require_relative '../entities/attributes' require_relative 'jwks' module Inferno module DSL # AuthInfo provide a user with a single input which contains the information # needed for a fhir client to perform authorization and refresh an access # token when necessary. # # AuthInfo supports the following `auth_type`: # - `public` - client id only # - `symmetric` - Symmetric confidential (i.e., with a static client id and # secret) # - `asymmetric` - Symmetric confidential (i.e., a client id with a signed # JWT rather than a client secret) # - `backend_services` # # When configuring an AuthInfo input, the invdidual fields are exposed as # `components` in the input's options, and can be configured there similar # to normal inputs. # # The AuthInfo input type supports two different modes in the UI. Different # fields will be presented to the user depending on which mode is selected. # - `auth` - This presents the inputs needed to perform authorization, and # is appropriate to use as an input to test groups which perform # authorization # - `access` - This presents the inputs needed to access resources assuming # that authorization has already happened, and is appropriate to use as an # input to test groups which access resources using previously granted # authorization # # @example # class AuthInfoExampleSuite < Inferno::TestSuite # input :url, # title: 'Base FHIR url' # # group do # title 'Perform public authorization' # input :fhir_auth, # type: :auth_info, # options: { # mode: 'auth', # components: [ # { # name: :auth_type, # default: 'public', # locked: true # } # ] # } # # # Some tests here to perform authorization # end # # group do # title 'FHIR API Tests' # input :fhir_auth, # type: :auth_info, # options: { # mode: 'access' # } # # fhir_client do # url :url # auth_info :fhir_auth # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED # end # # # Some tests here to access FHIR API # end # end class AuthInfo ATTRIBUTES = [ :auth_type, :use_discovery, :token_url, :auth_url, :requested_scopes, :client_id, :client_secret, :redirect_url, # TODO: does this belong here? :pkce_support, :pkce_code_challenge_method, :auth_request_method, :encryption_algorithm, :kid, :jwks, :access_token, :refresh_token, :issue_time, :expires_in, :name ].freeze include Entities::Attributes attr_accessor :client # @!attribute [rw] auth_type The type of authorization to be performed. # One of `public`, `symmetric`, `asymmetric`, or `backend_services` # @!attribute [rw] token_url The url of the auth server's token endpoint # @!attribute [rw] auth_url The url of the authorization endpoint # @!attribute [rw] requested_scopes The scopes which will be requested # during authorization # @!attribute [rw] client_id # @!attribute [rw] client_secret # @!attribute [rw] redirect_url # @!attribute [rw] pkce_support Whether PKCE will be used during # authorization. Either `enabled` or `disabled`. # @!attribute [rw] pkce_code_challenge_method Either `S256` (default) or # `plain` # @!attribute [rw] auth_request_method The http method which will be used # to perform the request to the authorization endpoint. Either `get` # (default) or `post` # @!attribute [rw] encryption_algorithm The encryption algorithm which # will be used to sign the JWT client credentials. Either `es384` # (default) or `rs384` # @!attribute [rw] kid The key id for the keys to be used to sign the JWT # client credentials. When blank, the first key for the selected # encryption algorithm will be used # @!attribute [rw] jwks A JWKS (including private keys) which will be used # instead of Inferno's default JWKS if provided # @!attribute [rw] access_token # @!attribute [rw] refresh_token # @!attribute [rw] issue_time An iso8601 formatted string representing the # time the access token was issued # @!attribute [rw] expires_in The lifetime of the access token in seconds # @!attribute [rw] name # @private def initialize(raw_attributes_hash) attributes_hash = raw_attributes_hash.symbolize_keys invalid_keys = attributes_hash.keys - ATTRIBUTES raise, self.class) if invalid_keys.present? attributes_hash.each do |name, value| value = DateTime.parse(value) if name == :issue_time && value.is_a?(String) instance_variable_set(:"@#{name}", value) end self.issue_time = if access_token.present? && issue_time.blank? end # @private def to_hash self.class::ATTRIBUTES.each_with_object({}) do |attribute, hash| value = send(attribute) next if value.nil? value = issue_time.iso8601 if attribute == :issue_time hash[attribute] = value end end # @private def to_s JSON.generate(to_hash) end # @private def add_to_client(client) client.auth_info = self self.client = client # TODO: do we want to perform authorization if no access_token or rely on SMART/ other auth tests? return unless access_token.present? client.set_bearer_token(access_token) end # @private def need_to_refresh? return false if access_token.blank? || (!backend_services? && refresh_token.blank?) return true if expires_in.blank? issue_time.to_i + expires_in.to_i - < 60 end # @private def able_to_refresh? token_url.present? && (backend_services? || refresh_token.present?) end # @private def backend_services? auth_type == 'backend_services' end # @private def oauth2_refresh_params case auth_type when 'public' public_auth_refresh_params when 'symmetric' symmetric_auth_refresh_params when 'asymmetric' asymmetric_auth_refresh_params when 'backend_services' backend_services_auth_refresh_params end end # @private def symmetric_auth_refresh_params { 'grant_type' => 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token' => refresh_token } end # @private def public_auth_refresh_params symmetric_auth_refresh_params.merge('client_id' => client_id) end # @private def asymmetric_auth_refresh_params symmetric_auth_refresh_params.merge( 'client_assertion_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer', 'client_assertion' => client_assertion ) end # @private def backend_services_auth_refresh_params { 'grant_type' => 'client_credentials', 'scope' => requested_scopes, 'client_assertion_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer', 'client_assertion' => client_assertion } end # @private def oauth2_refresh_headers base_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } return base_headers unless auth_type == 'symmetric' credentials = "#{client_id}:#{client_secret}" base_headers.merge( 'Authorization' => "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(credentials)}" ) end # @private def private_key @private_key ||= JWKS.jwks(user_jwks: jwks) .select { |key| key[:key_ops]&.include?('sign') } .select { |key| key[:alg] == encryption_algorithm } .find { |key| !kid || key[:kid] == kid } end # @private def signing_key if private_key.nil? raise Inferno::Exceptions::AssertionException, "No signing key found for inputs: encryption method = '#{encryption_algorithm}' and kid = '#{kid}'" end @private_key.signing_key end # @private def auth_jwt_header { 'alg' => encryption_algorithm, 'kid' => private_key['kid'], 'typ' => 'JWT', 'jku' => Inferno::Application['jwks_url'] } end # @private def auth_jwt_claims { 'iss' => client_id, 'sub' => client_id, 'aud' => token_url, 'exp' => 5.minutes.from_now.to_i, 'jti' => SecureRandom.hex(32) } end # @private def client_assertion JWT.encode auth_jwt_claims, signing_key, encryption_algorithm, auth_jwt_header end # @private def update_from_response_body(request) token_response_body = JSON.parse(request.response_body) expires_in = token_response_body['expires_in'].is_a?(Numeric) ? token_response_body['expires_in'] : nil self.access_token = token_response_body['access_token'] self.refresh_token = token_response_body['refresh_token'] if token_response_body['refresh_token'].present? self.expires_in = expires_in self.issue_time = add_to_client(client) self end end end end