readme: headers: installation: title: "Local installation" body: | Assuming you've just cloned the repo, run this script to setup the project in your machine: $ ./bin/setup It assumes you have a machine equipped with Ruby, <%= get(:database).to_s.titleize %>, etc. If not, set up your machine with [boxen]. The script will do the following among other things: - Install the dependecies - Prepare your database - Adds heroku remotes After the app setup is done you can run it with [Heroku Local] $ heroku local [Heroku Local]: [boxen]: ci: title: "Continuous Integrations" body: | The project is setup to run tests in [CircleCI](<%= get(:dasherized_app_name) %>/tree/master) You can also run the test locally simulating the production environment using docker. Just make sure you have docker installed and run: bin/cibuild deployment: title: "Deployment" body: | This project is pre-configured to be (easily) deployed to Heroku servers, but needs you to have the Potassium binary installed. If you don't, then run: $ gem install potassium Then, make sure you are logged in to the Heroku account where you want to create the app and run $ potassium install heroku --force this will create the app on heroku, create a pipeline and link the app to the pipeline. You'll still have to manually log in to the heroku dahsboard, go to the new pipeline and 'configure automatic deploys' using Github You can run the following command to open the dashboard in the pipeline page $ heroku pipelines:open ![Hint]( Remember to connect each stage to the corresponding branch: 1. Staging -> Master 2. Production -> Production That's it. You should already have a running app and each time you push to the corresponding branch, the system will (hopefully) update accordingly. style_guide: title: "Style Guides" body: | The style guides are enforced through a self hosted version of [Hound CI]( The style configuration can also be used locally in development runing `rubocop` or just using the rubocop integration for your text editor of choice. You can add custom rules to this project just adding them to the `.ruby-style.yml` file. mailing: title: "Sending Emails" body: | The emails can be send through the gem `<%= get(:mailer_gem_name) %>` using the `<%= get(:mailer_delivery_method) %>` delivery method. All the `action_mailer` configuration can be found at `config/mailer.rb`, which is loaded only on production environments. All emails should be sent using background jobs, by default we install `delayed_job` for that purpuse. #### Testing in staging If you add the `EMAIL_RECIPIENTS=` environmental variable, the emails will be intercepted and redirected to the email in the variable. internal_dependencies: title: "Internal dependencies" sections: devise: title: "Authentication" body: "We are using the great [Devise]( library by [PlataformaTec](" paperclip: title: "Uploads" body: "For managing uploads, this project uses [Paperclip](, a gem made by the awesome [Thoughbot]( team." pundit: title: "Authorization" body: "For defining which parts of the system each user has access to, we have chosen to include the [Pundit]( gem, by [Elabs](" delayed_job: title: "Queue System" body: "For managing tasks in the background, this project uses [DelayedJob](" clockwork: title: "Scheduled Tasks" body: "To schedule recurring work at particular times or dates, this project uses [Clockwork](" sentry: title: "Error Reporting" body: "To report our errors we use [Sentry](" draper: title: "Presentation Layer" body: "This project uses [Draper]( to add an object-oriented layer of presentation logic" seeds: title: "Seeds" body: | To populate your database with initial data you can add, inside the `/db/seeds.rb` file, the code to generate **only the necessary data** to run the application. If you need to generate data with **development purposes**, you can customize the `lib/fake_data_loader.rb` module and then to run the `rake load_fake_data` task from your terminal.