# Eligible [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/eligible/eligible-ruby.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/eligible/eligible-ruby) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/eligible/eligible-ruby/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/eligible/eligible-ruby) Ruby bindings for the [Eligible API](https://eligible.com/rest) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'eligible' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself with: $ gem install eligible ## Usage ### Setup ```ruby require 'eligible' Eligible.api_key = 'YOUR_KEY' ``` ### Test ```ruby Eligible.test = true ``` ### Parameters overwrite On each api call, you can overwrite the api key or the test parameter: ```ruby Eligible::Coverage.get({:api_key => 'NEW_KEY', :test => false}) ``` ### Response Format By default, all responses are in JSON, but you can request raw access to X12 by adding is as a parameter on the api call: ```ruby Eligible::Coverage.get({:format => "x12"}) ``` # Important notes ## Payer List for Eligibility the parameter `payer_id`, required for most of the api calls, is provided by Eligible from its website, in xml and json format, which you can embed into your applications. [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/eligibility.xml](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/eligibility.xml) [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/eligibility.json](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/eligibility.json) ## Payer List for Claims the parameter `payer_id`, required for claims, is provided by Eligible from its website, in xml and json format, which you can embed into your applications. ## Medical [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/medical.xml](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/medical.xml) [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/medical.json](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/medical.json) ## Institutional [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/institutional.xml](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/institutional.xml) [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/institutional.json](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/institutional.json) ## Dental [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/dental.xml](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/dental.xml) [https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/dental.json](https://eligible.com/resources/payers/claims/dental.json) ## Service Type Codes the parameter `service_type`, required on the api calls, is provided by Eligible from its website, in xml and json format, which you can embed into your applications. [https://eligible.com/resources/service-codes.xml](https://eligible.com/resources/service-codes.xml) [https://eligible.com/resources/service-codes.json](ttps://eligible.com/resources/service-codes.json) ## Place of Service [https://eligible.com/resources/place_of_service.json](https://eligible.com/resources/place_of_service.json) ## Health Care Provider Taxonomy [https://eligible.com/resources/health-care-provider-taxonomy-code-set.json](https://eligible.com/resources/health-care-provider-taxonomy-code-set.json) ### Api Call Results On all results you can check for errors in `result.error`. The raw json format is available by using `result.to_hash`. ```ruby coverage = Eligible::Coverage.get(params) coverage.error coverage.to_hash ``` ## Coverage ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#coverage](https://reference.eligible.com/#coverage) ### Retrieve eligibility and benefit information ```ruby params = { :service_type => "33", :network => "OUT", :payer_id => "000001", :provider_last_name => "Last", :provider_first_name => "First", :provider_npi => "12345678", :member_id => "12345678", :member_last_name => "Austen", :member_first_name => "Jane", :member_dob => "1955-12-14" } coverage = Eligible::Coverage.get(params) coverage.to_hash # returns all coverage info for the request coverage.error # return error, if any ``` ## Cost Estimate ### Reference [https://eligible.com/reference/cost-estimates](https://eligible.com/reference/cost-estimates) ### Retrieve cost estimate information ```ruby params = { service_type: '98', network: 'IN', payer_id: '00001', provider_npi: '1234567893', member_id: 'COST_ESTIMATE_001', member_dob: '1886-01-01', provider_price: '200', level: 'individual' } cost_estimate = Eligible::Coverage.cost_estimate(params) cost_estimate.to_hash # returns all coverage info along with cost estimate ``` ## Medicare ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#medicare](https://reference.eligible.com/#medicare) ### Retrieve eligibility and benefit information from CMS Medicare for a patient. ```ruby params = { :payer_id => "000001", :provider_last_name => "Last", :provider_first_name => "First", :provider_npi => "12345678", :member_id => "12345678", :member_last_name => "Austen", :member_first_name => "Jane", :member_dob => "1955-12-14" } medicare = Eligible::Medicare.get(params) medicare.to_hash # returns all coverage info for the request medicare.error # return error, if any ``` ## Enrollment Enrollment requests can have multiple enrollment NPIs. You can repeat the enrollment for a NPI multiple times across different enrollment requests. ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#enrollment-introduction](https://reference.eligible.com/#enrollment-introduction) ### Create an Enrollment Request ```ruby params = { "service_provider_list" => [ { "facility_name" => "Quality", "provider_name" => "Jane Austen", "tax_id" => "12345678", "address" => "125 Snow Shoe Road", "city" => "Sacramento", "state" => "CA", "zip" => "94107", "ptan" => "54321", "npi" => "987654321" }, { "facility_name" => "Aetna", "provider_name" => "Jack Austen", "tax_id" => "12345678", "address" => "985 Snow Shoe Road", "city" => "Menlo Park", "state" => "CA", "zip" => "94107", "ptan" => "54321", "npi" => "987654321" } ], "payer_ids" => [ "00431", "00282" ] } result = Eligible::Enrollment.post(params) result.to_hash # returns the api call results result.error # return error, if any ``` ### Retrieve an Enrollment Request ```ruby params = { :enrollment_request_id => 123 } enrollment = Eligible::Enrollment.get(params) enrollment.to_hash # return the api call results enrollment.error # return error, if any enrollment.enrollment_npis # quick access to the enrollment npis within the enrollment request object params = { :npis => %w(123 456 789).join(',') } enrollment = Eligible::Enrollment.get(params) ``` ## Claims ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#create-a-claim](https://reference.eligible.com/#create-a-claim) ### Create Claim object ```ruby params = { "receiver" => { "name" => "AETNA", "id" => "60054" }, "billing_provider" => { "taxonomy_code" => "332B00000X", "practice_name" => "Jane Austen Practice", "npi" => "1922222222", "address" => { "street_line_1" => "419 Fulton", "street_line_2" => "", "city" => "San Francisco", "state" => "CA", "zip" => "94102" }, "tin" => "43291023" }, "subscriber" => { "last_name" => "Franklin", "first_name" => "Benjamin", "member_id" => "12312312", "group_id" => "455716", "group_name" => "", "dob" => "1734-05-04", "gender" => "M", "address" => { "street_line_1" => "435 Sugar Lane", "street_line_2" => "", "city" => "Sweet", "state" => "OH", "zip" => "436233127" } }, "payer" => { "name" => "AETNA", "id" => "60054", "address" => { "street_line_1" => "Po Box 981106", "street_line_2" => "", "city" => "El Paso", "state" => "TX", "zip" => "799981222" } }, "claim" => { "total_charge_amount" => "275", "claim_frequency" => "1", "patient_signature_on_file" => "Y", "provider_plan_participation" => "A", "direct_payment_authorized" => "Y", "release_of_information" => "I", "service_lines" => [ { "line_number" => "1", "service_start" => "2013-03-07", "service_end" => "2013-03-07", "place_of_service" => "11", "charge_amount" => "275", "product_service" => "99213", "qualifier" => "HC", "diagnosis_1" => "32723" } ] } } result = Eligible::Claim.post(params) enrollment.to_hash # return the api call results enrollment.error # return error, if any ``` ### Retrieve all Claim objects/acknowledgments ```ruby claims = Eligible::Claim.all # returns acknowledgment information for all claims that have been submitted with the API key ``` ### Retrieve individual Claim object/acknowledgment ```ruby params = { :reference_id => "12345" } claim = Eligible::Claim.get(params) # returns acknowledgment information on an individual claim identified by its reference_id ``` ## Payment Status ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#payment-status](https://reference.eligible.com/#payment-status) ### Retrieve Payment status ```ruby params = { :payer_id => '00001', :provider_tax_id => '4373208923', :provider_npi => '1234567890', :provider_first_name => 'Thomas', :provider_first_name => 'Thomas', :member_id => '123', :member_first_name => 'Benjamin', :member_last_name => 'Franklin', :member_dob => '01-01-1980', :charge_amount => '100.00', :start_date => '2013-03-25', :end_date => '2013-03-25' } result = Eligible::Payment.get(params) result.to_hash # return the api call results result.error # return error, if any ``` ## X12 ### X12 post ```ruby params = { :x12 => "ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*ELIGIB *130610*0409*^*00501*100000001*0*T*:~GS*HS*SENDERID*ELIGIB*20130610*0409*1*X*005010X279A1~ST*270*0001*005010X279A1~BHT*0022*13*137083739083716126837*20130610*0409~HL*1**20*1~NM1*PR*2*UnitedHealthCare*****PI*112~HL*2*1*21*1~NM1*1P*1*AUSTEN*JANE****XX*1222494919~HL*3*2*22*0~TRN*1*1*1453915417~NM1*IL*1*FRANKLIN*BENJAMIN****MI*23412342~DMG*D8*17371207~DTP*291*D8*20130610~EQ*30~SE*13*0001~GE*1*1~IEA*1*100000001~" } result = Eligible::X12.post(params) ``` ## Tickets ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#create-a-ticket](https://reference.eligible.com/#create-a-ticket) ### Create a ticket ```ruby params = {:priority => 'normal', :title => 'TITLE', :notification_email => 'admin@eligible.com', :body => 'Your comment'} result = Eligible::Ticket.create params result.to_hash # return the api call results enrollment.error # return error, if any ``` ### Get a ticket ```ruby ticket = Eligible::Ticket.get(:id => 1) ticket.to_hash # return the api call result ticket.error # return error, if any ``` ### Update a ticket ```ruby params = { :id => 1, :priority => 'normal', :title => 'TITLE', :notification_email => 'your_email@test.com', :body => 'Your comment'} result = Eligible::Ticket.update(params) result.to_hash # return the api call results enrollment.error # return error, if any ``` ### Get comments for a ticket ```ruby comments = Eligible::Ticket.get(:id => 1) comments.to_hash # return the api call result comments.error # return error, if any ``` ### Delete a ticket ```ruby result = Eligible::Ticket.delete(:id => 1) comments.to_hash # return the api call result comments.error # return error, if any ``` ### Get all tickets ```ruby Eligible::Ticket.all ``` ## Customer ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#customers-introduction](https://reference.eligible.com/#customers-introduction) ### Create a customer ```ruby customer_params = { customer: { name: "ABC company", site_name: "ABC site name" } } customer_response = Eligible::Customer.post(customer_params) customer_response.to_json ``` ### Get a customer ```ruby customer_params = { customer_id: "123" } customer_response = Eligible::Customer.get(customer_params) customer_response.to_json ``` ### Update a customer ```ruby customer_params = { customer_id: "123", customer: { site_name: "XYZ site name" } } customer_response = Eligible::Customer.update(customer_params) customer_response.to_json ``` ### Get all customers ```ruby customer_params = {} customer_response = Eligible::Customer.all(customer_params) customer_response.to_json ``` ## Received Pdf ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#view-received-pdf](https://reference.eligible.com/#view-received-pdf) ### Get received pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123' } response = Eligible::ReceivedPdf.get(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Download received pdf By default, it downloads to /tmp/received_pdf.pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123', filename: 'file_path_where_to_download' } Eligible::ReceivedPdf.download(params) ``` ## Original Signature Pdf ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#create-original-signature-pdf](https://reference.eligible.com/#create-original-signature-pdf) ### Get original signature pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123' } response = Eligible::OriginalSignaturePdf.get(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Create original signature pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123' } params[:file] = File.new('path_to_file') response = Eligible::OriginalSignaturePdf.post(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Update original signature pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123' } params[:file] = File.new('path_to_new_file') response = Eligible::OriginalSignaturePdf.update(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Download original signature pdf By default, it downloads to /tmp/original_signature_pdf.pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123', filename: 'file_path_where_to_download' } Eligible::OriginalSignaturePdf.download(params) ``` ### Delete original signature pdf ```ruby params = { enrollment_npi_id: '123' } response = Eligible::OriginalSignaturePdf.delete(params) response.to_hash ``` ## Payer ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#introduction](https://reference.eligible.com/#introduction) ### List all the payers ```ruby response = Eligible::Payer.list({}) response.collect { |payer| payer.to_hash } ``` ### View a single payer ```ruby params = { payer_id: '12345' } response = Eligible::Payer.get(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Search options for a payer ```ruby params = { payer_id: '12345' } response = Eligible::Payer.search_options(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Search options for all payers ```ruby response = Eligible::Payer.search_options({}) response.collect { |payer| payer.to_hash } ``` ## Precertification ### Reference [https://reference.eligible.com/#precertification](https://reference.eligible.com/#precertification) ### Inquiry ```ruby params = { provider_npi: '1234567893', member_id: 'ABCDEF', member_dob: '2016-03-04' } response = Eligible::Precert.inquiry(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Create ```ruby params = { 'requester' => { 'information' => 'test' }, 'subscriber' => { 'last_name' => 'XYZ', 'first_name' => 'AVC', 'id' => '231213' }, 'event' => { 'provider' => 'information' }, 'services' => [{ 'service' => 'test' }] } response = Eligible::Precert.create(params) response.to_hash ``` ## Referral ### Inquiry ```ruby params = { provider_npi: '1234567893', member_id: 'ABCDEF', member_dob: '2016-03-04' } response = Eligible::Referral.inquiry(params) response.to_hash ``` ### Create ```ruby params = { 'requester' => { 'information' => 'test' }, 'subscriber' => { 'last_name' => 'XYZ', 'first_name' => 'AVC', 'id' => '231213' }, 'event' => { 'provider' => 'information' }, 'services' => [{ 'service' => 'test' }] } response = Eligible::Referral.create(params) response.to_hash ``` ## Session Tokens ### Reference [https://account.eligible.com/docs/account#session-tokens](https://account.eligible.com/docs/account#session-tokens) ### Retrieve session token ```ruby params = { endpoints: 'coverage, cost_estimates, visit_types, payer_list', ttl_seconds: 300, max_calls: 50 } result = Eligible::SessionToken.create(params) result.to_hash # returns all session token info for the request result.error # returns error, if any ``` ### Revoke session token ```ruby params = { session_token: 'session-token-to-revoke' } result = Eligible::SessionToken.revoke(params) result.to_hash # returns all session token info for the request result.error # returns error, if any ``` ### Use session token without api_key ```ruby Eligible::Coverage.get({:session_token => 'SESSION_TOKEN', :test => false}) ``` ## Errors This is the list of errors thrown from the eligible ruby gem. 1. Eligible::EligibleError - Base class for the customized errors raised from Eligible gem. 2. Eligible::APIError - Raised when there is some invalid response from the api call. Raised for error codes other than 400, 401 and 404. 3. Eligible::APIConnectionError - Raised when there is some network issue like socket error, not able to connect to Eligible etc. 4. Eligible::InvalidRequestError - Raised when error code is 400 or 404. 5. Eligible::AuthenticationError - Raised when authentication fails. Mostly due to wrong api key. 6. NotImplementedError - Raised when the functionality you are trying to use doesn't exist. 7. ArgumentError - Raised when all the required params are not provided. ### Error Handling Raised errors have details in `message`, `http_code`, `http_body`, `json_body`, and `errors` attributes: ```ruby def call_eligible(request_params) Eligible::Coverage.cost_estimate request_params rescue Eligible::AuthenticationError => auth_error # handle any specific error auth_error.message # readable message auth_error.http_status # HTTP Status Code auth_error.http_body # HTTP Response body auth_error.json_body # HTTP Response body as Hash auth_error.errors # Errors from Response Hash rescue Eligible::EligibleError => error # handle generic error ## Similar format error.message error.http_status error.http_body error.json_body error.errors end ``` ## Contributing Running `rake` will run the test suite along with rubocop as a basic style assessment. If you are going to submit a pull request, please verify that all tests pass and there are no rubocop errors. Please add additional tests for any features or fixes provided. 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Run tests (see above) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request