:toc: macro :toclevels: 5 :figure-caption!: = Refinements [link=http://badge.fury.io/rb/refinements] image::https://badge.fury.io/rb/refinements.svg[Gem Version] [link=https://www.alchemists.io/projects/code_quality] image::https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-alchemists-brightgreen.svg[Alchemists Style Guide] [link=https://circleci.com/gh/bkuhlmann/refinements] image::https://circleci.com/gh/bkuhlmann/refinements.svg?style=svg[Circle CI Status] A collection of refinements (enhancements) to primitive Ruby objects. toc::[] == Features Enhances the following objects: * Array * BigDecimal * DateTime * File * Hash * IO * Pathname * String * StringIO * Structs == Requirements . https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby]. . A solid understanding of link:https://www.alchemists.io/articles/ruby_refinements[Ruby refinements and lexical scope]. == Setup To install, run: [source,bash] ---- gem install refinements ---- Add the following to your Gemfile file: [source,ruby] ---- gem "refinements" ---- == Usage === Requires If all refinements are not desired, add the following to your `+Gemfile+` instead: [source,ruby] ---- gem "refinements", require: false ---- ...then require the specific refinement, as needed. Example: [source,ruby] ---- require "refinements/arrays" require "refinements/big_decimals" require "refinements/date_times" require "refinements/files" require "refinements/hashes" require "refinements/ios" require "refinements/pathnames" require "refinements/strings" require "refinements/string_ios" require "refinements/structs" ---- === Using Much like including/extending a module, you’ll need to modify your object(s) to use the refinement(s): [source,ruby] ---- class Example using Refinements::Arrays using Refinements::BigDecimals using Refinements::DateTimes using Refinements::Files using Refinements::Hashes using Refinements::IOs using Refinements::Pathnames using Refinements::Strings using Refinements::StringIOs using Refinements::Structs end ---- === Examples The following sections demonstrate how each refinement enriches your objects with new capabilities. ==== Array ===== #compress Removes `nil` and empty values without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = ["An", nil, "", "Example"] example.compress # => ["An", "Example"] example # => ["An", nil, "", "Example"] ---- ===== #compress! Removes `nil` and empty values while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = ["An", nil, "", "Example"] example.compress! # => ["An", "Example"] example # => ["An", "Example"] ---- ===== #excluding Removes given array or elements without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding [4, 5] # => [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding 4, 5 # => [1, 2, 3] ---- ===== #including Adds given array or elements without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3].including [4, 5] # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 2, 3].including 4, 5 # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ---- ===== #intersperse Inserts additional elements or array between all members of given array. [source,ruby] ---- [1, 2, 3].intersperse :a # => [1, :a, 2, :a, 3] [1, 2, 3].intersperse :a, :b # => [1, :a, :b, 2, :a, :b, 3] [1, 2, 3].intersperse %i[a b c] # => [1, :a, :b, :c, 2, :a, :b, :c, 3] ---- ===== #mean Answers mean/average all elements within an array. [source,ruby] ---- [].mean # => 0 [5].mean # => 5 [1, 2, 3].mean # => 2 [1.25, 1.5, 1.75].mean # => 1.5 ---- ===== #ring Answers a circular array which can enumerate before, current, after elements. [source,ruby] ---- example = [1, 2, 3] example.ring # => #<Enumerator: ...> example.ring { |(before, current, after)| puts "#{before} #{current} #{after}" } # [3 1 2] # [1 2 3] # [2 3 1] ---- ==== Big Decimal ===== #inspect Allows one to inspect a big decimal with numeric representation. [source,ruby] ---- BigDecimal.new("5.0E-10").inspect # => "#<BigDecimal:3fd3d458fe84 0.0000000005>" ---- ==== DateTime ===== .utc Answers new DateTime object for current UTC date/time. [source,ruby] ---- DateTime.utc # => #<DateTime: 2019-12-31T18:17:00+00:00 ((2458849j,65820s,181867000n),+0s,2299161j)> ---- ==== File ===== .rewrite When given a file path and a block, it provides the contents of the recently read file for manipulation and immediate writing back to the same file. [source,ruby] ---- File.rewrite("/test.txt") { |content| content.gsub "[placeholder]", "example" } ---- ==== Hash ===== .infinite Answers new hash where missing keys, even deeply nested, answer an empty hash. [source,ruby] ---- example = Hash.infinite example[:a] # => {} example[:a][:b][:c] # => {} ---- ===== .with_default Answers new hash where every top-level missing key has the same default value. [source,ruby] ---- example = Hash.with_default "" example[:a] # => "" example = Hash.with_default [] example[:b] # => [] ---- ===== #deep_merge Merges deeply nested hashes together without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} example.deep_merge b: {one: 1} # => {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} example # => {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} ---- ===== #deep_merge! Merges deeply nested hashes together while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: "A", b: {one: "One", two: "Two"}} example.deep_merge! b: {one: 1} # => {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} example # => {a: "A", b: {one: 1, two: "Two"}} ---- ===== #deep_stringify_keys Stringifies keys of nested hash without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: {b: 2}} example.deep_stringify_keys # => {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example # => {a: {b: 2}} ---- ===== #deep_stringify_keys! Stringifies keys of nested hash while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: {b: 2}} example.deep_stringify_keys! # => {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example # => {"a" => {"b" => 1}} ---- ===== #deep_symbolize_keys Symbolizes keys of nested hash without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 2}} example.deep_symbolize_keys # => {a: {b: 1}} example # => {"a" => {"b" => 2}} ---- ===== #deep_symbolize_keys! Symbolizes keys of nested hash while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 2}} example.deep_symbolize_keys! # => {a: {b: 1}} example # => {a: {b: 1}} ---- ===== #except Answers new hash with given keys removed without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example.except :a, :b # => {c: 3} example # => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} ---- ===== #except! Answers new hash with given keys removed while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example.except! :a, :b # => {c: 3} example # => {c: 3} ---- ===== #flatten_keys Flattens nested keys as top-level keys without mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys prefix: :test # => {test_a_b: 1} {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys delimiter: :| # => {:"a|b" => 1} {a: {b: 1}}.flatten_keys cast: :to_s # => {"a_b" => 1} {"a" => {"b" => 1}}.flatten_keys cast: :to_sym # => {a_b: 1} example = {a: {b: 1}} example.flatten_keys # => {a_b: 1} example # => {a: {b: 1}} ---- ===== #flatten_keys! Flattens nested keys as top-level keys while mutating itself. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: {b: 1}} example.flatten_keys! # => {a_b: 1} example # => {a_b: 1} ---- ===== #recurse Recursively iterates over the hash and any hash value by applying the given block to it. Does not handle nested arrays, though. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => {"b" => 1}} example.recurse(&:symbolize_keys) # => {a: {b: 1}} example.recurse(&:invert) # => {{"b" => 1} => "a"} ---- ===== #rekey Transforms keys per mapping (size of mapping can vary) without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example.rekey a: :amber, b: :blue # => {amber: 1, blue: 2, c: 3} example # => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} ---- ===== #rekey! Transforms keys per mapping (size of mapping can vary) while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example.rekey! a: :amber, b: :blue # => {amber: 1, blue: 2, c: 3} example # => {amber: 1, blue: 2, c: 3} ---- ===== #reverse_merge Merges calling hash into passed in hash without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.reverse_merge a: 0, c: 3 # => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example # => {a: 1, b: 2} ---- ===== #reverse_merge! Merges calling hash into passed in hash while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.reverse_merge! a: 0, c: 3 # => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} example # => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} ---- ===== #stringify_keys Converts keys to strings without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.stringify_keys # => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example # => {a: 1, b: 2} ---- ===== #stringify_keys! Converts keys to strings while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {a: 1, b: 2} example.stringify_keys! # => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example # => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} ---- ===== #symbolize_keys Converts keys to symbols without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example.symbolize_keys # => {a: 1, b: 2} example # => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} ---- ===== #symbolize_keys! Converts keys to symbols while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- example = {"a" => 1, "b" => 2} example.symbolize_keys! # => {a: 1, b: 2} example # => {a: 1, b: 2} ---- ===== #use Passes each hash value as a block argument for further processing. [source,ruby] ---- example = {unit: "221B", street: "Baker Street", city: "London", country: "UK"} example.use { |unit, street| "#{unit} #{street}" } # => "221B Baker Street" ---- ==== IO ===== .void Answers an IO stream which points to `/dev/null` in order to ignore any reads or writes to the stream. When given a block, the stream will automatically close upon block exit. When not given a block, you'll need to close the stream manually. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.void # => #<IO:fd 20> io = IO.void { |void| void.write "nevermore" } # => #<IO:(closed)> ---- ===== #redirect Redirects current stream to other stream when given a block. Without a block, the original stream is answered instead. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("test.txt").to_s, "w+") other = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("other.txt").to_s, "w+") io.redirect other # => #<IO:fd 20> io.redirect(other) { |stream| stream.write "test" } # => #<IO:fd 21> ---- ===== #reread Answers full stream by rewinding to beginning of stream and reading all content. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("test.txt").to_s, "w+") io.write "This is a test." io.reread # => "This is a test." io.reread 4 # => "This" buffer = "".dup io.reread(buffer: buffer) # => "This is a test." buffer # => "This is a test." ---- ===== #squelch Temporarily ignores any reads/writes for code executed within a block. Answers itself without any arguments or when given a block. [source,ruby] ---- io = IO.new IO.sysopen(Pathname("test.txt").to_s, "w+") io.squelch # => #<IO:fd 20> io.squelch { io.write "Test" } # => #<IO:fd 20> io.reread # => "" ---- ==== Pathname ===== Pathname Enhances the `Kernel` conversion function which casts `nil` into a pathname in order to avoid: `TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String)`. The pathname remains invalid but at least you have an instance of `Pathname`, which behaves like a _Null Object_, that can be used to construct a valid path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname(nil) # => Pathname("") ---- ===== .home Answers user home directory. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.home # => Pathname "/Users/bkuhlmann" ---- ===== .make_temp_dir Wraps `Dir.mktmpdir` with the following behavior (see link:https://rubyapi.org/o/Dir.mktmpdir#method-c-mktmpdir[Dir.mktmpdir] for details): * *Without Block* - Answers a newly created Pathname instance which is not automatically cleaned up. * *With Block* Yields a Pathname instance, answers result of given block, and automatidally cleans up temporary directory after block exits. The following examples use truncated temporary directories for illustration purposes only. In reality, these paths will be longer depending on which operating system you are using. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.make_temp_dir # => Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir prefix: "prefix-" # => Pathname:/var/folders/T/prefix-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir suffix: "-suffix" # => Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8-suffix Pathname.make_temp_dir prefix: "prefix-", suffix: "-suffix" # => Pathname:/var/folders/T/prefix-20200101-16940-r8-suffix Pathname.make_temp_dir root: "/example" # => Pathname:/example/temp-20200101-16940-r8 Pathname.make_temp_dir { "I am a block result" } # => "I am a block result" Pathname.make_temp_dir { |path| path.join "sub_dir" } # => Pathname:/var/folders/T/temp-20200101-16940-r8/sub_dir ---- ===== .require_tree Requires all files in given root path and corresponding nested tree structure. All files are sorted before being required to ensure consistent behavior. Example: [source,ruby] ---- # Before Dir[File.join(__dir__, "support/shared_contexts/**/*.rb")].sort.each { |path| require path } # After Pathname.require_tree __dir__, "support/shared_contexts/**/*.rb" ---- The following are further examples of potential usage: [source,ruby] ---- # Requires all files in root directory and below. Pathname.require_tree __dir__ # Requires all files in `/test/**/*.rb` and below. Pathname.require_tree "/test" # Requires all files in RSpec shared examples directory structure. Pathname.require_tree Bundler.root.join("spec"), "support/shared_examples/**/*.rb" ---- ===== .root Answers operating system root path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.root # => Pathname "/" ---- ===== #change_dir Wraps `Dir.chdir` behavior by changing to directory of current path. See link:https://rubyapi.org/o/Dir.chdir#method-c-chdir[Dir.chdir] for details. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname.pwd # => "/" Pathname("/test").make_dir.change_dir # => Pathname "/test" Pathname.pwd # => "/test" Pathname.pwd # => "/" Pathname("/test").make_dir.change_dir { "example" } # => "example" Pathname.pwd # => "/" ---- ===== #copy Copies file from current location to new location while answering itself so it can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("input.txt").copy Pathname("output.txt") # => Pathname("input.txt") ---- ===== #directories Answers all directories or filtered directories for current path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/example").directories # => [Pathname("a"), Pathname("b")] Pathname("/example").directories "a*" # => [Pathname("a")] Pathname("/example").directories flag: File::FNM_DOTMATCH # => [Pathname(".."), Pathname(".")] ---- ===== #extensions Answers file extensions as an array. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt.erb").extensions # => [".txt", ".erb"] ---- ===== #files Answers all files or filtered files for current path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/example").files # => [Pathname("a.txt"), Pathname("a.png")] Pathname("/example").files "*.png" # => [Pathname("a.png")] Pathname("/example").files flag: File::FNM_DOTMATCH # => [Pathname(".ruby-version")] ---- ===== #gsub Same behavior as `String#gsub` but answers a path with patterns replaced with desired substitutes. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/a/path/some/path").gsub("path", "test") # => Pathname("/a/test/some/test") Pathname("/%placeholder%/some/%placeholder%").gsub("%placeholder%", "test") # => Pathname("/test/some/test") ---- ===== #make_ancestors Ensures all ancestor directories are created for a path. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two").make_ancestors # => Pathname("/one/two") Pathname("/one").exist? # => true Pathname("/one/two").exist? # => false ---- ===== #make_dir Provides alternative `#mkdir` behavior by always answering itself (even when directory exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one").make_dir # => Pathname("/one") Pathname("/one").make_dir.make_dir # => Pathname("/one") ---- ===== #make_path Provides alternative `#mkpath` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two/three").make_path # => Pathname("/one/two/three") Pathname("/one/two/three").make_path.make_path # => Pathname("/one/two/three") ---- ===== #name Answers file name without extension. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt").name # => Pathname("example") ---- ===== #relative_parent Answers relative path from parent directory. This is a complement to `#relative_path_from`. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/one/two/three").relative_parent("/one") # => Pathname "two" ---- ===== #remove_dir Provides alternative `#rmdir` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/test").make_dir.remove_dir.exist? # => false Pathname("/test").remove_dir # => Pathname("/test") Pathname("/test").remove_dir.remove_dir # => Pathname("/test") ---- ===== #remove_tree Provides alternative `#rmtree` behavior by always answering itself (even when full path exists) and not throwing errors when directory does exist in order to ensure the pathname can be chained. [source,ruby] ---- parent_path = Pathname "/one" child_path = parent_path.join "two" child_path.make_path child_path.remove_tree # => Pathname "/one/two" child_path.exist? # => false paremt_path.exist? # => true child_path.make_path parent_path.remove_tree # => Pathname "/one" child_path.exist? # => false parent_path.exist? # => false ---- ===== #rewrite When given a block, it provides the contents of the recently read file for manipulation and immediate writing back to the same file. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("/test.txt").rewrite # => Pathname("/test.txt") Pathname("/test.txt").rewrite { |body| body.sub "[token]", "example" } # => Pathname("/test.txt") ---- ===== #touch Updates access and modification times for path. Defaults to current time. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt").touch # => Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").touch at: Time.now - 1 # => Pathname("example.txt") ---- ===== #write Writes to file and answers itself so it can be chained. See `IO.write` for details on additional options. [source,ruby] ---- Pathname("example.txt").write "test" # => Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").write "test", offset: 1 # => Pathname("example.txt") Pathname("example.txt").write "test", mode: "a" # => Pathname("example.txt") ---- ==== String ===== #blank? Answers `true`/`false` based on whether string is blank, `<space>`, `\n`, `\t`, and/or `\r`. [source,ruby] ---- " \n\t\r".blank? # => true ---- ===== #camelcase Answers a camelcased string. [source,ruby] ---- "this_is_an_example".camelcase # => "ThisIsAnExample" ---- ===== #down Answers string with only first letter downcased. [source,ruby] ---- "EXAMPLE".down # => "eXAMPLE" ---- ===== #first Answers first character of a string or first set of characters if given a number. [source,ruby] ---- "example".first # => "e" "example".first 4 # => "exam" ---- ===== #indent Answers string indented by two spaces by default. [source,ruby] ---- "example".indent # => " example" "example".indent 0 # => "example" "example".indent -1 # => "example" "example".indent 2 # => " example" "example".indent 3, padding: " " # => " example" ---- ===== #last Answers last character of a string or last set of characters if given a number. [source,ruby] ---- "instant".last # => "t" "instant".last 3 # => "ant" ---- ===== #snakecase Answers a snakecased string. [source,ruby] ---- "ThisIsAnExample".snakecase # => "this_is_an_example" ---- ===== #titleize Answers titleized string. [source,ruby] ---- "ThisIsAnExample".titleize # => "This Is An Example" ---- ===== #to_bool Answers string as a boolean. [source,ruby] ---- "true".to_bool # => true "yes".to_bool # => true "1".to_bool # => true "".to_bool # => false "example".to_bool # => false ---- ===== #up Answers string with only first letter upcased. [source,ruby] ---- "example".up # => "Example" ---- ==== String IO ===== #reread Answers full string by rewinding to beginning of string and reading all content. [source,ruby] ---- io = StringIO.new io.write "This is a test." io.reread # => "This is a test." io.reread 4 # => "This" buffer = "".dup io.reread(buffer: buffer) # => "This is a test." buffer # => "This is a test." ---- ==== Struct ===== #merge Merges multiple attributes without mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c example = Example[1, 2, 3] example.merge a: 10 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=3> example.merge a: 10, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=30> example.merge a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> example # => #<struct a=1, b=2, c=3> Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c, keyword_init: true example = Example[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] example.merge a: 10 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=3> example.merge a: 10, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=30> example.merge a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> example # => #<struct a=1, b=2, c=3> ---- ===== #merge! Merges multiple attributes while mutating itself. [source,ruby] ---- Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c example = Example[1, 2, 3] example.merge! a: 10 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=3> example.merge! a: 10, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=30> example.merge! a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> example # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> Example = Struct.new :a, :b, :c, keyword_init: true example = Example[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] example.merge! a: 10 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=3> example.merge! a: 10, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=2, c=30> example.merge! a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> example # => #<struct a=10, b=20, c=30> ---- == Development To contribute, run: [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/bkuhlmann/refinements.git cd refinements bin/setup ---- You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects: [source,bash] ---- bin/console ---- == Tests To test, run: [source,bash] ---- bundle exec rake ---- == Versioning Read link:https://semver.org[Semantic Versioning] for details. Briefly, it means: * Major (X.y.z) - Incremented for any backwards incompatible public API changes. * Minor (x.Y.z) - Incremented for new, backwards compatible, public API enhancements/fixes. * Patch (x.y.Z) - Incremented for small, backwards compatible, bug fixes. == Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a link:CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc[CODE OF CONDUCT]. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. == Contributions Read link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[CONTRIBUTING] for details. == License Read link:LICENSE.adoc[LICENSE] for details. == History Read link:CHANGES.adoc[CHANGES] for details. == Credits Engineered by link:https://www.alchemists.io/team/brooke_kuhlmann[Brooke Kuhlmann].