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\\x{2286}|\\(\u003c=\\) |\\x{2288}|\\!\\(\u003c=\\) | \\x{2282}|\\(\u003c\\) |\\x{2284}|\\!\\(\u003c\\) | \\x{2287}|\\(\u003e=\\) |\\x{2289}|\\!\\(\u003e=\\) | \\x{2283}|\\(\u003e\\) |\\x{2285}|\\!\\(\u003e\\) | \\x{227C}|\\(\u003c\\+\\)|\\x{227D}|\\(\u003e\\+\\) | \\x{222A}|\\(\\|\\) |\\x{2229}|\\(\u0026\\) | \\x{2216}|\\(\\-\\) |\\x{2296}|\\(\\^\\) | \\x{228D}|\\(\\.\\) |\\x{228E}|\\(\\+\\)" }, { "name": "meta.class.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) ( class|enum|grammar|knowhow|module| package|role|slang|subset|monitor|actor ) (\\s+) ( ( (?:::|')? (?: ([a-zA-Z_À-ÿ\\$]) ([a-zA-Z0-9_À-ÿ\\$]|[\\-'][a-zA-Z0-9_À-ÿ\\$])* ) )+ )", "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.class.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "entity.name.type.class.perl6fe" } } }, { "include": "#p5_regex" }, { "match": "(?x)\n(?\u003c=\n ^\n | ^\\s\n | [\\s\\(] [^\\p{Nd}\\p{L}]\n | ~~\\s|~~\\s\\s|match\\(\n | match:\\s\n)\n([/]) # Solidus\n(.*?) # Regex contents\n(?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (/) # Ending", "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "string.regexp.perl6fe", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ] }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= [=,(\\[]|when|=\u003e|~~) \\s*\n(?:\n (m|rx|s)?\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n) # With the m or rx\n\\s*\n([/]) # Solidus", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\)|(?\u003c!')|(?\u003c=\\\\ ') ) (/)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "fstring.regexp.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|[=,(\\[~]|when|=\u003e ) \\s*\n(?:\n (m|rx|s)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n) # With the m or rx\n\\s*\n([{]) # Left curly brace", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (\\})", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c![\\w\\/])(m|rx)((?:\\s*:\\w+)*)\\s*(\\{)", "end": "(?\u003c!\\\\)(\\})", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c![\\w\\/])(m|rx)((?:\\s*:\\w+)*)\\s*(\\[)", "end": "(?\u003c!\\\\)(\\])", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "string.quoted.single.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c=\\W|^)「", "end": "」", "patterns": [ { "include": "source.quoting.perl6fe#q_hw_cornerbracket_string_content" } ], "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.slash.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(/)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (/)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.slash.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.slash.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.slash.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.slash.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.brace.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n({)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (})", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.brace.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.brace.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.brace.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.brace.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.angle.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(\u003c)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (\u003e)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.angle.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.angle.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.angle.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.angle.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.paren.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(\\()", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (\\))", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.paren.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.paren.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.paren.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.paren.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.bracket.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(\\[)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (\\])", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.bracket.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.bracket.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.bracket.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.bracket.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.left_double_right_double.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(“)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (”)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.left_double_right_double.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.left_double_right_double.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_double_right_double.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_double_right_double.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.left_double-low-q_right_double.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(„)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (”|“)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.left_double-low-q_right_double.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.left_double-low-q_right_double.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_double-low-q_right_double.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_double-low-q_right_double.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.left_single_right_single.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(‘)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (’)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.left_single_right_single.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.left_single_right_single.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_single_right_single.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.left_single_right_single.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.low-q_left_single.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(‚)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (‘)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.low-q_left_single.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.low-q_left_single.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.low-q_left_single.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.low-q_left_single.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.fw_cornerbracket.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(「)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (」)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.fw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.fw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.fw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.fw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.hw_cornerbracket.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(「)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (」)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.hw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.hw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.hw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.hw_cornerbracket.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.chevron.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(«)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (»)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.chevron.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.chevron.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.chevron.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.chevron.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.s-shaped-bag-delimiter.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n(⟅)", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (⟆)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.s-shaped-bag-delimiter.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.s-shaped-bag-delimiter.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.s-shaped-bag-delimiter.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.s-shaped-bag-delimiter.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.regexp.any.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x)\n(?\u003c= ^|\\s )\n(?:\n (m|rx|s|S)\n (\n (?:\n (?\u003c!:P5) # \u003c This can maybe be removed because we\n \\s*:\\w+\n (?!\\s*:P5) # \u003c include p5_regex above it\n )*\n )\n)\n\\s*\n([^#\\p{Ps}\\p{Pe}\\p{Pi}\\p{Pf}\\w'\\-\u003c\u003e\\-\\]\\)\\}\\{])", "end": "(?x) (?: (?\u003c!\\\\)|(?\u003c=\\\\\\\\) ) (\\3)", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.construct.any.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.adverb.regexp.any.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.any.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.any.perl6fe" } } }, { "include": "#shellquotes" }, { "name": "string.quoted.heredoc.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x) (?: ( qq|qqx|qqw ) \\s* ( (?:\\s*:\\w+)*\\s*: (?: to|heredoc ) )\\s* | (qqto) \\s* ( (?:\\s*:\\w+)* )\\s* ) / (\\S+) /", "end": "\\s*\\5", "patterns": [ { "name": "meta.heredoc.continuation.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c=/)", "end": "\\n", "patterns": [ { "include": "$self" } ] }, { "begin": "^", "end": "$", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" } ] }, { "name": "string.quoted.qq.heredoc.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) ^ (?: . | \\n )* $" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.quoted.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "support.function.adverb.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "string.quoted.construct.perl6fe" }, "4": { "name": "support.function.adverb.perl6fe" }, "5": { "name": "entity.other.attribute-name.heredoc.delimiter.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "entity.other.attribute-name.heredoc.delimiter.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "meta.heredoc.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x) (?: ( [qQ](?!/)|qw|qww|qx|qqx ) \\s* ( (?:\\s*:\\w+)*\\s*: (?: to|heredoc ) )\\s* | (qto|Qto) \\s* ( (?:\\s*:\\w+)* )\\s* ) / (\\S+) /", "end": "\\s*\\5", "patterns": [ { "name": "meta.heredoc.continuation.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c=/)", "end": "\\n", "patterns": [ { "include": "$self" } ] }, { "name": "string.quoted.q.heredoc.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) ^ (?: . | \\n )* $" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.quoted.construct.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "support.function.adverb.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "string.quoted.construct.perl6fe" }, "4": { "name": "support.function.adverb.perl6fe" }, "5": { "name": "entity.other.attribute-name.heredoc.delimiter.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "entity.other.attribute-name.heredoc.delimiter.perl6fe" } } }, { "include": "source.quoting.perl6fe" }, { "include": "#variables" }, { "begin": "(?x) (?\u003c![%$\u0026@]|\\w) (?: (multi|proto) \\s+ )? (macro|sub|submethod|method|multi|only|category) \\s+ (!)? ( [^\\s(){}]+ )", "end": "(?=[\\(\\{\\s])", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.declarator.multi.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.declarator.type.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "support.class.method.private.perl6fe" }, "4": { "patterns": [ { "captures": { "1": { "name": "entity.name.function.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.function.adverb.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "support.type.class.adverb.perl6fe" }, "4": { "patterns": [ { "include": "$self" } ] } } } ] } } }, { "name": "meta.regexp.named.perl6fe", "begin": "(?\u003c![\\.:])(regex|rule|token)(?!\\s*=\u003e|\\S)", "end": "(?\u003c!\\\\)\\}", "patterns": [ { "name": "entity.name.function.regexp.named.TOP.perl6fe", "match": "TOP" }, { "name": "entity.name.function.regexp.named.perl6fe" }, { "name": "meta.regexp.named.adverb.perl6fe", "match": "(:)(\\w+)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.adverb.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "support.type.class.adverb.perl6fe" } } }, { "contentName": "string.array.words.perl6fe", "begin": "\u003c", "end": "(?x) \\\\\\\\|(?\u003c!\\\\) ( \u003e ) (?=[\\s\\{])" }, { "contentName": "string.array.words.chevron.perl6fe", "begin": "«", "end": "(?x) \\\\\\\\|(?\u003c!\\\\) ( » ) (?=[\\s\\{])" }, { "name": "meta.regexp.named.signature.perl6fe", "begin": "\\(", "end": "(?\u003c!\\\\)\\)", "patterns": [ { "include": "$self" } ], "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.named.signature.perlfe" } } }, { "name": "meta.regexp.named.block.perl6fe", "begin": "\\{", "end": "(?=\\})", "patterns": [ { "include": "#interpolation" }, { "include": "source.regexp.perl6fe" } ], "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regex.named.perl6fe" } } } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.declare.regexp.named.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.regexp.named.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "variable.language.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])(self)(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.other.include.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])(use|require|no|need)(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.control.conditional.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])( if|else|elsif|unless|with|orwith|without )(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "storage.modifier.declarator.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])(let|my|our|state|temp|has|constant)(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "contentName": "string.array.words.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x) (?\u003c= = | for ) \\s* ( \u003c )", "end": "(?x) \\\\\\\\|(?\u003c!\\\\) ( \u003e )", "patterns": [ { "include": "source.quoting.perl6fe#q_bracket_string_content" } ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "span.keyword.operator.array.words.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "span.keyword.operator.array.words.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "storage.modifier.assignment.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) (?: [+:\\-.*/] | \\|\\| )? (?\u003c! = ) = (?! [\u003e=~] )" }, { "contentName": "string.array.words.perl6fe", "begin": "(?x) (?\u003c! \\+\u003c | \\+\\s|\\+ ) \\s* (\u003c) (?\u003c! \u003e ) (?= [^\u003c]* (?: [^\u003c] ) \u003e )", "end": "(?x) \\\\\\\\|(?\u003c!\\\\) ( \u003e )", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "span.keyword.operator.array.words.perl6fe" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "span.keyword.operator.array.words.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "keyword.control.repeat.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(for|loop|repeat|while|until|gather|given)(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.control.flowcontrol.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\n\\b (?\u003c! [\\-:.] )\n(\n take|do|when|next|last|redo|return|return-rw\n |contend|maybe|defer|default|exit|quietly\n |continue|break|goto|leave|supply\n |async|lift|await|start|react|whenever|parse\n)\n(?! - ) \\b" }, { "name": "keyword.control.flowcontrol.regex.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\n\\b (?\u003c! [\\-:] )\n(\n make|made\n)\n(?! - ) \\b" }, { "name": "storage.modifier.type.constraints.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:]) (is|does|as|but|trusts|of|returns|handles|where|augment|supersede) (?!\\-)\\b (?!\\s*=\u003e)" }, { "name": "keyword.control.closure.trait.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])( BEGIN|CHECK|INIT |START|FIRST|ENTER |LEAVE|KEEP|UNDO |NEXT|LAST|PRE |POST|END|CATCH |CONTROL|TEMP|QUIT )(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.control.control-handlers.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])(die|fail|try|warn)(?!\\-)\\b(?!\\s*=\u003e)" }, { "name": "entity.name.type.trait.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])( prec|irs|ofs|ors|export|raw|deep |binary|unary|reparsed|rw|parsed |cached|readonly|defequiv|will |ref|copy|inline|tighter|looser |equiv|assoc|required|pure )(?!\\-)\\b (?!\\s*=\u003e)" }, { "name": "constant.numeric.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(NaN|Inf)(?!\\-)\\b" }, { "name": "constant.language.boolean.perl6fe", "match": "\\b(True|False)\\b" }, { "name": "constant.language.pragma.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:])( fatal|internals| MONKEY\\-(?:TYPING|SEE\\-NO\\-EVAL|BRAINS|GUTS|BUSINESS|TRAP|SHINE|WRENCH|BARS)| nqp|QAST|strict|trace|worries|invocant|parameters|experimental| cur|soft|variables|attributes|v6(?:\\.\\w)*|lib|Test|NativeCall )(?!\\-) \\b (?!\\s*=\u003e)" }, { "match": "(?x)(?\u003c![:\\-\\w]) (Backtrace|Exception|Failure|X) (?: \\:\\:[a-zA-Z]+ )* \\b", "captures": { "0": { "name": "support.type.exception.perl6fe" } } }, { "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c!:)(\n AST|Any|Array|Associative|Attribute|Bag|BagHash|Baggy|\n Blob|Block|Bool|Callable|Capture|Channel|Code|Complex|Cool|\n CurrentThreadScheduler|Cursor|Date|DateTime|Dateish|Duration|\n Enum|FatRat|Grammar|Hash|IO|Instant|Iterable|\n Iterator|Junction|Label|List|Lock|Macro|Map|Match|Metamodel|\n Method|Mix|MixHash|Mixy|Mu|Nil|Numeric|ObjAt|Pair|\n Parameter|Pod|Positional|PositionalBindFailover|Proc|Promise|\n Proxy|QuantHash|Range|Rat|Rational|Real|Regex|Routine|Scheduler|\n Seq|Set|SetHash|Setty|Signature|Slip|Stash|Str|str|Stringy|Sub|\n Submethod|Supply|Tap|Temporal|Thread|ThreadPoolScheduler|\n Variable|Version|Whatever|WhateverCode|bool|size_t|\n Int|int|int1|int2|int4|int8|int16|int32|int64|\n Rat|rat|rat1|rat2|rat4|rat8|rat16|rat32|rat64|\n Buf|buf|buf1|buf2|buf4|buf8|buf16|buf32|buf64|\n UInt|uint|uint1|uint2|uint4|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|\n utf8|utf16|utf32|Num|num|num32|num64|IntStr|NumStr|\n RatStr|ComplexStr|CArray|Pointer|long|longlong|\n # These are for types which have sub types\n Order|More|Less|Same\n)\\b (?!\\s*=\u003e)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "support.type.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "support.class.type.adverb.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "keyword.operator.reduction.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) ( \\[ / \\] )" }, { "name": "meta.adverb.definedness.perl6fe", "match": "(?\u003c=\\w)(\\:)([DU_])\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.adverb.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.other.special-method.definedness.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "keyword.operator.word.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b( div|mod|gcd|lcm|x|xx|temp|let|but|cmp|leg| eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le|before|after|eqv|min|max|ff|fff|not|so|Z| and|andthen|or|orelse )\\b(?!\\-)| \\b(X)(?!:)\\b" }, { "name": "meta.operator.non.ligature.perl6fe", "match": "(=~=|≅)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.approx-equal.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "keyword.operator.multi-symbol.perl6fe", "match": "(?x) \u003c== | ==\u003e | \u003c=\u003e | =\u003e | --\u003e | -\u003e | \\+\\| | \\+\\+ | -- | \\*\\* | \\?\\?\\? | \\?\\? | \\!\\!\\! | \\!\\! | \u0026\u0026 | \\+\\^ | \\?\\^ | %% | \\+\u0026 | \\+\u003c | \\+\u003e | \\+\\^ | \\.\\.(?!\\.) | \\.\\.\\^ | \\^\\.\\. | \\^\\.\\.\\^ | \\?\\| | !=(?!\\=) | !==(?!\\=) | \u003c=(?!\u003e) | \u003e= | === | == | =:= | ~~ | \\x{2245} | \\|\\| | \\^\\^ | \\/\\/ | := | ::= | \\.\\.\\." }, { "include": "#special_variables" }, { "name": "meta.subscript.whatever.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)(?\u003c=\\[) \\s* (\\*) \\s* ([\\-\\*%\\^\\+\\/]|div|mod|gcd|lcm) \\s* (\\d+) \\s* (?=\\])", "captures": { "1": { "name": "constant.language.whatever.perl6fe" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.minus.back-from.perl6fe" }, "3": { "name": "constant.numeric.back-from.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "constant.language.whatever.hack.perl6fe", "match": "\\*\\s*(?=\\])" }, { "name": "support.function.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-\\\\])( :: )?(exists)(?!\\-)\\b(?!\\s*=\u003e)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.colon.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "support.function.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:\\\\])( :: )?( eager|hyper|substr|index|rindex|grep|map|sort|join|lines|hints |chmod|split|reduce|min|max|reverse|truncate|zip|cat|roundrobin |classify|first|sum|keys|values|pairs|defined|delete|exists |elems|end|kv|any|all|one|wrap|shape|key|value|name|pop|push |shift|splice|unshift|floor|ceiling|abs|exp|log|log10|rand|sign |sqrt|sin|cos|tan|round|strand|roots|cis|unpolar|polar|atan2 |pick|chop|chomp|lc|lcfirst|uc|ucfirst|capitalize|mkdir |normalize|pack|unpack|quotemeta|comb|samecase|sameaccent|chars |nfd|nfc|nfkd|nfkc|printf|sprintf|caller|evalfile|run|runinstead |nothing|want|bless|chr|ord|ords|gmtime|time|eof|localtime|gethost |getpw|chroot|getlogin|getpeername|kill|fork|wait|perl|graphs |codes|bytes|clone|print|open|read|write|readline|say|seek|close |opendir|readdir|slurp|spurt|shell|run|pos|fmt|vec|link|unlink |symlink|unique|pair|asin|atan|sec|cosec|cotan|asec|acosec|acotan |sinh|cosh|tanh|asinh|done|acos|acosh|atanh|sech|cosech|cotanh |sech|acosech|acotanh|asech|ok|nok|plan-ok|dies-ok|lives-ok|skip |todo|pass|flunk|force-todo|use-ok|isa-ok|diag|is-deeply|isnt |like|skip-rest|unlike|cmp-ok|eval-dies-ok|nok-error|cmp-ok |eval-lives-ok|approx|is-approx|throws-ok|version-lt|plan|EVAL |succ|pred|times|nonce|once|signature|new|connect|operator|undef |undefine|sleep|from|to|infix|postfix|prefix|circumfix|can-ok |postcircumfix|minmax|lazy|count|unwrap|getc|pi|tau|context|void |quasi|body|each|contains|rewinddir|subst|can|isa|flush|arity |assuming|rewind|callwith|callsame|nextwith|nextsame|attr|does-ok |eval-elsewhere|none|not|srand|so|trim|trim-start|trim-end|lastcall |WHAT|WHY|WHERE|HOW|WHICH|VAR|WHO|WHENCE|ACCEPTS|REJECTS|not |iterator|by|re|im|invert|flip|gist|flat|tree|is-prime |throws-like|trans|race|hyper|tap|emit|done-testing|quit|dd|note |prepend|categorize|antipairs|categorize-list|parse-base|base |starts-with|ends-with|put|append|tail|\\x{03C0}|\\x{03C4}|\\x{212F} |get|words|new-from-pairs|uniname|uninames|uniprop|uniprops |slurp-rest|throw|break|keep|match|trim-leading|trim-trailing |is-lazy|pull-one|push-exactly|push-at-least|push-all|push-until-lazy |sink-all|skip-at-least|skip-at-least-pull-one )(?!\\-)\\b(?!\\s*=\u003e)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.colon.perl6fe" } } }, { "name": "support.function.perl6fe", "match": "(?x)\\b(?\u003c![\\-:]|\\\\)(?\u003c=\\.) 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