require 'sidekiq/worker' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' class Trailblazer::Operation # only kicks in when Operation::run, #run will still do it real-time # Works with Reform 2, only. module Worker def self.included(base) base.send(:include, Sidekiq::Worker) # TODO: this will work with any bg gem. base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def run(params) if background? return perform_async(serializable(params)) end end private def background? # TODO: make configurable. true # if Rails.env == "production" or Rails.env == "staging" end def serializable(params) params # this is where we convert file uloads into Trailblazer::UploadedFile, etc. soon. end end # called from Sidekiq. def perform(params) # the serialized params hash from Sidekiq contains a Op::UploadedFile hash. # the following code is basically what happens in a controller. # this is a bug in Rails, it doesn't work without requiring as/hash/ina # params = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new_from_hash_copying_default(params) # TODO: this might make it ultra-slow as Reform converts it back to strings. params = params.with_indifferent_access run(deserializable(params)) end private def deserializable(params) params # this is where we convert file uloads into Trailblazer::UploadedFile, etc. soon. end # Overrides ::serializable and #deserializable and handles file properties from the Contract schema. module FileMarshaller # NOTE: this is WIP and the implementation will be more understandable and performant soon. def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end private module ClassMethods def file_marshaller_representer @file_marshaller_representer ||= contract_class.schema(include: [Representable::Hash]).apply do |dfn| dfn.merge!( getter: lambda { |*| self[] }, setter: lambda { |fragment, *| self[] = fragment } ) # FIXME: allow both sym and str. dfn.merge!(class: Hash) and next if dfn[:form] or dfn[:twin] # nested properties need a class for deserialization. next unless dfn[:file] # TODO: where do we set /tmp/uploads? dfn.merge!( serialize: lambda { |file, *|, tmp_dir: "/tmp/uploads").to_hash }, deserialize: lambda { |object, hash, *| Trailblazer::Operation::UploadedFile.from_hash(hash) }, class: Hash ) end end def serializable(params) end end # todo: do with_indifferent_access in #deserialize and call super here. def deserializable(hash) #{}).extend(Representable::Debug).from_hash(hash){}.with_indifferent_access).from_hash(hash) end end end end