#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require_relative 'lib/build/rho_packages.rb' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/build/required_time.rb') # RequiredTime.hook() $task_execution_time = false require 'find' require 'erb' #require 'rdoc/task' require 'base64' require 'digest/sha2' require 'digest/md5' require 'io/console' require 'json' require 'net/https' require 'open-uri' require 'openssl' require 'pathname' require 'rexml/document' require 'securerandom' require 'uri' require 'logger' require 'rake' # It does not work on Mac OS X. rake -T prints nothing. So I comment this hack out. # NB: server build scripts depend on proper rake -T functioning. =begin #Look, another big fat hack. Make it so we can remove tasks from rake -T by setting comment to nil module Rake class Task attr_accessor :comment end end =end # Restore process error mode on Windows. # Error mode controls wether system error message boxes will be shown to user. # Java disables message boxes and we enable them back. #if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ # require 'win32/process' # class WindowsError # include Windows::Error # end # WindowsError.new.SetErrorMode(0) #end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ $app_basedir = pwd $is_webkit_engine = false $startdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $startdir.gsub!('\\', '/') $push_type = -1 chdir File.dirname(__FILE__), :verbose => (Rake.application.options.trace == true) require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/jake.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/RhoLogger.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/GeneratorTimeChecker.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/GeneralTimeChecker.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/CheckSumCalculator.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/SiteChecker.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/ExtendedString.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/rhohub.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/BuildOutput.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/BuildConfig.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/RhoHubAccount.rb') require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/rhoDevelopment.rb') $timestamp_start_milliseconds = 0 module Rake class Application attr_accessor :current_task end class Task alias :old_execute :execute def execute(args=nil) Rake.application.current_task = @name old_execute(args) end end #class Task end #module Rake $logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) if Rake.application.options.trace ENV["RHODES_BUILD_LOGGER_LEVEL"]= "DEBUG" $logger.level = Logger::DEBUG else ENV["RHODES_BUILD_LOGGER_LEVEL"]= "INFO" $logger.level = Logger::INFO end Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose(Rake.application.options.trace == true) $logger.formatter = proc do |severity,datetime,progname,msg| "[#{severity}]\t#{msg}\n" end Jake.set_logger( $logger ) def print_timestamp(msg = 'just for info') if $timestamp_start_milliseconds == 0 $timestamp_start_milliseconds = (Time.now.to_f*1000.0).to_i end curmillis = (Time.now.to_f*1000.0).to_i - $timestamp_start_milliseconds $logger.debug '-$TIME$- message [ '+msg+' ] time is { '+Time.now.utc.iso8601+' } milliseconds from start ('+curmillis.to_s+')' end load File.join(pwd, 'lib/commonAPI/printing_zebra/ext/platform/wm/PrintingService/PrintingService/installer/Rakefile') #load File.join(pwd, 'platform/bb/build/bb.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/android/build/android.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/iphone/rbuild/iphone.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/wm/build/wm.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/linux/tasks/linux.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/wp8/build/wp.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/uwp/build/uwp.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/osx/build/osx.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/sailfish/build/sailfish.rake') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_dir_hash(dir, init = nil) hash = init hash = Digest::SHA2.new if hash.nil? Dir.glob(dir + "/**/*").each do |f| hash << f hash.file(f) if File.file? f end hash end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "do" do task :nothing do puts "Nothing to do" end end namespace "framework" do task :spec do loadpath = $LOAD_PATH.inject("") { |load_path,pe| load_path += " -I" + pe } rhoruby = "" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ rhoruby = 'res\\build-tools\\RhoRuby' elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/RubyMac' else rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/rubylinux' end puts `#{rhoruby} -I#{File.expand_path('spec/framework_spec/app/')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/framework')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/test')} -Clib/test framework_test.rb` end end $application_build_configs_keys = ['encrypt_files_key', 'nodejs_application', 'rubynodejs_application', 'security_token', 'encrypt_database', 'use_deprecated_encryption','android_title', 'iphone_db_in_approot', 'iphone_set_approot', 'iphone_userpath_in_approot', "iphone_use_new_ios7_status_bar_style", "iphone_full_screen", "webkit_outprocess", "webengine", "iphone_enable_startup_logging"] $winxpe_build = false def make_application_build_config_header_file f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "" f.puts "#include " f.puts "#include \"common/RhoConf.h\"" f.puts "" f.puts '//#include "app_build_configs.h"' if $rhosimulator_build f.puts '#include "common/RhoSimConf.h"' end f.puts "" f.puts 'static const char* keys[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+key+'"' end f.puts '};' f.puts '' count = 1 f.puts 'static const char* values[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| value = $application_build_configs[key].to_s().gsub('\\', "\\\\\\") value = value.gsub('"', "\\\"") f.puts ',"'+ value +'"' count = count + 1 end f.puts '};' f.puts '' f.puts '#define APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT '+count.to_s f.puts '' f.puts 'const char* get_app_build_config_item(const char* key) {' f.puts ' int i;' f.puts ' const char* szValue;' if $rhosimulator_build f.puts ' if (strcmp(key, "security_token") == 0) {' f.puts ' return rho_simconf_getString("security_token");' f.puts ' }' end f.puts "" f.puts ' szValue = rho_conf_getString(key);' f.puts ' if (strcmp(szValue, "") != 0)' f.puts ' return szValue;' f.puts "" f.puts ' for (i = 1; i < APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) {' f.puts ' if (strcmp(key, keys[i]) == 0) {' f.puts ' return values[i];' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' return 0;' f.puts '}' f.puts '' Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "common", "app_build_configs.c"), f) end def make_application_build_capabilities_header_file $logger.debug "%%% Prepare capability header file %%%" f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "" caps = [] capabilities = $app_config["capabilities"] if capabilities != nil && capabilities.is_a?(Array) capabilities.each do |cap| caps << cap end end caps.sort.each do |cap| f.puts '#define APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_'+cap.upcase end f.puts '' if $js_application || $nodejs_application puts '#define RHO_NO_RUBY' if USE_TRACES f.puts '#define RHO_NO_RUBY' f.puts '#define RHO_NO_RUBY_API' else $logger.debug '//#define RHO_NO_RUBY' end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "common", "app_build_capabilities.h"), f) end def make_application_build_config_java_file f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "package com.rho;" f.puts "" f.puts "public class AppBuildConfig {" f.puts 'static final String keys[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+key+'"' end f.puts '};' f.puts '' count = 1 f.puts 'static final String values[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+$application_build_configs[key]+'"' count = count + 1 end f.puts '};' f.puts '' f.puts 'static final int APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT = '+count.to_s + ';' f.puts '' f.puts 'public static String getItem(String key){' f.puts ' for (int i = 1; i < APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) {' f.puts ' if ( key.compareTo( keys[i]) == 0) {' f.puts ' return values[i];' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' return null;' f.puts '}' f.puts "}" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( File.join( $startdir, "platform/bb/RubyVM/src/com/rho/AppBuildConfig.java" ), f ) end def update_rhoprofiler_java_file use_profiler = $app_config['profiler'] || ($app_config[$current_platform] && $app_config[$current_platform]['profiler']) use_profiler = use_profiler && use_profiler.to_i() != 0 ? true : false content = "" File.open( File.join( $startdir, "platform/bb/RubyVM/src/com/rho/RhoProfiler.java" ), 'rb' ){ |f| content = f.read() } is_find = nil if use_profiler is_find = content.sub!( 'RHO_STRIP_PROFILER = true;', 'RHO_STRIP_PROFILER = false;' ) else is_find = content.sub!( 'RHO_STRIP_PROFILER = false;', 'RHO_STRIP_PROFILER = true;' ) end if is_find puts "RhoProfiler.java has been modified: RhoProfiler is " + (use_profiler ? "enabled!" : "disabled!") File.open( File.join( $startdir, "platform/bb/RubyVM/src/com/rho/RhoProfiler.java" ), 'wb' ){ |f| f.write(content) } end end def update_rhodefs_header_file use_profiler = $app_config['profiler'] || ($app_config[$current_platform] && $app_config[$current_platform]['profiler']) use_profiler = use_profiler && use_profiler.to_i() != 0 ? true : false content = "" File.open( File.join( $startdir, "platform/shared/common/RhoDefs.h" ), 'rb' ){ |f| content = f.read() } is_find = nil if use_profiler is_find = content.sub!( '#define RHO_STRIP_PROFILER 1', '#define RHO_STRIP_PROFILER 0' ) else is_find = content.sub!( '#define RHO_STRIP_PROFILER 0', '#define RHO_STRIP_PROFILER 1' ) end if is_find puts "RhoDefs.h has been modified: RhoProfiler is " + (use_profiler ? "enabled!" : "disabled!") File.open( File.join( $startdir, "platform/shared/common/RhoDefs.h" ), 'wb' ){ |f| f.write(content) } end end namespace :dev do namespace :update do desc 'This command initializes original state files. It needs for correct execution of command partial update from CLI. The first partial update cannot find out source code changes if initialize didn\'t execute before it' task :initialize => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir mkdir_p RhoDevelopment::Configuration::development_directory updated_list_filename = File.join(RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root, 'upgrade_package_add_files.txt') removed_list_filename = File.join(RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root, 'upgrade_package_remove_files.txt') #WindowsMobile RhoDevelopment.setup(RhoDevelopment::Configuration::development_directory, 'wm') RhoDevelopment::check_changes_from_last_build(updated_list_filename, removed_list_filename) #iPhone RhoDevelopment.setup(RhoDevelopment::Configuration::development_directory, 'iphone') RhoDevelopment::check_changes_from_last_build(updated_list_filename, removed_list_filename) #Android RhoDevelopment.setup(RhoDevelopment::Configuration::development_directory, 'android') RhoDevelopment::check_changes_from_last_build(updated_list_filename, removed_list_filename) end desc 'If source code was changed - builds partial update for all platforms and notifies all subscribers' task :partial => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir unless RhoDevelopment::Configuration::has_enabled_subscribers? puts 'Enabled subscribers not found'.warning exit 1 end RhoDevelopment::WebServer.ensure_running filename = RhoDevelopment::Configuration::next_filename_for_downloading() RhoDevelopment::WebServer.dispatch_task(RhoDevelopment::PartialUpdateTask.new(filename)); end desc 'Builds full update bundle for all platforms and notifies all subscribers' task :full => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir unless RhoDevelopment::Configuration::has_enabled_subscribers? puts 'Enabled subscribers not found'.warning exit 1 end RhoDevelopment::WebServer.ensure_running filename = RhoDevelopment::Configuration::next_filename_for_downloading() RhoDevelopment::WebServer::dispatch_task(RhoDevelopment::AllPlatformsFullBundleBuildingTask.new(filename)) RhoDevelopment::WebServer::dispatch_task(RhoDevelopment::AllSubscribersFullUpdateNotifyingTask.new(filename)) end desc 'It builds update with files from diff file list for all platforms and notifies all subscribers' task :build_and_notify => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir unless RhoDevelopment::Configuration::has_enabled_subscribers? puts 'Enabled subscribers not found'.warning exit 1 end RhoDevelopment::WebServer.ensure_running filename = RhoDevelopment::Configuration::next_filename_for_downloading() RhoDevelopment::WebServer::dispatch_task(RhoDevelopment::AllPlatformsPartialBundleBuildingTask.new(filename)) RhoDevelopment::WebServer::dispatch_task(RhoDevelopment::AllSubscribersPartialUpdateNotifyingTask.new(filename)) end desc 'It launches watcher for source code and builds partial update and notifies all subscribers on each change' task :auto => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir RhoDevelopment::WebServer.ensure_running pid = RhoDevelopment::WebServer::get_auto_update_pid if pid puts 'Another auto updating process is already launched'.warning exit 1 end updater = RhoDevelopment::AutoUpdater.new updater.add_directory(File.join($app_basedir, '/public')) updater.add_directory(File.join($app_basedir, '/app')) updater.add_directory(File.join($app_basedir, '/nodejs')) if File.exists? File.join($app_basedir, '/nodejs') updater.run end namespace 'auto' do desc 'It stops auto update process' task :stop => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir pid = RhoDevelopment::WebServer::get_auto_update_pid if pid RhoDevelopment::Platform::terminate_process(pid) RhoDevelopment::WebServer::set_auto_update_pid(0) else puts 'Auto updating is not launched'.warning exit 1 end end end end namespace :webserver do desc 'It launches development web server. It is certain object which controls executing scheduling tasks, handles requests etc..' task :start => ['config:common'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir RhoDevelopment::WebServer.ensure_running end task :privateStart => ['config:initialize'] do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir server = RhoDevelopment::WebServer.new server.start end desc 'It shut down development web server' task :stop do RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir RhoDevelopment::WebServer::stop end end namespace :network do desc 'Discover application on devices in local network - application should be executed on devices' task :discovery, [:mask] => ['config:initialize'] do |t, args| RhoDevelopment::Configuration::application_root = $app_basedir finder = RhoDevelopment::DeviceFinder.new if args[:mask] == nil finder.run else finder.discovery((args[:mask]).split('.')[0, 3].join('.')) end end desc 'Return string with available networks masks separated by semicolon. It needs for RhoStudio' task :list do addresses = RhoDevelopment::Network::available_addresses if (addresses.empty?) puts 'Network interfaces were not found.'.warning exit 1 else addresses.each { |each| _mask = each.split('.')[0, 3].join('.') print "#{_mask}.*" print ';' if addresses.last != each } end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #TODO: call clean from all platforms scripts namespace "clean" do task :common => "config:common" do if $config["platform"] == "bb" return end rm_rf File.join($app_path, "bin/tmp") if File.exists? File.join($app_path, "bin/tmp") end task :generated => "config:common" do if $config["platform"] == "bb" return end rm_rf File.join($app_path, "bin/tmp") if File.exists? File.join($app_path, "bin/tmp") rm_rf File.join($app_path, "bin/RhoBundle") if File.exists? File.join($app_path, "bin/RhoBundle") extpaths = $app_config["extpaths"] $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname| puts 'ext - ' + extname extpath = nil extpaths.each do |p| ep = File.join(p, extname) if File.exists?( ep ) && is_ext_supported(ep) extpath = ep break end end if extpath.nil? extpath = find_ext_ingems(extname) if extpath extpath = nil unless is_ext_supported(extpath) end end if (extpath.nil?) && (extname != 'symbolapi') raise "Can't find extension '#{extname}'. Aborting build.\nExtensions search paths are:\n#{extpaths}" end unless extpath.nil? extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") #puts "extyml " + extyml if File.file? extyml extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) type = Jake.getBuildProp( "exttype", extconf ) #wm_type = extconf["wm"]["exttype"] if extconf["wm"] if type != "prebuilt" #&& wm_type != "prebuilt" rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "shared", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "android", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "iphone", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "osx", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "wm", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "wp8", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "platform", "uwp", "generated") rm_rf File.join(extpath, "ext", "public", "api", "generated") end end end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_conf(key_path, default = nil) result = nil key_sections = key_path.split('/').reject { |c| c.empty? } [$app_config, $config, $shared_conf].each do |config| if !config.nil? curr = config key_sections.each_with_index do |section, i| if !curr[section].nil? curr = curr[section] else break end if (i == key_sections.length-1) && !curr.nil? result = curr end end break if !result.nil? end end result = nil if result.kind_of?(String) && result.strip.empty? result.nil? ? default : result end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #token handling def get_app_list() result = JSON.parse(Rhohub::App.list()) end def from_boolean(v) v == true ? "YES" : "NO" end def time_to_str(time) d_h_m_s = [60,60,24].reduce([time]) { |m,o| m.unshift(m.shift.divmod(o)).flatten } best = [] ["day","hour","minute","second"].each_with_index do |v, i| if d_h_m_s[i] > 0 best << d_h_m_s[i].to_s + " " + v + ((d_h_m_s[i] > 1) ? "s" : "") end end best.empty? ? "now" : best.first(2).join(" ") end def sort_by_distance(array, template) template.nil? ? array : array.sort_by { |s| distance(template, s) } end def rhohub_make_request(srv) if block_given? build_was_proxy_problem = false begin yield rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, SocketError => e unless RestClient.proxy.nil? || RestClient.proxy.empty? BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::WARNING,'Could not connect using proxy server, retrying without proxy','Connection problem') RestClient.proxy = '' build_was_proxy_problem = true retry else if build_was_proxy_problem BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::WARNING,"Could not connect to server #{get_server(srv,'')}\n#{e.inspect}",'Network problem') else BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::WARNING,"Could not connect to server #{get_server(srv,'')}. If you are behind proxy please set http(s)_proxy ENV variable",'Network problem') end exit 1 end rescue EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError => e puts "Http request problem: #{e.inspect}" rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e puts "Http request problem: #{e.message}" rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e # do nothing, this is is 404 or something like that end if RestClient.proxy != $proxy $proxy = RestClient.proxy end end end def check_update_token_file(server_list, user_acc, token_folder, subscription_level = -1) is_valid = -2 if user_acc.is_valid_token?() Rhohub.token = user_acc.token is_valid = user_acc.is_outdated() ? 0 : 2 if (user_acc.is_outdated() || (subscription_level > user_acc.subscription_level)) servers_sorted = sort_by_distance(server_list, user_acc.server) servers_sorted.each do |srv| Rhohub.url = srv if (subscription_level > user_acc.subscription_level) puts "Connecting to #{get_server(srv,'')}" rhohub_make_request(srv) do subscription = Rhohub::Subscription.check() user_acc.subscription = subscription end if user_acc.subscription_level >= subscription_level user_acc.server = srv break end end end is_valid = user_acc.subscription_level >= 0 ? 2 : 0 if is_valid == 0 servers_sorted.each do |srv| Rhohub.url = srv user_apps = nil begin user_apps = get_app_list() rescue Exception => e user_apps = nil end if user_apps.nil? user_acc.token = nil is_valid = -1 else is_valid = 1 end if is_valid > 0 user_acc.server = srv break end end end end Rhohub.url = user_acc.server if is_valid > 0 if (user_acc.is_valid_token?() && user_acc.changed) user_acc.save_token(token_folder) end else is_valid = -2 end is_valid end def read_and_delete_files( file_list ) result = [] if file_list.kind_of?(String) file_list = [file_list] end if file_list.kind_of?(Array) file_list.each do |read_file| f_size = File.size?(read_file) if !f_size.nil? && f_size < 1024 begin result << File.read(read_file) File.delete(read_file) rescue Exception => e puts "Reading file exception #{e.inspect}" end end end end result end $server_list = ['https://rms.rhomobile.com/api/v1'] $selected_server = $server_list.first def get_server(url, default) url = default if url.nil? || url.empty? scheme, user_info, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = URI.split(url) case scheme when "http" URI::HTTP.build({:host => host, :port => port}).to_s when "https" URI::HTTPS.build({:host => host, :port => port}).to_s else "" end end def distance(a, b, case_insensitive = false) as = a.to_s bs = b.to_s if case_insensitive as = as.downcase bs = bs.downcase end rows = as.size + 1 cols = bs.size + 1 dist = [ Array.new(cols) {|k| k}, Array.new(cols) {0}, Array.new(cols) {0} ] (1...rows).each do |i| k = i % 3 dist[k][0] = i (1...cols).each do |j| cost = as[i - 1] == bs[j - 1] ? 0 : 1 d1 = dist[k - 1][j] + 1 d2 = dist[k][j - 1] + 1 d3 = dist[k - 1][j - 1] + cost d_now = [d1, d2, d3].min if i > 1 && j > 1 && as[i - 1] == bs[j - 2] && as[i - 2] == bs[j - 1] d1 = dist[k - 2][j - 2] + cost d_now = [d_now, d1].min; end dist[k][j] = d_now; end end dist[(rows - 1) % 3][-1] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def to_boolean(s) if s.kind_of?(String) !!(s =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) elsif s.kind_of?(TrueClass) true else false end end def cloud_url_git_match(str) server = nil user = '' app = nil #TODO: remove this to support any valid git repo url res = /git@(git.*?\.(?:rhomobile|rhohub|github)\.com):(.*?)\/(.*?).git/i.match(str) unless res.nil? # res = /(git@|http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/)(.*?)\/(.*?).git/i.match(str) # unless res.nil? # server = res[2] # proj_path = res[3] # purl = proj_path.split('\\').compact # if purl.length == 2 # user, app = purl[0], purl[1] # else # user, app = '', proj_path # end # end # else server = res[1]; user = res[2]; app = res[3] end (server.nil? || app.nil?) ? {} : { :str => "#{server}:#{user}/#{app}", :server => server, :user => user, :app => app } end def split_number_in_groups(number) number.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1'") end MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024*1024 def fill_with_zeroes(file, size) buffer = "\0" * MAX_BUFFER_SIZE to_write = [size, 0].max while to_write > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE file.write(buffer) to_write -= buffer.length end if to_write > 0 buffer = "\0" * to_write file.write(buffer) end file.flush file.seek(0) end def http_get(url, proxy, save_to) uri = URI.parse(url) if !(proxy.nil? || proxy.empty?) proxy_uri = URI.parse(proxy) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port, proxy_uri.host, proxy_uri.port, proxy_uri.user, proxy_uri.password ) else http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) end server_file_name = uri.path[%r{[^/]+\z}] f_name = File.join(save_to, server_file_name) if uri.scheme == "https" # enable SSL/TLS http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end header_resp = nil http.start { header_resp = http.head(uri.path) } if !header_resp.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) if block_given? yield(header_resp.content_length, -1, "Server error #{header_resp.inspect}") end return false, "Server error: #{header_resp.inspect}" end if File.exists?(f_name) if File.stat(f_name).size == header_resp.content_length if block_given? yield(header_resp.content_length, header_resp.content_length, "File #{f_name} from #{url} is already in the cache") end return true, f_name end end size_delimited = split_number_in_groups(header_resp.content_length) if block_given? yield(0, header_resp.content_length, "Downloading #{size_delimited} bytes") end if save_to.nil? res = "" http.start { res = http.get(uri.path) } result = res.body else temp_name = File.join(save_to,File.basename(server_file_name,'.*')+'.tmp') f = File.open(temp_name, "wb") fill_with_zeroes(f, header_resp.content_length) done = 0 begin result = false buffer = [] buffer_size = 0 http.request_get(uri.path) do |resp| last_p = 0 length = resp['Content-Length'].to_i length = length > 1 ? length : 1 resp.read_body do |segment| chunk_size = segment.length if buffer_size + chunk_size > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE f.write(buffer.join('')) buffer = [segment] buffer_size = chunk_size else buffer << segment buffer_size += chunk_size end if block_given? done += chunk_size dot = (done * 100 / length).to_i if dot > 100 dot = 100 end if last_p < dot last_p = dot yield(done, header_resp.content_length, "Downloaded #{last_p}% from #{size_delimited} bytes") end end end unless buffer.empty? f.write(buffer.join('')) f.flush end end result = f_name ensure f.close() end FileUtils.mv(temp_name, f_name) yield(done, header_resp.content_length, "Download finished") if block_given? end return true, result end def get_build_platforms() build_caps = JSON.parse(Rhohub::Build.platforms()) build_platforms = {} build_caps.each do |bc| bc.each do |k, v| res = /(.+?)-(.*)/.match(k) if !res.nil? platform = res[1] version = res[2] else platform = k version = "" end v.gsub!("iphone-","iphone:") id = {:ver => version, :tag => v} if build_platforms[platform].nil? build_platforms[platform] = [id] else build_platforms[platform] << id end end end build_platforms end def find_platform_by_command(platforms, command) result = "not found" command = "iphone:development" if command == "iphone:ad_hoc" command = "iphone:distribution" if command == "iphone:app_store" platforms.each do |platform, content| content.each do |el| if el[:tag] == command result = "#{platform} #{el[:ver]}".strip() break end end end result end def show_build_information(build_hash, platforms, opts = {}) build_states = { "queued" => "queued".cyan, "started" => "started".blue, "completed" => "completed".green, "failed" => "failed".red } label = build_states[ build_hash["status"] ] message = "" target = "" if build_hash["target_device"] target = ", target platform: " + find_platform_by_command(platforms, build_hash["target_device"]).blue end if build_hash["rhodes_version"] && build_hash["version"] message = "Rhodes version: #{build_hash["rhodes_version"].cyan}, app version: #{build_hash["version"].cyan}" end puts "Build ##{build_hash["id"]}: #{label}#{target}" puts " #{message}" unless message.nil? || message.empty? || opts[:hide_ver] dl = build_hash["download_link"] if !(dl.nil? || dl.empty?) && !(opts[:hide_link]) puts " Download link : #{dl.underline}" end end def show_build_messages(build_hash, proxy, save_to) if build_hash["status"] == "failed" if !(build_hash["download_link"].nil? || build_hash["download_link"].empty?) is_ok, error_file = http_get(build_hash["download_link"], proxy, save_to) if is_ok error = File.read(error_file) BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::ERROR, error, "Build log") else BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::ERROR, error_file, "Server error") end end end end def best_match(target, list, is_lex = false) best = list.first if !(target.nil?) if !is_lex sorted = list.sort{|a, b| String.natcmp(b, a)} best = sorted.first sorted.each do |item| if String.natcmp(target, item) <= 0 best = item else break end end else best = list.min_by{ |el| distance(el, target, true) } end end best end def find_platform_version(platform, platform_list, default_ver, info, is_lex = false) platform_conf = platform_list[platform] if platform_conf.empty? raise Exception.new("Could not find any #{platform} sdk on cloud build server") end req_ver = nil req_ver = $app_config[platform]["version"] unless $app_config[platform].nil? req_ver = $config[platform]["version"] if req_ver.nil? and !$config[platform].nil? req_ver = default_ver if req_ver.nil? best = platform_conf.first if !(req_ver.nil? || req_ver.empty?) if !is_lex platform_conf.sort { |a, b| String.natcmp(b[:ver], a[:ver]) }.each do |ver| if String.natcmp(req_ver, ver[:ver]) < 0 best = ver else break end end else best = platform_conf.min_by { |el| distance(el[:ver], req_ver, true) } end if info if best[:ver] != req_ver puts "WARNING! Could not find exact version of #{platform} sdk. Using #{best[:ver]} instead of #{req_ver}" else puts "Using requested #{platform} sdk version #{req_ver}" end end else if info puts "No #{platform} sdk version was specified, using #{best[:ver]}" end end end def check_cloud_build_result(result) if !(result["text"].nil?) e_msg = "Error running build: #{result["text"]}" BuildOutput.error(e_msg) raise Exception.new(e_msg) end end TIME_FORMAT = '%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d' $start_time = Time.now def put_message_with_timestamp( message, no_newline = false) seconds = ((Time.now - $start_time)*100).floor cleaner = ' ' * 80 seconds, msecs = seconds.divmod(100) minutes, seconds = seconds.divmod(60) hours, minutes = minutes.divmod(3600) time = sprintf TIME_FORMAT, hours, minutes, seconds, msecs data = "[#{time}] #{message}#{cleaner}" if no_newline print " #{data}\r" else puts " #{data}" end STDOUT.flush end def valid_build_id(id) if id.kind_of?(NilClass) true elsif id.kind_of?(Integer) true elsif id.kind_of?(String) Integer(id) != nil rescue false else false end end def wait_and_get_build(app_id, build_id, proxy, save_to = nil, unzip_to = nil) puts("Application build progress: \n") app_request = {:app_id => app_id, :id => build_id} begin result = JSON.parse(Rhohub::Build.show(app_request)) status = result["status"] case status when "queued" desc = "Build is queued. Please wait" sleep(2) when "started" desc = "Build is started. Please wait" sleep(1) when "completed" desc = "Build is ready to be downloaded." when "failed" desc = "Build failed." end build_complete = %w[completed failed].include?(status) put_message_with_timestamp("Current status: #{desc}", true) end while !build_complete puts result_link = result["download_link"] if !(save_to.nil? || save_to.empty?) is_ok, result_link = http_get(result["download_link"], proxy, save_to) do |current, total, msg| put_message_with_timestamp("Current status: #{msg}", true) end puts if is_ok if !(unzip_to.nil? || unzip_to.empty?) if (status == "completed") Jake.unzip(result_link, unzip_to) do |a,b,msg| put_message_with_timestamp("Current status: #{msg}", true) end puts end end else put_message_with_timestamp("Server error: #{result_link}", true) end end return (status == "completed"), result_link end def start_cloud_build(app_id, build_params) result = JSON.parse(Rhohub::Build.create({:app_id => app_id}, build_params)) if !(result['status'].nil? && result['id'].nil?) build_id = result['id'].to_i if (!build_id.nil?) result = JSON.parse(Rhohub::Build.show({:app_id => $app_cloud_id, :id => build_id})) end else build_id = -1 end return build_id, result end def get_builds_list(app_id) result = [] begin result = JSON.parse(Rhohub::Build.list({:app_id => app_id})).sort{ |a, b| a['id'].to_i <=> b['id'].to_i} rescue Exception => e puts "Got exception #{e.inspect}" end result end MATCH_INVALID_ID = -1 MATCH_ANY_ID = 0 MATCH_EXACT_ID = 1 MATCH_WILDCARD_ID = 2 MATCH_LATEST_ID = 3 MATCH_HISTORY_ID = 4 RESULT_ANY = 0 RESULT_EXACT = 1 RESULT_NO_ANY = -1 RESULT_NO_STATE = -2 RESULT_NO_IDX = -3 RESULT_INVALID_ID = -4 RESULT_STATE_MISMATCH = -5 def find_build_id(build_id, builds, state_filter = nil) match_type = MATCH_INVALID_ID result = RESULT_INVALID_ID match = [] match_id = nil regex = nil unless build_id.nil? || build_id.empty? if build_id.kind_of?(Integer) || !!(build_id =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/) match_id = build_id.to_i if match_id <= 0 match_type = (match_id == 0) ? MATCH_LATEST_ID : MATCH_HISTORY_ID else match_type = MATCH_EXACT_ID end elsif !!(build_id =~ /^[0-9\*\?]+$/) regex = '^' + Regexp.escape(build_id).gsub("\\*", '.*?').gsub("\\?", '.') + '$' match_type = MATCH_WILDCARD_ID end else match_type = MATCH_ANY_ID end if match_type != MATCH_INVALID_ID unless builds.empty? is_filtered = !state_filter.nil? filtered = is_filtered ? builds.select{ |el| state_filter.index(el['status']) != nil } : builds unless filtered.empty? case match_type when MATCH_ANY_ID match = filtered result = RESULT_ANY when MATCH_EXACT_ID, MATCH_WILDCARD_ID if match_type == MATCH_EXACT_ID found = filtered.select {|f| f['id'].to_s == match_id.to_s } else found = filtered.select {|f| !!f['id'].to_s.match(regex) } end if found.empty? if is_filtered if match_type == MATCH_EXACT_ID more_found = builds.select {|f| f['id'] == match_id.to_s } else more_found = [] end if more_found.empty? result = RESULT_NO_IDX else result = RESULT_STATE_MISMATCH match = more_found end else result = RESULT_NO_IDX end if result == RESULT_NO_IDX && match_type != MATCH_WILDCARD_ID match = filtered.collect{ |h| { :id => h['id'], :build => h, :dist => distance(match_id.to_s, h['id'].to_s) } }.reject{|a| a[:dist] > 1}.map{ |h| h[:build] } end else match = found result = found.length > 1 ? RESULT_ANY : RESULT_EXACT end when MATCH_LATEST_ID, MATCH_HISTORY_ID idx = filtered.size + match_id - 1 if idx >= 0 result = RESULT_EXACT match = [filtered[idx]] else result = RESULT_NO_IDX end end else result = RESULT_NO_STATE end else result = RESULT_NO_ANY end end return result, match_type, match end def match_build_id(build_id, builds, wildcards = true) if !build_id.nil? && (build_id.kind_of?(Integer) || !build_id.empty?) found_id = build_id.to_i found = nil if found_id <= 0 && wildcards if found_id.abs < builds.length found = builds[builds.length - (found_id).abs - 1] end else found = builds.find {|f| f['id'] == found_id } end return [found].compact end builds end def filter_by_status(builds, filter = []) result = builds unless filter.nil? || filter.empty? result = builds.select{ |el| filter.index(el['status']) != nil } end result end $rhodes_ver_default = '' $latest_platform = nil def deploy_build(platform) files = Dir.glob(File.join($cloud_build_temp,'**','*')).select {|entry| File.file?(entry) } detected_bin = nil detected_platform = nil log_file = nil files.each do |fname| case fname when /\.ipa/ detected_bin = fname detected_platform = 'iphone' when /\.cab/ detected_bin = fname detected_platform = 'wm' when /\.apk/ detected_bin = fname detected_platform = 'android' when /\.(exe|msi)/ detected_bin = fname detected_platform = 'win32' when /log\.txt/i log_file = fname end end if detected_bin.nil? BuildOutput::error("Could not find executable for platform #{platform}\nYou should check #{$cloud_build_temp}",'Application deployment') unless log_file.nil? BuildOutput::error("Build log:\n#{File.read(log_file).gsub(/\e\[(\d+)(;\d+)*m/,'')}",'Application deployment') end fail 'Missing executable' elsif !platform.include?(detected_platform) BuildOutput::error("Executable platfrom missmatch, build for #{platform} has an executable #{detected_bin} that belongs to #{detected_platform}") fail 'Executable platform missmatch' end dest = File.join($cloud_build_bin, detected_platform) if !File.exists?(dest) FileUtils.mkpath(dest) else FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob(File.join(dest,'*')), secure: true) end FileUtils.mv(detected_bin, dest) unless log_file.nil? FileUtils.mv(log_file, dest) end remaining = (files - [detected_bin, log_file]) detected_bin = File.join(dest, File.basename(detected_bin)) unless remaining.empty? misc = File.join(dest, 'misc') if !File.exists?(misc) FileUtils.mkpath(misc) end remaining.each do |src| FileUtils.mv(src, misc) end end unpacked_file_list = Dir.glob(File.join(dest,'**','*')) unless $cloud_build_temp.empty? FileUtils.rm_rf($cloud_build_temp, {:secure => true}) end put_message_with_timestamp("Done, application files deployed to #{dest}") return unpacked_file_list, detected_platform, detected_bin end def get_build(build_id, show_info = false) result = false message = 'none' platform = 'none' builds = get_builds_list($app_cloud_id) if !builds.empty? if valid_build_id(build_id) matching_builds = match_build_id(build_id, builds) if !matching_builds.empty? build_hash = matching_builds.last if !build_hash.nil? build_id = build_hash['id'] $platform_list = get_build_platforms() unless $platform_list show_build_information(build_hash, $platform_list, {:hide_link => true}) if show_info platform = find_platform_by_command($platform_list, build_hash["target_device"]) FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob(File.join($cloud_build_temp,'*'))) $start_time = Time.now successful, file = wait_and_get_build($app_cloud_id, build_id, $proxy, $cloud_build_home, $cloud_build_temp) if !file.nil? if successful result = true message = file else put_message_with_timestamp('Done with build errors') BuildOutput.put_log( BuildOutput::ERROR, File.read(file), 'build error') end else message = 'Could not get any result from server' end end else str = build_id.to_s match = builds.collect{ |h| { :id => h['id'], :dist => distance(str, h['id'].to_s) } }.min_by{|a| a[:dist]} if match[:dist] < 3 message = "Could not find build ##{build_id}, did you mean #{match[:id]}?" else message = "Could not find build ##{build_id}" end end else message = "Invalid build_id: '#{build_id}'. Please provide integer number in range from #{(builds.first)['id']} to #{(builds.last)['id']}" end else message = 'Nothing to download' end return result, message, platform end def find_platform_version(platform, platform_conf, req_ver, info, is_lex = false) best = platform_conf.first unless req_ver.nil? req_ver_display = req_ver.empty? ? 'default' : req_ver else req_ver_display = 'default' end unless req_ver.nil? if !is_lex platform_conf.sort { |a, b| String.natcmp(b[:ver], a[:ver]) }.each do |ver| if String.natcmp(req_ver, ver[:ver]) < 0 best = ver else break end end else best = platform_conf.min_by { |el| distance(el[:ver], req_ver, true) } end if info if best[:ver] != req_ver puts "WARNING! Could not find exact version of #{platform} sdk. Using #{best[:ver]} instead of #{req_ver_display}" else puts "Using requested #{platform} sdk version #{req_ver_display}" end end else if info if !best[:ver].empty? puts "No #{platform} sdk version was specified, using #{best[:ver]}" else puts "Using requested #{platform} sdk." end end end best end def try_get_platform_config(platform, platform_list) platform_conf = platform_list[platform] if platform_conf.empty? raise Exception.new("Could not find any #{platform} sdk on cloud build server") end platform_conf end def platform_ver_from_config(platform, default_ver, use_sdk = false) req_ver = nil unless $app_config[platform].nil? req_ver = $app_config[platform]["version"] req_ver = $app_config[platform]["sdk"] if req_ver.nil? && use_sdk end unless $config[platform].nil? req_ver = $config[platform]["version"] if req_ver.nil? req_ver = $config[platform]["sdk"] if req_ver.nil? && use_sdk end req_ver = default_ver if req_ver.nil? req_ver end def do_platform_build(platform_name, platform_list, is_lexicographic_ver, build_info = {}, config_override = nil) platform_conf = try_get_platform_config(platform_name, platform_list) #TODO: WARNING: Ruby 1.9.3 is getting old day by day , please upgrade to ruby 2.3 req_ver = platform_ver_from_config(platform_name, config_override, platform_name == 'wm').to_s if platform_name == 'wm' digits = nil if req_ver.downcase.include?('windows mobile'.downcase) digits = req_ver.match(/(? platform_version[:tag], 'version_tag' => 'master', 'rhodes_version' => $rhodes_ver } build_info.each do |k, v| build_hash[k] = v end build_flags = { :build => build_hash } build_id, res = start_cloud_build($app_cloud_id, build_flags) if (!build_id.nil?) show_build_information(res, platform_list, {:hide_link => true}) end check_cloud_build_result(res) build_id end def list_missing_files(files_array) failed = files_array.select{|file| !File.exists?(file)} failed end def get_iphone_options() profile_file = get_conf('iphone/production/mobileprovision_file') cert_file = get_conf('iphone/production/certificate_file') cert_pw = get_conf('iphone/production/certificate_password') if profile_file.nil? || cert_file.nil? raise Exception.new('You should specify mobileprovision_file and certificate_file in iphone:production section of your build.yml') end profile_file = File.expand_path(profile_file, $app_path) cert_file = File.expand_path(cert_file, $app_path) missing = list_missing_files([profile_file, cert_file]) if !missing.empty? raise Exception.new("Could not load #{missing.join(', ')}") end options = { :upload_cert => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(File.open(cert_file, 'rb') { |io| io.read }), :upload_profile => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(File.open(profile_file, 'rb') { |io| io.read }), :bundle_identifier => get_conf('iphone/BundleIdentifier') } if !cert_pw.nil? && !cert_pw.empty? options[:cert_pw] = cert_pw end options end def run_binary_on(platform, package, devsim) if !package.nil? Rake::Task["run:#{platform}:#{devsim}:package"].invoke(package) else BuildOutput.error( "Could not find executable file for #{platform} project", 'No file') end end def get_build_and_run(build_id, run_target) is_ok, res, build_platform = get_build(build_id) if is_ok files, platform, package = deploy_build(build_platform) puts files, platform, package unless files.empty? if run_target run_binary_on(platform, package, run_target) end end else BuildOutput.put_log(BuildOutput::ERROR, res, 'build error') end end def build_deploy_run(target, run_target = nil) res = target.split(':') platform = res.first data = nil if res.length > 1 data = res.last end if platform == 'iphone' options = get_iphone_options() else options = {} end b_id = do_platform_build( platform, $platform_list, platform == 'iphone', options, data) get_build_and_run(b_id, run_target) end def includes(a, b) a.include?(b) || b.include?(a) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #config def create_rhodes_home() home = File.join(Dir.home(),'.rhomobile') if !File.exist?(home) FileUtils::mkdir_p home end home end def find_proxy() # proxy url priority starting from maximum priority = [ "https_proxy", "http_proxy", "all_proxy" ].reverse proxy = nil best_proxy = ENV.max_by do |k, v| val = priority.index(k.downcase) if val.nil? -1 else val end end # check for if !priority.index(best_proxy[0].downcase).nil? proxy = best_proxy[1] prefix = "" case best_proxy[0].downcase when "https_proxy" prefix = "https://" else prefix = "http://" end if !proxy.include?("://") proxy = prefix + proxy end end proxy end def get_ssl_cert_bundle_store(rhodes_home, proxy) crt_file = File.join(rhodes_home, "crt.pem") #lets get that file once a month if !(File.exists?(crt_file)) || ((Time.now - File.mtime(crt_file)).to_i > 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) puts "getting cert bundle" url = URI.parse("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bagder/ca-bundle/master/ca-bundle.crt") if !(proxy.nil? || proxy.empty?) proxy_uri = URI.parse(proxy) http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port, proxy_uri.host, proxy_uri.port, proxy_uri.user, proxy_uri.password ) else http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) end if url.scheme == "https" # enable SSL/TLS http.use_ssl = true # there is no way to verify connection here :/ http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end begin http.start do |http| resp = http.get(url.path) if resp.code == "200" open(crt_file, "wb") do |file| file.write(resp.body) end else abort "\n\n>>>> A cacert.pem bundle could not be downloaded." end end rescue abort "\n\n>>>> A cacert.pem bundle could not be downloaded." end end cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new cert_store.set_default_paths cert_store.add_file crt_file return cert_store end namespace "config" do task :set_rho, [:rho_dir] do |t, args| RhoPackages.set_root(args[:rho_dir]) end task :load do require 'deep_merge' print_timestamp('First timestamp') buildyml = 'rhobuild.yml' # read shared config $rhodes_home = create_rhodes_home() conf_file = File.join($rhodes_home,buildyml) $shared_conf = {} if File.exists?(conf_file) $logger.info "Shared config is available at #{File.join($rhodes_home,buildyml)}" $shared_conf = Jake.config(File.open(File.join($rhodes_home,buildyml))) end $current_platform_bridge = $current_platform unless $current_platform_bridge $logger.info( "Using Rhodes configuration from path: #{buildyml}" ) # read gem folder build config buildyml = ENV["RHOBUILD"] unless ENV["RHOBUILD"].nil? $config = {} $config = Jake.config(File.open(buildyml)) if File.file?(buildyml) $config = $config.deep_merge($shared_conf) if $shared_conf $config["platform"] = $current_platform if $current_platform $config["env"]["app"] = "spec/framework_spec" if $rhosimulator_build $app_path = ENV["RHO_APP_PATH"] if ENV["RHO_APP_PATH"] && $app_path.nil? if $app_path.nil? #if we are called from the rakefile directly, this wont be set #load the apps path and config $app_path = $config["env"]["app"] unless $config["env"].nil? if $app_path.nil? b_y = File.join(Dir.pwd(),'build.yml') if File.exists?(b_y) $app_path = Dir.pwd() end end end $app_config = {} if (!$app_path.nil?) app_yml = File.join($app_path, "build.yml") if File.exists?(app_yml) # read application config $app_config = Jake.config(File.open(app_yml)) if $app_config_disable_reread != true if File.exists?(File.join($app_path, "app_rakefile")) load File.join($app_path, "app_rakefile") $app_rakefile_exist = true Rake::Task["app:config"].invoke end end end $proxy = get_conf('connection/proxy', find_proxy()) if !($proxy.nil? || $proxy.empty?) puts "Using proxy: #{$proxy}" end # I hate that way of dealing with ssl, but we need to get working # set of certificates from somewhere for windows # so lets solve it less hacky, get mozilla's bundle of certs converted by cURL team # and use it for accessing via rest client if (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil Rhohub.cert_store = get_ssl_cert_bundle_store($rhodes_home, $proxy) end $re_app = ($app_config["app_type"] == 'rhoelements') || !($app_config['capabilities'].nil? || $app_config['capabilities'].index('shared_runtime').nil?) end task :initialize => [:load] do $binextensions = [] $app_extensions_list = {} $app_extension_cfg = {} if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $all_files_mask = "*.*" $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RhoRuby.exe" else $all_files_mask = "*" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RubyMac" else $rubypath = "res/build-tools/rubylinux" end end if $app_path.nil? || !(File.exists?($app_path)) puts "Could not find rhodes application. Please verify your application setting in #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/rhobuild.yml" exit 1 end ENV["RHO_APP_PATH"] = $app_path.to_s ENV["ROOT_PATH"] = $app_path.to_s + '/app/' ENV["APP_TYPE"] = "rhodes" Jake.normalize_build_yml($app_config) Jake.set_bbver($app_config["bbver"].to_s) end task :common => [:initialize] do $logger.info "Starting rhodes build system using ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}" print_timestamp('config:common') if $app_config && !$app_config["sdk"].nil? BuildOutput.note('To use latest Rhodes gem, run migrate-rhodes-app in application folder or comment sdk in build.yml.','You use sdk parameter in build.yml') end #Rhodes gem/framework version from version file. ENV['rhodes_version'] = File.read(File.join($startdir,'version')).chomp $bindir = File.join($app_path, "bin") $tmpdir = File.join($bindir, "tmp") $skip_checking_XCode = false $skip_build_rhodes_main = false $skip_build_extensions = false $skip_build_xmls = false $skip_checking_Android_SDK = false $skip_build_js_api_files = false extpaths = [] add_ext_path = lambda {|p| extpaths << File.absolute_path(p, $app_path)} add_ext_paths = Proc.new do |paths| add_ext_path.call(paths) if paths.is_a? String paths.each {|p| add_ext_path.call(p)} if paths.is_a? Array end if $app_config["paths"] and $app_config["paths"]["extensions"] add_ext_paths.call($app_config["paths"]["extensions"]) end if $config["env"] if $config["env"]["paths"] if $config["env"]["paths"]["extensions"] add_ext_paths.call($config["env"]["paths"]["extensions"]) end end end extpaths << File.join($app_path, "extensions") extpaths << File.join($startdir, "lib","commonAPI") extpaths << File.join($startdir, "lib","extensions") extpaths << File.join($startdir, "extensions") extpaths << File.join($startdir, "../rho-tau-extensions-"+ENV['rhodes_version']+"/libs") $app_config["extpaths"] = extpaths if $app_config["build"] and $app_config["build"].casecmp("release") == 0 $debug = false else $debug = true end # merge extensions from platform list to global one $app_config['extensions'] = [] unless $app_config['extensions'] and $app_config['extensions'].is_a? Array if $app_config[$config['platform']] and $app_config[$config['platform']]['extensions'] and $app_config[$config['platform']]['extensions'].is_a? Array $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | $app_config[$config['platform']]['extensions'] end # gather main extensions extensions = [] extensions << "coreapi" #unless $app_config['re_buildstub'] if ($current_platform == "iphone") || ($current_platform == "android") extensions << "decryptstub" else puts "do not checking for encrypt/decrypt because not iOS/Android 1" end extensions << "zlib" if $current_platform == "win32" # required by coreapi on win32 for gzip support in Network extensions += get_extensions extensions << "rhoconnect-client" if $rhosimulator_build extensions << "json" # filter list of extensions with main extensions list (regardless of case!) downcased = extensions.map(&:downcase) $app_config['extensions'].reject! { |ext| downcased.include?(ext.downcase) } $app_config['extensions'] = extensions + $app_config['extensions'] $app_config['extensions'].uniq! capabilities = [] capabilities += $app_config["capabilities"] if $app_config["capabilities"] and $app_config["capabilities"].is_a? Array capabilities += $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"] if $app_config[$config["platform"]] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"].is_a? Array $app_config["capabilities"] = capabilities application_build_configs = {} #Process rhoelements settings if $current_platform == "wm" || $current_platform == "android" if $app_config["app_type"] == 'rhoelements' $app_config["capabilities"] += ["symbol"] unless $app_config["capabilities"].index("symbol") if $current_platform == "wm" $app_config["extensions"] += ["webkit"] else $app_config["extensions"] += ["rhoelementsext"] $app_config["extensions"] += ["symbolapi"] #extension with plug-ins #check for RE2 plugins plugins = "" $app_config["extensions"].each do |ext| if ( ext.start_with?('moto-') ) plugins += ',' if plugins.length() > 0 plugins += ext[5, ext.length()-5] end end if plugins.length() == 0 plugins = "ALL" end application_build_configs['moto-plugins'] = plugins if plugins.length() > 0 end if !$app_config["capabilities"].index('native_browser') && $current_platform != "android" $app_config['extensions'] += ['webkit-browser'] unless $app_config['extensions'].index('webkit-browser') end end application_build_configs['shared-runtime'] = '1' if $app_config["capabilities"].index('shared_runtime') if $app_config["extensions"].index("webkit-browser") $app_config["capabilities"] += ["webkit_browser"] $app_config["extensions"].delete("webkit-browser") end if $app_config["capabilities"].index("webkit_browser") || ($app_config["capabilities"].index("symbol") && $current_platform != "android") #contains wm and android libs for webkit browser if $current_platform == "android" $app_config["extensions"] += ["rhoelements"] unless $app_config['extensions'].index('rhoelements') end end end if $app_config['capabilities'].index("camera") && $current_platform != 'win32' $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['mediacapture'] end if $app_config["app_type"] == 'rhoelements' # add audiocapture extensions for rhoelements app if !$app_config['extensions'].index('rhoelementsext') if $current_platform == "iphone" || $current_platform == "android" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['audiocapture'] end end if $current_platform == "wm" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['symboldevice'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['barcode'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['indicators'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['cardreader'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['signature'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['hardwarekeys'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['sensor'] end if $current_platform == "iphone" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['barcode'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['signature'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['indicators'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['hardwarekeys'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['sensor'] end if $current_platform == "android" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['symboldevice'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['emdk3-manager'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['barcode'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['signature'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['indicators'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['hardwarekeys'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['sensor'] end if $current_platform == "wp8" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['barcode'] end if $current_platform == "uwp" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['barcode'] end end if $current_platform == "android" if $app_config['extensions'].index('rhoelementsext') $app_config['extensions'].delete('rhoelementsext') $app_config['extensions'].unshift('rhoelementsext') end if $app_config['extensions'].index('emdk3-manager') $app_config['extensions'].delete('emdk3-manager') $app_config['extensions'].unshift('emdk3-manager') elsif $app_config['extensions'].index('barcode') || $app_config['extensions'].index('indicators') || $app_config['extensions'].index('mobile_payment') || $app_config['extensions'].index('smartCradle') #Barcode has dependency on emdk3-manager. So load it if barcode is present $app_config['extensions'].unshift('emdk3-manager') end $app_config['extensions'].unshift('coreapi') end #if $app_config['extensions'].index('rhoelementsext') # #$app_config["extensions"].delete("rawsensors") # $app_config["extensions"].delete("audiocapture") #end $app_config['extensions'].delete('barcode') if ( $app_config['extensions'].index('enterprise-barcode') || $app_config['extensions'].index('allbarcode') ) $hidden_app = $app_config["hidden_app"].nil?() ? "0" : $app_config["hidden_app"] #application build configs $application_build_configs_keys.each do |key| value = $app_config[key] if $app_config[$config["platform"]] != nil if $app_config[$config["platform"]][key] != nil value = $app_config[$config["platform"]][key] end end if value != nil application_build_configs[key] = value end end $application_build_configs = application_build_configs if $current_platform == "win32" && $winxpe_build $app_config['capabilities'] << 'winxpe' end $app_config['extensions'].uniq!() if $app_config['extensions'] $app_config['capabilities'].uniq!() if $app_config['capabilities'] $app_config['extensions'].delete("mspec") if !$debug && $app_config['extensions'].index('mspec') $app_config['extensions'].delete("rhospec") if !$debug && $app_config['extensions'].index('rhospec') $app_config['extensions'].delete("development") if !$debug && $app_config['extensions'].index('development') $app_config['extensions'].delete("Development") if !$debug && $app_config['extensions'].index('Development') $rhologhostport = $config["log_host_port"] $rhologhostport = 52363 unless $rhologhostport begin $rhologhostaddr = Jake.localip() rescue Exception => e puts "Jake.localip() error : #{e}" end $file_map_name = "RhoBundleMap.txt" obfuscate_js = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2("obfuscate", "js", $app_config, nil) obfuscate_css = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2("obfuscate", "css", $app_config, nil) $obfuscate_exclude = Jake.getBuildProp2("obfuscate", "exclude_dirs" ) minify_js = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2("minify", "js", $app_config, nil) minify_css = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2("minify", "css", $app_config, nil) $minify_exclude = Jake.getBuildProp2("minify", "exclude_dirs" ) $minify_types = [] if !$debug minify_js = true if minify_js == nil minify_css = true if minify_css == nil end $minify_types << "js" if minify_js or obfuscate_js $minify_types << "css" if minify_css or obfuscate_css $minifier = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'res/build-tools/yuicompressor-2.4.8-rhomodified.jar') $use_shared_runtime = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("use_shared_runtime") $js_application = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("javascript_application") $nodejs_application = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("nodejs_application") $rubynodejs_application = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("rubynodejs_application") $logger.debug '%%%_%%% $js_application = '+$js_application.to_s $logger.debug '%%%_%%% $nodejs_application = '+$nodejs_application.to_s $logger.debug '%%%_%%% $rubynodejs_application = '+$rubynodejs_application.to_s if !$js_application && !$nodejs_application && !Dir.exists?(File.join($app_path, "app")) BuildOutput.error([ "Add javascript_application:true to build.yml, since application does not contain app folder.", "See: http://docs.rhomobile.com/guide/api_js#javascript-rhomobile-application-structure" ]); exit(1) end $shared_rt_js_appliction = ($js_application and $current_platform == "wm" and $app_config["capabilities"].index('shared_runtime')) $logger.debug "%%%_%%% $shared_rt_js_application = #{$shared_rt_js_appliction}" $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['rubyvm_stub'] if $shared_rt_js_appliction # check for encrypting if ($current_platform == "iphone") || ($current_platform == "android") $encrypt_aes_key = nil encrypt_file_extensions = $app_config["encrypt_file_extensions"] encrypt_files_key = $app_config["encrypt_files_key"] if (encrypt_file_extensions != nil) && (encrypt_files_key != nil) if encrypt_file_extensions.is_a?(Array) && encrypt_files_key.is_a?(String) $encrypt_aes_key = encrypt_files_key $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['openssl.so'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['decrypt'] $app_config["extensions"].delete("decryptstub") end end else puts "do not checking for encrypt/decrypt because not iOS/Android" end if $current_platform == "bb" make_application_build_config_java_file() update_rhoprofiler_java_file() elsif $current_platform == "wp" else make_application_build_config_header_file make_application_build_capabilities_header_file update_rhodefs_header_file end $remote_debug = false $remote_debug = Jake.getBool(ENV['rho_remote_debug']) if ENV['rho_remote_debug'] if $remote_debug $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['debugger'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['uri'] $app_config['extensions'] = $app_config['extensions'] | ['timeout'] end # it`s should be in the end of common:config task platform_task = "config:#{$current_platform}:app_config" Rake::Task[platform_task].invoke if Rake::Task.task_defined? platform_task $logger.debug "$app_config['extensions'] : #{$app_config['extensions'].inspect}" $logger.debug "$app_config['capabilities'] : #{$app_config['capabilities'].inspect}" end # end of config:common task :qt do $qtdir = ENV['QTDIR'] unless (!$qtdir.nil?) and ($qtdir !~/^\s*$/) and File.directory?($qtdir) puts "\nPlease, set QTDIR environment variable to Qt root directory path" exit 1 end $qmake = File.join($qtdir, 'bin/qmake') $macdeployqt = File.join($qtdir, 'bin/macdeployqt') end task :rhosimulator do $rhosimulator_build = true end end def copy_assets(asset, file_map) dest = File.join($srcdir,'apps/public') cp_r asset + "/.", dest, :preserve => true, :remove_destination => true, :verbose => USE_TRACES end def clear_linker_settings if $config["platform"] == "iphone" # outfile = "" # IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line| # if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = / # outfile << line.gsub(/EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ".*"/, 'EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ""') # else # outfile << line # end # end # File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile} # ENV["EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS"] = "" $ldflags = "" end end def add_linker_library(libraryname) # if $config["platform"] == "iphone" # outfile = "" # IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line| # if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = / # outfile << line.gsub(/";/, " $(TARGET_TEMP_DIR)/#{libraryname}\";") # else # outfile << line # end # end # File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile} # end simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/ if ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] and ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] != "" tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] else tmpdir = File.join($app_path, 'project/iphone') + "/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" + ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build" end $ldflags << "#{tmpdir}/#{libraryname}\n" unless $ldflags.nil? end def add_inker_library_absolute(fulllibraryfilepath) $ldflags << fulllibraryfilepath + "\n" unless $ldflags.nil? end def set_linker_flags if $config["platform"] == "iphone" simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/ if ENV["TARGET_RHODESLIBS_DIR"] and ENV["TARGET_RHODESLIBS_DIR"] != "" tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_RHODESLIBS_DIR"] else if ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] and ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] != "" tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] else tmpdir = File.join($app_path, 'project/iphone') + "/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" + ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build" end end mkdir_p tmpdir unless File.exist? tmpdir tmpdir = File.join($app_path.to_s, "project/iphone") mkdir_p tmpdir unless File.exist? tmpdir File.open(tmpdir + "/rhodeslibs.txt","w") { |f| f.write $ldflags } # ENV["EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS"] = $ldflags # puts `export $EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS` end end def add_extension(path,dest) puts 'add_extension - ' + path.to_s + " - " + dest.to_s start = pwd chdir path if File.directory?(path) puts 'chdir path=' + path.to_s if !$js_application && !$nodejs_application Dir.glob("*").each do |f| cp_r f,dest unless f =~ /^ext(\/|(\.yml)?$)/ || f =~ /^app/ || f =~ /^public/ end end if $current_platform == "bb" FileUtils.cp_r 'app', File.join( dest, "apps/app" ) if File.exist? 'app' FileUtils.cp_r 'public', File.join( dest, "apps/public" ) if File.exist? 'public' else if !$nodejs_application FileUtils.cp_r('app', File.join( File.dirname(dest), "apps/app" ).to_s) if File.exist? 'app' FileUtils.cp_r('public', File.join( File.dirname(dest), "apps").to_s) if File.exist? 'public' end end chdir start end def find_ext_ingems(extname) extpath = nil begin $rhodes_extensions = nil $rhodes_join_ext_name = false require extname if $rhodes_extensions extpath = $rhodes_extensions[0] $app_config["extpaths"] << extpath if $rhodes_join_ext_name extpath = File.join(extpath,extname) end end rescue Exception => e puts "exception: #{e}" end extpath end def common_prefix(paths) return '' if paths.empty? return paths.first.split('/').slice(0...-1).join('/') if paths.length <= 1 arr = paths.sort first = arr.first.split('/') last = arr.last.split('/') i = 0 i += 1 while first[i] == last[i] && i <= first.length first.slice(0, i).join('/') end def write_orm_modules_js(folder, modules) modules.each { |f| fname = File.basename(f.to_s).gsub(/^(|.*[\\\/])(Rho\.|)([^\\\/]+)\.js$/, '\3').gsub(/\./, '-') cp f.to_s, File.join(folder, 'rhoapi-modules-' + fname + '.js') } end def write_modules_js(folder, filename, modules, do_separate_js_modules) f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" if modules modules.each do |m| module_name = m.gsub(/^(|.*[\\\/])([^\\\/]+)\.js$/, '\2') f.puts( "// Module #{module_name}\n\n" ) f.write(File.read(m)) end end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join(folder,filename), f) if modules && do_separate_js_modules common = common_prefix(modules) # Glue all modules based on assumption that FrameworkName.ExtName.*.js should be in one file groups = modules.group_by do |mod| path, name = File.split(mod) name_parts = name.ext().split('.') if name_parts.size > 2 res = name_parts.first(2).join('.') else res = name end res end groups.each do |k, v| f = StringIO.new("", "w+") if v.size > 1 fname = k.end_with?(".js") ? k : k + ".js" else fname = v.first end module_name = fname.gsub(/^(|.*[\\\/])([^\\\/]+)\.js$/, '\2') f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" f.puts( "// Module #{module_name}" ) v.each do |fname| f.puts "\n// From file #{fname.gsub(common,'')}\n\n" f.write(File.read(fname)) end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join(folder, module_name.downcase+'.js'), f) end end end def is_ext_supported(extpath) extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") res = true if File.file? extyml extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) if extconf["platforms"] res = extconf["platforms"].index($current_platform) != nil end end res end def init_extensions(dest, mode = "") print_timestamp('init_extensions( '+dest.to_s+', mode= ['+mode.to_s+'] ) START') extentries = [] extentries_init = [] nativelib = [] extlibs = [] extjsmodulefiles = [] extjsmodulefiles_opt = [] startJSModules = [] startNodeJSModules = [] startJSModules_opt = [] endJSModules = [] extcsharplibs = [] extcsharpentries = [] extcsharppaths = [] extcsharpprojects = [] extscsharp = nil ext_xmls_paths = [] extpaths = $app_config["extpaths"] rhoapi_js_folder = nil rhoapi_nodejs_folder = nil if !dest.nil? if $nodejs_application || $rubynodejs_application rhoapi_js_folder = File.join( File.dirname(dest), "apps/nodejs/server/public/api" ) else rhoapi_js_folder = File.join( File.dirname(dest), "apps/public/api" ) end rhoapi_nodejs_folder = File.join( File.dirname(dest), "apps/nodejs/rhoapi" ) elsif mode == "update_rho_modules_js" if $nodejs_application || $rubynodejs_application rhoapi_js_folder = File.join( $app_path, "nodejs/server/public/api" ) else rhoapi_js_folder = File.join( $app_path, "public/api" ) end rhoapi_nodejs_folder = File.join( $app_path, "nodejs/rhoapi" ) end do_separate_js_modules = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("separate_js_modules", $app_config, false) $logger.debug "rhoapi_js_folder: #{rhoapi_js_folder}" $logger.info 'Init extensions' $logger.debug "Extensions list: #{$app_config['extensions'].to_s}" # TODO: checker init gen_checker = GeneratorTimeChecker.new gen_checker.init($startdir, $app_path) $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname| puts 'ext - ' + extname if extname == "webkit" $is_webkit_engine = true end extpath = nil extpaths.each do |p| ep = File.join(p, extname) if File.exists?( ep ) if !is_ext_supported(ep) raise "Extension #{extname} is not supported for platform: #{$current_platform}" end extpath = ep break end end if extpath.nil? extpath = find_ext_ingems(extname) if extpath extpath = nil unless is_ext_supported(extpath) end end if ((extpath.nil?) && (extname != 'symbolapi') ) && ($skip_build_extensions == false) raise "Can't find extension '#{extname}'. Aborting build.\nExtensions search paths are:\n#{extpaths}" end $app_extensions_list[extname] = extpath unless extpath.nil? puts 'iter=' + extpath.to_s if $config["platform"] != "bb" extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") puts "extyml " + extyml if File.file? extyml extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) $app_extension_cfg[extpath] = extconf entry = extconf["entry"] nlib = extconf["nativelibs"] type = Jake.getBuildProp( "exttype", extconf ) xml_api_paths = extconf["xml_api_paths"] extconf_wp8 = $config["platform"] == "wp8" && (!extconf['wp8'].nil?) ? extconf['wp8'] : Hash.new extconf_uwp = $config["platform"] == "uwp" && (!extconf['uwp'].nil?) ? extconf['uwp'] : Hash.new if ($config["platform"] == "wp8") csharp_impl_all = (!extconf_wp8['csharp_impl'].nil?) ? true : false else csharp_impl_all = (!extconf_uwp['csharp_impl'].nil?) ? true : false end if nlib != nil nlib.each do |libname| nativelib << libname end end # add additional libraries link_libraries = [] if (!extconf["link_libraries"].nil?) && (extconf["link_libraries"].is_a? Array) link_libraries += extconf["link_libraries"] end if (!extconf[$config["platform"]].nil?) && (!extconf[$config["platform"]]["link_libraries"].nil?) && (extconf[$config["platform"]]["link_libraries"].is_a? Array) link_libraries += extconf[$config["platform"]]["link_libraries"] end link_libraries.each do |linklib| fulllibpath = File.join(extpath, linklib) add_inker_library_absolute(fulllibpath) end if entry && entry.length() > 0 if xml_api_paths.nil? #&& !(("rhoelementsext" == extname || "dominjector" == extname ) && ($config["platform"] == "wm"||$config["platform"] == "android")) $ruby_only_extensions_list = [] unless $ruby_only_extensions_list $ruby_only_extensions_list << extname if (("rhoelementsext" == extname || "dominjector" == extname) && ($config["platform"] == "wm"||$config["platform"] == "android")) extentries << entry extentries_init << entry elsif !$js_application && !$nodejs_application extentries << entry entry = "if (rho_ruby_is_started()) #{entry}" extentries_init << entry end else extentries << entry extentries_init << entry end end if type.to_s() != "nativelib" libs = extconf["libraries"] libs = [] unless libs.is_a? Array if (!extconf[$config["platform"]].nil?) && (!extconf[$config["platform"]]["libraries"].nil?) && (extconf[$config["platform"]]["libraries"].is_a? Array) libs = libs + extconf[$config["platform"]]["libraries"] end if $config["platform"] == "wm" || $config["platform"] == "win32" || $config["platform"] == "uwp" libs.each do |lib| if $config["platform"] == "uwp" lib = lib.delete('.') end extconf_uwp_lib = !extconf_uwp[lib.downcase].nil? ? extconf_uwp[lib.downcase] : Hash.new csharp_impl = csharp_impl_all || (!extconf_uwp_lib['csharp_impl'].nil?) if extconf_uwp_lib['libname'].nil? extlibs << lib + (csharp_impl ? "Lib" : "") + ".lib" end if csharp_impl uwp_root_namespace = !extconf_uwp_lib['root_namespace'].nil? ? extconf_uwp_lib['root_namespace'] : 'rho' extcsharplibs << (extconf_uwp_lib['libname'].nil? ? (lib + "Lib.lib") : (extconf_uwp_lib['libname'] + ".lib")) extcsharppaths << "<#{lib.upcase}_ROOT>" + File.join(extpath, 'ext') + "" extcsharpprojects << '' extcsharpentries << "#{lib}FactoryComponent.setImpl(new #{uwp_root_namespace}.#{lib}Impl.#{lib}Factory())" end end else libs.map! { |lib| "lib" + lib + ".a" } extlibs += libs end end if (xml_api_paths && type != "prebuilt") && !($use_prebuild_data && (extname == 'coreapi')) && !$prebuild_win32 # && wm_type != "prebuilt" xml_api_paths = xml_api_paths.split(',') xml_api_paths.each do |xml_api| xml_path = File.join(extpath, xml_api.strip()) ext_xmls_paths << xml_path if mode != "get_ext_xml_paths" #api generator if File.exist? xml_path if gen_checker.check(xml_path) puts 'start running rhogen with api key for + ['+xml_path.to_s+']' if !$skip_build_extensions Jake.run32("\"#{$startdir}/bin/rhogen\" api \"#{xml_path}\"") end end end end end end end #if !$skip_build_extensions unless rhoapi_js_folder.nil? Dir.glob(extpath + "/public/api/*.js").each do |f| fBaseName = File.basename(f) if (fBaseName.start_with?("rhoapi-native") ) endJSModules << f if fBaseName == "rhoapi-native.all.js" next end if (fBaseName == "rhoapi-force.ajax.js") add = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("ajax_api_bridge", $app_config, false) add = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2($current_platform, "ajax_api_bridge", $app_config, add) endJSModules << f if add next end if (fBaseName == "#{extname}-postDef.js") puts "add post-def module: #{f}" endJSModules << f end if f.downcase().end_with?("jquery-2.0.2-rho-custom.min.js") startJSModules.unshift(f) elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rhoapi.js") startJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rhonodejsapi.js") startNodeJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.application.js") endJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.database.js") endJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.newormhelper.js") endJSModules << f elsif /(rho\.orm)|(rho\.ruby\.runtime)|(rho\.rhosim\.fix)/i.match(f.downcase()) puts "add #{f} to startJSModules_opt.." startJSModules_opt << f else extjsmodulefiles << f end end Dir.glob(extpath + "/public/api/generated/*.js").each do |f| if /(rho\.orm)|(rho\.ruby\.runtime)|(rho\.rhosim\.fix)/i.match(f.downcase()) puts "add #{f} to extjsmodulefiles_opt.." if USE_TRACES extjsmodulefiles_opt << f else puts "add #{f} to extjsmodulefiles.." if USE_TRACES extjsmodulefiles << f end end end #end end add_extension(extpath, dest) if !dest.nil? && mode == "" end end stubs = File.join($startdir, "platform", "wm", "rhodes", "browser", "stubs.cpp") if $is_webkit_engine == false File.open(stubs, "w+") do |f| f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" f.puts "#include \"StdAfx.h\"" f.puts "#include \"common/RhoStd.h\"" f.puts "#include \"IBrowserEngine.h\"" f.puts "rho::IBrowserEngine* rho_wmimpl_get_webkitBrowserEngine(HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE rhoAppInstance) {return 0;}" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( stubs, f ) end else File.open(stubs, "w+") do |f| f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" f.puts "#include \"StdAfx.h\"" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( stubs, f ) end end if ($ruby_only_extensions_list) BuildOutput.warning([ 'The following extensions do not have JavaScript API: ', $ruby_only_extensions_list.join(', '), 'Use RMS 4.0 extensions to provide JavaScript API']) end return ext_xmls_paths if mode == "get_ext_xml_paths" #TODO: checker update gen_checker.update exts = File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "ruby", "ext", "rho", "extensions.c") if $config["platform"] == "uwp" extscsharp = File.join($startdir, "platform", "uwp", "rhodes", "CSharpExtensions.cs") extscsharptargets = File.join($startdir, "platform", "uwp", "rhodes", "CSharpExtensions.targets") extscsharpcpp = File.join($startdir, "platform", "uwp", "rhoruntime", "CSharpExtensions.cpp") end puts "exts " + exts # deploy Common API JS implementation extnodejsmodulefiles = startNodeJSModules.concat( extjsmodulefiles ) extjsmodulefiles = startJSModules.concat( extjsmodulefiles ) extjsmodulefiles = extjsmodulefiles.concat(endJSModules) extjsmodulefiles_opt = startJSModules_opt.concat( extjsmodulefiles_opt ) # #if !$skip_build_extensions if extjsmodulefiles.count > 0 || extjsmodulefiles_opt.count > 0 rm_rf rhoapi_js_folder if Dir.exist?(rhoapi_js_folder) mkdir_p rhoapi_js_folder end if extnodejsmodulefiles.count > 0 rm_rf rhoapi_nodejs_folder if Dir.exist?(rhoapi_nodejs_folder) mkdir_p rhoapi_nodejs_folder end # if !$skip_build_js_api_files if extjsmodulefiles.count > 0 puts 'extjsmodulefiles=' + extjsmodulefiles.to_s if USE_TRACES write_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, "rhoapi-modules.js", extjsmodulefiles, do_separate_js_modules) $ebfiles_shared_rt_js_appliction = ($js_application and ($current_platform == "wm" or $current_platform == "android") and $app_config["capabilities"].index('shared_runtime')) if $use_shared_runtime || $ebfiles_shared_rt_js_appliction start_path = Dir.pwd chdir rhoapi_js_folder Dir.glob("**/*").each { |f| $new_name = f.to_s.dup $new_name.sub! 'rho', 'eb' cp File.join(rhoapi_js_folder, f.to_s), File.join(rhoapi_js_folder, $new_name) } chdir start_path end end if extnodejsmodulefiles.count > 0 puts 'extnodejsmodulefiles=' + extnodejsmodulefiles.to_s write_modules_js(rhoapi_nodejs_folder, "rhoapi.js", extnodejsmodulefiles, false) end # make rhoapi-modules-ORM.js only if not shared-runtime (for WM) build if !$shared_rt_js_appliction if extjsmodulefiles_opt.count > 0 puts 'extjsmodulefiles_opt=' + extjsmodulefiles_opt.to_s if USE_TRACES #write_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, "rhoapi-modules-ORM.js", extjsmodulefiles_opt, do_separate_js_modules) write_orm_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, extjsmodulefiles_opt) end end end #end if mode == "update_rho_modules_js" print_timestamp('init_extensions() FINISH') return end if $config["platform"] != "bb" f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" f.puts "int rho_ruby_is_started();" if $config["platform"] == "wm" || $config["platform"] == "win32" || $config["platform"] == "wp8" || $config["platform"] == "uwp" # Add libraries through pragma extlibs.each do |lib| f.puts "#pragma comment(lib, \"#{lib}\")" end nativelib.each do |lib| f.puts "#pragma comment(lib, \"#{lib}\")" end end extentries.each do |entry| f.puts "extern void #{entry}(void);" end f.puts "void Init_Extensions(void) {" extentries_init.each do |entry| f.puts " #{entry}();" end f.puts "}" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( exts, f ) if !extscsharp.nil? && !$skip_build_extensions # C# extensions initialization f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" f.puts "using rhoruntime;" f.puts "namespace rhodes {" f.puts " public static class CSharpExtensions {" f.puts " public static void InitializeExtensions() {" extcsharpentries.each do |entry| f.puts " #{entry};" end f.puts " }" f.puts " }" f.puts "}" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( extscsharp, f ) # C++ runtime libraries linking f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" extcsharplibs.each do |lib| f.puts "#pragma comment(lib, \"#{lib}\")" end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( extscsharpcpp, f ) f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts '' f.puts '' f.puts '' f.puts ' ' extcsharppaths.each do |p| f.puts " #{p}" end f.puts ' ' extcsharpprojects.each do |p| f.puts " #{p}" end f.puts '' Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( extscsharptargets, f ) end extlibs.each { |lib| add_linker_library(lib) } nativelib.each { |lib| add_linker_library(lib) } set_linker_flags end unless $app_config["constants"].nil? File.open("rhobuild.rb","w") do |file| file << "module RhoBuild\n" $app_config["constants"].each do |key,value| value.gsub!(/"/,"\\\"") file << " #{key.upcase} = \"#{value}\"\n" end file << "end\n" end end if $excludeextlib and (not dest.nil?) chdir dest $excludeextlib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}} end print_timestamp('init_extensions() FINISH') #exit end def public_folder_cp_r(src_dir, dst_dir, level, file_map, start_path) return if src_dir == dst_dir mkdir_p dst_dir, :verbose => USE_TRACES if not File.exists? dst_dir Dir.foreach(src_dir) do |filename| next if filename.eql?('.') || filename.eql?('..') next if filename.eql?('api') && level == 0 filepath = File.join(src_dir, filename) dst_path = File.join(dst_dir, filename) if File.directory?(filepath) public_folder_cp_r(filepath, dst_path, (level+1), file_map, start_path) else map_items = file_map.select {|f| f[:path] == filepath[start_path.size+8..-1] } if map_items.size > 1 puts "WARNING, duplicate file records." end if !map_items.nil? && map_items.size != 0 content = File.readlines(filepath) new_time = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(content.to_s) old_time = map_items[0][:hash] next if new_time == old_time puts "map_items=" + map_items.to_s if Rake.application.options.trace puts "new_time=" + new_time.to_s if Rake.application.options.trace puts "old_time=" + old_time.to_s if Rake.application.options.trace end cp filepath, dst_path, :preserve => true, :verbose => USE_TRACES end end end def common_bundle_start( startdir, dest) print_timestamp('common_bundle_start( '+startdir.to_s+' , '+dest.to_s+' ) START') app = $app_path puts $srcdir puts dest puts startdir #rm_rf $srcdir mkdir_p $srcdir mkdir_p dest if not File.exists? dest mkdir_p File.join($srcdir,'apps') start = pwd if !$js_application && !$nodejs_application Dir.glob('lib/framework/*').each do |f| cp_r(f, dest, :preserve => true) unless f.to_s == 'lib/framework/autocomplete' end end chdir dest Dir.glob("**/rhodes-framework.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/erb.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/find.rb").each {|f| rm f} $excludelib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}} chdir start clear_linker_settings init_extensions(dest) chdir startdir if File.exists? app + '/app' cp_r app + '/app',File.join($srcdir,'apps'), :preserve => true end file_map = Jake.build_file_map(File.join($srcdir,'apps/public'), $file_map_name, true) if File.exists? app + '/public' public_folder_cp_r app + '/public', File.join($srcdir,'apps/public'), 0, file_map, app end file_map = Jake.build_file_map(File.join($srcdir,'apps/nodejs'), $file_map_name, true) if File.exists? app + '/nodejs' public_folder_cp_r app + '/nodejs', File.join($srcdir,'apps/nodejs'), 0, file_map, app end if $app_config["app_type"] == 'rhoelements' $config_xml = nil if $app_config[$config["platform"]] && $app_config[$config["platform"]]["rhoelements"] && $app_config[$config["platform"]]["rhoelements"]["config"] && (File.exists? File.join(app, $app_config[$config["platform"]]["rhoelements"]["config"])) $config_xml = File.join(app, $app_config[$config["platform"]]["rhoelements"]["config"]) elsif $app_config["rhoelements"] && $app_config["rhoelements"]["config"] && (File.exists? File.join(app, $app_config["rhoelements"]["config"])) $config_xml = File.join(app, $app_config["rhoelements"]["config"]) end if $current_platform == "wm" if !($config_xml.nil?) cp $config_xml, File.join($srcdir,'apps/Config.xml'), :preserve => true end end end Jake.make_rhoconfig_txt unless $debug rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/SpecRunner" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/spec" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/mspec.rb" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/spec_runner.rb" end copy_assets($assetfolder, file_map) if ($assetfolder and File.exists? $assetfolder) replace_platform = $config['platform'] replace_platform = "bb6" if $bb6 [File.join($srcdir,'apps'), ($current_platform == "bb" ? File.join($srcdir,'res') : File.join($srcdir,'lib/res'))].each do |folder| next unless Dir.exists? folder chdir folder Dir.glob("**/*.#{replace_platform}.*").each do |file| oldfile = file.gsub(Regexp.new(Regexp.escape('.') + replace_platform + Regexp.escape('.')),'.') rm oldfile if File.exists? oldfile mv file,oldfile end Dir.glob("**/*.wm.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.win32.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.wp.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.wp8.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.uwp.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.sym.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.iphone.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.bb.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.bb6.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.android.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/.svn").each { |f| rm_rf f } Dir.glob("**/CVS").each { |f| rm_rf f } end print_timestamp('common_bundle_start() FINISH') end #end of common_bundle_start def create_manifest require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/framework/rhoappmanifest' if Dir.exists? File.join($srcdir, 'apps/app') fappManifest = Rho::AppManifest.enumerate_models(File.join($srcdir, 'apps/app')) content = fappManifest.read(); else content = "" end File.open( File.join($srcdir,'apps/app_manifest.txt'), "w"){|file| file.write(content)} end def process_exclude_folders(excluded_dirs=[]) excl = excluded_dirs exclude_platform = $config['platform'] exclude_platform = "bb6" if $bb6 #exclude_platform = "wm" if exclude_platform == 'win32' if $app_config["excludedirs"] excl += $app_config["excludedirs"]['all'] if $app_config["excludedirs"]['all'] excl += $app_config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] if $app_config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] end if $config["excludedirs"] excl += $config["excludedirs"]['all'] if $config["excludedirs"]['all'] excl += $config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] if $config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] end if excl.size() > 0 chdir File.join($srcdir)#, 'apps') excl.each do |mask| Dir.glob(mask).each {|f| puts "f: #{f}"; rm_rf f} end chdir File.join($srcdir, 'apps') excl.each do |mask| Dir.glob(mask).each {|f| puts "f: #{f}"; rm_rf f} end end end def get_extensions value = ENV['rho_extensions'] return value.split(',') if value return [] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "build" do task :set_version, :version do |t, args| version = args[:version] rhodes_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) File.open(File.join(rhodes_dir, 'version'), 'wb') { |f| f.write(version) } end namespace "bundle" do desc "Generate AES key for bundle encryption" task :generate_AES_key do generated_key = Jake.generate_AES_key puts 'Generated AES key is : "'+generated_key+'"' end task :prepare_native_generated_files do currentdir = Dir.pwd() chdir $startdir Rake::Task["app:build_bundle"].invoke if $app_rakefile_exist app = $app_path rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/default.rb" compileRB = "lib/build/compileRB/compileRB.rb" startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir + "/lib" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) Rake::Task["app:after_build_bundle"].invoke if $app_rakefile_exist Dir.chdir currentdir end task :xruby do if $js_application || $nodejs_application return end print_timestamp('build:bundle:xruby START') #needs $config, $srcdir, $excludelib, $bindir app = $app_path jpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir xruby = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/res/build-tools/xruby-0.3.3.jar' compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/bb.rb" rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" common_bundle_start(startdir, dest) process_exclude_folders() cp_r File.join(startdir, "platform/shared/db/res/db"), File.join($srcdir, 'apps') chdir startdir #create manifest create_manifest cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running bb.rb" cmd_str = "#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/bb.rb" if defined?(Bundler) Bundler.with_clean_env do puts `#{cmd_str}` end else puts `#{cmd_str}` end unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb" chdir $bindir # -n#{$bundleClassName} output = `java -jar "#{xruby}" -v -c RhoBundle 2>&1` output.each_line { |x| puts ">>> " + x } unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting ruby code" exit 1 end chdir startdir chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } =begin # RubyIDContainer.* files takes half space of jar why we need it? Jake.unjar("../RhoBundle.jar", $tmpdir) Dir.glob($tmpdir + "/**/RubyIDContainer.class") { |f| rm f } rm "#{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar" chdir $tmpdir puts `jar cf #{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar #{$all_files_mask}` rm_rf $tmpdir mkdir_p $tmpdir chdir $srcdir =end Jake.build_file_map($srcdir, $file_map_name) puts `"#{File.join(jpath,'jar')}" uf ../RhoBundle.jar apps/#{$all_files_mask}` unless $? == 0 puts "Error creating Rhobundle.jar" exit 1 end chdir startdir print_timestamp('build:bundle:xruby FINISH') end # its task for compiling ruby code in rhostudio # TODO: temporary fix I hope. This code is copied from line 207 of this file task :rhostudio => ["config:wm"] do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $all_files_mask = "*.*" $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RhoRuby.exe" else $all_files_mask = "*" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RubyMac" else $rubypath = "res/build-tools/rubylinux" end end Rake::Task["build:bundle:noxruby"].invoke Jake.build_file_map( File.join($srcdir, "apps"), "rhofilelist.txt" ) end def cp_if(src_dir, dst_dir) puts src_dir if !Dir.exist? src_dir return end chdir src_dir Dir.glob("**") { |f| #puts 'f=' + f.to_s if File.file? File.join(src_dir, f.to_s) f_path = File.join(src_dir, f.to_s) src_file_time = File.mtime f_path dst_file = File.join(dst_dir, f.to_s) if File.exist? dst_file dst_file_time = File.mtime dst_file.to_s if src_file_time < dst_file_time next end end cp f_path, dst_dir else new_dst_dir = File.join(dst_dir, f.to_s) if !Dir.exist? new_dst_dir mkdir new_dst_dir end cp_if(File.join(src_dir, f.to_s), new_dst_dir) end } end task :noxruby, :exclude_dirs do |t, args| exclude_dirs = args[:exclude_dirs] excluded_dirs = [] if (!exclude_dirs.nil?) && (exclude_dirs !~ /^\s*$/) excluded_dirs = exclude_dirs.split(':') end Rake::Task["app:build_bundle"].invoke if $app_rakefile_exist app = $app_path rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/default.rb" compileRB = "lib/build/compileRB/compileRB.rb" startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir + "/lib" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) process_exclude_folders(excluded_dirs) chdir startdir if !$js_application && !$nodejs_application create_manifest cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running default.rb" cmd_str = "#{$rubypath} -E UTF-8 -I#{rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/default.rb" puts cmd_str if defined?(Bundler) Bundler.with_clean_env do puts `#{cmd_str}` end else puts `#{cmd_str}` end unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/default.rb" cp compileRB, $srcdir puts "Running compileRB" cmd_str = "#{$rubypath} -E UTF-8 -I#{rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/compileRB.rb" if defined?(Bundler) Bundler.with_clean_env do puts `#{cmd_str}` end else puts `#{cmd_str}` end unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting ruby code" exit 1 end end # change modification time for improvement of performance on WM platform Find.find($srcdir) do |path| atime = File.atime(path.to_s) # last access time mtime = File.mtime(path.to_s) # modification time fName = nil if File.extname(path) == ".rb" newName = File.basename(path).sub('.rb','.iseq') fName = File.join(File.dirname(path), newName) end if File.extname(path) == ".erb" newName = File.basename(path).sub('.erb','_erb.iseq') fName = File.join(File.dirname(path), newName) end File.utime(atime, mtime, fName) unless fName.nil? || !File.exist?(fName) end chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } if !$skip_build_extensions if not $minify_types.empty? minify_js_and_css($srcdir,$minify_types) end end chdir startdir cp_r "platform/shared/db/res/db", File.join($srcdir, "db") #encrypt files if $encrypt_aes_key != nil Jake.encrypt_files_by_AES($srcdir, $encrypt_aes_key, $app_config["encrypt_file_extensions"]) end chdir startdir # create bundle map file with the final information Jake.build_file_map($srcdir, $file_map_name) Rake::Task["app:after_build_bundle"].invoke if $app_rakefile_exist end # end of noxruby def is_exclude_folder(excludes, filename) return false if !excludes || !filename excludes.each do |excl| return true if filename.index(excl) end return false end def minify_js_and_css(dir,types) pattern = types.join(',') files_to_minify = [] Dir.glob( File.join(dir,'**',"*.{#{pattern}}") ) do |f| if File.file?(f) and !File.fnmatch("*.min.*",f) next if is_exclude_folder($obfuscate_exclude, f ) next if is_exclude_folder( $minify_exclude, f ) ext = File.extname(f) if (ext == '.js') or (ext == '.css') then files_to_minify << f end end end minify_inplace_batch(files_to_minify) if files_to_minify.length>0 end def minify_inplace_batch(files_to_minify) puts "minifying file list: #{files_to_minify}" if USE_TRACES cmd = "java -jar #{$minifier} -o \"x$:x\"" files_to_minify.each { |f| cmd += " #{f}" } require 'open3' status = nil error = nil begin output, error, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) rescue Exception => e puts "Minify error: #{e.inspect}" error = e.inspect end puts "Minification done: #{status}" if USE_TRACES if !status || !status.exitstatus.zero? puts "WARNING: Minification error!" if USE_TRACES error = output if error.nil? BuildOutput.warning(["Minification errors occured. Minificator stderr output: \n" + error], 'Minification error') end end def minify_inplace(filename,type) puts "minify file: #{filename}" if USE_TRACES f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.write(File.read(filename)) f.rewind() require 'open3' f.rewind() fc = StringIO.new("","w+") output = true status = nil error = nil begin Open3.popen3("java","-jar","#{$minifier}","--type","#{type}") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| stdin.binmode while buffer = f.read(4096) stdin.write(buffer) end f.close stdin.close output = stdout.read error = stderr.read status = wait_thr.value end rescue Exception => e puts "Minify error: #{e.inspect}" error = e.inspect #raise e end if !status || !status.exitstatus.zero? puts "WARNING: Minification error!" if USE_TRACES error = output if error.nil? BuildOutput.warning(['Failed to minify ' + filename, 'Output: ' + error], 'Minification error') output = File.read(filename) #exit 1 end fc.puts(output) Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(filename, fc) #File.open(filename, "w"){|file| file.write(f.read())} end task :upgrade_package do $bindir = File.join($app_path, 'bin') $current_platform = 'empty' $srcdir = File.join($bindir, 'RhoBundle') $targetdir = File.join($bindir, 'target') $excludelib = ['**/builtinME.rb', '**/ServeME.rb', '**/dateME.rb', '**/rationalME.rb'] $tmpdir = File.join($bindir, 'tmp') $appname = $app_config['name'] $appname = 'Rhodes' if $appname.nil? $vendor = $app_config['vendor'] $vendor = 'rhomobile' if $vendor.nil? $vendor = $vendor.gsub(/^[^A-Za-z]/, '_').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, '_').gsub(/_+/, '_').downcase $appincdir = (File.join $tmpdir, 'include') Rake::Task["config:common"].invoke Rake::Task["build:bundle:noxruby"].invoke new_zip_file = File.join($srcdir, 'apps', 'upgrade_bundle.zip') if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ require 'rubygems' require 'zip' require 'find' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils root = $srcdir new_zip_file = File.join($srcdir, 'upgrade_bundle.zip') (Zip::ZipFile rescue Zip::File).open(new_zip_file, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| Find.find(root) do |path| Find.prune if File.basename(path)[0] == ?. dest = /apps\/(\w.*)/.match(path) if dest puts ' add file to zip : ' + dest[1].to_s zipfile.add(dest[1], path) end end end else chdir File.join($srcdir, 'apps') sh 'zip -r upgrade_bundle.zip .' end cp new_zip_file, $bindir rm new_zip_file end task :noiseq do app = $app_path rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/bb.rb" startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir + "/lib" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) process_exclude_folders chdir startdir create_manifest cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running bb.rb" puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb"` unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb" chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } chdir startdir cp_r "platform/shared/db/res/db", $srcdir end end end task :get_ext_xml_paths, [:platform] do |t,args| throw "You must pass in platform(win32, wm, android, iphone, wp8, uwp)" if args.platform.nil? $current_platform = args.platform $current_platform_bridge = args.platform Rake::Task["config:common"].invoke res_xmls = init_extensions( nil, "get_ext_xml_paths") puts res_xmls end desc "Generate rhoapi-modules.js file with coreapi and javascript parts of extensions" task :update_rho_modules_js, [:platform] do |t,args| throw "You must pass in platform(win32, wm, android, iphone, wp8, uwp, all)" if args.platform.nil? $current_platform = args.platform $current_platform = 'wm' if args.platform == 'all' $current_platform_bridge = args.platform Rake::Task["config:common"].invoke init_extensions( nil, "update_rho_modules_js") minify_inplace( File.join( $app_path, "public/api/rhoapi-modules.js" ), "js" ) if $minify_types.include?('js') if !$shared_rt_js_appliction minify_inplace( File.join( $app_path, "public/api/rhoapi-modules-ORM.js" ), "js" ) if $minify_types.include?('js') minify_inplace( File.join( $app_path, "public/api/rhoapi-modules-ORMHelper.js" ), "js" ) if $minify_types.include?('js') minify_inplace( File.join( $app_path, "public/api/rhoapi-modules-Ruby-RunTime.js" ), "js" ) if $minify_types.include?('js') minify_inplace( File.join( $app_path, "public/api/rhoapi-modules-Rhosim-Fix.js" ), "js" ) if $minify_types.include?('js') end end # Simple rakefile that loads subdirectory 'rhodes' Rakefile # run "rake -T" to see list of available tasks #desc "Get versions" task :get_version do #genver = "unknown" iphonever = "unknown" #symver = "unknown" wmver = "unknown" androidver = "unknown" # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") do |f| # file = f.read # if file.match(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) # genver = $1 # end # end File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/CFBundleVersion<\/key>\s+(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)<\/string>/) iphonever = $1 end end File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/versionName="(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)"/) androidver = $1 end end gemver = "unknown" rhodesver = "unknown" frameworkver = "unknown" File.open("lib/rhodes.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) gemver = $1 end end File.open("lib/framework/rhodes.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) rhodesver = $1 end end File.open("lib/framework/version.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) frameworkver = $1 end end puts "Versions:" #puts " Generator: " + genver puts " iPhone: " + iphonever #puts " WinMo: " + wmver puts " Android: " + androidver puts " Gem: " + gemver puts " Rhodes: " + rhodesver puts " Framework: " + frameworkver end #desc "Set version" task :set_version, [:version] do |t,args| throw "You must pass in version" if args.version.nil? ver = args.version.split(/\./) major = ver[0] minor = ver[1] build = ver[2] throw "Invalid version format. Must be in the format of: major.minor.build" if major.nil? or minor.nil? or build.nil? verstring = major+"."+minor+"."+build origfile = "" # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","w") do |f| # f.write origfile.gsub(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, "version: #{verstring}") # end File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","w") do |f| f.write origfile.gsub(/CFBundleVersion<\/key>(\s+)(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)<\/string>/, "CFBundleVersion\n\t#{verstring}") end File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","w") do |f| origfile.match(/versionCode="(\d+)"/) vercode = $1.to_i + 1 origfile.gsub!(/versionCode="(\d+)"/,"versionCode=\"#{vercode}\"") origfile.gsub!(/versionName="(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)"/,"versionName=\"#{verstring}\"") f.write origfile end ["lib/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/version.rb"].each do |versionfile| File.open(versionfile,"r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open(versionfile,"w") do |f| origfile.gsub!(/^(\s*VERSION) = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/, '\1 = \''+ verstring + "'") f.write origfile end end Rake::Task[:get_version].invoke end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "buildall" do namespace "bb" do # desc "Build all jdk versions for blackberry" task :production => "config:common" do $config["env"]["paths"].each do |k,v| if k.to_s =~ /^4/ puts "BUILDING VERSION: #{k}" $app_config["bbver"] = k # Jake.reconfig($config) #reset all tasks used for building Rake::Task["config:bb"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rhodes"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rubyvm"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:dev"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:dev"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rhodes"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rubyvm"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["clean:bb:preverified"].reenable Rake::Task["clean:bb:preverified"].invoke Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].invoke end end end end end task :gem do puts "Removing old gem" rm_rf Dir.glob("rhodes*.gem") puts "Copying Rakefile" cp "Rakefile", "rakefile.rb" puts "Building manifest" out = "" Dir.glob("**/*") do |fname| # TODO: create exclusion list next unless File.file? fname next if fname =~ /rhoconnect-client/ next if fname =~ /^spec\/api_generator_spec/ next if fname =~ /ruby-standalone/ out << fname + "\n" end File.open("Manifest.txt",'w') {|f| f.write(out)} puts "Building gem" Jake.run3('gem build rhodes.gemspec') end namespace "rhomobile-debug" do task :gem do puts "Removing old gem" rm_rf Dir.glob("rhomobile-debug*.gem") rm_rf "rhomobile-debug" mkdir_p "rhomobile-debug" mkdir_p "rhomobile-debug/lib" cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/debugger.rb', "rhomobile-debug/lib", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/README.md', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/LICENSE', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/CHANGELOG', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'rhomobile-debug.gemspec', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true startdir = pwd chdir 'rhomobile-debug' puts "Building gem" Jake.run3('gem build rhomobile-debug.gemspec') Dir.glob("rhomobile-debug*.gem").each do |f| cp f, startdir, :preserve => true end chdir startdir rm_rf "rhomobile-debug" end end task :tasks do Rake::Task.tasks.each {|t| puts t.to_s.ljust(27) + "# " + t.comment.to_s} end task :switch_app do puts "Preparing rhobuild.yml" rhobuildyml = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/rhobuild.yml" if File.exists? rhobuildyml config = YAML::load_file(rhobuildyml) else puts "Cant find rhobuild.yml" exit 1 end config["env"]["app"] = $app_path.gsub(/\\/,"/") File.open( rhobuildyml, 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( config, out ) end end #Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd| #RDoc::Task.new do |rd| # rd.main = "README.textile" # rd.rdoc_files.include("README.textile", "lib/framework/**/*.rb") #end #Rake::Task["rdoc"].comment=nil #Rake::Task["rerdoc"].comment=nil #task :rdocpush => :rdoc do # puts "Pushing RDOC. This may take a while" # `scp -r html/* dev@dev.rhomobile.com:dev.rhomobile.com/rhodes/` #end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "build" do # desc "Build rhoconnect-client package" task :rhoruby => ["config:load"] do msbuild = $config["env"]["paths"]["msbuild"] msbuild = "msbuild" if msbuild.nil? rho_ruby_project = File.join($startdir, "platform/win32/RubyWin/RubyWin.2015.sln") argsClean = [rho_ruby_project, "/p:Configuration=Release_RubyCompiler", "/p:Platform=Win32", '/p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0', '/t:Clean'] Jake.run(msbuild, argsClean) argsBuild = [rho_ruby_project, "/p:Configuration=Release_RubyCompiler", "/p:Platform=Win32", '/p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0', '/t:Build'] Jake.run(msbuild, argsBuild) puts "RhoRuby rebuilded" end task :rhoconnect_client do ver = File.read("rhoconnect-client/version").chomp #.gsub(".", "_") zip_name = "rhoconnect-client-"+ver+".zip" bin_dir = "rhoconnect-client-bin" src_dir = bin_dir + "/rhoconnect-client-"+ver #"/src" shared_dir = src_dir + "/platform/shared" rm_rf bin_dir rm zip_name if File.exists? zip_name mkdir_p bin_dir mkdir_p src_dir cp_r 'rhoconnect-client', src_dir, :preserve => true mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/license", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/README.textile", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/version", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/changelog", src_dir Dir.glob(src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/**/*").each do |f| #puts f rm_rf f if f.index("/build/") || f.index(".DS_Store") end mkdir_p shared_dir Dir.glob("platform/shared/*").each do |f| next if f == "platform/shared/ruby" || f == "platform/shared/rubyext" || f == "platform/shared/xruby" || f == "platform/shared/shttpd" || f == "platform/shared/stlport" || f == "platform/shared/qt" #puts f cp_r f, shared_dir #, :preserve => true end startdir = pwd chdir bin_dir puts `zip -r #{File.join(startdir, zip_name)} *` chdir startdir rm_rf bin_dir end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "run" do task :rhoconnect_push_spec do require 'mspec' Dir.chdir( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'spec','server_spec')) MSpec.register_files [ 'rhoconnect_push_spec.rb' ] MSpec.process MSpec.exit_code end namespace :rhosimulator do task :build => ["config:common"] do RhoPackages.request 'rhosimulator' puts "rho_reload_app_changes : #{ENV['rho_reload_app_changes']}" $appname = $app_config["name"].nil? ? "Rhodes" : $app_config["name"] sim_conf = "rhodes_path='#{$startdir}'\r\n" sim_conf += "app_version='#{$app_config["version"]}'\r\n" sim_conf += "app_name='#{$appname}'\r\n" sim_conf += "rhodes_gem_version='#{ENV['rhodes_version']}'\r\n" if ( ENV['rho_reload_app_changes'] ) sim_conf += "reload_app_changes=#{ENV['rho_reload_app_changes']}\r\n" else sim_conf += "reload_app_changes=1\r\n" end if $config['debug'] sim_conf += "debug_port=#{$config['debug']['port']}\r\n" else sim_conf += "debug_port=\r\n" end if $config['debug'] && $config['debug']['host'] && $config['debug']['host'].length() > 0 sim_conf += "debug_host='#{$config['debug']['host']}'\r\n" else sim_conf += "debug_host=''\r\n" end sim_conf += $rhosim_config if $rhosim_config #check gem extensions config_ext_paths = "" extpaths = $app_config["extpaths"] extjsmodulefiles = [] extjsmodulefiles_opt = [] startJSModules = [] startJSModules_opt = [] endJSModules = [] rhoapi_js_folder = File.join( $app_path, "public/api" ) puts "rhoapi_js_folder: #{rhoapi_js_folder}" if USE_TRACES do_separate_js_modules = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("separate_js_modules", $app_config, false) # TODO: checker init gen_checker = GeneratorTimeChecker.new gen_checker.init($startdir, $app_path) $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname| extpath = nil extpaths.each do |p| ep = File.join(p, extname) if File.exists? ep extpath = ep break end end if extpath.nil? begin $rhodes_extensions = nil $rhodes_join_ext_name = false require extname if $rhodes_extensions extpath = $rhodes_extensions[0] if $rhodes_join_ext_name extpath = File.join(extpath,extname) end end config_ext_paths += "#{extpath};" if extpath && extpath.length() > 0 rescue Exception => e end else # if $config["platform"] != "bb" # extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") # next if File.file? extyml # end config_ext_paths += "#{extpath};" if extpath && extpath.length() > 0 end if extpath && extpath.length() > 0 extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") puts "extyml " + extyml if File.file? extyml extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) type = Jake.getBuildProp( "exttype", extconf ) xml_api_paths = extconf["xml_api_paths"] templates_path = File.join($startdir, "res", "generators", "templates") if xml_api_paths && type != "prebuilt" xml_api_paths = xml_api_paths.split(',') xml_api_paths.each do |xml_api| xml_path = File.join(extpath, xml_api.strip()) #TODO checker check if gen_checker.check(xml_path) # puts 'ruuuuuuuun generatooooooooooooor' cmd_line = "#{$startdir}/bin/rhogen api #{xml_path}" puts "cmd_line: #{cmd_line}" system "#{cmd_line}" end end end end # TODO: RhoSimulator should look for 'public' at all extension folders! unless rhoapi_js_folder.nil? Dir.glob(extpath + "/public/api/*.js").each do |f| fBaseName = File.basename(f) if (fBaseName.start_with?("rhoapi-native") ) endJSModules << f if fBaseName == "rhoapi-native.all.js" next end if (fBaseName == "rhoapi-force.ajax.js") add = Jake.getBuildBoolProp("ajax_api_bridge", $app_config, false) add = Jake.getBuildBoolProp2($current_platform, "ajax_api_bridge", $app_config, add) endJSModules << f if add next end if (fBaseName == "#{extname}-postDef.js") puts "add post-def module: #{f}" endJSModules << f end if f.downcase().end_with?("jquery-2.0.2-rho-custom.min.js") startJSModules.unshift(f) elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rhoapi.js") startJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rhonodejsapi.js") puts "ignore honodejsapi.js" elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.application.js") endJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.database.js") endJSModules << f elsif f.downcase().end_with?("rho.newormhelper.js") endJSModules << f #if $current_platform == "android" || $current_platform == "iphone" || $current_platform == "wm" elsif /(rho\.orm)|(rho\.ruby\.runtime)|(rho\.rhosim\.fix)/i.match(f.downcase()) puts "add #{f} to startJSModules_opt.." startJSModules_opt << f else extjsmodulefiles << f end end Dir.glob(extpath + "/public/api/generated/*.js").each do |f| if /(rho\.orm)|(rho\.ruby\.runtime)|(rho\.rhosim\.fix)/i.match(f.downcase()) puts "add #{f} to extjsmodulefiles_opt.." if USE_TRACES extjsmodulefiles_opt << f else puts "add #{f} to extjsmodulefiles.." if USE_TRACES extjsmodulefiles << f end end end end end #TODO: checker update gen_checker.update # deploy Common API JS implementation extjsmodulefiles = startJSModules.concat( extjsmodulefiles ) extjsmodulefiles = extjsmodulefiles.concat(endJSModules) extjsmodulefiles_opt = startJSModules_opt.concat( extjsmodulefiles_opt ) # if extjsmodulefiles.count > 0 || extjsmodulefiles_opt.count > 0 rm_rf rhoapi_js_folder if Dir.exist?(rhoapi_js_folder) mkdir_p rhoapi_js_folder end # if extjsmodulefiles.count > 0 puts "extjsmodulefiles: #{extjsmodulefiles}" if USE_TRACES write_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, "rhoapi-modules.js", extjsmodulefiles, do_separate_js_modules) end # if extjsmodulefiles_opt.count > 0 puts "extjsmodulefiles_opt: #{extjsmodulefiles_opt}" if USE_TRACES #write_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, "rhoapi-modules-ORM.js", extjsmodulefiles_opt, do_separate_js_modules) write_orm_modules_js(rhoapi_js_folder, extjsmodulefiles_opt) end sim_conf += "ext_path=#{config_ext_paths}\r\n" if config_ext_paths && config_ext_paths.length() > 0 security_token = $app_config["security_token"] sim_conf += "security_token=#{security_token}\r\n" if !security_token.nil? fdir = File.join($app_path, 'rhosimulator') mkdir fdir unless File.exist?(fdir) Jake.get_config_override_params.each do |key, value| if key != 'start_path' puts "Override '#{key}' is not supported." next end sim_conf += "#{key}=#{value}\r\n" end if !(sim_conf.include? "platform=") || (sim_conf.include? "platform='UNKNOWN'") sim_conf += "platform=#{RUBY_PLATFORM}\r\n" end fname = File.join(fdir, 'rhosimconfig.txt') File.open(fname, "wb") do |fconf| fconf.write( sim_conf ) end end task :run, [:wait] => ["config:common"] do |t, args| wait = args[:wait] == 'wait' RhoPackages.request 'rhosimulator' if $js_application args = ["-jsapproot='#{$app_path}'", "-rhodespath='#{$startdir}'"] else args = ["-approot='#{$app_path}'", "-rhodespath='#{$startdir}'"] end args << "-security_token=#{ENV['security_token']}" if !ENV['security_token'].nil? path = '' cmd = '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 path = File.join( $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'], "rhosimulator.exe" ) else path = File.join( $startdir, "platform/win32/RhoSimulator/rhosimulator.exe" ) end oldDir = File.join( $startdir, "platform/win32/RhoSimulator" ) newDir = oldDir #newDir = File.join( $startdir, "platform/win32/RhoSimulatorRunnable" ) #rm_rf newDir if Dir.exist?(newDir) #FileUtils.mkpath newDir #cp_r File.join(oldDir, "."), newDir qtdir = ENV['QTDIR'] #if !qtdir.nil? #cp File.join(qtdir, "bin/Qt5Core.dll"), newDir args << "-remote-debugging-port=9090" #end #Jake.run "taskkill /f /im RhoSimulator.exe" cmd = File.join(newDir, 'rhosimulator.exe') elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 path = File.join( $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'], "RhoSimulator.app" ) else path = File.join( $startdir, "platform/osx/bin/RhoSimulator/RhoSimulator.app" ) end cmd = 'open' args.unshift(path, '--args') args.unshift('-W') if wait else args << ">/dev/null" args << "2>/dev/null" end if !File.exists?(path) puts "Cannot find RhoSimulator: '#{path}' does not exists" puts "Check sdk path in build.yml - it should point to latest rhodes (run 'set-rhodes-sdk' in application folder) OR" if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 puts "Check 'env:paths:rhosimulator' path in '/rhobuild.yml' OR" end puts "Install Rhodes gem OR" puts "Install RhoSimulator and modify 'env:paths:rhosimulator' section in '/rhobuild.yml'" exit 1 end puts 'start rhosimulator' xwait = false # waiting on Mac OS X is controlled other way. Examine this task. xwait = wait if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ Jake.run2 cmd, args, {:nowait => !xwait} end end #desc "Run application on RhoSimulator" task :rhosimulator => ["run:rhosimulator:build", "run:rhosimulator:run"] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "wm_gem" do namespace "build" do task :printing_service do printing_service_target = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'libs', 'printing-service') rm_r printing_service_target if File.exists?(printing_service_target) mkdir_p printing_service_target Rake::Task['printing:build:all'].invoke(printing_service_target) end task :config do puts "Configure build" buildyml = "rhoelements.yml" $config = Jake.config(File.open(buildyml)) $cabwiz = $config["env"]["paths"]["cabwiz"] $cabwiz = "" if $cabwiz.nil? $cabwiz = File.join($cabwiz, "cabwiz.exe") $devenv = $config["env"]["paths"]["devenv"] $devenv = "devenv.exe" if $devenv.nil? $vcbuild = $config["env"]["paths"]["vcbuild"] $vcbuild = "vcbuild" if $vcbuild.nil? raise "VCBUILD is not set" if $vcbuild.nil? $sdk = $config["sdk"] raise "SDK is not set" if $sdk.nil? $app_config = Hash.new $app_config["capabilities"] = $config["capabilities"] make_application_build_capabilities_header_file $startdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) #ENV['RHO_ROOT'] = File.expand_path("../rhodes") #puts "RHO_ROOT - " + ENV['RHO_ROOT'].to_s puts "$startdir - " + $startdir $neon_root = $config["env"]["paths"]["neon"] unless $config["env"]["paths"]["neon"].nil? $rhoelementsext_main_dir = File.join($startdir, 'extensions/rhoelementsext/ext') $rhoelementsext_wm_dir = File.join($rhoelementsext_main_dir, "rhoelementsext/platform/wm") $re_version = $config['version'] end namespace 'wm' do task :copy_webkit => ["wm_gem:build:config"] do chdir File.dirname(__FILE__) dest_dir = "./libs/data" mkdir_p dest_dir src_dir = File.join($startdir, "neon/R2D1/Build" ) cp_r File.join(src_dir, "Config"), dest_dir, :preserve => true cp_r File.join(src_dir, "Windows/NPAPI"), dest_dir, :preserve => true cp_r File.join(src_dir, "Windows/Plugins"), File.join(dest_dir, 'Plugin'), :preserve => true Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "Windows/Binaries/*.*")).each { |f| cp_r f, dest_dir } Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "Windows/WebKit/*.*")).each { |f| cp_r f, dest_dir } chdir File.dirname(__FILE__) chmod_R 0777, "./libs/data" end end end end namespace "build" do task :set_neon, :neon_dir do |t, args| Jake.edit_yml(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rhoelements.yml')) do |yml| yml['env']['paths']['neon'] = args[:neon_dir] end end task :rhosimulator do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ Rake::Task["build:win32:rhosimulator"].invoke elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ Rake::Task["build:osx:rhosimulator"].invoke elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ Rake::Task["build:linux:rhosimulator"].invoke else puts "Sorry, at this time RhoSimulator can be built for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux only" exit 1 end end task :rhosimulator_version do $rhodes_version = File.read(File.join($startdir,'version')).chomp File.open(File.join($startdir, 'platform/shared/qt/rhodes/RhoSimulatorVersion.h'), "wb") do |fversion| fversion.write( "#define RHOSIMULATOR_VERSION \"#{$rhodes_version}\"\n" ) end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace :run do desc "start rholog(webrick) server" task :webrickrhologserver, :app_path do |t, args| require 'webrick' puts "Args were: #{args}" $app_path = args[:app_path] Rake::Task["config:wm"].invoke $rhologserver = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :Port => $rhologhostport puts "LOCAL SERVER STARTED ON #{$rhologhostaddr}:#{$rhologhostport}" started = File.open($app_path + "/started", "w+") started.close #write host and port 4 log server $rhologfile = File.open(getLogPath, "w+") $rhologserver.mount_proc '/' do |req,res| if ( req.body == "RHOLOG_GET_APP_NAME" ) res.status = 200 res.chunked = true res.body = $app_path elsif ( req.body == "RHOLOG_CLOSE" ) res.status = 200 res.chunked = true res.body = "" $rhologserver.shutdown else $rhologfile.puts req.body $rhologfile.flush res.status = 200 res.chunked = true res.body = "" end end ['INT', 'TERM'].each {|signal| trap(signal) {$rhologserver.shutdown} } $rhologserver.start $rhologfile.close end end namespace :dev do namespace :genenerate do desc "Regenerate all extensions in search paths" task :extensions => ["config:common"] do puts $app_config["extpaths"].join(', ') ($app_config["extpaths"] - [$app_path]).each do |path| puts "Search path #{path}" xmls = Dir.glob(File.join(path,'**','*.xml')) exts = xmls.reject{|f| !File.exists?(File.join(File.split(f)[0],'..','ext.yml'))} exts.each do |ext| puts "Processing #{ext}" result = Jake.run2('"'+File.join($startdir,'bin','rhogen')+'"',['api',"\"#{ext}\""],{:hide_output=>true}) if $?.exitstatus != 0 puts result.red fail "probem with extension #{ext}" end end end end end end namespace :config do namespace :common do task :ymlsetup do #Setting build.yml configs in rhoconfig.txt for cloud File.open("#{$app_path}/rhoconfig.txt", "a") do |f| f << "\n\n# Settings for cloud from build.yml\n" $application_build_configs.each do |k,v| f << "#{k}=\"#{v}\"\n" end f << "\n" end end end end $running_time = [] module Rake class Task alias :old_invoke :invoke def invoke(*args) start_time = Time.now old_invoke(*args) end_time = Time.now $running_time << [@name, ((end_time.to_f - start_time.to_f)*1000).to_i] end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ at_exit do BuildOutput.note(RequiredTime.generate_benchmark_report,"Reqire loading time") if RequiredTime.hooked? BuildOutput.note($running_time.map {|task| "Task '#{task[0]}' - #{task[1]} ms" }, "Task exicution time") if $task_execution_time print BuildOutput.getLogText end