module Coltrane module Commands class Chords < Command attr_reader :chord, :flavor, :on, :preface, :voicings def initialize(chord = nil, flavor: :notes, on: :text, notes: nil, preface: nil, voicings: 4, **options) if chord @chord = chord.is_a?(Theory::Chord) ? chord : chord) elsif notes @chord = notes&.split('-')) else raise 'Provide chord names or notes. Ex: coltrane chords Cm7-Db7, ' \ 'or coltrane chords --notes C-E-G' end @flavor = flavor.to_sym @preface = preface || @on = on.to_sym @voicings = voicings.to_i end def representation return on_model if on == :text { preface => on_model } end def on_model case on when :text then chord when :guitar then Representation::Guitar.find_chords(chord).first(voicings) when :ukulele, :ukelele then Representation::Ukulele.find_chords(chord).first(voicings) when :bass then Representation::Bass.find_notes(chord.notes) when :piano then Representation::Piano.find_notes(chord.notes) when :'guitar-frets' then Representation::Guitar.find_notes(chord.notes) when :'ukulele-frets', :'ukelele-frets' then Representation::Ukulele.find_notes(chord.notes) end end def layout_horizontal? [:guitar, :ukulele, :ukelele, :bass, :piano].include?(on) end def renderer_options [ { flavor: flavor }, ( { layout: :horizontal, per_row: 4, } if layout_horizontal? ) ] .compact .reduce({}, :merge) end def self.mercenary_init(program) program.command(:chords) do |c| c.alias(:chord) c.syntax 'chords [<chord-name>] [--on <instrument>]' c.description 'Shows the given chord. Ex: coltrane chord Cmaj7 --on piano' c.option :notes, '--notes C-D-E', 'finds chords with those notes, ' \ 'provided they are separated by dashes' add_shared_option(:flavor, c) add_shared_option(:on, c) add_shared_option(:voicings, c) c.action { |(chords), **options| (chords&.split('-') || [nil]).each { |chord| new(chord, **options).render } } end end end end end