# frozen_string_literal: true require 'set' # NOTE RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' conditional blocks like this are filtered by the Opal preprocessor if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' # this require is satisfied by the Asciidoctor.js build; it augments the Ruby environment for Asciidoctor.js require 'asciidoctor/js' else autoload :Base64, 'base64' require 'cgi/util' autoload :OpenURI, 'open-uri' autoload :Pathname, 'pathname' autoload :StringScanner, 'strscan' autoload :URI, 'uri' end # Public: The main application interface (API) for Asciidoctor. This API provides methods to parse AsciiDoc content and # convert it to various output formats using built-in or third-party converters or Tilt-supported templates. # # An AsciiDoc document can be as simple as a single line of content, though it more commonly starts with a document # header that declares the document title and document attribute definitions. The document header is then followed by # zero or more section titles, optionally nested, to organize the paragraphs, blocks, lists, etc. of the document. # # By default, the processor converts the AsciiDoc document to HTML 5 using a built-in converter. However, this behavior # can be changed by specifying a different backend (e.g., +docbook+). A backend is a keyword for an output format (e.g., # DocBook). That keyword, in turn, is used to select a converter, which carries out the request to convert the document # to that format. # # In addition to this API, Asciidoctor also provides a command-line interface (CLI) named +asciidoctor+ for converting # AsciiDoc content. See the provided man(ual) page for usage and options. # # Examples # # # Convert an AsciiDoc file # Asciidoctor.convert_file 'document.adoc', safe: :safe # # # Convert an AsciiDoc string # puts Asciidoctor.convert "I'm using *Asciidoctor* version {asciidoctor-version}.", safe: :safe # # # Convert an AsciiDoc file using Tilt-supported templates # Asciidoctor.convert_file 'document.adoc', safe: :safe, template_dir: '/path/to/templates' # # # Parse an AsciiDoc file into a document object # doc = Asciidoctor.load_file 'document.adoc', safe: :safe # # # Parse an AsciiDoc string into a document object # doc = Asciidoctor.load "= Document Title\n\nfirst paragraph\n\nsecond paragraph", safe: :safe # module Asciidoctor # alias the RUBY_ENGINE constant inside the Asciidoctor namespace and define a precomputed alias for runtime RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL = (RUBY_ENGINE = ::RUBY_ENGINE) == 'opal' module SafeMode # A safe mode level that disables any of the security features enforced # by Asciidoctor (Ruby is still subject to its own restrictions). UNSAFE = 0; # A safe mode level that closely parallels safe mode in AsciiDoc. This value # prevents access to files which reside outside of the parent directory of # the source file and disables any macro other than the include::[] directive. SAFE = 1; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from setting attributes # that would affect the conversion of the document, in addition to all the # security features of SafeMode::SAFE. For instance, this level forbids # changing the backend or source-highlighter using an attribute defined # in the source document header. This is the most fundamental level of # security for server deployments (hence the name). SERVER = 10; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from attempting to read # files from the file system and including the contents of them into the # document, in additional to all the security features of SafeMode::SERVER. # For instance, this level disallows use of the include::[] directive and the # embedding of binary content (data uri), stylesheets and JavaScripts # referenced by the document.(Asciidoctor and trusted extensions may still # be allowed to embed trusted content into the document). # # Since Asciidoctor is aiming for wide adoption, this level is the default # and is recommended for server deployments. SECURE = 20; # A planned safe mode level that disallows the use of passthrough macros and # prevents the document from setting any known attributes, in addition to all # the security features of SafeMode::SECURE. # # Please note that this level is not currently implemented (and therefore not # enforced)! #PARANOID = 100; @names_by_value = {}.tap {|accum| (constants false).each {|sym| accum[const_get sym, false] = sym.to_s.downcase } } def self.value_for_name name const_get name.upcase, false end def self.name_for_value value @names_by_value[value] end def self.names @names_by_value.values end end # Flags to control compliance with the behavior of AsciiDoc module Compliance @keys = ::Set.new class << self attr_reader :keys # Defines a new compliance key and assigns an initial value. def define key, value instance_variable_set %(@#{key}), value singleton_class.send :attr_accessor, key @keys << key nil end end # AsciiDoc terminates paragraphs adjacent to # block content (delimiter or block attribute list) # This option allows this behavior to be modified # TODO what about literal paragraph? # Compliance value: true define :block_terminates_paragraph, true # AsciiDoc does not parse paragraphs with a verbatim style # (i.e., literal, listing, source, verse) as verbatim content. # This options allows this behavior to be modified # Compliance value: false define :strict_verbatim_paragraphs, true # AsciiDoc supports both atx (single-line) and setext (underlined) section titles. # This option can be used to disable the setext variant. # Compliance value: true define :underline_style_section_titles, true # Asciidoctor will unwrap the content in a preamble # if the document has a title and no sections. # Compliance value: false define :unwrap_standalone_preamble, true # AsciiDoc drops lines that contain references to missing attributes. # This behavior is not intuitive to most writers. # Asciidoctor allows this behavior to be configured. # Possible options are 'skip', 'drop', 'drop-line', and 'warn'. # Compliance value: 'drop-line' define :attribute_missing, 'skip' # AsciiDoc drops lines that contain an attribute unassignemnt. # This behavior may need to be tuned depending on the circumstances. # Compliance value: 'drop-line' define :attribute_undefined, 'drop-line' # Asciidoctor will allow the id, role and options to be set # on blocks using a shorthand syntax (e.g., #idname.rolename%optionname) # Compliance value: false define :shorthand_property_syntax, true # Asciidoctor will attempt to resolve the target of a cross reference by # matching its reference text (reftext or title) (e.g., <
>) # Compliance value: false define :natural_xrefs, true # Asciidoctor will start counting at the following number # when creating a unique id when there is a conflict # Compliance value: 2 define :unique_id_start_index, 2 # Asciidoctor will recognize commonly-used Markdown syntax # to the degree it does not interfere with existing # AsciiDoc syntax and behavior. # Compliance value: false define :markdown_syntax, true end # The absolute root directory of the Asciidoctor RubyGem ROOT_DIR = ::File.dirname ::File.absolute_path __dir__ unless defined? ROOT_DIR # The absolute lib directory of the Asciidoctor RubyGem LIB_DIR = ::File.join ROOT_DIR, 'lib' # The absolute data directory of the Asciidoctor RubyGem DATA_DIR = ::File.join ROOT_DIR, 'data' # The user's home directory, as best we can determine it # IMPORTANT this rescue is required for running Asciidoctor on GitHub.com USER_HOME = ::Dir.home rescue (::ENV['HOME'] || ::Dir.pwd) # The newline character used for output; stored in constant table as an optimization LF = ?\n # The null character to use for splitting attribute values NULL = ?\0 # String for matching tab character TAB = ?\t # Maximum integer value for "boundless" operations; equal to MAX_SAFE_INTEGER in JavaScript MAX_INT = 9007199254740991 # Alias UTF_8 encoding for convenience / speed UTF_8 = ::Encoding::UTF_8 # Byte arrays for UTF-* Byte Order Marks BOM_BYTES_UTF_8 = [0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf] BOM_BYTES_UTF_16LE = [0xff, 0xfe] BOM_BYTES_UTF_16BE = [0xfe, 0xff] # The mode to use when opening a file for reading FILE_READ_MODE = RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL ? 'r' : 'rb:utf-8:utf-8' # The mode to use when opening a URI for reading URI_READ_MODE = FILE_READ_MODE # The mode to use when opening a file for writing FILE_WRITE_MODE = RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL ? 'w' : 'w:utf-8' # The default document type # Can influence markup generated by the converters DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = 'article' # The backend determines the format of the converted output, default to html5 DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'html5' DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS = ['', 'DEFAULT'].to_set DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME = 'asciidoctor.css' # Pointers to the preferred version for a given backend. BACKEND_ALIASES = { 'html' => 'html5', 'docbook' => 'docbook5' } # Default page widths for calculating absolute widths DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTHS = { 'docbook' => 425 } # Default extensions for the respective base backends DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = { 'html' => '.html', 'docbook' => '.xml', 'pdf' => '.pdf', 'epub' => '.epub', 'manpage' => '.man', 'asciidoc' => '.adoc' } # A map of file extensions that are recognized as AsciiDoc documents # TODO .txt should be deprecated ASCIIDOC_EXTENSIONS = { '.adoc' => true, '.asciidoc' => true, '.asc' => true, '.ad' => true, # TODO .txt should be deprecated '.txt' => true } SETEXT_SECTION_LEVELS = { '=' => 0, '-' => 1, '~' => 2, '^' => 3, '+' => 4 } ADMONITION_STYLES = ['NOTE', 'TIP', 'IMPORTANT', 'WARNING', 'CAUTION'].to_set ADMONITION_STYLE_HEADS = ::Set.new.tap {|accum| ADMONITION_STYLES.each {|s| accum << s.chr } } PARAGRAPH_STYLES = ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'normal', 'open', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set VERBATIM_STYLES = ['literal', 'listing', 'source', 'verse'].to_set DELIMITED_BLOCKS = { '--' => [:open, ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'admonition', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set], '----' => [:listing, ['literal', 'source'].to_set], '....' => [:literal, ['listing', 'source'].to_set], '====' => [:example, ['admonition'].to_set], '****' => [:sidebar, ::Set.new], '____' => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set], '++++' => [:pass, ['stem', 'latexmath', 'asciimath'].to_set], '|===' => [:table, ::Set.new], ',===' => [:table, ::Set.new], ':===' => [:table, ::Set.new], '!===' => [:table, ::Set.new], '////' => [:comment, ::Set.new], '```' => [:fenced_code, ::Set.new] } DELIMITED_BLOCK_HEADS = {}.tap {|accum| DELIMITED_BLOCKS.each_key {|k| accum[k.slice 0, 2] = true } } DELIMITED_BLOCK_TAILS = {}.tap {|accum| DELIMITED_BLOCKS.each_key {|k| accum[k] = k[k.length - 1] if k.length == 4 } } # NOTE the 'figure' key as a string is historical and used by image blocks CAPTION_ATTR_NAMES = { example: 'example-caption', 'figure' => 'figure-caption', listing: 'listing-caption', table: 'table-caption' } LAYOUT_BREAK_CHARS = { '\'' => :thematic_break, '<' => :page_break } MARKDOWN_THEMATIC_BREAK_CHARS = { '-' => :thematic_break, '*' => :thematic_break, '_' => :thematic_break } HYBRID_LAYOUT_BREAK_CHARS = LAYOUT_BREAK_CHARS.merge MARKDOWN_THEMATIC_BREAK_CHARS #LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist, :colist] NESTABLE_LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist] # TODO validate use of explicit style name above ordered list (this list is for selecting an implicit style) ORDERED_LIST_STYLES = [:arabic, :loweralpha, :lowerroman, :upperalpha, :upperroman] #, :lowergreek] ORDERED_LIST_KEYWORDS = { #'arabic' => '1', #'decimal' => '1', 'loweralpha' => 'a', 'lowerroman' => 'i', #'lowergreek' => 'a', 'upperalpha' => 'A', 'upperroman' => 'I' } ATTR_REF_HEAD = '{' LIST_CONTINUATION = '+' # NOTE AsciiDoc Python allows + to be preceded by TAB; Asciidoctor does not HARD_LINE_BREAK = ' +' LINE_CONTINUATION = ' \\' LINE_CONTINUATION_LEGACY = ' +' BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS = { asciimath: ['\$', '\$'], latexmath: ['\[', '\]'], } INLINE_MATH_DELIMITERS = { asciimath: ['\$', '\$'], latexmath: ['\(', '\)'], } (STEM_TYPE_ALIASES = { 'latexmath' => 'latexmath', 'latex' => 'latexmath', 'tex' => 'latexmath' }).default = 'asciimath' FONT_AWESOME_VERSION = '4.7.0' HIGHLIGHT_JS_VERSION = '9.15.6' MATHJAX_VERSION = '2.7.5' # attributes which be changed throughout the flow of the document (e.g., sectnums) FLEXIBLE_ATTRIBUTES = ['sectnums'] INTRINSIC_ATTRIBUTES = { 'startsb' => '[', 'endsb' => ']', 'vbar' => '|', 'caret' => '^', 'asterisk' => '*', 'tilde' => '~', 'plus' => '+', 'backslash' => '\\', 'backtick' => '`', 'blank' => '', 'empty' => '', 'sp' => ' ', 'two-colons' => '::', 'two-semicolons' => ';;', 'nbsp' => ' ', 'deg' => '°', 'zwsp' => '​', 'quot' => '"', 'apos' => ''', 'lsquo' => '‘', 'rsquo' => '’', 'ldquo' => '“', 'rdquo' => '”', 'wj' => '⁠', 'brvbar' => '¦', 'pp' => '++', 'cpp' => 'C++', 'amp' => '&', 'lt' => '<', 'gt' => '>' } # Regular expression character classes (to ensure regexp compatibility between Ruby and JavaScript) # CC stands for "character class", CG stands for "character class group" unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' # CC_ALL is any character, including newlines (must be accompanied by multiline regexp flag) CC_ALL = '.' # CC_ANY is any character except newlines CC_ANY = '.' CC_EOL = '$' CC_ALPHA = CG_ALPHA = '\p{Alpha}' CC_ALNUM = CG_ALNUM = '\p{Alnum}' CG_BLANK = '\p{Blank}' CC_WORD = CG_WORD = '\p{Word}' end QUOTE_SUBS = {}.tap do |accum| # unconstrained quotes:: can appear anywhere # constrained quotes:: must be bordered by non-word characters # NOTE these substitutions are processed in the order they appear here and # the order in which they are replaced is important accum[false] = normal = [ # **strong** [:strong, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\*\*(#{CC_ALL}+?)\*\*/m], # *strong* [:strong, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\*(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\*(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # "`double-quoted`" [:double, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?"`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`"(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # '`single-quoted`' [:single, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:`}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?'`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ``monospaced`` [:monospaced, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?``(#{CC_ALL}+?)``/m], # `monospaced` [:monospaced, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:"'`}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`(?![#{CC_WORD}"'`])/m], # __emphasis__ [:emphasis, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?__(#{CC_ALL}+?)__/m], # _emphasis_ [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?_(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)_(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ##mark## (referred to in AsciiDoc Python as unquoted) [:mark, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?##(#{CC_ALL}+?)##/m], # #mark# (referred to in AsciiDoc Python as unquoted) [:mark, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD}&;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?#(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)#(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ^superscript^ [:superscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\^(\S+?)\^/], # ~subscript~ [:subscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?~(\S+?)~/] ] accum[true] = compat = normal.drop 0 # ``quoted'' compat[2] = [:double, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?``(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)''(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # `quoted' compat[3] = [:single, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # ++monospaced++ compat[4] = [:monospaced, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\+\+(#{CC_ALL}+?)\+\+/m] # +monospaced+ compat[5] = [:monospaced, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\+(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\+(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # #unquoted# #compat[8] = [:unquoted, *compat[8][1..-1]] # ##unquoted## #compat[9] = [:unquoted, *compat[9][1..-1]] # 'emphasis' compat.insert 3, [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?'(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] end # NOTE order of replacements is significant REPLACEMENTS = [ # (C) [/\\?\(C\)/, '©', :none], # (R) [/\\?\(R\)/, '®', :none], # (TM) [/\\?\(TM\)/, '™', :none], # foo -- bar (where either space character can be a newline) # NOTE this necessarily drops the newline if replacement appears at end of line [/(?: |\n|^|\\)--(?: |\n|$)/, ' — ', :none], # foo--bar [/(#{CG_WORD})\\?--(?=#{CG_WORD})/, '—​', :leading], # ellipsis [/\\?\.\.\./, '…​', :none], # right single quote [/\\?`'/, '’', :none], # apostrophe (inside a word) [/(#{CG_ALNUM})\\?'(?=#{CG_ALPHA})/, '’', :leading], # right arrow -> [/\\?->/, '→', :none], # right double arrow => [/\\?=>/, '⇒', :none], # left arrow <- [/\\?<-/, '←', :none], # left double arrow <= [/\\?<=/, '⇐', :none], # restore entities [/\\?(&)amp;((?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]+\d{0,2}|#\d\d\d{0,4}|#x[\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F]{0,3});)/, '', :bounding] ] # Internal: Automatically load the Asciidoctor::Extensions module. # # Requires the Asciidoctor::Extensions module if the name is :Extensions. # Otherwise, delegates to the super method. # # This method provides the same functionality as using autoload on # Asciidoctor::Extensions, except that the constant isn't recognized as # defined prior to it being loaded. # # Returns the resolved constant, if resolved, otherwise nothing. def self.const_missing name if name == :Extensions require_relative 'asciidoctor/extensions' Extensions else super end end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' autoload :SyntaxHighlighter, %(#{LIB_DIR}/asciidoctor/syntax_highlighter) autoload :Timings, %(#{LIB_DIR}/asciidoctor/timings) end end # core extensions require_relative 'asciidoctor/core_ext' # modules and helpers require_relative 'asciidoctor/helpers' require_relative 'asciidoctor/logging' require_relative 'asciidoctor/rx' require_relative 'asciidoctor/substitutors' require_relative 'asciidoctor/version' # abstract classes require_relative 'asciidoctor/abstract_node' require_relative 'asciidoctor/abstract_block' # concrete classes require_relative 'asciidoctor/attribute_list' require_relative 'asciidoctor/block' require_relative 'asciidoctor/callouts' require_relative 'asciidoctor/converter' require_relative 'asciidoctor/document' require_relative 'asciidoctor/inline' require_relative 'asciidoctor/list' require_relative 'asciidoctor/parser' require_relative 'asciidoctor/path_resolver' require_relative 'asciidoctor/reader' require_relative 'asciidoctor/section' require_relative 'asciidoctor/stylesheets' require_relative 'asciidoctor/table' require_relative 'asciidoctor/writer' # main API entry points require_relative 'asciidoctor/load' require_relative 'asciidoctor/convert' if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' require_relative 'asciidoctor/syntax_highlighter' require_relative 'asciidoctor/timings' # this require is satisfied by the Asciidoctor.js build; it supplies compile and runtime overrides for Asciidoctor.js require 'asciidoctor/js/postscript' end