require 'minitest/autorun' require 'geometry/regular_polygon' describe Geometry::RegularPolygon do RegularPolygon = Geometry::RegularPolygon describe "when constructed with named center and radius arguments" do let(:polygon) { sides:4, center:[1,2], radius:3 } subject { sides:4, center:[1,2], radius:3 } it "must create a RegularPolygon" do polygon.must_be_instance_of(RegularPolygon) end it "must have the correct number of sides" do polygon.edge_count.must_equal 4 end it "must have a center point accessor" do Point[1,2] end it "must have a radius accessor" do polygon.radius.must_equal 3 end it "must compare equal" do polygon.must_equal, center:[1,2], radius:3) end describe "properties" do it "must have vertices" do subject.vertices.must_equal [Point[4.0, 2.0], Point[1.0000000000000002, 5.0], Point[-2.0, 2.0000000000000004], Point[0.9999999999999994, -1.0]] end end end describe "when constructed with a center and diameter" do let(:polygon) { sides:4, center:[1,2], diameter:4 } it "must be a DiameterRegularPolygon" do polygon.must_be_instance_of(Geometry::DiameterRegularPolygon) polygon.must_be_kind_of(RegularPolygon) end it "must have the correct number of sides" do polygon.edge_count.must_equal 4 end it "must have a center" do Point[1,2] end it "must have a diameter" do polygon.diameter.must_equal 4 end it "must calculate the correct radius" do polygon.radius.must_equal 2 end it "must compare equal" do polygon.must_equal, center:[1,2], diameter:4) end end describe "when constructed with a diameter and no center" do let(:polygon) { sides:4, diameter:4 } it "must be a DiameterRegularPolygon" do polygon.must_be_instance_of(Geometry::DiameterRegularPolygon) polygon.must_be_kind_of(RegularPolygon) end it "must have the correct number of sides" do polygon.edge_count.must_equal 4 end it "must be at the origin" do end it "must have a diameter" do polygon.diameter.must_equal 4 end it "must calculate the correct radius" do polygon.radius.must_equal 2 end end describe "properties" do subject { sides:6, diameter:4 } it "must have edges" do expected_edges = [Edge(Point[2, 0], Point[1, 1.732]), Edge(Point[1, 1.732], Point[-1, 1.732]), Edge(Point[-1, 1.732], Point[-2, 0]), Edge(Point[-2, 0], Point[-1, -1.732]), Edge(Point[-1, -1.732], Point[1, -1.732]), Edge(Point[1, -1.732], Point[2, 0])] do |edge1, edge2| do |point1, point2| {|a, b| a.must_be_close_to b } end end end it "must have a bounds property that returns a Rectangle" do subject.bounds.must_equal[-2,-2], [2,2]) end it "must have a minmax property that returns the corners of the bounding rectangle" do subject.minmax.must_equal [Point[-2,-2], Point[2,2]] end it "must have a max property that returns the upper right corner of the bounding rectangle" do subject.max.must_equal Point[2,2] end it "must have a min property that returns the lower left corner of the bounding rectangle" do subject.min.must_equal Point[-2,-2] end end end