Feature: Index as Grid Viewing resources as a grid on the index page Scenario: Viewing index as a grid with a simple block configuration Given 9 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :grid do |post| h2 auto_link(post) end end """ Then the table ".index_grid" should have 3 rows And the table ".index_grid" should have 3 columns And there should be 9 "a" tags within index grid Scenario: Viewing index as a grid and set the number of columns Given 9 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :grid, columns: 1 do |post| h2 auto_link(post) end end """ Then the table ".index_grid" should have 9 rows And the table ".index_grid" should have 1 columns And there should be 9 "a" tags within "table.index_grid" Scenario: Viewing index as a grid with an odd number of items Given 9 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :grid, columns: 2 do |post| h2 auto_link(post) end end """ Then the table ".index_grid" should have 5 rows And the table ".index_grid" should have 2 columns And there should be 9 "a" tags within "table.index_grid"