begin north_america = Spree::Zone.find_by_name!("North America") rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound puts "Couldn't find 'North America' zone. Did you run `rake db:seed` first?" puts "That task will set up the countries, states and zones required for Spree." exit end europe_vat = Spree::Zone.find_by_name!("EU_VAT") shipping_category = Spree::ShippingCategory.find_or_create_by!(name: 'Default') shipping_methods = [ { :name => "UPS Ground (USD)", :zones => [north_america], :calculator => Spree::Calculator::FlatRate.create!, :shipping_categories => [shipping_category] }, { :name => "UPS Two Day (USD)", :zones => [north_america], :calculator => Spree::Calculator::FlatRate.create!, :shipping_categories => [shipping_category] }, { :name => "UPS One Day (USD)", :zones => [north_america], :calculator => Spree::Calculator::FlatRate.create!, :shipping_categories => [shipping_category] }, { :name => "UPS Ground (EUR)", :zones => [europe_vat], :calculator => Spree::Calculator::FlatRate.create!, :shipping_categories => [shipping_category] } ] shipping_methods.each do |shipping_method_attrs| Spree::ShippingMethod.create!(shipping_method_attrs) end { "UPS Ground (USD)" => [5, "USD"], "UPS Ground (EUR)" => [5, "EUR"], "UPS One Day (USD)" => [15, "USD"], "UPS Two Day (USD)" => [10, "USD"] }.each do |shipping_method_name, (price, currency)| shipping_method = Spree::ShippingMethod.find_by_name!(shipping_method_name) shipping_method.calculator.preferred_amount = price shipping_method.calculator.preferred_currency = currency shipping_method.shipping_categories << Spree::ShippingCategory.first! end