grid arguments

Additional arguments can be passed into the grid mixin to include $grid_padding_l, $grid_padding_r, $grid_padding_tb, $grid_border, $grid_uom, $col_gutter, $grid_type, $grid_align, $grid_context

  • $grid_padding_l => adds padding LEFT, takes integer value
  • $grid_padding_r => adds padding RIGHT, takes integer value
  • $grid_padding_tb => adds padding TOP and BOTTOM, takes integer value
  • $grid_border => takes integer value, adds border using $border_color and $standard_border_style configs found in _config.scss.
  • $border_place => options are left and right. Argument will place a single border on either the left or right side of the block.
  • $grid_uom => set to percent by default, accepts em as argument.
  • $col_gutter => takes integer to adjust col gutter
  • $grid_type => set to 12 col by default, allows for on-the-fly adjustment to grid type Feature is currently inoperable
  • $grid_align => takes center as argument
  • $grid_context => Adjusts column widths based on nested grid context. Necessary when calcuclating with percentages

Stipe uses the box-size CSS property, but this is not supported by IE7. By entereing values like $grid_padding_l, $grid_padding_r, $grid_border, Stipe will calculate a width that IE7 can use.