import { Observable, ObservableInput } from '../Observable'; import { ArrayObservable } from '../observable/ArrayObservable'; import { isArray } from '../util/isArray'; import { Operator } from '../Operator'; import { PartialObserver } from '../Observer'; import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber'; import { OuterSubscriber } from '../OuterSubscriber'; import { InnerSubscriber } from '../InnerSubscriber'; import { subscribeToResult } from '../util/subscribeToResult'; import { iterator as Symbol_iterator } from '../symbol/iterator'; import { OperatorFunction } from '../interfaces'; /* tslint:disable:max-line-length */ export function zip(project: (v1: T) => R): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2) => R): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3) => R): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4) => R): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4, v5: T5) => R): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, v6: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4, v5: T5, v6: T6) => R): OperatorFunction ; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput): OperatorFunction; export function zip(v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, v6: ObservableInput): OperatorFunction ; export function zip(...observables: Array | ((...values: Array) => R)>): OperatorFunction; export function zip(array: Array>): OperatorFunction; export function zip(array: Array>, project: (v1: T, ...values: Array) => R): OperatorFunction; /* tslint:enable:max-line-length */ /** * @param observables * @return {Observable} * @method zip * @owner Observable */ export function zip(...observables: Array | ((...values: Array) => R)>): OperatorFunction { return function zipOperatorFunction(source: Observable) { return, ...observables)); }; } /* tslint:disable:max-line-length */ export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4, v5: T5) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, v6: ObservableInput, project: (v1: T, v2: T2, v3: T3, v4: T4, v5: T5, v6: T6) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput): Observable<[T, T2]>; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput): Observable<[T, T2, T3]>; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput): Observable<[T, T2, T3, T4]>; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput): Observable<[T, T2, T3, T4, T5]>; export function zipStatic(v1: ObservableInput, v2: ObservableInput, v3: ObservableInput, v4: ObservableInput, v5: ObservableInput, v6: ObservableInput): Observable<[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]>; export function zipStatic(array: ObservableInput[]): Observable; export function zipStatic(array: ObservableInput[]): Observable; export function zipStatic(array: ObservableInput[], project: (...values: Array) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(array: ObservableInput[], project: (...values: Array) => R): Observable; export function zipStatic(...observables: Array>): Observable; export function zipStatic(...observables: Array | ((...values: Array) => R)>): Observable; export function zipStatic(...observables: Array | ((...values: Array) => R)>): Observable; /* tslint:enable:max-line-length */ /** * Combines multiple Observables to create an Observable whose values are calculated from the values, in order, of each * of its input Observables. * * If the latest parameter is a function, this function is used to compute the created value from the input values. * Otherwise, an array of the input values is returned. * * @example Combine age and name from different sources * * let age$ = Observable.of(27, 25, 29); * let name$ = Observable.of('Foo', 'Bar', 'Beer'); * let isDev$ = Observable.of(true, true, false); * * Observable * .zip(age$, * name$, * isDev$, * (age: number, name: string, isDev: boolean) => ({ age, name, isDev })) * .subscribe(x => console.log(x)); * * // outputs * // { age: 27, name: 'Foo', isDev: true } * // { age: 25, name: 'Bar', isDev: true } * // { age: 29, name: 'Beer', isDev: false } * * @param observables * @return {Observable} * @static true * @name zip * @owner Observable */ export function zipStatic(...observables: Array | ((...values: Array) => R)>): Observable { const project = <((...ys: Array) => R)> observables[observables.length - 1]; if (typeof project === 'function') { observables.pop(); } return new ArrayObservable(observables).lift(new ZipOperator(project)); } export class ZipOperator implements Operator { project: (...values: Array) => R; constructor(project?: (...values: Array) => R) { this.project = project; } call(subscriber: Subscriber, source: any): any { return source.subscribe(new ZipSubscriber(subscriber, this.project)); } } /** * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc. * @ignore * @extends {Ignored} */ export class ZipSubscriber extends Subscriber { private values: any; private project: (...values: Array) => R; private iterators: LookAheadIterator[] = []; private active = 0; constructor(destination: Subscriber, project?: (...values: Array) => R, values: any = Object.create(null)) { super(destination); this.project = (typeof project === 'function') ? project : null; this.values = values; } protected _next(value: any) { const iterators = this.iterators; if (isArray(value)) { iterators.push(new StaticArrayIterator(value)); } else if (typeof value[Symbol_iterator] === 'function') { iterators.push(new StaticIterator(value[Symbol_iterator]())); } else { iterators.push(new ZipBufferIterator(this.destination, this, value)); } } protected _complete() { const iterators = this.iterators; const len = iterators.length; if (len === 0) { this.destination.complete(); return; } = len; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let iterator: ZipBufferIterator = iterators[i]; if (iterator.stillUnsubscribed) { this.add(iterator.subscribe(iterator, i)); } else {; // not an observable } } } notifyInactive() {; if ( === 0) { this.destination.complete(); } } checkIterators() { const iterators = this.iterators; const len = iterators.length; const destination = this.destination; // abort if not all of them have values for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let iterator = iterators[i]; if (typeof iterator.hasValue === 'function' && !iterator.hasValue()) { return; } } let shouldComplete = false; const args: any[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let iterator = iterators[i]; let result =; // check to see if it's completed now that you've gotten // the next value. if (iterator.hasCompleted()) { shouldComplete = true; } if (result.done) { destination.complete(); return; } args.push(result.value); } if (this.project) { this._tryProject(args); } else {; } if (shouldComplete) { destination.complete(); } } protected _tryProject(args: any[]) { let result: any; try { result = this.project.apply(this, args); } catch (err) { this.destination.error(err); return; }; } } interface LookAheadIterator extends Iterator { hasValue(): boolean; hasCompleted(): boolean; } class StaticIterator implements LookAheadIterator { private nextResult: IteratorResult; constructor(private iterator: Iterator) { this.nextResult =; } hasValue() { return true; } next(): IteratorResult { const result = this.nextResult; this.nextResult =; return result; } hasCompleted() { const nextResult = this.nextResult; return nextResult && nextResult.done; } } class StaticArrayIterator implements LookAheadIterator { private index = 0; private length = 0; constructor(private array: T[]) { this.length = array.length; } [Symbol_iterator]() { return this; } next(value?: any): IteratorResult { const i = this.index++; const array = this.array; return i < this.length ? { value: array[i], done: false } : { value: null, done: true }; } hasValue() { return this.array.length > this.index; } hasCompleted() { return this.array.length === this.index; } } /** * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc. * @ignore * @extends {Ignored} */ class ZipBufferIterator extends OuterSubscriber implements LookAheadIterator { stillUnsubscribed = true; buffer: T[] = []; isComplete = false; constructor(destination: PartialObserver, private parent: ZipSubscriber, private observable: Observable) { super(destination); } [Symbol_iterator]() { return this; } // NOTE: there is actually a name collision here with and // this is legit because `next()` will never be called by a subscription in this case. next(): IteratorResult { const buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer.length === 0 && this.isComplete) { return { value: null, done: true }; } else { return { value: buffer.shift(), done: false }; } } hasValue() { return this.buffer.length > 0; } hasCompleted() { return this.buffer.length === 0 && this.isComplete; } notifyComplete() { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { this.isComplete = true; this.parent.notifyInactive(); } else { this.destination.complete(); } } notifyNext(outerValue: T, innerValue: any, outerIndex: number, innerIndex: number, innerSub: InnerSubscriber): void { this.buffer.push(innerValue); this.parent.checkIterators(); } subscribe(value: any, index: number) { return subscribeToResult(this, this.observable, this, index); } }