# encoding: utf-8 module RuboCop module Cop # This module contains a collection of useful utility methods. module Util include PathUtil extend AST::Sexp PROC_NEW_NODE = s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Proc), :new) EQUALS_ASGN_NODES = [:lvasgn, :ivasgn, :cvasgn, :gvasgn, :casgn, :masgn] SHORTHAND_ASGN_NODES = [:op_asgn, :or_asgn, :and_asgn] ASGN_NODES = EQUALS_ASGN_NODES + SHORTHAND_ASGN_NODES # http://phrogz.net/programmingruby/language.html#table_18.4 # Backtick is added last just to help editors parse this code. OPERATOR_METHODS = %w( | ^ & <=> == === =~ > >= < <= << >> + - * / % ** ~ +@ -@ [] []= ! != !~ ).map(&:to_sym) + [:'`'] module_function def operator?(symbol) OPERATOR_METHODS.include?(symbol) end def strip_quotes(str) if str[0] == '"' || str[0] == "'" str[0] = '' str[-1] = '' else # we're dealing with %q or %Q str[0, 3] = '' str[-1] = '' end str end def block_length(block_node) block_node.loc.end.line - block_node.loc.begin.line end def comment_line?(line_source) line_source =~ /^\s*#/ end def line_range(arg) source_range = case arg when Parser::Source::Range arg when Parser::AST::Node arg.loc.expression else fail ArgumentError, "Invalid argument #{arg}" end source_range.begin.line..source_range.end.line end def const_name(node) return nil if node.nil? || node.type != :const const_names = [] const_node = node loop do namespace_node, name = *const_node const_names << name break unless namespace_node break unless namespace_node.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) break if namespace_node.type == :cbase const_node = namespace_node end const_names.reverse.join('::') end def command?(name, node) return unless node.type == :send receiver, method_name, _args = *node # commands have no explicit receiver !receiver && method_name == name end def lambda?(node) fail 'Not a block node' unless node.type == :block send_node, _block_args, _block_body = *node command?(:lambda, send_node) end def proc?(node) fail 'Not a block node' unless node.type == :block send_node, _block_args, _block_body = *node command?(:proc, send_node) || send_node == PROC_NEW_NODE end def lambda_or_proc?(node) lambda?(node) || proc?(node) end def parentheses?(node) node.loc.respond_to?(:end) && node.loc.end end def on_node(syms, sexp, excludes = []) yield sexp if Array(syms).include?(sexp.type) return if Array(excludes).include?(sexp.type) sexp.children.each do |elem| next unless elem.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) on_node(syms, elem, excludes) { |s| yield s } end end def source_range(source_buffer, line_number, column, length = 1) if column.is_a?(Range) column_index = column.begin length = numeric_range_size(column) else column_index = column end preceding_line_numbers = (1...line_number) line_begin_pos = preceding_line_numbers.reduce(0) do |pos, line| pos + source_buffer.source_line(line).length + 1 end begin_pos = line_begin_pos + column_index end_pos = begin_pos + length Parser::Source::Range.new(source_buffer, begin_pos, end_pos) end def range_with_surrounding_space(range, side = :both) src = @processed_source.buffer.source go_left = side == :left || side == :both go_right = side == :right || side == :both begin_pos = range.begin_pos begin_pos -= 1 while go_left && src[begin_pos - 1] =~ /[ \t]/ end_pos = range.end_pos end_pos += 1 while go_right && src[end_pos] =~ /[ \t]/ end_pos += 1 if go_right && src[end_pos] == "\n" Parser::Source::Range.new(@processed_source.buffer, begin_pos, end_pos) end def begins_its_line?(range) source_before_end = range.source_buffer.source[0...range.begin_pos] source_before_end =~ /\n\s*\Z/ end # Returns, for example, a bare `if` node if the given node is an `if` # with calls chained to the end of it. def first_part_of_call_chain(node) while node case node.type when :send receiver, _method_name, _args = *node node = receiver when :block method, _args, _body = *node node = method else break end end node end # Range#size is not avaialable prior to Ruby 2.0. def numeric_range_size(range) size = range.end - range.begin size += 1 unless range.exclude_end? size = 0 if size < 0 size end end end end