module Pay module PaddleBilling class Charge attr_reader :pay_charge delegate :processor_id, :customer, to: :pay_charge def initialize(pay_charge) @pay_charge = pay_charge end def self.sync(charge_id, object: nil, try: 0, retries: 1) # Skip loading the latest charge details from the API if we already have it object ||= ::Paddle::Transaction.retrieve(id: charge_id) # Ignore transactions that aren't completed return unless object.status == "completed" # Ignore charges without a Customer return if object.customer_id.blank? pay_customer = Pay::Customer.find_by(processor: :paddle_billing, processor_id: object.customer_id) return unless pay_customer # Ignore transactions that are payment method changes # But update the customer's payment method if object.origin == "subscription_payment_method_change" Pay::PaddleBilling::PaymentMethod.sync(pay_customer: pay_customer, attributes: object.payments.first) return end attrs = { amount: object.details.totals.grand_total, created_at: object.created_at, currency: object.currency_code, metadata: object.details.line_items&.first&.id, subscription: pay_customer.subscriptions.find_by(processor_id: object.subscription_id) } if (details = Array.wrap(object.payments).first&.method_details) case details.type.downcase when "card" attrs[:payment_method_type] = "card" attrs[:brand] = details.card.type attrs[:exp_month] = details.card.expiry_month attrs[:exp_year] = details.card.expiry_year attrs[:last4] = details.card.last4 when "paypal" attrs[:payment_method_type] = "paypal" end # Update customer's payment method Pay::PaddleBilling::PaymentMethod.sync(pay_customer: pay_customer, attributes: object.payments.first) end # Update or create the charge if (pay_charge = pay_customer.charges.find_by(processor_id: pay_charge.with_lock do pay_charge.update!(attrs) end pay_charge else pay_customer.charges.create!(attrs.merge(processor_id: end end end end end