Class Task
In: app/models/task.rb
Parent: ActiveRecord::Base


Public Instance methods


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 25
25:   def completed?
26:     !!completed_at
27:   end


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 21
21:   def mark_as_complete!
22:     update_attributes(:completed_at =>
23:   end

Protected Instance methods


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 54
54:     def assigned_by_is_able_to_edit_or_publish_content
55:       if assigned_by && !assigned_by.able_to_edit_or_publish_content?
56:         errors.add(:assigned_by_id, "cannot assign tasks")
57:       end
58:     end


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 60
60:     def assigned_to_is_able_to_edit_or_publish_content
61:       if assigned_to && !assigned_to.able_to_edit_or_publish_content?
62:         errors.add(:assigned_to_id, "cannot be assigned tasks")
63:       end
64:     end


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 30
30:     def mark_other_tasks_for_the_same_page_as_complete
31:       self.class.other_than(self).incomplete.all.each do |t|
32:         t.mark_as_complete!
33:       end
34:     end


    # File app/models/task.rb, line 36
36:     def send_email
37:       #Hmm... what if the assign_by or assign_to don't have email addresses?
38:       #For now we'll say just don't send an email and log that as a warning
39:       if
40:         logger.warn "Can't send email for task because assigned by user #{assigned_by.login}:#{} has no email address"
41:       elsif
42:         logger.warn "Can't send email for task because assigned to user #{assigned_to.login}:#{} has no email address"
43:       else
44:         email = EmailMessage.create(
45:           :sender =>,
46:           :recipients =>,
47:           :subject => "Page '#{}' has been assigned to you",
48:           :body => "http://#{SITE_DOMAIN}#{page.path}\n\n#{comment}"
49:         )
50:       end
51:       true #don't accidently return false and halt the chain
52:     end
