// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('system/locale'); // These are basic enhancements to the string class used throughout // SproutCore. /** @private */ SC.STRING_TITLEIZE_REGEXP = (/([\s|\-|\_|\n])([^\s|\-|\_|\n]?)/g); SC.STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP = (/([a-z])([A-Z])/g); SC.STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP = (/[ _]/g); SC.STRING_HUMANIZE_REGEXP = (/[\-_]/g); SC.STRING_TRIM_REGEXP = (/^\s+|\s+$/g); SC.STRING_TRIM_LEFT_REGEXP = (/^\s+/g); SC.STRING_TRIM_RIGHT_REGEXP = (/\s+$/g); SC.STRING_REGEXP_ESCAPED_REGEXP = (/([\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\<\>\|\:])/g); // Since there are many strings that are commonly dasherized(), we'll maintain // a cache. Moreover, we'll pre-add some common ones. SC.STRING_DASHERIZE_CACHE = { top: 'top', left: 'left', right: 'right', bottom: 'bottom', width: 'width', height: 'height', minWidth: 'min-width', maxWidth: 'max-width' }; // Active Support style inflection constants SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS = { PLURAL: [ [/(quiz)$/i, "$1zes" ], [/^(ox)$/i, "$1en" ], [/([m|l])ouse$/i, "$1ice" ], [/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/i, "$1ices" ], [/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i, "$1es" ], [/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i, "$1ies" ], [/(hive)$/i, "$1s" ], [/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i, "$1$2ves"], [/sis$/i, "ses" ], [/([ti])um$/i, "$1a" ], [/(buffal|tomat)o$/i, "$1oes" ], [/(bu)s$/i, "$1ses" ], [/(alias|status)$/i, "$1es" ], [/(octop|vir)us$/i, "$1i" ], [/(ax|test)is$/i, "$1es" ], [/s$/i, "s" ], [/$/, "s" ] ], SINGULAR: [ [/(quiz)zes$/i, "$1" ], [/(matr)ices$/i, "$1ix" ], [/(vert|ind)ices$/i, "$1ex" ], [/^(ox)en/i, "$1" ], [/(alias|status)es$/i, "$1" ], [/(octop|vir)i$/i, "$1us" ], [/(cris|ax|test)es$/i, "$1is" ], [/(shoe)s$/i, "$1" ], [/(o)es$/i, "$1" ], [/(bus)es$/i, "$1" ], [/([m|l])ice$/i, "$1ouse" ], [/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i, "$1" ], [/(m)ovies$/i, "$1ovie" ], [/(s)eries$/i, "$1eries"], [/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, "$1y" ], [/([lr])ves$/i, "$1f" ], [/(tive)s$/i, "$1" ], [/(hive)s$/i, "$1" ], [/([^f])ves$/i, "$1fe" ], [/(^analy)ses$/i, "$1sis" ], [/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i, "$1$2sis"], [/([ti])a$/i, "$1um" ], [/(n)ews$/i, "$1ews" ], [/s$/i, "" ] ], IRREGULAR: [ ['move', 'moves' ], ['sex', 'sexes' ], ['child', 'children'], ['man', 'men' ], ['person', 'people' ] ], UNCOUNTABLE: [ "sheep", "fish", "series", "species", "money", "rice", "information", "info", "equipment" ] }; /** @namespace SproutCore implements a variety of enhancements to the built-in String object that make it easy to perform common substitutions and conversions. Most of the utility methods defined here mirror those found in Prototype 1.6. @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.String = { /** Localizes the string. This will look up the reciever string as a key in the current Strings hash. If the key matches, the loc'd value will be used. The resulting string will also be passed through fmt() to insert any variables. @param args {Object...} optional arguments to interpolate also @returns {String} the localized and formatted string. */ loc: function() { // NB: This could be implemented as a wrapper to locWithDefault() but // it would add some overhead to deal with the arguments and adds stack // frames, so we are keeping the implementation separate. if(!SC.Locale.currentLocale) SC.Locale.createCurrentLocale(); var str = SC.Locale.currentLocale.locWithDefault(this); if (SC.typeOf(str) !== SC.T_STRING) str = this; return str.fmt.apply(str,arguments) ; }, /** Works just like loc() except that it will return the passed default string if a matching key is not found. @param {String} def the default to return @param {Object...} args optional formatting arguments @returns {String} localized and formatted string */ locWithDefault: function(def) { if(!SC.Locale.currentLocale) SC.Locale.createCurrentLocale(); var str = SC.Locale.currentLocale.locWithDefault(this, def); if (SC.typeOf(str) !== SC.T_STRING) str = this; var args = SC.$A(arguments); args.shift(); // remove def param return str.fmt.apply(str,args) ; }, /** Capitalizes a string. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | My favorite items | | css-class-name | Css-class-name | | action_name | Action_name | | innerHTML | InnerHTML | @return {String} capitalized string */ capitalize: function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1) ; }, /** Capitalizes every word in a string. Unlike titleize, spaces or dashes will remain in-tact. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | My Favorite Items | | css-class-name | Css-Class-Name | | action_name | Action_Name | | innerHTML | InnerHTML | @returns {String} capitalized string */ capitalizeEach: function() { return this.replace(SC.STRING_TITLEIZE_REGEXP, function(str,sep,character) { return (character) ? (sep + character.toUpperCase()) : sep; }).capitalize() ; }, /** Converts a string to a title. This will decamelize the string, convert separators to spaces and capitalize every word. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | My Favorite Items | | css-class-name | Css Class Name | | action_name | Action Name | | innerHTML | Inner HTML | @return {String} titleized string. */ titleize: function() { var ret = this.replace(SC.STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP,'$1_$2'); // decamelize return ret.replace(SC.STRING_TITLEIZE_REGEXP, function(str,separater,character) { return (character) ? (' ' + character.toUpperCase()) : ' '; }).capitalize() ; }, /** Camelizes a string. This will take any words separated by spaces, dashes or underscores and convert them into camelCase. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | myFavoriteItems | | css-class-name | cssClassName | | action_name | actionName | | innerHTML | innerHTML | @returns {String} camelized string */ camelize: function() { var ret = this.replace(SC.STRING_TITLEIZE_REGEXP, function(str,separater,character) { return (character) ? character.toUpperCase() : '' ; }) ; var first = ret.charAt(0), lower = first.toLowerCase() ; return (first !== lower) ? (lower + ret.slice(1)) : ret ; }, /** Converts the string into a class name. This method will camelize your string and then capitalize the first letter. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | MyFavoriteItems | | css-class-name | CssClassName | | action_name | ActionName | | innerHTML | InnerHtml | @returns {String} */ classify: function() { var ret = this.replace(SC.STRING_TITLEIZE_REGEXP, function(str,separater,character) { return (character) ? character.toUpperCase() : '' ; }) ; var first = ret.charAt(0), upper = first.toUpperCase() ; return (first !== upper) ? (upper + ret.slice(1)) : ret ; }, /** Converts a camelized string into all lower case separated by underscores. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | my favorite items | | css-class-name | css-class-name | | action_name | action_name | | innerHTML | inner_html | @returns {String} the decamelized string. */ decamelize: function() { return this.replace(SC.STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP,'$1_$2').toLowerCase(); }, /** Converts a camelized string or a string with spaces or underscores into a string with components separated by dashes. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | my-favorite-items | | css-class-name | css-class-name | | action_name | action-name | | innerHTML | inner-html | @returns {String} the dasherized string. */ dasherize: function() { // Do we have the item in our cache? var cache = SC.STRING_DASHERIZE_CACHE, ret = cache[this]; if (ret) { return ret; } else { ret = this.decamelize().replace(SC.STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP,'-') ; // Add the item to our cache. cache[this] = ret; } return ret; }, /** Converts a camelized string or a string with dashes or underscores into a string with components separated by spaces. h2. Examples | *Input String* | *Output String* | | my favorite items | my favorite items | | css-class-name | css class name | | action_name | action name | | innerHTML | inner html | @returns {String} the humanized string. */ humanize: function() { return this.decamelize().replace(SC.STRING_HUMANIZE_REGEXP,' ') ; }, /** Will escape a string so it can be securely used in a regular expression. Useful when you need to use user input in a regular expression without having to worry about it breaking code if any reserved regular expression characters are used. @returns {String} the string properly escaped for use in a regexp. */ escapeForRegExp: function() { return this.replace(SC.STRING_REGEXP_ESCAPED_REGEXP, "\\$1"); }, /** Removes any standard diacritic characters from the string. So, for example, all instances of 'Á' will become 'A'. @returns {String} the modified string */ removeDiacritics: function() { // Lazily create the SC.diacriticMappingTable object. var diacriticMappingTable = SC.diacriticMappingTable; if (!diacriticMappingTable) { SC.diacriticMappingTable = { 'À':'A', 'Á':'A', 'Â':'A', 'Ã':'A', 'Ä':'A', 'Å':'A', 'Ā':'A', 'Ă':'A', 'Ą':'A', 'Ǎ':'A', 'Ǟ':'A', 'Ǡ':'A', 'Ǻ':'A', 'Ȁ':'A', 'Ȃ':'A', 'Ȧ':'A', 'Ḁ':'A', 'Ạ':'A', 'Ả':'A', 'Ấ':'A', 'Ầ':'A', 'Ẩ':'A', 'Ẫ':'A', 'Ậ':'A', 'Ắ':'A', 'Ằ':'A', 'Ẳ':'A', 'Ẵ':'A', 'Ặ':'A', 'Å':'A', 'Ḃ':'B', 'Ḅ':'B', 'Ḇ':'B', 'Ç':'C', 'Ć':'C', 'Ĉ':'C', 'Ċ':'C', 'Č':'C', 'Ḉ':'C', 'Ď':'D', 'Ḋ':'D', 'Ḍ':'D', 'Ḏ':'D', 'Ḑ':'D', 'Ḓ':'D', 'È':'E', 'É':'E', 'Ê':'E', 'Ë':'E', 'Ē':'E', 'Ĕ':'E', 'Ė':'E', 'Ę':'E', 'Ě':'E', 'Ȅ':'E', 'Ȇ':'E', 'Ȩ':'E', 'Ḕ':'E', 'Ḗ':'E', 'Ḙ':'E', 'Ḛ':'E', 'Ḝ':'E', 'Ẹ':'E', 'Ẻ':'E', 'Ẽ':'E', 'Ế':'E', 'Ề':'E', 'Ể':'E', 'Ễ':'E', 'Ệ':'E', 'Ḟ':'F', 'Ĝ':'G', 'Ğ':'G', 'Ġ':'G', 'Ģ':'G', 'Ǧ':'G', 'Ǵ':'G', 'Ḡ':'G', 'Ĥ':'H', 'Ȟ':'H', 'Ḣ':'H', 'Ḥ':'H', 'Ḧ':'H', 'Ḩ':'H', 'Ḫ':'H', 'Ì':'I', 'Í':'I', 'Î':'I', 'Ï':'I', 'Ĩ':'I', 'Ī':'I', 'Ĭ':'I', 'Į':'I', 'İ':'I', 'Ǐ':'I', 'Ȉ':'I', 'Ȋ':'I', 'Ḭ':'I', 'Ḯ':'I', 'Ỉ':'I', 'Ị':'I', 'Ĵ':'J', 'Ķ':'K', 'Ǩ':'K', 'Ḱ':'K', 'Ḳ':'K', 'Ḵ':'K', 'Ĺ':'L', 'Ļ':'L', 'Ľ':'L', 'Ḷ':'L', 'Ḹ':'L', 'Ḻ':'L', 'Ḽ':'L', 'Ḿ':'M', 'Ṁ':'M', 'Ṃ':'M', 'Ñ':'N', 'Ń':'N', 'Ņ':'N', 'Ň':'N', 'Ǹ':'N', 'Ṅ':'N', 'Ṇ':'N', 'Ṉ':'N', 'Ṋ':'N', 'Ò':'O', 'Ó':'O', 'Ô':'O', 'Õ':'O', 'Ö':'O', 'Ō':'O', 'Ŏ':'O', 'Ő':'O', 'Ơ':'O', 'Ǒ':'O', 'Ǫ':'O', 'Ǭ':'O', 'Ȍ':'O', 'Ȏ':'O', 'Ȫ':'O', 'Ȭ':'O', 'Ȯ':'O', 'Ȱ':'O', 'Ṍ':'O', 'Ṏ':'O', 'Ṑ':'O', 'Ṓ':'O', 'Ọ':'O', 'Ỏ':'O', 'Ố':'O', 'Ồ':'O', 'Ổ':'O', 'Ỗ':'O', 'Ộ':'O', 'Ớ':'O', 'Ờ':'O', 'Ở':'O', 'Ỡ':'O', 'Ợ':'O', 'Ṕ':'P', 'Ṗ':'P', 'Ŕ':'R', 'Ŗ':'R', 'Ř':'R', 'Ȑ':'R', 'Ȓ':'R', 'Ṙ':'R', 'Ṛ':'R', 'Ṝ':'R', 'Ṟ':'R', 'Ś':'S', 'Ŝ':'S', 'Ş':'S', 'Š':'S', 'Ș':'S', 'Ṡ':'S', 'Ṣ':'S', 'Ṥ':'S', 'Ṧ':'S', 'Ṩ':'S', 'Ţ':'T', 'Ť':'T', 'Ț':'T', 'Ṫ':'T', 'Ṭ':'T', 'Ṯ':'T', 'Ṱ':'T', 'Ù':'U', 'Ú':'U', 'Û':'U', 'Ü':'U', 'Ũ':'U', 'Ū':'U', 'Ŭ':'U', 'Ů':'U', 'Ű':'U', 'Ų':'U', 'Ư':'U', 'Ǔ':'U', 'Ǖ':'U', 'Ǘ':'U', 'Ǚ':'U', 'Ǜ':'U', 'Ȕ':'U', 'Ȗ':'U', 'Ṳ':'U', 'Ṵ':'U', 'Ṷ':'U', 'Ṹ':'U', 'Ṻ':'U', 'Ụ':'U', 'Ủ':'U', 'Ứ':'U', 'Ừ':'U', 'Ử':'U', 'Ữ':'U', 'Ự':'U', 'Ṽ':'V', 'Ṿ':'V', 'Ŵ':'W', 'Ẁ':'W', 'Ẃ':'W', 'Ẅ':'W', 'Ẇ':'W', 'Ẉ':'W', 'Ẋ':'X', 'Ẍ':'X', 'Ý':'Y', 'Ŷ':'Y', 'Ÿ':'Y', 'Ȳ':'Y', 'Ẏ':'Y', 'Ỳ':'Y', 'Ỵ':'Y', 'Ỷ':'Y', 'Ỹ':'Y', 'Ź':'Z', 'Ż':'Z', 'Ž':'Z', 'Ẑ':'Z', 'Ẓ':'Z', 'Ẕ':'Z', '`': '`', 'à':'a', 'á':'a', 'â':'a', 'ã':'a', 'ä':'a', 'å':'a', 'ā':'a', 'ă':'a', 'ą':'a', 'ǎ':'a', 'ǟ':'a', 'ǡ':'a', 'ǻ':'a', 'ȁ':'a', 'ȃ':'a', 'ȧ':'a', 'ḁ':'a', 'ạ':'a', 'ả':'a', 'ấ':'a', 'ầ':'a', 'ẩ':'a', 'ẫ':'a', 'ậ':'a', 'ắ':'a', 'ằ':'a', 'ẳ':'a', 'ẵ':'a', 'ặ':'a', 'ḃ':'b', 'ḅ':'b', 'ḇ':'b', 'ç':'c', 'ć':'c', 'ĉ':'c', 'ċ':'c', 'č':'c', 'ḉ':'c', 'ď':'d', 'ḋ':'d', 'ḍ':'d', 'ḏ':'d', 'ḑ':'d', 'ḓ':'d', 'è':'e', 'é':'e', 'ê':'e', 'ë':'e', 'ē':'e', 'ĕ':'e', 'ė':'e', 'ę':'e', 'ě':'e', 'ȅ':'e', 'ȇ':'e', 'ȩ':'e', 'ḕ':'e', 'ḗ':'e', 'ḙ':'e', 'ḛ':'e', 'ḝ':'e', 'ẹ':'e', 'ẻ':'e', 'ẽ':'e', 'ế':'e', 'ề':'e', 'ể':'e', 'ễ':'e', 'ệ':'e', 'ḟ':'f', 'ĝ':'g', 'ğ':'g', 'ġ':'g', 'ģ':'g', 'ǧ':'g', 'ǵ':'g', 'ḡ':'g', 'ĥ':'h', 'ȟ':'h', 'ḣ':'h', 'ḥ':'h', 'ḧ':'h', 'ḩ':'h', 'ḫ':'h', 'ẖ':'h', 'ì':'i', 'í':'i', 'î':'i', 'ï':'i', 'ĩ':'i', 'ī':'i', 'ĭ':'i', 'į':'i', 'ǐ':'i', 'ȉ':'i', 'ȋ':'i', 'ḭ':'i', 'ḯ':'i', 'ỉ':'i', 'ị':'i', 'ĵ':'j', 'ǰ':'j', 'ķ':'k', 'ǩ':'k', 'ḱ':'k', 'ḳ':'k', 'ḵ':'k', 'ĺ':'l', 'ļ':'l', 'ľ':'l', 'ḷ':'l', 'ḹ':'l', 'ḻ':'l', 'ḽ':'l', 'ḿ':'m', 'ṁ':'m', 'ṃ':'m', 'ñ':'n', 'ń':'n', 'ņ':'n', 'ň':'n', 'ǹ':'n', 'ṅ':'n', 'ṇ':'n', 'ṉ':'n', 'ṋ':'n', 'ò':'o', 'ó':'o', 'ô':'o', 'õ':'o', 'ö':'o', 'ō':'o', 'ŏ':'o', 'ő':'o', 'ơ':'o', 'ǒ':'o', 'ǫ':'o', 'ǭ':'o', 'ȍ':'o', 'ȏ':'o', 'ȫ':'o', 'ȭ':'o', 'ȯ':'o', 'ȱ':'o', 'ṍ':'o', 'ṏ':'o', 'ṑ':'o', 'ṓ':'o', 'ọ':'o', 'ỏ':'o', 'ố':'o', 'ồ':'o', 'ổ':'o', 'ỗ':'o', 'ộ':'o', 'ớ':'o', 'ờ':'o', 'ở':'o', 'ỡ':'o', 'ợ':'o', 'ṕ':'p', 'ṗ':'p', 'ŕ':'r', 'ŗ':'r', 'ř':'r', 'ȑ':'r', 'ȓ':'r', 'ṙ':'r', 'ṛ':'r', 'ṝ':'r', 'ṟ':'r', 'ś':'s', 'ŝ':'s', 'ş':'s', 'š':'s', 'ș':'s', 'ṡ':'s', 'ṣ':'s', 'ṥ':'s', 'ṧ':'s', 'ṩ':'s', 'ţ':'t', 'ť':'t', 'ț':'t', 'ṫ':'t', 'ṭ':'t', 'ṯ':'t', 'ṱ':'t', 'ẗ':'t', 'ù':'u', 'ú':'u', 'û':'u', 'ü':'u', 'ũ':'u', 'ū':'u', 'ŭ':'u', 'ů':'u', 'ű':'u', 'ų':'u', 'ư':'u', 'ǔ':'u', 'ǖ':'u', 'ǘ':'u', 'ǚ':'u', 'ǜ':'u', 'ȕ':'u', 'ȗ':'u', 'ṳ':'u', 'ṵ':'u', 'ṷ':'u', 'ṹ':'u', 'ṻ':'u', 'ụ':'u', 'ủ':'u', 'ứ':'u', 'ừ':'u', 'ử':'u', 'ữ':'u', 'ự':'u', 'ṽ':'v', 'ṿ':'v', 'ŵ':'w', 'ẁ':'w', 'ẃ':'w', 'ẅ':'w', 'ẇ':'w', 'ẉ':'w', 'ẘ':'w', 'ẋ':'x', 'ẍ':'x', 'ý':'y', 'ÿ':'y', 'ŷ':'y', 'ȳ':'y', 'ẏ':'y', 'ẙ':'y', 'ỳ':'y', 'ỵ':'y', 'ỷ':'y', 'ỹ':'y', 'ź':'z', 'ż':'z', 'ž':'z', 'ẑ':'z', 'ẓ':'z', 'ẕ':'z' }; diacriticMappingTable = SC.diacriticMappingTable; } var original, replacement, ret = "", length = this.length; for (var i = 0; i <= length; ++i) { original = this.charAt(i); replacement = diacriticMappingTable[original]; if (replacement) { ret += replacement; } else { ret += original; } } return ret; }, /** Removes any extra whitespace from the edges of the string. This method is also aliased as strip(). @returns {String} the trimmed string */ trim: function () { return this.replace(SC.STRING_TRIM_REGEXP,""); }, /** Removes any extra whitespace from the left edge of the string. @returns {String} the trimmed string */ trimLeft: function () { return this.replace(SC.STRING_TRIM_LEFT_REGEXP,""); }, /** Removes any extra whitespace from the right edge of the string. @returns {String} the trimmed string */ trimRight: function () { return this.replace(SC.STRING_TRIM_RIGHT_REGEXP,""); }, /** Converts a word into its plural form. @returns {String} the plural form of the string */ pluralize: function() { var idx, len, compare = this.split(/\s/).pop(), //check only the last word of a string restOfString = this.replace(compare,''), isCapitalized = compare.charAt(0).match(/[A-Z]/) ? true : false; compare = compare.toLowerCase(); for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.UNCOUNTABLE.length; idx < len; idx++) { var uncountable = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.UNCOUNTABLE[idx]; if (compare == uncountable) { return this.toString(); } } for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR.length; idx < len; idx++) { var singular = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR[idx][0], plural = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR[idx][1]; if ((compare == singular) || (compare == plural)) { if(isCapitalized) plural = plural.capitalize(); return restOfString + plural; } } for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.PLURAL.length; idx < len; idx++) { var regex = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.PLURAL[idx][0], replace_string = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.PLURAL[idx][1]; if (regex.test(compare)) { return this.replace(regex, replace_string); } } }, /** Converts a word into its singular form. @returns {String} the singular form of the string */ singularize: function() { var idx, len, compare = this.split(/\s/).pop(), //check only the last word of a string restOfString = this.replace(compare,''), isCapitalized = compare.charAt(0).match(/[A-Z]/) ? true : false; compare = compare.toLowerCase(); for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.UNCOUNTABLE.length; idx < len; idx++) { var uncountable = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.UNCOUNTABLE[idx]; if (compare == uncountable) { return this.toString(); } } for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR.length; idx < len; idx++) { var singular = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR[idx][0], plural = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.IRREGULAR[idx][1]; if ((compare == singular) || (compare == plural)) { if(isCapitalized) singular = singular.capitalize(); return restOfString + singular; } } for (idx=0, len=SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.SINGULAR.length; idx < len; idx++) { var regex = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.SINGULAR[idx][0], replace_string = SC.INFLECTION_CONSTANTS.SINGULAR[idx][1]; if (regex.test(compare)) { return this.replace(regex, replace_string); } } } }; /** @private */ SC.String.strip = SC.String.trim; // convenience alias. // Apply SC.String mixin to built-in String object SC.supplement(String.prototype, SC.String) ; /** @private */ String.prototype.loc = SC.String.loc; // Two places define it, and we want the version at SC.String.loc /** @private */ SC.String.fmt = String.prototype.fmt; // copy from runtime