require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper') describe Sequel::Schema::Generator do before do @generator = do string :title column :body, :text foreign_key :parent_id primary_key :id check 'price > 100' constraint(:xxx) {{:yyy => :zzz}} index :title index [:title, :body], :unique => true foreign_key :node_id, :nodes foreign_key :deferrable_node_id, :nodes, :deferrable => true primary_key [:title, :parent_id], :name => :cpk foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props, :name => :cfk end @columns, @indexes, @constraints = @generator.columns, @generator.indexes, @generator.constraints end it "should respond to everything" do @generator.respond_to?(:foo).must_equal true end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' it "should primary key column first" do @columns.first[:name].must_equal :id @columns.first[:primary_key].must_equal true @columns[3][:name].must_equal :parent_id @columns[3][:primary_key].must_equal nil end it "should respect existing column order if primary_key :keep_order is used" do generator = do string :title primary_key :id, :keep_order=>true end columns = generator.columns columns.last[:name].must_equal :id columns.last[:primary_key].must_equal true columns.first[:name].must_equal :title columns.first[:primary_key].must_equal nil end it "counts definitions correctly" do @columns.size.must_equal 6 @indexes.size.must_equal 2 @constraints.size.must_equal 4 end it "retrieves primary key name" do @generator.primary_key_name.must_equal :id end it "keeps columns in order" do @columns[1][:name].must_equal :title @columns[1][:type].must_equal :string @columns[2][:name].must_equal :body @columns[2][:type].must_equal :text end it "creates foreign key column" do @columns[3][:name].must_equal :parent_id @columns[3][:type].must_equal Integer @columns[4][:name].must_equal :node_id @columns[4][:type].must_equal Integer end it "creates deferrable altered foreign key column" do @columns[5][:name].must_equal :deferrable_node_id @columns[5][:type].must_equal Integer @columns[5][:deferrable].must_equal true end it "uses table for foreign key columns, if specified" do @columns[3][:table].must_equal nil @columns[4][:table].must_equal :nodes @constraints[3][:table].must_equal :nodes_props end it "finds columns" do [:title, :body, :parent_id, :id].each do |col| @generator.has_column?(col).must_equal true end @generator.has_column?(:foo).wont_equal true end it "creates constraints" do @constraints[0][:name].must_equal nil @constraints[0][:type].must_equal :check @constraints[0][:check].must_equal ['price > 100'] @constraints[1][:name].must_equal :xxx @constraints[1][:type].must_equal :check @constraints[1][:check].must_be_kind_of Proc @constraints[2][:name].must_equal :cpk @constraints[2][:type].must_equal :primary_key @constraints[2][:columns].must_equal [ :title, :parent_id ] @constraints[3][:name].must_equal :cfk @constraints[3][:type].must_equal :foreign_key @constraints[3][:columns].must_equal [ :node_id, :prop_id ] @constraints[3][:table].must_equal :nodes_props end it "creates indexes" do @indexes[0][:columns].must_include(:title) @indexes[1][:columns].must_include(:title) @indexes[1][:columns].must_include(:body) end end describe Sequel::Schema::AlterTableGenerator do before do @generator = do add_column :aaa, :text drop_column :bbb rename_column :ccc, :ho set_column_type :ddd, :float set_column_default :eee, 1 add_index [:fff, :ggg] drop_index :hhh drop_index :hhh, :name=>:blah_blah add_full_text_index :blah add_spatial_index :geom add_index :blah, :type => :hash add_index :blah, :where => {:something => true} add_constraint :con1, 'fred > 100' drop_constraint :con2 add_unique_constraint [:aaa, :bbb, :ccc], :name => :con3 add_primary_key :id add_foreign_key :node_id, :nodes add_primary_key [:aaa, :bbb] add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props add_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :nodes_props, :name => :fkey drop_foreign_key :node_id drop_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id] drop_foreign_key [:node_id, :prop_id], :name => :fkey end end it "should generate operation records" do @generator.operations.must_equal [ {:op => :add_column, :name => :aaa, :type => :text}, {:op => :drop_column, :name => :bbb}, {:op => :rename_column, :name => :ccc, :new_name => :ho}, {:op => :set_column_type, :name => :ddd, :type => :float}, {:op => :set_column_default, :name => :eee, :default => 1}, {:op => :add_index, :columns => [:fff, :ggg]}, {:op => :drop_index, :columns => [:hhh]}, {:op => :drop_index, :columns => [:hhh], :name=>:blah_blah}, {:op => :add_index, :columns => [:blah], :type => :full_text}, {:op => :add_index, :columns => [:geom], :type => :spatial}, {:op => :add_index, :columns => [:blah], :type => :hash}, {:op => :add_index, :columns => [:blah], :where => {:something => true}}, {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :check, :name => :con1, :check => ['fred > 100']}, {:op => :drop_constraint, :name => :con2}, {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :unique, :name => :con3, :columns => [:aaa, :bbb, :ccc]}, {:op => :add_column, :name => :id, :type => Integer, :primary_key=>true, :auto_increment=>true}, {:op => :add_column, :name => :node_id, :type => Integer, :table=>:nodes}, {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :primary_key, :columns => [:aaa, :bbb]}, {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :foreign_key, :columns => [:node_id, :prop_id], :table => :nodes_props}, {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :foreign_key, :columns => [:node_id, :prop_id], :table => :nodes_props, :name => :fkey}, {:op => :drop_constraint, :type => :foreign_key, :columns => [:node_id]}, {:op => :drop_column, :name => :node_id}, {:op => :drop_constraint, :type => :foreign_key, :columns => [:node_id, :prop_id]}, {:op => :drop_constraint, :type => :foreign_key, :columns => [:node_id, :prop_id], :name => :fkey}, ] end end describe "Sequel::Schema::Generator generic type methods" do it "should store the type class in :type for each column" do do String :a Integer :b Fixnum :c Bignum :d Float :e BigDecimal :f Date :g DateTime :h Time :i Numeric :j File :k TrueClass :l FalseClass :m{|c| c[:type]}.must_equal [String, Integer, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, BigDecimal, Date, DateTime, Time, Numeric, File, TrueClass, FalseClass] end end