Finnigan2sqiOLCQLCQ ?ouOLCQLCQ<$@?E_coli035C:\Xcalibur\data\Trial_10step\C2_an_C1_40mMol_ld.methEcoli_sol_37_an_20_ld_40.RAWC:\Xcalibur\Data\Trial_10step\A:1("1.8 ml Vial, 5 trays 40 vials each$PTk|StudyClient LaboratoryCompanyPhoneDECAXPFinnigan2sqiOLCQLCQeAouOLCQLCQ<Z(C:\DOCUME~1\lcq\LOCALS~1\Temp\MTH4A8.tmpLCQ Deca XP MSLCQSurveyor Sample PumpSurveyor Sample PumpSurveyor MS PumpSurveyor MS Pump Surveyor AS Surveyor ASࡱ>   !("#$%&')*+Root Entry 4KZO2LCQ PN 4KZOData 8Text &  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012456789;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUXYZ[\]^`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ESILCQ12ldp00203External channel 1External channel 2External channel 3External channel 4@?@o@ffffff@ 33333?j@???{Gz?{Gz?@U@4@@U@j@A@@@>>@@@?@@4@HB?r@p@@4@HB?r@?4@>>@@4@HB?r@?4@>>@@4@HB?r@?4@>>@(C:\Xcalibur\methods\Angiotensin3.LCQTune???????{Gz?{Gz?@@??.A.A@@@@???2? @?@o@ffffff@?r@@@r@@@j@ @Y@Finnigan LCQy޸NLCQLCQ@"y޸NLCQCreator: LCQ Last modified: 8/28/2002 by LCQ MS Run Time (min): 85.00 Sequence override of method parameters not enabled. Divert Valve: in use during run Divert Time (min) Valve State ================= =========== 0.00 To Source 0.30 To Waste Contact Closure: not used during run MS Detector Settings: Real-time modifications to method enabled Segment 1 Information Duration (min): 85.00 Number of Scan Events: 4 Tune Method: Angiotensin3 Scan Event Details: 1: + c norm o(300.0-1500.0) 2: + c norm Dep MS/MS Most intense ion from (1). 3: + c norm Dep MS/MS 2nd most intense ion from (1). 4: + c norm Dep MS/MS 3rd most intense ion from (1). Data Dependent Settings: Parent Mass List: (none) Reject Mass List: (none) Default Charge State: 2 Default Isolation Width: 5.00 Normalized Collision Energy: 35.0 Activation Q: 0.250 Activation Time: 30.000 Min. Signal Required: 10000 Min. MSn Signal Required: 1000 Most intense if no parent masses found not enabled Add/subtract mass not enabled Charge state screening not enabled Charge state rejection not enabled Global Data Dependent Settings: Exclusion mass width by mass Exclusion mass width low: 1.50 Exclusion mass width high: 1.50 Reject mass width by mass Reject mass width low: 0.50 Reject mass width high: 0.50 ZoomScan mass width by mass ZoomScan mass width low: 5.00 ZoomScan mass width high: 5.00 MS mass range: 0.00-1000000.00 MSn mass range by mass MSn mass range: 0.00-1000000.00 Analog UV data dep. not enabled Dynamic exclusion enabled Repeat Count: 2 Repeat Duration: 0.50 Exclusion List Size: 50 Exclusion Duration: 3.00 Exclusion mass width by mass Exclusion mass width low: 1.50 Exclusion mass width high: 1.50 Isotopic data dependence not enabled Mass Tags data dependence not enabled Custom Data Dependent Settings: Not enabled HeaderLSurveyor Sample Pump*N 4KZOData 3Text :LCQBHCBB?B@HCBB AB@HCBB0ABHCBBBBHCBBBBBBBACreator: LCQ Last modified: 8/28/2002 3:51:07 PM by LCQ General: Solvent A name: Solvent B name: Solvent C name: Solvent D name: Column name: Min. Pressure, bar: 0 Max. Pressure, bar: 400 Pumping Efficiency, %: 100 Fractionations/Filling Stroke: 1 Use custom stability limits: No Gradient Program: No. Time, min Flow, l/min A, % B, % C, % D, % 1 0 200 0 0 100 0 2 1.00 200 0 0 96 4 3 10.00 200 0 0 96 4 4 11.00 200 0 0 100 0 5 85.00 200 0 0 100 0 B@HCBB?B@HCBCommentsVSurveyor MS Pump" N 4KZOData WText  _&BtB\B4BHCBBxB@BHCBBB@BHCBBBB@HCBBBB@HCBBBBBBBACreator: LCQ Last modified: 8/28/2002 3:51:07 PM by LCQ General: Solvent A name: Solvent B name: Solvent C name: Solvent D name: Column name: Min. Pressure, bar: 0 Max. Pressure, bar: 400 Pumping Efficiency, %: 100 Fractionations/Filling Stroke: 1 Use custom stability limits: No Gradient Program: No. Time, min Flow, l/min A, % B, % C, % D, % 1 0 200 95 5 0 0 2 1.00 200 95 5 0 0 3 61.00 200 55 45 0 0 4 62.00 200 5 95 0 0 5 67.00 200 5 95 0 0 6 68.00 200 95 5 0 0 7 85.00 200 95 5 0 0 CommentsSurveyor ASN 4KZOData (Text @@$@x@?? @@o@ @??Creator: LCQ Last modified: 8/28/2002 by LCQ Summary: (none) Surveyor AS Method: Reservoir 1: Reservoir 2: Reservoir 3: Reservoir 4: Wash Bottle: Injection volume (ul) 10.000 Flush volume(ul): 399 Flush/Wash source is bottle. Needle height from bottom(mm): 0.500 Wash volume (ul): 0 Flush speed (ul/s): 250.000 Post-Injection Valve switch time (min): 0.000 Syringe speed (ul/s): 8.000 Injection mode is no waste Loop loading speed (ul/s): 8.000 Tray temp control is on. Temp(C): 4.000 Column oven control is off Sample Preparation: Timed Event: Index1: Time (min): 0.000. TF1: Off. TF2: Off. TF3: Off. TF4: Off. Index2: Time (min): 0.100. TF1: On. TF2: Off. TF3: Off. TF4: Off. Index3: Time (min): 0.400. TF1: Off. TF2: Off. TF3: Off. TF4: Off. Index4: Time (min): 0.000. TF1: Off. TF2: Off. TF3: Off. TF4: Off. Surveyory޸NLCQLCQy޸NLCQHeaderLLCQ8 ,--.`/0xi18yn%23`4,4q 5(Y6v7ɟ89X;6/;}#<=X>?4@L^Aԋ5 BXbnC6xDD<<E`\F]GfHIPK K!LYM N<OP?vPpVQcSL1TKhU ?UHVMXY'ZZ!\X"]*^l"_x>/` dp`X=ae9bwcNzdx(d'eXfX0 g\ hL7jVkAclu=mm`\vinolzp`8=^q^[r>sqtKuvL,MwixxzP Yz${\ɠ|Loy}Tj?~plfM,%'4*D|~!\:xHN9UT^rW2liT$D̾Ƿ=s 8xgx-K-P+T7L04x6yT$ltı*@:+#ptZYYC"*xCe4]@<P"{,4pfp tEqE XF0Q@wQL pM\<\F`G XpC<xk2[zF0lܓh~Cztx@DqJ.={*O e҃vge];0|B?xn=|χ2< X>Zm'6g4$n\7l/ ><sHal=/|#xt`r p\E:QFrXB,xO g a -Ʀ T,T/xXzu@WPqL;Bal{ `,+%` &!Ps^z"h%ht'`,P'(0dF)Xo*#,O-s-0.je01C24@5xd67 em9(K)<H?=P%j>^?]@ABR CD EXcF$H `IV KGYL`,MPUQ(CR 3 R(U@GFWBXpZ[};]?B^Xi_÷`_fBabqcP_ scfij0kl,noprpЅ'"q3r0XuVtwlx!mxz8H_X{@|E?~*WH^h>pFh) kkfp` /ez03_EOS !4pXJUʯ-[x"s4P b"xCDUy`0$1`ax03K06P̞ p0}[>~  T P@% G8Z|I# ]#K0 `KKBIKvMg6@vhH@d7` ]6<4P]~ ]08S8oH tP+axpy,&?p?g wQ@m6a`^gW^h'9`&GP$]IE8`f|> !H"0$PAW'( )X9d+-h;m.:/~1x^2Ho&3 4qC7h"_7V\8:tm>@e)A]"BBP]CxE0OFHwK/M73OyQ`ERh:T0^jW<-Z5=\^R|_IaXcd(?_e2<gUh0"i9kj@~ k_l TmP;n`IRq`_rt_u8x(yt||X}?~+@l|=xWVoiێ%[k X#S(YnhHyS X`85"c5;s  dؤAhI%rȳ0(dC ?( Df 0@_88ت0%p] 1n}P5`AY  ` @+Α | !4 PT,`  >@ HP@3 `*W!`!p#l=$Ov$#&&e*Ua+P +PJ.J0 Fs2+84Z<F-@`h5UCPcD` FksI{JЍKg.LNyPJSW]TpV`;!W'XY6Z`[PUA\PdG^a_&c` d0*iEe@h!@i(kPwmnoUqrtu't v]wpcy {Pl}`3;}0]S x`C6gM00KjbuA0;P ^ p(-@zA`M@w@ w^"P?"M`S*}86 `MG4 ~d60k^[P͠ +o xD\P~ CQ _gp=kc`h=[$Klj@L.ңPpm"|k@0@60Sw$J @N:p $  x~```<b@y ,-"(),+,` ,@+{.Eu/101R\<3@8 6poMJ:@<J =]h>BLڻB"XCDPxD1FWG*HoNŵR vUV>@ZMr0[]@/^@w_sDdlfg`JiUk0 m(VKouppq@D@q6r0x0yPHL0B#pPo \uo )|`=;N/nybpwq̽yLbH*C'8cЧExP M^8Wx`b2B ; JJ9t(&|@n{,"J'RC)k)Dp1ze2a3>LHeXxSi8oh:qVrL`xBAz 9NĻ\DAt$W( [8\|8Ix @'# @ pp*(+ 2!6@ Isy z;T}Pz`26RXPt0hրq!@J(.) $i@$ynA @  5 0=  RP" F0%'N:yAYpZh}c|mx;jo(8o/y8bzP{9{cHO0g(Jcb2m8DL Mye5 ,b P HGp z)08 `hq'P$H0-'` R' 8c& Pi ! 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