#include "pdfium.h" #include #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Image class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Document-class: PDFium::Image * * A Image can represent either a Page that * has been rendered to a Image via {PDFium::Page#as_image} * * Or an embedded image on a {PDFium::Page}, obtained via {PDFium::Page#images} */ static void image_gc_free(ImageWrapper *img) { delete img; } static VALUE image_allocate(VALUE klass) { auto img = new ImageWrapper; return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, image_gc_free, img ); } /* * call-seq: * Image.new -> Image * * Initializes an image */ VALUE image_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self){ VALUE rb_page, rb_options; rb_scan_args(argc,argv,"1:", &rb_page, &rb_options); ImageWrapper *img; Data_Get_Struct(self, ImageWrapper, img); PageWrapper *pg; Data_Get_Struct(rb_page, PageWrapper, pg); img->wrap(pg); if (NIL_P(rb_options)){ rb_options=rb_hash_new(); } VALUE rb_width = RB::get_option(rb_options, "width"); if (!NIL_P(rb_width)){ rb_iv_set(self, "@width", rb_width); } VALUE rb_height = RB::get_option(rb_options, "height"); if (!NIL_P(rb_height)){ rb_iv_set(self, "@height", rb_height); } VALUE rb_bounds = RB::get_option(rb_options, "bounds"); VALUE rb_page_index = RB::get_option(rb_options, "index"); if (!NIL_P(rb_page_index)){ rb_iv_set(self, "@index", rb_page_index); } VALUE pg_object_index = RB::get_option(rb_options, "object_index"); if (NIL_P(rb_bounds) && NIL_P(pg_object_index)){ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":bounds or :object_index must be given"); } if (!NIL_P(pg_object_index)){ img->page_object_index = FIX2INT(pg_object_index); } if (NIL_P(rb_bounds)){ CPDF_ImageObject *image = (CPDF_ImageObject*)pg-> page()->GetObjectByIndex(img->page_object_index); VALUE bounds_args[4]; bounds_args[0] = rb_float_new( 0 ); bounds_args[1] = rb_float_new( image->m_pImage->GetPixelWidth() ); bounds_args[2] = rb_float_new( 0 ); bounds_args[3] = rb_float_new( image->m_pImage->GetPixelHeight() ); rb_bounds = rb_class_new_instance( 4, bounds_args, RB::BoundingBox() ); if (NIL_P(rb_height)){ rb_iv_set(self, "@height", INT2FIX(image->m_pImage->GetPixelHeight()) ); } if (NIL_P(rb_width)){ rb_iv_set(self, "@width", INT2FIX(image->m_pImage->GetPixelWidth()) ); } } rb_iv_set(self, "@bounds", rb_bounds); return Qnil; } FIBITMAP* render_page(CPDF_Page *page, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format, int width, int height){ // Create bitmap. width, height, alpha 1=enabled,0=disabled FPDF_BITMAP bitmap = FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(width, height, FPDFBitmap_BGR, NULL, 0); // fill all pixels with white for the background color FPDFBitmap_FillRect(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, 0xFFFFFFFF); // Render a page to a bitmap in RGBA format // args are: *buffer, page, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotation, and flags // flags are: // 0 for normal display, or combination of flags defined below // 0x01 Set if annotations are to be rendered // 0x02 Set if using text rendering optimized for LCD display // 0x04 Set if you don't want to use GDI+ FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(bitmap, page, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); // The stride holds the width of one row in bytes. It may not be an exact // multiple of the pixel width because the data may be packed to always end on a byte boundary int stride = FPDFBitmap_GetStride(bitmap); // Safety checks to make sure that the bitmap // is properly sized and can be safely manipulated if (stride < 0){ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap); return NULL; } if (width > INT_MAX / height){ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap); return NULL; } int out_len = stride * height; if (out_len > INT_MAX / 3){ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap); return NULL; } FIBITMAP *image = FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits((BYTE*)FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(bitmap), width, height, stride, 24, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, true); if ( FIF_GIF == format ){ FIBITMAP *gif = FreeImage_ColorQuantize(image, FIQ_WUQUANT); FreeImage_Unload(image); return gif; } else { return image; } } FIBITMAP* render_image(ImageWrapper *image_wrapper, int index, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format, int width, int height){ CPDF_Page *page = image_wrapper->page_wrapper->page(); CPDF_ImageObject *image_obj = static_cast(page->GetObjectByIndex(index)); CFX_DIBSource *dib = image_obj->m_pImage->LoadDIBSource(); FIBITMAP *bmp = FreeImage_Allocate(dib->GetWidth(), dib->GetHeight(), dib->GetBPP()); unsigned int byte_width = dib->GetWidth() * (dib->GetBPP()/8); for (int row=0; row < dib->GetHeight(); row++ ){ auto dest_row = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bmp,dib->GetHeight()-row-1); std::memcpy(dest_row, dib->GetScanline(row), byte_width ); } return bmp; } FIBITMAP* render_to_bitmap(VALUE self, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format){ int width = 0; int height = 0; VALUE rb_width = rb_iv_get(self, "@width"); if (T_FIXNUM == TYPE(rb_width)){ width = FIX2INT(rb_width); } VALUE rb_height = rb_iv_get(self, "@height"); if (T_FIXNUM == TYPE(rb_height)){ height = FIX2INT(rb_height); } // we must have at least one of width or height if (!width && !height){ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Both height and width must be set to a number"); } ImageWrapper *img; Data_Get_Struct(self, ImageWrapper, img); if (-1 == img->page_object_index){ CPDF_Page *page = img->page_wrapper->page(); return render_page(page, format, width, height); } else { return render_image(img, img->page_object_index, format, width, height); } } /* * call-seq: * as_science -> ImageScience instance * * Converts to an ImageScience bitmap and returns it. * The ImageScience (https://github.com/seattlerb/image_science) library * must be installed and required before calling this method or * a NameError: uninitialized constant ImageScience exception will be raised. === Example pdf = PDFium::Document.new( "test.pdf" ) page = pdf.pages.first page.images.each do | image | image.as_science.cropped_thumbnail 100 do |thumb| thumb.save "image-#{image.index}-cropped.png" end end */ VALUE image_as_science(VALUE self){ VALUE RBImageScience = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ImageScience")); FIBITMAP *image = render_to_bitmap(self, FIF_BMP); VALUE instance = Data_Wrap_Struct(RBImageScience, NULL, NULL, image); rb_iv_set(instance, "@file_type", INT2FIX(FIF_BMP)); return instance; } /* call-seq: save( file ) Save image to a file @param file [String, Pathname] path to file to save image to @return [Boolean] indicating success or failure */ VALUE image_save(VALUE self, VALUE rb_file){ // figure out the desired format from the file extension const char* file = StringValuePtr(rb_file); FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(file); if((format == FIF_UNKNOWN) || !FreeImage_FIFSupportsWriting(format)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unable to write to a image of that type"); } FIBITMAP *image = render_to_bitmap(self, format); bool success = FreeImage_Save(format, image, file, 0); // unload the image FreeImage_Unload(image); return success ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* call-seq: data(:format) @param format [symbol] any file extension recogized by FreeImage. @return String containing binary data for the image in the specified format. Used in conjuction with Document.from_memory this can render be used to render a PDF's pages completely in memory. === Example rendering a PDF to AWS without hitting disk # Assuming AWS::S3 is already authorized elsewhere bucket = AWS::S3.new.buckets['my-pdfs'] pdf = PDFium::Document.from_memory bucket.objects['secrets.pdf'].read pdf.pages.each do | page | path = "secrets/page-#{page.number}.jpg" bucket.objects[path].write page.as_image(height: 1000).data(:jpg) page.images.each do | image | path = "secrets/page-#{page.number}-image-#{image.index}.png" bucket.objects[path].write image.data(:png) end end */ static VALUE image_data(VALUE self, VALUE rb_format) { VALUE path = RB::to_s(rb_format); const char* type = StringValuePtr(path); FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(type); if((format == FIF_UNKNOWN) || !FreeImage_FIFSupportsWriting(format)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unable to write to a image of that type"); } FIBITMAP *image = render_to_bitmap(self, format); FIMEMORY *mem = FreeImage_OpenMemory(); //mem_buffer, buf.st_size); bool success = FreeImage_SaveToMemory(format, image, mem, 0); if (!success){ FreeImage_Unload(image); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unable to save image to memory buffer"); } long size = FreeImage_TellMemory(mem); char *buffer = ALLOC_N(char, size); FreeImage_SeekMemory(mem, 0L, SEEK_SET); FreeImage_ReadMemory(buffer, size, 1, mem); FreeImage_Unload(image); FreeImage_CloseMemory(mem); VALUE ret = rb_str_new(buffer, size); xfree(buffer); return ret; } void define_image_class(){ VALUE PDFium = RB::PDFium(); VALUE RB_Image = rb_define_class_under(PDFium, "Image", rb_cObject); rb_define_alloc_func(RB_Image, image_allocate); rb_define_private_method (RB_Image, "initialize", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(image_initialize), -1); /* Returns the bouding box of the image as a {PDFium::BoundingBox} */ rb_define_attr( RB_Image, "bounds", 1, 0 ); /* Returns the index of the image on the page. * Note: The index method is only provided as a convience method. * It has no relation to the position of images on the page. * Do not depend on the top-left image being index 0, even if it often is. */ rb_define_attr( RB_Image, "index", 1, 0 ); /* Height of the image in pixels (Fixnum) */ rb_define_attr( RB_Image, "height", 1, 1 ); /* Width of the image in pixels (Fixnum) */ rb_define_attr( RB_Image, "width", 1, 1 ); rb_define_method( RB_Image, "save", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(image_save), 1); rb_define_method( RB_Image, "data", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(image_data), 1); rb_define_method( RB_Image, "as_science", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(image_as_science),0); }