module Neo4jr # SEE: class ReturnableEvaluator ALL = org.neo4j.api.core.ReturnableEvaluator.ALL ALL_BUT_START_NODE = org.neo4j.api.core.ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE # Creates a new ReturnableEvaluator on the fly that delgates to the passed in block to use with the traverse method. # The block should return either true or false # See # # Examples: # # Return.when do |current_position| # current_position.depth > 3 && current_position.previousNode[:active] == false # end # def self.when(&block) instance = new instance.instance_variable_set(:@evaluator_block, block) instance.instance_eval do def isReturnableNode(position) end end instance end def self.everything self.when do |position| true end end end Return = ReturnableEvaluator end