require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'helper')) class TestXssFoliate < Test::Unit::TestCase HTML_STRING = "
" PLAIN_TEXT = "vanilla text" INTEGER_VALUE = "1234" WHITESPACEY = "
" def new_post(overrides={}){:html_string => HTML_STRING, :plain_text => PLAIN_TEXT, :not_a_string => INTEGER_VALUE}.merge(overrides)) end context "with a Post model" do setup do ActsAsFu.build_model(:posts) do string :plain_text string :html_string integer :not_a_string end end context "#xss_foliated?" do context "when xss_foliate has not been called" do should "return false" do assert ! Post.xss_foliated? end end context "when xss_foliate has been called with no options" do setup do Post.xss_foliate end should "return true" do assert Post.xss_foliated? end end context "when xss_foliate has been called with options" do setup do Post.xss_foliate :prune => :plain_text end should "return true" do assert Post.xss_foliated? end end end context "#xss_foliate" do context "when passed invalid option" do should "raise ArgumentError" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Post.xss_foliate :quux => [:foo] } end end context "when passed a symbol" do should "do the right thing" do assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Post.xss_foliate :prune => :plain_text } Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :prune).once assert new_post.valid? end end context "when passed an array of symbols" do should "do the right thing" do assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Post.xss_foliate :prune => [:plain_text, :html_string] } Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :prune).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :prune).once assert new_post.valid? end end context "when passed a string" do should "do the right thing" do assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Post.xss_foliate :prune => 'plain_text' } Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :prune).once assert new_post.valid? end end context "when passed an array of strings" do should "do the right thing" do assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Post.xss_foliate :prune => ['plain_text', 'html_string'] } Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :prune).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :prune).once assert new_post.valid? end end end context "declaring scrubbed fields" do context "on all fields" do setup do Post.xss_foliate end should "scrub all fields" do mock_doc = mock Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once.returns(mock_doc) Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :strip).once.returns(mock_doc) Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(INTEGER_VALUE, :strip).never mock_doc.expects(:text).twice assert new_post.valid? end end context "omitting one field" do setup do Post.xss_foliate :except => [:plain_text] end should "not scrub omitted field" do Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :strip).never Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(INTEGER_VALUE, :strip).never assert new_post.valid? end end [:strip, :escape, :prune].each do |method| context "declaring one field to be scrubbed with #{method}" do setup do Post.xss_foliate method => [:plain_text] end should "not that field appropriately" do Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, method).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(INTEGER_VALUE, :strip).never assert new_post.valid? end end end context "declaring one field to be scrubbed with html5lib_sanitize" do setup do Post.xss_foliate :html5lib_sanitize => [:plain_text] end should "not that field appropriately" do Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(HTML_STRING, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :escape).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(INTEGER_VALUE, :strip).never assert new_post.valid? end end end context "invalid model data" do setup do Post.validates_presence_of :html_string Post.xss_foliate end should "not be valid after sanitizing" do Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(WHITESPACEY, :strip).once Loofah.expects(:scrub_fragment).with(PLAIN_TEXT, :strip).once assert ! new_post(:html_string => WHITESPACEY).valid? end end end end