define("dojox/geo/charting/Map", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/window", "dojox/gfx", "./_base", "./Feature", "./_Marker", "dojo/number", "dojo/_base/sniff" ], function(lang, arr, declare, html, dom, domGeom, domClass, xhr, connect, win, gfx, base, Feature, Marker, number, has){ return declare("dojox.geo.charting.Map", null, { // summary: // Map widget interacted with charting. // description: // Support rendering Americas, AsiaPacific, ContinentalEurope, EuropeMiddleEastAfrica, // USStates, WorldCountries, and WorldCountriesMercator by default. // example: // | var usaMap = new dojox.geo.charting.Map(srcNode, "dojotoolkit/dojox/geo/charting/resources/data/USStates.json"); // |
// defaultColor: String // Default map feature color, e.g: "#B7B7B7" defaultColor:"#B7B7B7", // highlightColor: String // Map feature color when mouse over it, e.g: "#" highlightColor:"#D5D5D5", // series: Array // stack to data range, e.g: [{name:'label 1', min:20, max:70, color:'#DDDDDD'},{...},...] series:[], dataBindingAttribute:null, dataBindingValueFunction:null, dataStore:null, showTooltips: true, enableFeatureZoom: true, colorAnimationDuration:0, _idAttributes:null, _onSetListener:null, _onNewListener:null, _onDeleteListener:null, constructor: function(/*Node*/container, /*String|Object*/shapeData){ // summary: // Constructs a new Map instance. // container: // map container html node/id. // shapeData: // map shape data json object, or url to json file., "display", "block"); this.container = container; var containerBounds = this._getContainerBounds(); // get map container coords this.surface = gfx.createSurface(container, containerBounds.w, containerBounds.h); this._createZoomingCursor(); // add transparent background for event capture this.mapBackground = this.surface.createRect({x: 0, y: 0, width: containerBounds.w, height: containerBounds.w}).setFill("rgba(0,0,0,0)"); this.mapObj = this.surface.createGroup(); this.mapObj.features = {}; if(typeof shapeData == "object"){ this._init(shapeData); }else{ // load map shape file if(typeof shapeData == "string" && shapeData.length > 0){ xhr.get({ url: shapeData, handleAs: "json", sync: true, load: lang.hitch(this, "_init") }); } } }, _getContainerBounds: function(){ // summary: // returns the bounds {x:, y:, w: ,h:} of the DOM node container in absolute coordinates // tags: // private var position = domGeom.position(this.container,true); var marginBox = domGeom.getMarginBox(this.container); // use contentBox for correct width and height - surface spans outside border otherwise var contentBox = domGeom.getContentBox(this.container); this._storedContainerBounds = { x: position.x, y: position.y, w: contentBox.w || 100, h: contentBox.h || 100 }; return this._storedContainerBounds; }, resize: function(/**boolean**/ adjustMapCenter, /**boolean**/ adjustMapScale, /**boolean**/ animate){ // summary: // resize the underlying GFX surface to accommodate to parent DOM Node size change // adjustMapCenter: boolean // keeps the center of the map when resizing the surface // adjustMapScale: boolean // adjusts the map scale to keep the visible portion of the map as much as possible var oldBounds = this._storedContainerBounds; var newBounds = this._getContainerBounds(); if((oldBounds.w == newBounds.w) && (oldBounds.h == newBounds.h)){ return; } // set surface dimensions, and background this.mapBackground.setShape({width:newBounds.w, height:newBounds.h}); this.surface.setDimensions(newBounds.w,newBounds.h); this.mapObj.marker.hide(); this.mapObj.marker._needTooltipRefresh = true; if(adjustMapCenter){ var mapScale = this.getMapScale(); var newScale = mapScale; if(adjustMapScale){ var bbox = this.mapObj.boundBox; var widthFactor = newBounds.w / oldBounds.w; var heightFactor = newBounds.h / oldBounds.h; newScale = mapScale * Math.sqrt(widthFactor * heightFactor); } // current map center var invariantMapPoint = this.screenCoordsToMapCoords(oldBounds.w/2,oldBounds.h/2); // apply new parameters this.setMapCenterAndScale(invariantMapPoint.x,invariantMapPoint.y,newScale,animate); } }, _isMobileDevice: function(){ // summary: // tests whether the application is running on a mobile device (android or iOS) // tags: // private return (has("safari") && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPod") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") > -1 )) || (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1); }, setMarkerData: function(/*String*/ markerFile){ // summary: // import markers from outside file, associate with map feature by feature id // which identified in map shape file, e.g: "NY":"New York" // markerFile: // outside marker data url, handled as json style. // data format: {"NY":"New York",.....} xhr.get({ url: markerFile, handleAs: "json", handle: lang.hitch(this, "_appendMarker") }); }, setDataBindingAttribute: function(/*String*/prop){ // summary: // sets the property name of the dataStore items to use as value (see Feature.setValue function) // prop: String // the property this.dataBindingAttribute = prop; // refresh data if(this.dataStore){ this._queryDataStore(); } }, setDataBindingValueFunction: function(/* function */valueFunction){ // summary: // sets the function that extracts values from dataStore items,to use as Feature values (see Feature.setValue function) // valueFunction: // the function this.dataBindingValueFunction = valueFunction; // refresh data if(this.dataStore){ this._queryDataStore(); } }, _queryDataStore: function(){ if(!this.dataBindingAttribute || (this.dataBindingAttribute.length == 0)){ return; } var mapInstance = this; this.dataStore.fetch({ scope: this, onComplete: function(items){ this._idAttributes = mapInstance.dataStore.getIdentityAttributes({}); arr.forEach(items, function(item){ var id = mapInstance.dataStore.getValue(item, this._idAttributes[0]); if(mapInstance.mapObj.features[id]){ var val = null; var itemVal = mapInstance.dataStore.getValue(item, mapInstance.dataBindingAttribute); if(itemVal){ if(this.dataBindingValueFunction){ val = this.dataBindingValueFunction(itemVal); }else{ if(isNaN(val)){ // regular parse val=number.parse(itemVal); }else{ val = itemVal; } } } if(val){ mapInstance.mapObj.features[id].setValue(val); } } },this); } }); }, _onSet:function(item,attribute,oldValue,newValue){ // look for matching feature var id = this.dataStore.getValue(item, this._idAttributes[0]); var feature = this.mapObj.features[id]; if(feature && (attribute == this.dataBindingAttribute)){ if(newValue){ feature.setValue(newValue); }else{ feature.unsetValue(); } } }, _onNew:function(newItem, parentItem){ var id = this.dataStore.getValue(item, this._idAttributes[0]); var feature = this.mapObj.features[id]; if(feature && (attribute == this.dataBindingAttribute)){ feature.setValue(newValue); } }, _onDelete:function(item){ var id = item[this._idAttributes[0]]; var feature = this.mapObj.features[id]; if(feature){ feature.unsetValue(); } }, setDataStore: function(/*dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore*/ dataStore, /*String*/ dataBindingProp){ // summary: // populate data for each map feature from fetched data store // dataStore: dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore // the dataStore to fetch the information from // dataBindingProp: // sets the property name of the dataStore items to use as value if(this.dataStore != dataStore){ // disconnect previous listener if any if(this._onSetListener){ connect.disconnect(this._onSetListener); connect.disconnect(this._onNewListener); connect.disconnect(this._onDeleteListener); } // set new dataStore this.dataStore = dataStore; // install listener on new dataStore if(dataStore){ _onSetListener = connect.connect(this.dataStore,"onSet",this,this._onSet); _onNewListener = connect.connect(this.dataStore,"onNew",this,this._onNew); _onDeleteListener = connect.connect(this.dataStore,"onDelete",this,this._onDelete); } } if(dataBindingProp){ this.setDataBindingAttribute(dataBindingProp); } }, addSeries: function(/*url|Object[]*/ series){ // summary: // sets ranges of data values (associated with label, color) to style map data values // series: // Either an url or an array of range objects such as : [{name:'label 1', min:20, max:70, color:'#DDDDDD'},{...},...] if(typeof series == "object"){ this._addSeriesImpl(series); }else{ // load series file if(typeof series == "string" && series.length > 0){ xhr.get({ url: series, handleAs: "json", sync: true, load: lang.hitch(this, function(content){ this._addSeriesImpl(content.series); }) }); } } }, _addSeriesImpl: function(/*Object[]*/series){ this.series = series; // refresh color scheme for(var item in this.mapObj.features){ var feature = this.mapObj.features[item]; feature.setValue(feature.value); } }, fitToMapArea: function(mapArea, pixelMargin, animate, onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the specified area fits in the component (centered) // mapArea: Object // the map area that needs to fill the component expressed as {x,y,w,h} // pixelMargin: int // a margin (in pixels) from the borders of the Map component. // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). if(!pixelMargin){ pixelMargin = 0; } var width = mapArea.w, height = mapArea.h, containerBounds = this._getContainerBounds(), scale = Math.min((containerBounds.w - 2 * pixelMargin) / width, (containerBounds.h - 2 * pixelMargin) / height); this.setMapCenterAndScale(mapArea.x + mapArea.w / 2,mapArea.y + mapArea.h / 2,scale,animate,onAnimationEnd); }, fitToMapContents: function(pixelMargin,animate,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the whole map data fits in the component (centered) // pixelMargin: int // a margin (in pixels) from the borders of the Map component. // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). //transform map to fit container var bbox = this.mapObj.boundBox; this.fitToMapArea(bbox,pixelMargin,animate,onAnimationEnd); }, setMapCenter: function(centerX,centerY,animate,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the map is centered on the specified map coordinates // centerX: float // the X coordinate (in map coordinates) of the new center // centerY: float // the Y coordinate (in map coordinates) of the new center // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). // call setMapCenterAndScale with current map scale var currentScale = this.getMapScale(); this.setMapCenterAndScale(centerX,centerY,currentScale,animate,onAnimationEnd); }, _createAnimation: function(onShape,fromTransform,toTransform,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // creates a transform animation object (between two transforms) used internally // onShape: dojox.gfx.shape.Shape // The target shape. // fromTransform: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D // the start transformation (when animation begins) // toTransform: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D // the end transormation (when animation ends) // onAnimationEnd: function // callback function to be executed when the animation completes. var fromDx = fromTransform.dx?fromTransform.dx:0; var fromDy = fromTransform.dy?fromTransform.dy:0; var toDx = toTransform.dx?toTransform.dx:0; var toDy = toTransform.dy?toTransform.dy:0; var fromScale = fromTransform.xx?fromTransform.xx:1.0; var toScale = toTransform.xx?toTransform.xx:1.0; var anim = gfx.fx.animateTransform({ duration: 1000, shape: onShape, transform: [{ name: "translate", start: [fromDx,fromDy], end: [toDx,toDy] }, { name: "scale", start: [fromScale], end: [toScale] } ] }); //install callback if(onAnimationEnd){ var listener = connect.connect(anim,"onEnd",this,function(event){ onAnimationEnd(event); connect.disconnect(listener); }); } return anim; }, setMapCenterAndScale: function(centerX,centerY,scale, animate,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the map is centered on the specified map coordinates // and scaled to the specified scale. // centerX: float // the X coordinate (in map coordinates) of the new center // centerY: float // the Y coordinate (in map coordinates) of the new center // scale: float // the scale of the map // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). // compute matrix parameters var bbox = this.mapObj.boundBox; var containerBounds = this._getContainerBounds(); var offsetX = containerBounds.w/2 - scale * (centerX - bbox.x); var offsetY = containerBounds.h/2 - scale * (centerY - bbox.y); var newTransform = new gfx.matrix.Matrix2D({xx: scale, yy: scale, dx:offsetX, dy:offsetY}); var currentTransform = this.mapObj.getTransform(); // can animate only if specified AND curentTransform exists if(!animate || !currentTransform){ this.mapObj.setTransform(newTransform); }else{ var anim = this._createAnimation(this.mapObj,currentTransform,newTransform,onAnimationEnd);; } }, getMapCenter: function(){ // summary: // returns the map coordinates of the center of this Map component. // returns: point // the center in map coordinates var containerBounds = this._getContainerBounds(); return this.screenCoordsToMapCoords(containerBounds.w/2,containerBounds.h/2); // point }, setMapScale: function(scale,animate,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the map is scaled to the specified scale. // scale: Number // the scale ratio. // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). // default invariant is map center var containerBounds = this._getContainerBounds(); var invariantMapPoint = this.screenCoordsToMapCoords(containerBounds.w/2,containerBounds.h/2); this.setMapScaleAt(scale,invariantMapPoint.x,invariantMapPoint.y,animate,onAnimationEnd); }, setMapScaleAt: function(scale,fixedMapX,fixedMapY,animate,/* callback function */onAnimationEnd){ // summary: // set this component's transformation so that the map is scaled to the specified scale, and the specified // point (in map coordinates) stays fixed on this Map component // scale: Number // the scale ratio. // fixedMapX: float // the X coordinate (in map coordinates) of the fixed screen point // fixedMapY: float // the Y coordinate (in map coordinates) of the fixed screen point // animate: boolean // true if the transform change should be animated // onAnimationEnd: function // a callback function to be executed when the animation completes (if animate set to true). var invariantMapPoint = null; var invariantScreenPoint = null; invariantMapPoint = {x: fixedMapX, y: fixedMapY}; invariantScreenPoint = this.mapCoordsToScreenCoords(invariantMapPoint.x,invariantMapPoint.y); // compute matrix parameters var bbox = this.mapObj.boundBox; var offsetX = invariantScreenPoint.x - scale * (invariantMapPoint.x - bbox.x); var offsetY = invariantScreenPoint.y - scale * (invariantMapPoint.y - bbox.y); var newTransform = new gfx.matrix.Matrix2D({xx: scale, yy: scale, dx:offsetX, dy:offsetY}); var currentTransform = this.mapObj.getTransform(); // can animate only if specified AND curentTransform exists if(!animate || !currentTransform){ this.mapObj.setTransform(newTransform); }else{ var anim = this._createAnimation(this.mapObj,currentTransform,newTransform,onAnimationEnd);; } }, getMapScale: function(){ // summary: // returns the scale of this Map component. // returns: float // the scale var mat = this.mapObj.getTransform(); var scale = mat?mat.xx:1.0; return scale; // Number }, mapCoordsToScreenCoords: function(mapX,mapY){ // summary: // converts map coordinates to screen coordinates given the current transform of this Map component // mapX: Number // the x coordinate of the point to convert. // mapY: Number // the y coordinate of the point to convert. // returns: {x:,y:} // the screen coordinates correspondig to the specified map coordinates. var matrix = this.mapObj.getTransform(); var screenPoint = gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(matrix, mapX, mapY); return screenPoint; // point }, screenCoordsToMapCoords: function(screenX, screenY){ // summary: // converts screen coordinates to map coordinates given the current transform of this Map component // screenX: Number // the x coordinate of the point to convert. // screenY: Number // the y coordinate of the point to convert. // returns: // the map coordinates corresponding to the specified screen coordinates. var invMatrix = gfx.matrix.invert(this.mapObj.getTransform()); var mapPoint = gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(invMatrix, screenX, screenY); return mapPoint; // point }, deselectAll: function(){ // summary: // deselect all features of map for(var name in this.mapObj.features){ this.mapObj.features[name].select(false); } this.selectedFeature = null; this.focused = false; }, _init: function(shapeData){ // summary: // inits this Map component. //transform map to fit container this.mapObj.boundBox = {x: shapeData.layerExtent[0], y: shapeData.layerExtent[1], w: (shapeData.layerExtent[2] - shapeData.layerExtent[0]), h: shapeData.layerExtent[3] - shapeData.layerExtent[1]}; this.fitToMapContents(3); // if there are "features", then implement them now. arr.forEach(shapeData.featureNames, function(item){ var featureShape = shapeData.features[item]; featureShape.bbox.x = featureShape.bbox[0]; featureShape.bbox.y = featureShape.bbox[1]; featureShape.bbox.w = featureShape.bbox[2]; featureShape.bbox.h = featureShape.bbox[3]; var feature = new Feature(this, item, featureShape); feature.init(); this.mapObj.features[item] = feature; }, this); // set up a marker. this.mapObj.marker = new Marker({}, this); }, _appendMarker: function(markerData){ this.mapObj.marker = new Marker(markerData, this); }, _createZoomingCursor: function(){ if(!dom.byId("mapZoomCursor")){ var mapZoomCursor = win.doc.createElement("div"); html.attr(mapZoomCursor,"id","mapZoomCursor"); domClass.add(mapZoomCursor,"mapZoomIn");,"display","none"); win.body().appendChild(mapZoomCursor); } }, onFeatureClick: function(feature){ // summary: // Invoked when the specified feature is clicked. // feature: dojox.geo.charting.Feature // A Feature. // tags: // callback }, onFeatureOver: function(feature){ // summary: // Invoked when the specified feature is hovered. // feature: dojox.geo.charting.Feature // A Feature. // tags: // callback }, onZoomEnd:function(feature){ // summary: // Invoked when the specified feature has been zoomed. // feature: dojox.geo.charting.Feature // A Feature. // tags: // callback } }); });