# traversal.rb # require 'rgl/base' require 'rgl/graph_visitor' require 'rgl/graph_iterator' module RGL # File +traversal.rb+ defines the basic graph traversal algorithm for DFS and # BFS search. They are implemented as a {GraphIterator}, which is a +Stream+ # of vertices of a given graph. The streams are not reversable. # # Beside being an iterator in the sense of the Stream mixin, {BFSIterator} and # {DFSIterator} follow the # {https://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/visitor_concepts.html BGL Visitor # Concepts} in a slightly modified fashion (especially for the # {DFSIterator}). # # A {BFSIterator} can be used to traverse a graph from a given start vertex in # breath first search order. Since the iterator also mixins the {GraphVisitor}, # it provides all event points defined there. # # The vertices which are not yet visited are held in the queue +@waiting+. # During the traversal, vertices are *colored* using the colors :GRAY # (when waiting) and :BLACK when finished. All other vertices are :WHITE. # # For more see the BGL {BFS Visitor # Concept}[https://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/BFSVisitor.html]. # # See the implementation of {Graph#bfs_search_tree_from} for an example usage. # # @see Graph#bfs_iterator # @see Graph#bfs_search_tree_from class BFSIterator include GraphIterator include GraphVisitor # @return the vertex where the search starts attr_accessor :start_vertex # Create a new {BFSIterator} on _graph_, starting at vertex _start_. # def initialize(graph, start = graph.detect { |x| true }) super(graph) @start_vertex = start set_to_begin end # Returns true if +@color_map+ has only one entry (for the start vertex). # def at_beginning? @color_map.size == 1 end # Returns true if @waiting is empty. # def at_end? @waiting.empty? end # Reset the iterator to the initial state (i.e. at_beginning? == true). # def set_to_begin # Reset color_map @color_map = Hash.new(:WHITE) color_map[@start_vertex] = :GRAY @waiting = [@start_vertex] # a queue handle_tree_edge(nil, @start_vertex) # discovers start vertex self end # @private def basic_forward u = next_vertex handle_examine_vertex(u) graph.each_adjacent(u) do |v| handle_examine_edge(u, v) if follow_edge?(u, v) # (u,v) is a tree edge handle_tree_edge(u, v) # also discovers v color_map[v] = :GRAY # color of v was :WHITE @waiting.push(v) else # (u,v) is a non tree edge if color_map[v] == :GRAY handle_back_edge(u, v) # (u,v) has gray target else handle_forward_edge(u, v) # (u,v) has black target end end end color_map[u] = :BLACK handle_finish_vertex(u) # finish vertex u end protected def next_vertex # waiting is a queue @waiting.shift end end # class BFSIterator module Graph # @return [BFSIterator] starting at vertex _v_. def bfs_iterator(v = self.detect { |x| true }) BFSIterator.new(self, v) end # This method uses the +tree_edge_event+ of BFSIterator # to record all tree edges of the search tree in the result. # # @return [DirectedAdjacencyGraph] which represents a BFS search tree starting at _v_. def bfs_search_tree_from(v) require 'rgl/adjacency' bfs = bfs_iterator(v) tree = DirectedAdjacencyGraph.new bfs.set_tree_edge_event_handler do |from, to| tree.add_edge(from, to) end bfs.set_to_end # does the search tree end end # module Graph # Iterator for a depth first search, starting at a given vertex. The only # difference from {BFSIterator} is that +@waiting+ is a stack, instead of a queue. # # Note that this is different from {DFSVisitor}, which is used in the recursive # version for depth first search (see {Graph#depth_first_search}). # # @see Graph#dfs_iterator class DFSIterator < BFSIterator def next_vertex # waiting is a stack @waiting.pop end end # class DFSIterator # A DFSVisitor is needed by the {Graph#depth_first_search} and # {Graph#depth_first_visit} methods of a graph. Besides the eventpoints of # {GraphVisitor}, it provides an additional eventpoint +start_vertex+, which is # called when a +depth_first_search+ starts a new subtree of the depth first # forest that is defined by the search. # # @see DFSIterator class DFSVisitor include GraphVisitor def_event_handler 'start_vertex' end # class DFSVisitor module Graph # @return [DFSIterator] staring at vertex _v_. def dfs_iterator(v = self.detect { |x| true }) DFSIterator.new(self, v) end # Do a recursive DFS search on the whole graph. If a block is passed, it is # called on each +finish_vertex+ event. See {Graph#strongly_connected_components} # for an example usage. # # Note that this traversal does not garantee, that roots are at the top of # each spanning subtree induced by the DFS search on a directed graph (see # also the discussion in issue #20[https://github.com/monora/rgl/issues/20]). # @see DFSVisitor def depth_first_search(vis = DFSVisitor.new(self), &b) each_vertex do |u| unless vis.finished_vertex?(u) vis.handle_start_vertex(u) depth_first_visit(u, vis, &b) end end end # Start a depth first search at vertex _u_. The block _b_ is called on # each +finish_vertex+ event. # @see DFSVisitor def depth_first_visit(u, vis = DFSVisitor.new(self), &b) vis.color_map[u] = :GRAY vis.handle_examine_vertex(u) each_adjacent(u) do |v| vis.handle_examine_edge(u, v) if vis.follow_edge?(u, v) # (u,v) is a tree edge vis.handle_tree_edge(u, v) # also discovers v # color of v was :WHITE. Will be marked :GRAY in recursion depth_first_visit(v, vis, &b) else # (u,v) is a non tree edge if vis.color_map[v] == :GRAY vis.handle_back_edge(u, v) # (u,v) has gray target else vis.handle_forward_edge(u, v) # (u,v) is a cross or forward edge end end end vis.color_map[u] = :BLACK vis.handle_finish_vertex(u) # finish vertex b.call(u) end end # module Graph end # module RGL