require 'blacklight' module Ddr::Models RSpec.describe SearchBuilder do subject {, scope) } let(:search_builder_class) do do include Ddr::Models::SearchBuilder end end let(:processor_chain) { [] } let(:ability) { double(agents: ["foo", "bar"]) } let(:scope) { double(current_ability: ability) } describe "#resource_role_filters" do it "returns a list of clauses for each agent for the current ability" do expect(subject.resource_role_filters.split(" OR ")) .to contain_exactly("_query_:\"{!raw f=#{Ddr::Index::Fields::RESOURCE_ROLE}}foo\"", "_query_:\"{!raw f=#{Ddr::Index::Fields::RESOURCE_ROLE}}bar\"") end end describe "#policy_role_policies" do let(:collections) { FactoryGirl.build_list(:collection, 3) } before do collections[0].roles.grant type: "Editor", agent: "foo", scope: "policy" collections[0].save collections[1].roles.grant type: "Contributor", agent: "bar", scope: "policy" collections[1].save collections[2].roles.grant type: "Viewer", agent: "foo:bar", scope: "policy" collections[2].save end it "returns a list of IDs for collections on which the current ability has a role" do expect(subject.policy_role_policies).to match_array([collections[0].id, collections[1].id]) end end describe "#policy_role_filters" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:policy_role_policies) { ["test-13", "test-45"] } end it "should include clauses for isGovernedBy relationships to the #policy_role_policies" do expect(subject.policy_role_filters).to eq("_query_:\"{!raw f=#{Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_GOVERNED_BY}}test-13\" OR _query_:\"{!raw f=#{Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_GOVERNED_BY}}test-45\"") end end end end