module Bookshelf module Parser class HTML < Base # List of directories that should be skipped. # IGNORE_DIR = %w[. .. .svn] # Files that should be skipped. # IGNORE_FILES = /^(TOC)\..*?$/ # List of recognized extensions. # EXTENSIONS = %w[md mkdn markdown textile html] class << self # The footnote index control. We have to manipulate footnotes # because each chapter starts from 1, so we have duplicated references. # attr_accessor :footnote_index end # Parse all files and save the parsed content # to output/book_name.html. # def parse reset_footnote_index!"output/#{name}.html"), "w") do |file| file << parse_layout(content) end true # rescue Exception # false end def reset_footnote_index! self.class.footnote_index = 1 end # Return all chapters wrapped in a div.chapter tag. # def content do |chapters| entries.each do |entry| files = chapter_files(entry) # no markup files, so skip to the next one! next if files.empty? chapters << %[
] end end end # Return a list of all recognized files. # def entries Dir.entries(book_dir).sort.inject([]) do |buffer, entry| buffer << book_dir.join(entry) if valid_entry?(entry) buffer end end private def chapter_files(entry) # Chapters can be files outside a directory. if File.file?(entry) [entry] else Dir.glob("#{entry}/**/*.{#{EXTENSIONS.join(",")}}").sort end end # Check if path is a valid entry. # Files/directories that start with a dot or underscore will be skipped. # def valid_entry?(entry) entry !~ /^(\.|_)/ && (valid_directory?(entry) || valid_file?(entry)) end # Check if path is a valid directory. # def valid_directory?(entry) && !IGNORE_DIR.include?(File.basename(entry)) end # Check if path is a valid file. # def valid_file?(entry) ext = File.extname(entry).gsub(/\./, "").downcase File.file?(book_dir.join(entry)) && EXTENSIONS.include?(ext) && entry !~ IGNORE_FILES end # Render +file+ considering its extension. # def render_file(file, plain_syntax = false) file_format = format(file) content = Bookshelf::Syntax.render(book_dir, file_format,, plain_syntax) content = case file_format when :markdown Markdown.to_html(content) when :textile RedCloth.convert(content) else content end render_footnotes(content, plain_syntax) end def render_footnotes(content, plain_syntax = false) html = Nokogiri::HTML(content) footnotes = html.css("p[id^='fn']") return content if footnotes.empty? reset_footnote_index! unless self.class.footnote_index footnotes.each do |fn| index = self.class.footnote_index actual_index = fn["id"].gsub(/[^\d]/, "") fn.set_attribute("id", "_fn#{index}") html.css("a[href='#fn#{actual_index}']").each do |link| link.set_attribute("href", "#_fn#{index}") end html.css("a[href='#fnr#{actual_index}']").each do |link| link.set_attribute("href", "#_fnr#{index}") end html.css("[id=fnr#{actual_index}]").each do |tag| tag.set_attribute("id", "_fnr#{index}") end self.class.footnote_index += 1 end html.css("body").inner_html end def format(file) case File.extname(file).downcase when ".markdown", ".mkdn", ".md" :markdown when ".textile" :textile else :html end end # Parse layout file, making available all configuration entries. # def parse_layout(html) toc = TOC::HTML.generate(html) locals = config.merge({ :content => toc.content, :toc => toc.to_html }) render_template(Bookshelf.root_dir.join("templates/html/layout.erb"), locals) end # Render all +files+ from a given chapter. # def render_chapter(files, plain_syntax = false) do |chapter| files.each do |file| chapter << render_file(file, plain_syntax) << "\n\n" end end end end end end