require 'brakeman/processors/lib/processor_helper' require 'brakeman/util' #Base processor for most processors. class Brakeman::BaseProcessor < Brakeman::SexpProcessor include Brakeman::ProcessorHelper include Brakeman::Util IGNORE = :ignore #Return a new Processor. def initialize tracker super() @last = nil @tracker = tracker @current_template = @current_module = @current_class = @current_method = nil end def ignore IGNORE end #Process a new scope. Removes expressions that are set to nil. def process_scope exp #NOPE? end #Default processing. def process_default exp exp = exp.dup exp.each_with_index do |e, i| if sexp? e and not e.empty? exp[i] = process e else e end end exp end #Process an if statement. def process_if exp exp = exp.dup exp[1] = process exp.condition exp[2] = process exp.then_clause if exp.then_clause exp[3] = process exp.else_clause if exp.else_clause exp end #Processes calls with blocks. # #s(:iter, CALL, {:lasgn|:masgn}, BLOCK) def process_iter exp exp = exp.dup call = process exp.block_call #deal with assignments somehow if exp.block block = process exp.block block = nil if block.empty? else block = nil end call =, call, exp.block_args, block).compact call.line(exp.line) call end def process_safe_call exp if self.respond_to? :process_call process_call exp else process_default exp end end #String with interpolation. def process_dstr exp exp = exp.dup exp.shift! do |e| if e.is_a? String e else res = process e if res.empty? nil else res end end end.compact! exp.unshift :dstr end #Processes a block. Changes Sexp node type to :rlist def process_block exp exp = exp.dup exp.shift! do |e| process e end exp.unshift :rlist end #Processes the inside of an interpolated String. def process_evstr exp exp = exp.dup if exp[1] exp[1] = process exp[1] end exp end #Processes a hash def process_hash exp exp = exp.dup exp.shift! do |e| if sexp? e process e else e end end exp.unshift :hash end #Processes the values in an argument list def process_arglist exp exp = exp.dup exp.shift! do |e| process e end exp.unshift :arglist end #Processes a local assignment def process_lasgn exp exp = exp.dup exp.rhs = process exp.rhs exp end alias :process_iasgn :process_lasgn #Processes an instance variable assignment def process_iasgn exp exp = exp.dup exp.rhs = process exp.rhs exp end #Processes an attribute assignment, which can be either x.y = 1 or x[:y] = 1 def process_attrasgn exp exp = exp.dup = process exp.arglist = process exp.arglist exp end #Ignore ignore Sexps def process_ignore exp exp end #Convenience method for `make_render exp, true` def make_render_in_view exp make_render exp, true end #Generates :render node from call to render. def make_render exp, in_view = false render_type, value, rest = find_render_type exp, in_view rest = process rest result =, render_type, value, rest) result.line(exp.line) result end #Determines the type of a call to render. # #Possible types are: #:action, :default, :file, :inline, :js, :json, :nothing, :partial, #:template, :text, :update, :xml # #And also :layout for inside templates def find_render_type call, in_view = false rest = type = nil value = nil first_arg = call.first_arg if call.second_arg.nil? and first_arg ==, :update) return :update, nil,, *call.args[0..-2]) #TODO HUH? end #Look for render :action, ... or render "action", ... if string? first_arg or symbol? first_arg if @current_template and @tracker.options[:rails3] type = :partial value = first_arg else type = :action value = first_arg end elsif first_arg.is_a? Symbol or first_arg.is_a? String type = :action value =, first_arg.to_sym) elsif first_arg.nil? type = :default elsif not hash? first_arg type = :action value = first_arg end types_in_hash = Set[:action, :file, :inline, :js, :json, :nothing, :partial, :template, :text, :update, :xml] #render :layout => "blah" means something else when in a template if in_view types_in_hash << :layout end last_arg = call.last_arg #Look for "type" of render in options hash #For example, render :file => "blah" if hash? last_arg hash_iterate(last_arg) do |key, val| if symbol? key and types_in_hash.include? key.value type = key.value value = val else rest << key << val end end end type ||= :default value ||= :default return type, value, rest end end