# ADIwg ISO Translator internal data structure # History: # version 2 # Stan Smith 2018-10-02 modified referenceSystemParameterSet # Stan Smith 2018-10-02 added local reference system # Stan Smith 2017-09-28 add altitude to bounding box for fgdc # Stan Smith 2017-09-28 add description to geographicExtent for fgdc # Stan Smith 2017-04-22 removed 'intObj = ' from new object definitions # Stan Smith 2017-02-15 added newResourceType # Stan Smith 2017-02-09 added newMetadataRepository # Stan Smith 2017-01-20 refactored newDataDictionary # Stan Smith 2016-11-10 added computedBbox to newGeographicExtent, newGeometryCollection # Stan Smith 2016-11-10 added computedBbox to newGeometryFeature, newFeatureCollection # Stan Smith 2016-11-02 added newSchema # Stan Smith 2016-10-30 added newAllocation, newFunding # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newFeatureCollection # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newGeoJson # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newGeometryCollection # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newGeometryFeature # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newGeometryObject # Stan Smith 2016-10-25 added newGeometryProperties # Stan Smith 2016-10-23 renamed newResourceMaint to newMaintenance # Stan Smith 2016-10-21 added newDistribution # Stan Smith 2016-10-21 renamed newDistOrder to newOrderProcess # Stan Smith 2016-10-21 renamed newDigitalTransOption to newTransferOption # Stan Smith 2016-10-20 deleted newDictionaryInfo, move element to newDataDictionary # Stan Smith 2016-10-19 added newSpatialRepresentation # Stan Smith 2016-10-19 added newGeorectifiedInfo # Stan Smith 2016-10-19 added newVectorInfo, newVectorObject # Stan Smith 2016-10-18 deleted newCoverageInfo, newCoverageItem # Stan Smith 2016-10-18 added newAttributeGroup # Stan Smith 2016-10-18 deleted newClassedData, newClassedDataItem # Stan Smith 2016-10-17 added elements to newLineage # Stan Smith 2016-10-17 added elements to newDataSource # Stan Smith 2016-10-16 removed newResolution # Stan Smith 2016-10-16 added newMeasure # Stan Smith 2016-10-16 added newSpatialResolution # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 renamed newDataProcess Step to newProcessStep # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 added newConstraints object # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 added constraint object to newSecurityConstraint # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 added constraint object to newLegalConstraint # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 added newConstraint object # Stan Smith 2016-10-15 added newRelease object # Stan Smith 2016-10-14 added newScope object # Stan Smith 2016-10-14 added newTimeInterval object # Stan Smith 2016-10-13 added newScopeDescription object # Stan Smith 2016-10-13 added attributes to newCitation for mdJson 2.0 # Stan Smith 2016-10-13 renamed newResourceId to newIdentifier, dropped identifierType # Stan Smith 2016-10-12 renamed newBrowseGraphic to newGraphic, added graphicConstraint [] # Stan Smith 2016-10-12 added newSeries object # Stan Smith 2016-10-12 added newDate object # Stan Smith 2016-10-11 renamed newDataUsage to newResourceUsage # Stan Smith 2016-10-09 add newParty # Stan Smith 2016-10-08 removed dateType from dateTime object # Stan Smith 2016-10-01 made phone service types an array # Stan Smith 2016-10-03 added duration object # version 1 # Stan Smith 2015-07-23 added gridInfo, gridDimension for 1.3.0 # Stan Smith 2015-07-28 added locale for 1.3.0 # Stan Smith 2015-08-19 added coverageInfo, imageInfo, sensorInfo, coverageItem, # ... classifiedData, and classedDataItem for 1.3.0 # Stan Smith 2015-09-18 extended distributionInfo sections for 1.3.0 # version 0 # Stan Smith 2013-08-09 original script # Stan Smith 2013-08-10 adding methods as needed # Stan Smith 2013-09-19 added keywords # Stan Smith 2013-09-20 change '' to nil for value attributes # Stan Smith 2013-09-23 added distributor # Stan Smith 2013-09-24 added distributor order process # Stan Smith 2013-09-24 added digital transfer options # Stan Smith 2013-09-24 added data transfer medium # Stan Smith 2013-10-17 added browse graphic # Stan Smith 2013-10-21 added address (separated from contact) # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added extent # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added bounding box # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added point # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added multi point # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added line string # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added polygon # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added linear ring # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added temporal extent # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added time instant # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added time period # Stan Smith 2013-10-25 added vertical extent # Stan Smith 2013-10-30 added constraint # Stan Smith 2013-10-31 added resource maintenance # Stan Smith 2013-11-19 added usage # Stan Smith 2013-11-19 added taxonomy # Stan Smith 2013-11-20 added data quality # Stan Smith 2013-11-20 modified citation # Stan Smith 2013-12-16 added phone book # Stan Smith 2014-04-23 added protocol and doi to online resource # Stan Smith 2014-04-24 added schema to newBase # Stan Smith 2014-04-24 renamed newDataId to newResourceInfo # Stan Smith 2014-04-24 reorganized newMetadata, newResourceInfo # Stan Smith 2014-04-24 added newMetadataInfo # Stan Smith 2014-04-25 modified newCitation for json schema 0.3.0 # Stan Smith 2014-04-25 added resource Ids to newCitation # Stan Smith 2014-04-30 reorganized geometry blocks for json schema 0.3.0 # Stan Smith 2014-05-02 added associatedResource # Stan Smith 2014-05-02 added additionalDocument # Stan Smith 2014-05-28 modified resourceId & responsibleParty for schema 0.5.0 # Stan Smith 2014-08-15 modified citation, onlineResource, resourceId for 0.6.0 # Stan Smith 2014-09-03 added spatialReferenceSystems for name, EPSG, and WKT for 0.6.0 # Stan Smith 2014-11-06 added resourceType to resourceInfo for 0.9.0 # Stan Smith 2014-11-06 removed metadataScope from metadataInfo for 0.9.0 # Stan Smith 2014-11-06 added newAdditionalDocumentation # Stan Smith 2014-12-01 added data dictionary # Stan Smith 2015-02-17 add entity and attribute alias # Stan Smith 2015-02-17 added support for multiple data dictionaries class InternalMetadata # initialize Boolean - false # initialize scalar - nil # initialize hash - {} # initialize array - [] def initialize end # base ----------------------------------- def newBase { schema: {}, contacts: [], metadata: {}, dataDictionaries: [], metadataRepositories: [] } end def newMetadata { metadataInfo: {}, resourceInfo: {}, lineageInfo: [], distributorInfo: [], associatedResources: [], additionalDocuments: [], funding: [], dataQuality: [] } end def newSchema { name: nil, version: nil } end # acquisition ---------------------------- def newAcquisition { plans: [], requirements: [], objectives: [], platforms: [], instruments: [], operations: [], events: [], passes: [], environment: {} } end def newEnvironment { averageAirTemperature: nil, maxRelativeHumidity: nil, maxAltitude: nil, meteorologicalConditions: nil } end def newEvent { eventId: nil, trigger: nil, context: nil, sequence: nil, dateTime: nil, expectedObjectives: [], relatedPass: nil, relatedSensors: [] } end def newInstrument { instrumentId: nil, citation: {}, identifier: {}, instrumentType: nil, description: nil, mountedOn: nil } end def newObjective { objectiveId: nil, identifiers: [], priority: nil, objectiveTypes: [], functions: [], extents: [], occurrences: [], passes: [], sensingInstruments: [] } end def newPass { passId: nil, identifier: {}, extent: {}, relatedEvents: [] } end def newPlan { planId: nil, planType: nil, status: nil, citation: {}, planOperations: [], satisfiedRequirements: [] } end def newOperation { operationId: nil, citation: {}, identifier: {}, status: nil, operationType: nil, objectives: [], parentOperations: nil, childOperations: [], plan: nil, platforms: [], significantEvents: [] } end def newRequirement { requirementId: nil, citation: {}, identifier: {}, requestors: [], recipients: [], priority: nil, requestedDate: {}, expiryDate: nil, satisfiedPlans: [] } end def newPlatform { platformId: nil, citation: {}, identifier: {}, description: nil, sponsors: [], instruments: [] } end def newRequestedDate { requestedDateCollection: nil, latestAcceptableDate: nil } end # contacts ------------------------------- def newAddress { addressTypes: [], description: nil, deliveryPoints: [], city: nil, adminArea: nil, postalCode: nil, country: nil } end def newContact { contactId: nil, isOrganization: false, name: nil, externalIdentifier: [], positionName: nil, memberOfOrgs: [], logos: [], phones: [], addresses: [], eMailList: [], onlineResources: [], hoursOfService: [], contactInstructions: nil, contactType: nil } end def newPhone { phoneName: nil, phoneNumber: nil, phoneServiceTypes: [] } end # common --------------------------------- def newCitation { title: nil, alternateTitles: [], dates: [], edition: nil, responsibleParties: [], presentationForms: [], identifiers: [], series: {}, otherDetails: [], onlineResources: [], browseGraphics: [] } end def newGraphic { graphicName: nil, graphicDescription: nil, graphicType: nil, graphicConstraints: [], graphicURI: [] } end def newIdentifier # handles MD_Identifier (ISO 19115-2 & -1) # handles RS_ Identifier (ISO 19115-2) # handles gmlIdentifier { identifier: nil, namespace: nil, version: nil, description: nil, citation: {} } end def newLocale { languageCode: nil, countryCode: nil, characterEncoding: nil } end def newMaintenance { frequency: nil, dates: [], scopes: [], notes: [], contacts: [] } end def newOnlineResource { olResURI: nil, olResName: nil, olResDesc: nil, olResFunction: nil, olResApplicationProfile: nil, olResProtocol: nil, olResProtocolRequest: nil } end def newResourceType { type: nil, name: nil } end def newSeries { seriesName: nil, seriesIssue: nil, issuePage: nil } end # constraint ----------------------------- def newConstraint { type: nil, useLimitation: [], scope: {}, graphic: [], reference: [], releasability: {}, responsibleParty: [], legalConstraint: {}, securityConstraint: {} } end def newLegalConstraint { accessCodes: [], useCodes: [], otherCons: [] } end def newSecurityConstraint { classCode: nil, userNote: nil, classSystem: nil, handling: nil } end def newRelease { addressee: [], statement: nil, disseminationConstraint: [] } end def newResourceUsage { specificUsage: nil, temporalExtents: [], userLimitation: nil, limitationResponses: [], identifiedIssue: {}, additionalDocumentation: [], userContacts: [] } end # coverage description ------------------- def newCoverageDescription { coverageName: nil, coverageDescription: nil, processingLevelCode: {}, attributeGroups: [], imageDescription: {} } end def newAttributeGroup { attributeContentTypes: [], attributes: [] } end def newAttribute { sequenceIdentifier: nil, sequenceIdentifierType: nil, attributeDescription: nil, attributeIdentifiers: [], minValue: nil, maxValue: nil, units: nil, scaleFactor: nil, offset: nil, meanValue: nil, numberOfValues: nil, standardDeviation: nil, bitsPerValue: nil, rangeElementDescription: [], boundMin: nil, boundMax: nil, boundUnits: nil, peakResponse: nil, toneGradations: nil, bandBoundaryDefinition: nil, nominalSpatialResolution: nil, transferFunctionType: nil, transmittedPolarization: nil, detectedPolarization: nil } end def newRangeElementDescription { name: nil, definition: nil, rangeElement: [] } end def newImageDescription { illuminationElevationAngle: nil, illuminationAzimuthAngle: nil, imagingCondition: nil, imageQualityCode: {}, cloudCoverPercent: nil, compressionQuantity: nil, triangulationIndicator: false, radiometricCalibrationAvailable: false, cameraCalibrationAvailable: false, filmDistortionAvailable: false, lensDistortionAvailable: false } end # data dictionary ------------------------ def newDataDictionary { description: nil, subjects: [], citation: {}, recommendedUses: [], locales: [], responsibleParty: {}, dictionaryFunctionalLanguage: nil, includedWithDataset: false, domains: [], entities: [] } end def newDictionaryDomain { domainId: nil, domainName: nil, domainCode: nil, domainDescription: nil, domainReference: {}, domainItems: [] } end def newDomainItem { itemName: nil, itemValue: nil, itemDefinition: nil, itemReference: {} } end def newEntity { entityId: nil, entityName: nil, entityCode: nil, entityAlias: [], entityDefinition: nil, entityReferences: [], primaryKey: [], indexes: [], attributes: [], foreignKeys: [], fieldSeparatorCharacter: nil, numberOfHeaderLines: nil, quoteCharacter: nil } end def newEntityIndex { indexCode: nil, duplicate: false, attributeNames: [] } end def newEntityAttribute { attributeName: nil, attributeCode: nil, attributeAlias: [], attributeDefinition: nil, attributeReference: {}, dataType: nil, allowNull: false, mustBeUnique: true, unitOfMeasure: nil, measureResolution: nil, isCaseSensitive: false, fieldWidth: nil, missingValue: nil, domainId: nil, minValue: nil, maxValue: nil, valueRange: [], timePeriod: [] } end def newEntityForeignKey { fkLocalAttributes: [], fkReferencedEntity: nil, fkReferencedAttributes: [] } end def newValueRange { minRangeValue: nil, maxRangeValue: nil } end # data quality --------------------------- def newDataQuality { scope: {}, standaloneReport: {}, report: [] } end def newConformanceResult { dateTime: nil, scope: {}, specification: {}, explanation: nil, pass: false } end def newQualityResultFile { fileName: nil, fileType: nil, fileDescription: nil, fileFormat: {} } end def newCoverageResult { dateTime: nil, scope: {}, spatialRepresentationType: nil, spatialRepresentation: {}, resultContentDescription: {}, resourceFormat: {}, resultFile: {} } end def newDescriptiveResult { dateTime: nil, scope: {}, statement: nil } end def newEvaluationMethod { type: nil, dateTime: [], methodDescription: nil, evaluationProcedure: {}, referenceDocuments: [], evaluationMethodType: nil, deductiveSource: nil, samplingScheme: nil, lotDescription: nil, samplingRatio: nil } end def newQuantitativeResult { dateTime: nil, scope: {}, values: [], valueUnits: nil, valueRecordType: nil } end def newQualityMeasure { identifier: {}, nameOfMeasure: [], description: nil } end def newDataQualityReport { type: nil, standaloneQualityReportDetails: nil, qualityMeasure: {}, evaluationMethod: {}, quantitativeResult: [], descriptiveResult: [], conformanceResult: [], coverageResult: [], derivedElementReport: [] } end def newStandaloneReport { abstract: nil, reportReference: {}, } end # date-time ------------------------------ def newDate { date: nil, dateResolution: nil, dateType: nil, description: nil } end def newDateTime { dateTime: nil, dateResolution: nil } end # distribution --------------------------- def newDistribution { description: nil, liabilityStatement: nil, distributor: [] } end def newDistributor { contact: {}, orderProcess: [], transferOptions: [] } end def newMedium { mediumSpecification: {}, density: nil, units: nil, numberOfVolumes: nil, mediumFormat: [], note: nil, identifier: {} } end def newOrderProcess { fees: nil, plannedAvailability: {}, orderingInstructions: nil, turnaround: nil } end def newResourceFormat { formatSpecification: {}, amendmentNumber: nil, compressionMethod: nil, technicalPrerequisite: nil } end def newTransferOption { unitsOfDistribution: nil, transferSize: nil, onlineOptions: [], offlineOptions: [], transferFrequency: {}, distributionFormats: [] } end # funding -------------------------------- def newAllocation { id: nil, amount: nil, currency: nil, sourceId: nil, recipientId: nil, responsibleParties: [], matching: false, onlineResources: [], comment: nil } end def newFunding { description: nil, timePeriod: {}, allocations: [] } end # graphic extent -------------------------- def newExtent { description: nil, geographicExtents: [], temporalExtents: [], verticalExtents: [] } end def newGeographicExtent { description: nil, containsData: true, identifier: {}, boundingBox: {}, geographicElements: [], nativeGeoJson: [], computedBbox: {} } end def newBoundingBox { westLongitude: nil, eastLongitude: nil, southLatitude: nil, northLatitude: nil, minimumAltitude: nil, maximumAltitude: nil, unitsOfAltitude: nil } end def newGeometryObject { type: nil, coordinates: [], nativeGeoJson: {} } end def newGeometryCollection { type: nil, bbox: [], geometryObjects: [], computedBbox: [], nativeGeoJson: {} } end def newGeometryProperties { featureNames: [], description: nil, identifiers: [], featureScope: nil, acquisitionMethod: nil } end def newGeometryFeature { type: nil, id: nil, bbox: [], geometryObject: {}, properties: {}, computedBbox: [], nativeGeoJson: {} } end def newFeatureCollection { type: nil, bbox: [], features: [], computedBbox: [], nativeGeoJson: {} } end # keyword -------------------------------- def newKeyword { keywords: [], keywordType: nil, thesaurus: {} } end def newKeywordObject { keyword: nil, keywordId: nil } end # lineage -------------------------------- def newLineage { statement: nil, resourceScope: {}, lineageCitation: [], processSteps: [], dataSources: [] } end def newAlgorithm { citation: {}, description: nil } end def newDataSource { sourceId: nil, description: nil, sourceCitation: {}, metadataCitations: [], spatialResolution: {}, referenceSystem: {}, sourceSteps: [], scope: {}, processedLevel: {}, resolution: {} } end def newNominalResolution { scanningResolution: {}, groundResolution: {} } end def newProcessing { identifier: {}, softwareReference: {}, procedureDescription: nil, documentation: [], runtimeParameters: nil, algorithms: [] } end def newProcessStep { stepId: nil, description: nil, rationale: nil, timePeriod: {}, processors: [], stepSources: [], stepProducts: [], references: [], scope: {}, processingInformation: {}, reports: [] } end def newProcessStepReport { name: nil, description: nil, fileType: nil } end # metadata info -------------------------- def newMetadataInfo { metadataIdentifier: {}, parentMetadata: {}, defaultMetadataLocale: {}, otherMetadataLocales: [], metadataContacts: [], metadataDates: [], metadataLinkages: [], metadataConstraints: [], metadataMaintenance: {}, alternateMetadataReferences: [], metadataStatus: nil, extensions: [] } end # resource info -------------------------- def newResourceInfo { resourceTypes: [], citation: {}, abstract: nil, shortAbstract: nil, purpose: nil, credits: [], timePeriod: {}, status: [], pointOfContacts: [], spatialReferenceSystems: [], spatialRepresentationTypes: [], spatialRepresentations: [], spatialResolutions: [], temporalResolutions: [], extents: [], coverageDescriptions: [], taxonomy: [], graphicOverviews: [], resourceFormats: [], keywords: [], resourceUsages: [], constraints: [], defaultResourceLocale: {}, otherResourceLocales: [], resourceMaintenance: [], environmentDescription: nil, supplementalInfo: nil } end # responsibility ------------------------- def newResponsibility { roleName: nil, roleExtents: [], parties: [] } end def newParty { contactId: nil, contactIndex: nil, contactType: nil, contactName: nil, organizationMembers: [] } end # scope ---------------------------------- def newScope { scopeCode: nil, scopeDescriptions: [], extents: [] } end def newScopeDescription { dataset: nil, attributes: nil, features: nil, other: nil } end # spatial reference ---------------------- def newSpatialReferenceSystem { systemType: nil, systemIdentifier: {}, systemWKT: nil, systemParameterSet: {} } end def newReferenceSystemParameterSet { projection: {}, geodetic: {}, verticalDatum: {} } end def newProjection { projectionIdentifier: {}, gridIdentifier: {}, gridZone: nil, standardParallel1: nil, standardParallel2: nil, longitudeOfCentralMeridian: nil, latitudeOfProjectionOrigin: nil, falseEasting: nil, falseNorthing: nil, falseEastingNorthingUnits: nil, scaleFactorAtEquator: nil, heightOfProspectivePointAboveSurface: nil, longitudeOfProjectionCenter: nil, latitudeOfProjectionCenter: nil, scaleFactorAtCenterLine: nil, scaleFactorAtCentralMeridian: nil, straightVerticalLongitudeFromPole: nil, scaleFactorAtProjectionOrigin: nil, azimuthAngle: nil, azimuthMeasurePointLongitude: nil, obliqueLinePoints: [], landsatNumber: nil, landsatPath: nil, local: {} } end def newObliqueLinePoint { obliqueLineLatitude: nil, obliqueLineLongitude: nil } end def newGeodetic { datumIdentifier: {}, ellipsoidIdentifier: {}, semiMajorAxis: nil, axisUnits: nil, denominatorOfFlatteningRatio: nil } end def newVerticalDatum { datumIdentifier: {}, isDepthSystem: false, encodingMethod: nil, verticalResolution: nil, unitOfMeasure: nil } end def newLocal { description: nil, georeference: nil, fixedToEarth: true } end # spatial representation ----------------- def newSpatialRepresentation { gridRepresentation: {}, vectorRepresentation: {}, georectifiedRepresentation: {}, georeferenceableRepresentation: {} } end def newGridInfo { scope: [], numberOfDimensions: nil, dimension: [], cellGeometry: nil, transformationParameterAvailable: false } end def newDimension { dimensionType: nil, dimensionTitle: nil, dimensionDescription: nil, dimensionSize: nil, resolution: {} } end def newVectorInfo { scope: [], topologyLevel: nil, vectorObject: [] } end def newVectorObject { objectType: nil, objectCount: nil } end def newGeorectifiedInfo { scope: [], gridRepresentation: {}, checkPointAvailable: false, checkPointDescription: nil, cornerPoints: [], centerPoint: [], pointInPixel: nil, transformationDimensionDescription: nil, transformationDimensionMapping: nil } end def newGeoreferenceableInfo { scope: [], gridRepresentation: {}, controlPointAvailable: false, orientationParameterAvailable: false, orientationParameterDescription: nil, georeferencedParameter: nil, parameterCitation: [] } end # spatial resolution ---------------------- def newSpatialResolution { scaleFactor: nil, measure: {}, coordinateResolution: {}, bearingDistanceResolution: {}, geographicResolution: {}, levelOfDetail: nil } end def newMeasure { type: nil, value: nil, unitOfMeasure: nil } end def newCoordinateResolution { abscissaResolutionX: nil, ordinateResolutionY: nil, unitOfMeasure: nil } end def newBearingDistanceResolution { distanceResolution: nil, distanceUnitOfMeasure: nil, bearingResolution: nil, bearingUnitOfMeasure: nil, bearingReferenceDirection: nil, bearingReferenceMeridian: nil } end def newGeographicResolution { latitudeResolution: nil, longitudeResolution: nil, unitOfMeasure: nil } end # taxonomy -------------------------------- def newTaxonomy { taxonSystem: [], generalScope: nil, idReferences: [], observers: [], idProcedure: nil, idCompleteness: nil, vouchers: [], taxonClasses: [] } end def newTaxonSystem { citation: {}, modifications: nil } end def newTaxonVoucher { specimen: nil, repository: {} } end def newTaxonClass { taxonId: nil, taxonRank: nil, taxonValue: nil, commonNames: [], subClasses: [] } end # temporal extent ------------------------ def newTemporalExtent { timeInstant: {}, timePeriod: {} } end def newTimeInstant { timeId: nil, description: nil, identifier: {}, instantNames: [], timeInstant: {}, geologicAge: {} } end def newTimePeriod { timeId: nil, description: nil, identifier: {}, periodNames: [], startDateTime: {}, endDateTime: {}, startGeologicAge: {}, endGeologicAge: {}, timeInterval: {}, duration: {} } end def newGeologicAge { ageTimeScale: nil, ageEstimate: nil, ageUncertainty: nil, ageExplanation: nil, ageReferences: [] } end def newDuration { years: nil, months: nil, days: nil, hours: nil, minutes: nil, seconds: nil } end def newTimeInterval { interval: nil, units: nil } end # vertical extent ------------------------ def newVerticalExtent { description: nil, minValue: nil, maxValue: nil, crsId: {} } end # miscellaneous--------------------------- def newAssociatedResource { resourceTypes: [], associationType: nil, initiativeType: nil, resourceCitation: {}, metadataCitation: {} } end def newAdditionalDocumentation { resourceTypes: [], citation: [] } end def newMetadataExtension { onLineResource: {}, name: nil, shortName: nil, definition: nil, obligation: nil, dataType: nil, maxOccurrence: nil, parentEntities: [], rule: nil, rationales: [], sourceOrganization: nil, sourceURI: nil, sourceRole: nil } end def newMetadataRepository { repository: nil, citation: {}, metadataStandard: nil } end # ---------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------- end