require_relative '../../../rails_helper.rb' RSpec.describe SmartTable::SmartTableHelper do before do # this helper requires access to the get_cached_smart_table_params method, # which returns the current smart_table_params defined on the controller. # We initialize a default @smart_table_params with page_size=3 @smart_table_params = @smart_table_params.sort = nil @smart_table_params.page_size = 3 @smart_table_params.page_number = 1 = nil helper.instance_variable_set(:@smart_table_params, @smart_table_params) helper.define_singleton_method(:get_cached_smart_table_params) do @smart_table_params end # Kaminari, which is a dependency of smart_table, requires access to params # inside its helpers. It reads the :st_page parameter to know what is the # current page, or it assumes it is the first page if no :st_page is found @params = helper.instance_variable_set(:@params, @params) helper.define_singleton_method(:params) do @params end @records = [1,2,3] @total_records_count = 8 @record_model_name = 'User' end # makes helper available through `helper` let(:helper) do klass = klass.extend SmartTable::SmartTableHelper klass end describe '#smart_table_paginate' do pending 'returns pagination commands' do html = helper.smart_table_paginate(@records, @total_records_count, @record_model_name) # I was not able to make the helper render kaminari pagination end end end