module Katello class ContentViewFilter < Katello::Model audited :associations => [:repositories] DOCKER = 'docker'.freeze RPM = Rpm::CONTENT_TYPE PACKAGE_GROUP = PackageGroup::CONTENT_TYPE ERRATA = Erratum::CONTENT_TYPE DEB = Deb::CONTENT_TYPE CONTENT_TYPES = [RPM, PACKAGE_GROUP, ERRATA, DOCKER, DEB].freeze CONTENT_OPTIONS = { _('Packages') => RPM, _('Package Groups') => PACKAGE_GROUP, _('Errata') => ERRATA, _('Container Images') => DOCKER, _('deb Packages') => DEB }.freeze belongs_to :content_view, :class_name => "Katello::ContentView", :inverse_of => :filters has_many :repository_content_view_filters, :class_name => "Katello::RepositoryContentViewFilter", :dependent => :delete_all, :inverse_of => :filter, :foreign_key => :content_view_filter_id has_many :repositories, :through => :repository_content_view_filters, :class_name => "Katello::Repository" validates_lengths_from_database validate :validate_content_view validate :validate_repos validates :name, :presence => true, :allow_blank => false, :uniqueness => { :scope => :content_view_id } validates_with Validators::KatelloNameFormatValidator, :attributes => :name scope :whitelist, -> { where(:inclusion => true) } scope :blacklist, -> { where(:inclusion => false) } scoped_search :on => :name, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :type, :rename => :content_type, :complete_value => {Rpm::CONTENT_TYPE.to_sym => "Katello::ContentViewPackageFilter", PackageGroup::CONTENT_TYPE.to_sym => "Katello::ContentViewPackageGroupFilter", Erratum::CONTENT_TYPE.to_sym => "Katello::ContentViewErratumFilter", DOCKER.to_sym => "Katello::ContentViewDockerFilter"} scoped_search :on => :inclusion, :rename => :inclusion_type, :complete_value => {:include => true, :exclude => :false} def self.yum where(:type => [,,]) end def self.deb # TODO [] end def self.docker where(:type => []) end def params_format {} end def content_type { ContentViewPackageFilter => RPM, ContentViewErratumFilter => ERRATA, ContentViewPackageGroupFilter => PACKAGE_GROUP, ContentViewDockerFilter => DOCKER }[self.class] end def self.class_for(content_type) case content_type when RPM ContentViewPackageFilter when PACKAGE_GROUP ContentViewPackageGroupFilter when ERRATA ContentViewErratumFilter when DOCKER ContentViewDockerFilter else fail _("Invalid content type '%{content_type}' provided. Content types can be one of %{content_types}") % { :content_type => content_type, :content_types => CONTENT_TYPES.join(", ") } end end def self.rule_class_for(filter) case filter.type when ContentViewPackageFilterRule when ContentViewPackageGroupFilterRule when ContentViewErratumFilterRule when ContentViewDockerFilterRule else fail _("Invalid content type '%{content_type}' provided. Content types can be one of %{content_types}") % { :content_type => filter.type, :content_types => CONTENT_TYPES.join(", ") } end end def self.rule_ids_for(filter) case filter.type when filter.package_rule_ids when filter.package_group_rule_ids when filter.erratum_rule_ids when filter.docker_rule_ids else fail _("Invalid content type '%{content_type}' provided. Content types can be one of %{content_types}") % { :content_type => filter.type, :content_types => CONTENT_TYPES.join(", ") } end end def filter_type CONTENT_OPTIONS.key(content_type) end def self.create_for(content_type, options) clazz = class_for(content_type) clazz.create!(options) end def self.applicable(repo) query = %{ ( in (select content_view_filter_id from katello_repository_content_view_filters where repository_id = #{})) or ( not in (select content_view_filter_id from katello_repository_content_view_filters)) } where(query).select("DISTINCT") end def as_json(options = {}) super(options).update("content_view_label" => content_view.label, "organization" => content_view.organization.label, "repos" => repositories.collect(&:name), "content" => content_type) end def validate_content_view if self.content_view.composite? errors.add(:base, _("cannot contain filters if composite view")) end end def validate_filter_repos(errors, content_view) repo_diff = repositories - content_view.repositories unless repo_diff.empty? errors.add(:base, _("cannot contain filters whose repositories do not belong to this content view")) end end def resulting_products repositories.collect { |r| r.product }.uniq end def applicable_repos if self.repositories.blank? self.content_view.repositories else self.repositories end end def original_packages=(_include_original) fail "setting original_packages not supported for #{}" end protected def validate_repos validate_filter_repos(self.errors, self.content_view) end end end