, 'hybrid') when 'coverage', '-coverage', '--coverage', 'c', '-c' coverage_report(argv) when 'pngs', '-pngs', '--pngs', 'p', '-p' generate_images(argv.last(argv.size - 1)) when 'graphs', '-graphs', '--graphs', 'g', '-g' generate_charts_and_tables(argv.last(argv.size - 1)) else help end end protected def csv_usage usage = <<-EOT Usage: spout import CSVFILE The CSVFILE must be the location of a valid CSV file. EOT usage end def import_from_csv(argv, type = "") csv_file = File.join(argv[1].to_s.strip) if File.exists?(csv_file) system "bundle exec rake spout:import CSV=#{csv_file} #{'TYPE='+type if type.to_s != ''}" else puts csv_usage end end def help help_message = <<-EOT Usage: spout COMMAND [ARGS] The most common spout commands are: [n]ew Create a new Spout dictionary. `spout new <project_name>` creates a new data dictionary in `./<project_name>` [t]est Run tests and show failing tests [tv] Run the tests and show passing and failing tests [i]mport Import a CSV file into the JSON dictionary [e]xport [1.0.0] Export the JSON dictionary to a CSV h[y]brid [1.0.0] Export the JSON dictionary in the Hybrid dictionary format [c]overage Coverage report, requires dataset CSVs in `<project_name>/csvs/` [p]ngs Generates images for each variable in a dataset and places them in `<project_name>/images/<version>/` [g]raphs Generates JSON graphs for each variable in a dataset and places them in `<project_name>/graphs/<version>/` [v]ersion Returns the version of Spout Commands can be referenced by the first letter: Ex: `spout t`, for test EOT puts help_message end def new_data_dictionary_export(argv, type = '') version = argv[1].to_s.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.-]/, '_').strip version_string = (version == '' ? "" : "VERSION=#{version}") type_string = type.to_s == '' ? "" : "TYPE=#{type}" system "bundle exec rake spout:create #{version_string} #{type_string}" end def new_template_dictionary(argv) @full_path = File.join(argv[1].to_s.strip) usage = <<-EOT Usage: spout new FOLDER The FOLDER must be empty or new. EOT if @full_path == '' or ( Dir.exists?(@full_path) and (Dir.entries(@full_path) & ['.gitignore', '.ruby-version', '.travis.yml', 'Gemfile', 'Rakefile', 'domains', 'variables', 'test']).size > 0 ) puts usage exit(0) end FileUtils.mkpath(@full_path) copy_file 'gitignore', '.gitignore' copy_file 'ruby-version', '.ruby-version' copy_file 'travis.yml', '.travis.yml' copy_file 'Gemfile' copy_file 'Rakefile' directory 'domains' copy_file 'keep', 'domains/.keep' directory 'variables' copy_file 'keep', 'variables/.keep' directory 'test' copy_file 'test/dictionary_test.rb' copy_file 'test/test_helper.rb' puts " run".colorize( :green ) + " bundle install".colorize( :light_cyan ) Dir.chdir(@full_path) system "bundle install" end def coverage_report(argv) system "bundle exec rake spout:coverage" end def flag_values(flags, param){|f| f[0..((param.size + 3) - 1)] == "--#{param}-" and f.length > param.size + 3}.collect{|f| f[(param.size + 3)..-1]} end def generate_images(flags) params = {} params['types'] = flag_values(flags, 'type') params['variable_ids'] = flag_values(flags, 'id') params['sizes'] = flag_values(flags, 'size') params_string = params.collect{|key, values| "#{key}=#{values.join(',')}"}.join(' ') system "bundle exec rake spout:images #{params_string}" end def generate_charts_and_tables(variables) system "bundle exec rake spout:json variables=#{variables.join(',')}" end private def copy_file(template_file, file_name = '') file_name = template_file if file_name == '' file_path = File.join(@full_path, file_name) template_file_path = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "templates", template_file) puts " create".colorize( :green ) + " #{file_name}" FileUtils.copy(template_file_path, file_path) end def directory(directory_name) directory_path = File.join(@full_path, directory_name) puts " create".colorize( :green ) + " #{directory_name}" FileUtils.mkpath(directory_path) end end end