require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe Myrrha do it "should have a version number" do Myrrha.const_defined?(:VERSION).should be_true end it "should provide the abitity to define a coercion rules" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |g| g.coercion String, Integer, lambda{|s,t| Integer(s)} g.coercion String, Float, lambda{|s,t| Float(s) } end rules.coerce(12, Integer).should eq(12) rules.coerce("12", Integer).should eq(12) rules.coerce(12.2, Float).should eq(12.2) rules.coerce("12.2", Float).should eq(12.2) rules.coerce("12", Numeric).should eq(12) rules.coerce("12.2", Numeric).should eq(12.2) lambda{ rules.coerce(true, Integer) }.should raise_error(Myrrha::Error, "Unable to coerce `true` to Integer") end it "should support upon rules" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |g| g.coercion(Integer, Symbol){|s,t| :coercion} g.upon(lambda{|s| s<0}){|s,t| :upon} end rules.coerce(12, Symbol).should eq(:coercion) rules.coerce(-12, Symbol).should eq(:upon) end it "should support fallback rules" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |g| g.fallback String, lambda{|s,t| :world} end rules.coerce("hello", Symbol).should eq(:world) end it "should support using matchers" do ArrayOfSymbols = proc{|val| val.is_a?(Array) && val.all?{|x| Symbol===x}} rules = Myrrha.coercions do |g| g.coercion ArrayOfSymbols, String, lambda{|x,t| x.join(', ')} end rules.coerce([:a, :b], ArrayOfSymbols).should eq([:a, :b]) rules.coerce([:a, :b], String).should eq("a, b") end it "should support using any object that respond to call as converter" do converter = def, t); [arg, t]; end rules = Myrrha.coercions do |g| g.coercion String, Symbol, converter end rules.coerce("hello", Symbol).should eq(["hello", Symbol]) end it "should support adding rules later" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |c| c.coercion String, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_sym} c.fallback Object, lambda{|s,t| :fallback} end rules.coerce("hello", Symbol).should eq(:hello) rules.coerce(12, Symbol).should eq(:fallback) rules.append do |c| c.coercion Integer, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s.to_sym} end rules.coerce(12, Symbol).should eq(:"12") rules.coerce(true, Symbol).should eq(:fallback) end it "should support adding rules before" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |c| c.coercion String, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_sym} end rules.coerce("hello", Symbol).should eq(:hello) rules.prepend do |c| c.coercion String, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s.upcase.to_sym} end rules.coerce("hello", Symbol).should eq(:HELLO) end it "should used superdomain rules in an optimistic strategy" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |c| c.coercion String, Numeric, lambda{|s,t| Integer(s)} end rules.coerce("12", Integer).should eql(12) lambda{ rules.coerce("12", Float) }.should raise_error(Myrrha::Error) end describe "path convertions" do let(:rules){ Myrrha.coercions do |c| c.coercion Integer, String, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s} c.coercion String, Float, lambda{|s,t| Float(s)} c.coercion Integer, Float, [String] c.coercion Float, String, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s} c.coercion String, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_sym} c.coercion Integer, Symbol, [Float, String] end } it "should work with a simple and single" do rules.coerce(12, Float).should eql(12.0) end it "should work with a complex and multiple path" do rules.coerce(12, Symbol).should eql(:"12.0") end end specify "path convertions (from CHANGELOG)" do rules = Myrrha.coercions do |r| r.coercion String, Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_sym } r.coercion Float, String, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s } r.coercion Integer, Float, lambda{|s,t| Float(s) } r.coercion Integer, Symbol, [Float, String] end rules.coerce(12, Symbol).should eql(:"12.0") end end