Feature: Retry responses and HTTP Errors As a user of AGCOD I want to properly handle retry responses and HTTP errors So that I can get certified Background: Given I have access to the AGCOD web service And I am logging transactions Scenario: #12 RESEND creation request Given I want to send request "9" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #13 RESEND cancel request Given I want to cancel request "2" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #14 HTTP error Given I want to send request "10" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #15 HTTP Void Error Given I want to void request "10" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #16 HTTP Cancel Error Given I want to cancel request "3" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #17 minimum amount Given I want to send request "11" When I send the request Then I should not receive a successful response Scenario: #17b $12 gift card Given I want to send request "12" When I send the request Then I should receive a successful resposne