require 'date' require 'time' require 'as-duration' module ChoresKit class Chore attr_reader :name DEFAULT_NOTIFICATIONS = %i[successful failed].freeze def initialize(name) @name = name @metadata = {} @dag = EmbeddedTask) @tasks = @dag.vertices @notifications = {} end # Metadata def description(string) @metadata[:description] = string end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def schedule(options) raise "Couldn't parse start time from attributes" if options[:at].nil? raise "Couldn't parse interval from attributes" unless options[:every].nil? || options[:every].is_a?(AS::Duration) at_ltz = Time.parse(options[:at]) || at_utc = Time.utc(*at_ltz) || @metadata[:schedule] = { at: at_utc, every: options[:every] } end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize def retry_failed(options) raise "Couldn't parse retry interval from attributes" unless options[:wait].nil? || options[:wait].is_a?(AS::Duration) wait = options[:wait] || 1.second retries = options[:retries] || 1 @metadata[:retry_failed] = { wait: wait, retries: retries } end # Tasks and dependencies def task(options, &block) name, params = *options raise "Couldn't create task without a name" if name.nil? raise "Couldn't create task without a block" unless block_given? task =, params) task.instance_eval(&block) @dag.add_vertex(name: name, task: task) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def run(task, options = {}) from = options[:triggered_by] || options[:upstream] || task to = options[:triggers] || options[:downstream] || task tasks = direction = options[:upstream] || options[:triggered_by] ? 'upstream' : 'downstream' # Throw an error if either up- or downstream task doesn't exist non_existing_tasks = ([from, to] - tasks).uniq raise "Couldn't set #{direction} dependency for non-existing task #{non_existing_tasks.first}" if non_existing_tasks.any? # Throw an error if unsupported dependencies are set raise "Multiple upstream tasks aren't supported" if from.is_a?(Array) raise "Multiple downstream tasks aren't supported" if to.is_a?(Array) # Set explicit root task and skip further processing if the Chore has # just one task defined or if only one of its tasks is set to run if || from == to @dag.root!(@dag.find_by(name: from)) return end v1 = @dag.vertices.detect { |vertex| vertex[:name] == from } v2 = @dag.vertices.detect { |vertex| vertex[:name] == to } @dag.add_edge(from: v1, to: v2) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # After-run callbacks def notify(*options, &block) raise "Couldn't create notifications without a block" unless block_given? conditions = *options conditions = DEFAULT_NOTIFICATIONS if options.empty? conditions.each do |condition| notification = notification.instance_eval(&block) @notifications[condition] = notification end end def run! end end end