require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe Sunspot::SessionProxy::ShardingSessionProxy do before do @proxy = end [:index, :index!, :remove, :remove!].each do |method| it "should delegate #{method} to appropriate shard" do posts = [ => 2), => 3)] @proxy.sessions[0].should_receive(method).with([posts[0]]) @proxy.sessions[1].should_receive(method).with([posts[1]]) @proxy.send(method, posts[0]) @proxy.send(method, posts[1]) end end [:remove_by_id, :remove_by_id!].each do |method| it "should raise NotSupportedError when #{method} called" do lambda { @proxy.send(method, Post, 1) }.should raise_error(Sunspot::SessionProxy::NotSupportedError) end end [:remove_all, :remove_all!].each do |method| it "should raise NotSupportedError when #{method} called with argument" do lambda { @proxy.send(method, Post) }.should raise_error(Sunspot::SessionProxy::NotSupportedError) end it "should delegate #{method} without argument to all shards" do @proxy.sessions.each { |session| session.should_receive(method) } @proxy.send(method) end end [:commit, :commit_if_dirty, :commit_if_delete_dirty, :optimize].each do |method| it "should delegate #{method} to all sessions" do @proxy.sessions.each do |session| session.should_receive(method) end @proxy.send(method) end end it "should not support the :batch method" do lambda { @proxy.batch }.should raise_error(Sunspot::SessionProxy::NotSupportedError) end it "should delegate new_search to search session, adding in shards parameter" do search = @proxy.new_search(Post) search.query[:shards].should == 'http://localhost:8980/solr,http://localhost:8981/solr' end it "should delegate search to search session, adding in shards parameter" do connection.should have_last_search_with( :shards => 'http://localhost:8980/solr,http://localhost:8981/solr' ) end [:dirty, :delete_dirty].each do |method| it "should be dirty if any of the sessions are dirty" do @proxy.sessions[0].stub(:"#{method}?").and_return(true) @proxy.should send("be_#{method}") end it "should not be dirty if none of the sessions are dirty" do @proxy.should_not send("be_#{method}") end end it "should raise a NotSupportedError when :config is called" do lambda { @proxy.config }.should raise_error(Sunspot::SessionProxy::NotSupportedError) end it_should_behave_like 'session proxy' end