#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'terminal-table' require 'magento_remote' # Sweet, sweet options. options = {} optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: magento_find_product [OPTIONS]\n Find product(s) in shop." opts.separator "" opts.separator "Magento shop options" opts.on('-b', '--base-uri URI', 'base URI of shop.') do |b| options[:base_uri] = b end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Product options" # TODO Make this an argument. opts.on('-s', '--search-term SEARCHTERM', 'term to search for (sku, name, description...)') do |s| options[:search_term] = s end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Output options" opts.on('-d', '--debug FILE', 'enable debugging output, STDOUT, or FILE if given') do |d| if d options[:debug] = d else options[:debug] = true end end opts.separator "" opts.separator "General options" opts.on_tail('--version', 'Show version.') do puts "magento_find_product #{MagentoRemote::VERSION}" exit 0 end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show help.') do puts opts exit 0 end end optparse.parse! if !options[:base_uri] || !options[:search_term] STDERR.puts "Error: You have to define search_term and base_uri" exit 1 end mech = MagentoMech.from_config options if options[:debug] == true mech.log_to! STDOUT elsif options[:debug] mech.log_to! options[:debug] end return_code = 0 matches = mech.find_product options[:search_term] if matches.nil? puts "Nothing found" else puts Terminal::Table.new :headings => ['Name', 'Product ID', 'In stock?'], :rows => matches end exit return_code