/* * window.js * - this file will be wrapped in a closure providing the window object as $w */ // a logger or empty function available to all modules. var $log = $env.log, $debug = $env.debug, $info = $env.info, $warn = $env.warn, $error = $env.error; //The version of this application var $version = "0.1"; //This should be hooked to git or svn or whatever var $revision = ""; //These descriptions of window properties are taken loosely David Flanagan's //'JavaScript - The Definitive Guide' (O'Reilly) /**> $cookies - see cookie.js <*/ // read only boolean specifies whether the window has been closed var $closed = false; // a read/write string that specifies the default message that appears in the status line var $defaultStatus = "Done"; // a read-only reference to the Document object belonging to this window /**> $document - See document.js <*/ //IE only, refers to the most recent event object - this maybe be removed after review var $event = null; //A read-only array of window objects //var $frames = []; // TODO: since window.frames can be accessed like a // hash, will need an object to really implement // a read-only reference to the History object /**> $history - see location.js <**/ // read-only properties that specify the height and width, in pixels var $innerHeight = 600, $innerWidth = 800; // a read-only reference to the Location object. the location object does expose read/write properties /**> $location - see location.js <**/ // The name of window/frame. Set directly, when using open(), or in frameset. // May be used when specifying the target attribute of links var $name; // a read-only reference to the Navigator object /**> $navigator - see navigator.js <**/ // a read/write reference to the Window object that contained the script that called open() to //open this browser window. This property is valid only for top-level window objects. var $opener = $openingWindow = options.opener; // Read-only properties that specify the total height and width, in pixels, of the browser window. // These dimensions include the height and width of the menu bar, toolbars, scrollbars, window // borders and so on. These properties are not supported by IE and IE offers no alternative // properties; var $outerHeight = $innerHeight, $outerWidth = $innerWidth; // Read-only properties that specify the number of pixels that the current document has been scrolled //to the right and down. These are not supported by IE. var $pageXOffset = 0, $pageYOffset = 0; // A read-only reference to the Window object that contains this window // or frame. If the window is a top-level window, parent refers to // the window itself. If this window is a frame, this property refers // to the window or frame that conatins it. var $parent = options.parent || window; try { if ($parentWindow.$thisWindowsProxyObject) $parent = $parentWindow.$thisWindowsProxyObject; } catch(e){} // a read-only refernce to the Screen object that specifies information about the screen: // the number of available pixels and the number of available colors. /**> $screen - see screen.js <**/ // read only properties that specify the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the screen. var $screenX = 0, $screenY = 0; var $screenLeft = $screenX, $screenTop = $screenY; // a read/write string that specifies the current contents of the status line. var $status = ''; // a read-only reference to the top-level window that contains this window. If this // window is a top-level window it is simply a refernce to itself. If this window // is a frame, the top property refers to the top-level window that contains the frame. var $top = $parent && $parent.top || this; // the window property is identical to the self property and to this obj var $window = $w; try { if ($w.$thisWindowsProxyObject) $window = $w.$thisWindowsProxyObject; } catch(e){} options.proxy && ( $window = options.proxy ); $debug("Initializing Window."); __extend__($w,{ get closed(){return $closed;}, get defaultStatus(){return $defaultStatus;}, set defaultStatus(_defaultStatus){$defaultStatus = _defaultStatus;}, //get document(){return $document;}, - see document.js get event(){return $event;}, get frames(){return undefined;}, // TODO: not yet any code to maintain list get length(){return undefined;}, // should be frames.length, but.... TODO //get history(){return $history;}, - see history.js get innerHeight(){return $innerHeight;}, get innerWidth(){return $innerWidth;}, get clientHeight(){return $innerHeight;}, get clientWidth(){return $innerWidth;}, //get location(){return $location;}, see location.js get name(){return $name;}, set name(newName){ $name = newName; }, //get navigator(){return $navigator;}, see navigator.js get opener(){return $opener;}, get outerHeight(){return $outerHeight;}, get outerWidth(){return $outerWidth;}, get pageXOffest(){return $pageXOffset;}, get pageYOffset(){return $pageYOffset;}, get parent(){return $parent;}, //get screen(){return $screen;}, see screen.js get screenLeft(){return $screenLeft;}, get screenTop(){return $screenTop;}, get screenX(){return $screenX;}, get screenY(){return $screenY;}, get self(){return $window;}, get status(){return $status;}, set status(_status){$status = _status;}, get top(){return $top || $window;}, get window(){return $window;}, // DOM0 Image: function() { return document.createElement("img"); } /*, toString : function(){ return '[object Window]'; } FIX SMP */ }); $w.open = function(url, name, features, replace){ if (features) $env.warn("'features' argument for 'window.open()' not yet implemented"); if (replace) $env.warn("'replace' argument for 'window.open()' not yet implemented"); var undef; if(url === undef || url === "") { url = "about:blank"; } var newWindow = $env.newwindow(this, null, url); newWindow.$name = name; return newWindow; }; $w.close = function(){ $env.unload($w); $closed = true; }; $env.unload = function(windowToUnload){ try { var event = windowToUnload.document.createEvent(); event.initEvent("unload"); windowToUnload.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]. dispatchEvent(event, false); } catch (e){} // maybe no/bad document loaded, ignore var event = windowToUnload.document.createEvent(); event.initEvent("unload"); windowToUnload.dispatchEvent(event, false); }; $env.load = function(url,xhr_options){ $location = $env.location(url); __setHistory__($location); try{ $w.document.load($location,xhr_options); }catch(e){ $warn("Exception while loading window: "+e); throw e; } }; /* Time related functions - see timer.js * - clearTimeout * - clearInterval * - setTimeout * - setInterval */ /* * Events related functions - see event.js * - addEventListener * - attachEvent * - detachEvent * - removeEventListener * * These functions are identical to the Element equivalents. */ /* * UIEvents related functions - see uievent.js * - blur * - focus * * These functions are identical to the Element equivalents. */ /* Dialog related functions - see dialog.js * - alert * - confirm * - prompt */ /* Screen related functions - see screen.js * - moveBy * - moveTo * - print * - resizeBy * - resizeTo * - scrollBy * - scrollTo */ /* CSS related functions - see css.js * - getComputedStyle */ /* * Shared utility methods */ // Helper method for extending one object with another. function __extend__(a,b) { for ( var i in b ) { var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i); if ( g || s ) { if ( g ) a.__defineGetter__(i, g); if ( s ) a.__defineSetter__(i, s); } else a[i] = b[i]; } return a; }; // from ariel flesler http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/11/fast-trim-function-for-javascript.html // this might be a good utility function to provide in the env.core // as in might be useful to the parser and other areas as well function trim( str ){ return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" ); }; /*function trim( str ){ var start = -1, end = str.length; /*jsl:ignore* while( str.charCodeAt(--end) < 33 ); while( str.charCodeAt(++start) < 33 ); /*jsl:end* return str.slice( start, end + 1 ); };*/ //from jQuery function __setArray__( target, array ) { // Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push // is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties target.length = 0; Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array ); };