require 'git' require 'json' require 'fileutils' require 'logger' require 'canzea/config' # canzea --lifecycle=wire --solution=gogs --action=push-content --args='{"file":"metadata.json","path":"test/a/metadata.json", "comment":"V1.0"}' # canzea --util=push-config git@ "Latest Input" --args='{"files":[{"file":"metadata.json","path":"test/a/metadata.json"}]}' # "Test", "nr-global.flow", "new content and more and more" # "Another bit of file", "nr-global.flow", "node-red/nr-global.flow" class PushConfig def initialize (_relPath = "instances/#{ENV['HOSTNAME']}/") @relPath = _relPath @log =[:logging_root] + '/plans.log') end def cat(filePath) write filePath, end def cp(filePath, destPath) if Dir.foreach(filePath) { |x| if x == '.' or x == '..' or x.start_with?('.') else if"#{filePath}/#{x}") cp "#{filePath}/#{x}", "#{destPath}/#{x}" else write "#{destPath}/#{x}","#{filePath}/#{x}") end end } else write destPath, end end def backupAndRemove(filePath) backup(filePath) rm(filePath) end def backup(filePath) path = "ecosystems/#{ENV['ECOSYSTEM']}/#{@relPath}#{filePath}" folder = "sc" if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' folder = "_working" end if File.exists? folder g = Git.init(folder) else if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' g = Git.clone(ENV['ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT'], folder, :path => '.') else g = Git.init(folder) end end puts "Exists? #{folder}/#{path}" if File.exists? "#{folder}/#{path}" numb = 1 bkup = "#{folder}/#{path}.archived" while File.exists? "#{bkup}#{numb}" numb = numb + 1 end puts "Backed up to #{bkup}#{numb}" File.write "#{bkup}#{numb}","#{folder}/#{path}"); g.add("#{path}.archived#{numb}") end end def write(filePath, contents) path = "ecosystems/#{ENV['ECOSYSTEM']}/#{@relPath}#{filePath}" begin folder = "sc" if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' folder = "_working" end if File.exists? folder g = Git.init(folder) else if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' g = Git.clone(ENV['ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT'], folder, :path => '.') else g = Git.init(folder) end end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname("#{folder}/#{path}") pth = File.expand_path "#{folder}/#{path}" "Writing to: #{pth}" open("#{folder}/#{path}", 'w') { |f| f.puts contents } g.add("#{path}") rescue => exception @log.error("PushConfig Failed") @log.error(exception.to_s) @log.error(exception.backtrace) abort() end end def rm(filePath) path = "ecosystems/#{ENV['ECOSYSTEM']}/#{@relPath}#{filePath}" begin folder = "sc" if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' folder = "_working" end if File.exists? folder g = Git.init(folder) else g = Git.clone(ENV['ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT'], folder, :path => '.') end if "#{folder}/#{path}" puts "DELETE DIRECTORY: #{folder}/#{path}" FileUtils.rmdir_p File.dirname("#{folder}/#{path}") g.add("#{path}") else if File.exists? "#{folder}/#{path}" puts "DELETE FILE: #{folder}/#{path}" FileUtils.rm_f "#{folder}/#{path}" g.remove("#{path}") end end rescue => exception @log.error("PushConfig Failed") @log.error(exception.to_s) @log.error(exception.backtrace) abort() end end def commit(comment) folder = "sc" if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' folder = "_working" else return end begin count = 0 g = Git.init(folder) begin g.chdir do g.status.changed.each do |file| count = count +1 end g.status.added.each do |file| count = count +1 end g.status.deleted.each do |file| count = count +1 end end rescue => exception_ignore count = 1 end if count == 0 log "No changes" else log "#{count} changes committed." g.commit(comment) if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' log "Pushing changes to SCM." g.push end end begin if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' log "Removing #{folder}" FileUtils.rm_rf(folder) end rescue => exception @log.error("PushConfig Failed") @log.error(exception.backtrace) @log.error(exception.to_s) end rescue => exception @log.error("PushConfig Failed") @log.error(exception.backtrace) @log.error(exception.to_s) abort() end end def do(url, comment, params) begin # "git@#{ENV["GOGS_ADDRESS"]}:root/ecosystem.git" folder = "sc" if ENV.has_key? 'ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_GIT' folder = "_working" end FileUtils.rm_rf(folder) g = Git.clone(url, folder, :path => '.') params['files'].each { | f | file = f['file'] path = f['path'] FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname("#{folder}/#{path}") open("#{folder}/#{path}", 'w') { |f| f.puts } g.add("#{path}") } count = 0 g.chdir do g.status.changed.each do |file| count = count +1 end g.status.added.each do |file| count = count +1 end g.status.deleted.each do |file| count = count +1 end end if count == 0 log "No changes" else log "#{count} changes committed." g.commit(comment) log "Pushing changes to SCM." g.push log "Changes pushed" end rescue => exception @log.error("PushConfig Failed") @log.error(exception.to_s) @log.error(exception.backtrace) abort() end end def log (msg) puts msg end end