# Django Q object for Rails 2, 3 # http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#complex-lookups-with-q-objects # # Let's you build ORed, ANDed, and negated conditions without dropping to # writing SQL. # # User.where(~Q(:user_id => nil)) # # instead of User.where("user_id IS NOT NULL") # # User.where(Q(:user_id => nil) | Q(:id => nil)) # # instead of User.where("user_id IS NULL OR id IS NULL") # # User.where(~(Q(:user_id => nil) & Q(:id => nil))) # # instead of User.where("user_id IS NOT NULL AND id IS NOT NULL") # # On Ruby 1.9 Object#! can be used to negate conditions # # User.where(!Q(:user_id => nil)) # require "dolzenko/alias_method_chain_once" class Q def |(other) OrQ.new(self, other) end def &(other) AndQ.new(self, other) end def ~ NotQ.new(self) end alias_method "!", "~" end class BinaryQ < Q attr_accessor :op1, :op2 def initialize(op1, op2) self.op1, self.op2 = op1, op2 end def empty? false end end class UnaryQ < Q attr_accessor :op1 def initialize(*args) self.op1 = (args.size == 1 ? args[0] : args) end def to_q_sql(klass) klass.send(:sanitize_sql, op1) end def empty? op1.empty? end end class AndQ < BinaryQ def to_q_sql(klass) "(#{ op1.to_q_sql(klass) }) AND (#{ op2.to_q_sql(klass) })" end end class NotQ < UnaryQ def to_q_sql(klass) "(NOT (#{ op1.to_q_sql(klass) }))" end end class OrQ < BinaryQ def to_q_sql(klass) "(#{ op1.to_q_sql(klass) }) OR (#{ op2.to_q_sql(klass) })" end end def Q(*args) UnaryQ.new(*args) end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) end module ActiveRecord if defined?(Relation) # Rails 3 class Relation def build_where_with_q_object(*args) if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Q) return args[0].to_q_sql(klass) end build_where_without_q_object(*args) end alias_method_chain_once :build_where, :q_object end else # Rails 2 class Base class << self def sanitize_sql_for_conditions_with_q_object(*args) if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Q) return args[0].to_q_sql(klass) end sanitize_sql_for_conditions_without_q_object(*args) end alias_method_chain_once :sanitize_sql_for_conditions, :q_object end end end end module ActiveRecord class Base def self.Q(*args) UnaryQ.new(*args).to_q_sql(self) end end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ class User < ActiveRecord::Base end require 'rspec/expectations' require 'rspec/core' Rspec.configure do |c| c.mock_with :rspec end describe Q do Rspec::Matchers.define :be_like_conditions do |expected| match do |actual| actual.to_q_sql(User) == expected end end it { Q(:email => nil).should be_like_conditions("`users`.`email` IS NULL") } it { (~Q(:user_id => nil)).should be_like_conditions("(NOT (`users`.`user_id` IS NULL))") } it { (!Q(:user_id => nil)).should be_like_conditions("(NOT (`users`.`user_id` IS NULL))") } it { (User.Q(:is_avatar => nil)).should == "`users`.`is_avatar` IS NULL" } it { (User.Q("name LIKE :like OR email LIKE :like", :like => "%#{ 42 }%")).should == "name LIKE '%42%' OR email LIKE '%42%'" } it { (Q(:league_id => nil) & Q("path LIKE ?", "prefix/%")).should be_like_conditions("(`users`.`league_id` IS NULL) AND (path LIKE 'prefix/%')") } it { (Q(:to_account_id => 2) | Q(:from_account_id => 1)).should be_like_conditions("(`users`.`to_account_id` = 2) OR (`users`.`from_account_id` = 1)") } it { (!Q(:user_id => nil) & Q(:email => nil)).should be_like_conditions("((NOT (`users`.`user_id` IS NULL)) AND (`users`.`email` IS NULL)") } end end