# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe SippyCup::Runner do before do Dir.chdir "/tmp" end let(:settings) { {} } let(:default_settings) { { logger: logger } } let(:command) { "sudo $(which sipp) -i" } let(:pid) { '1234' } let(:logger) { double } before { logger.stub :info } let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end let(:scenario) { SippyCup::Scenario.from_manifest manifest } subject { SippyCup::Runner.new scenario, default_settings.merge(settings) } def expect_command_execution(command = anything) Process.stub :wait2 subject.stub :process_exit_status subject.should_receive(:spawn).with(command, anything) end describe '#run' do it "executes the correct command to invoke SIPp" do full_scenario_path = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, '/scenario.*') expect_command_execution %r{sudo \$\(which sipp\) -i dah.com -p 8836 -sf #{full_scenario_path} -l 5 -m 10 -r 2 -s 1 bar.com} subject.run end it "ensures that input files are not left on the filesystem" do FakeFS do Dir.mkdir("/tmp") unless Dir.exist?("/tmp") expect_command_execution.and_raise expect { subject.run }.to raise_error Dir.entries(Dir.tmpdir).should eql(['.', '..']) end end context "System call fails/doesn't fail" do it 'raises an error when the system call fails' do expect_command_execution.and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) expect { subject.run }.to raise_error Errno::ENOENT end it 'does not raise an error when the system call is successful' do expect_command_execution expect { subject.run }.not_to raise_error end end context "async" do let(:settings) { {async: true} } it 'should not wait for SIPp to terminate' do subject.stub :process_exit_status subject.should_receive :spawn Process.should_not_receive :wait2 subject.run end end context "specifying arbitrary options in the manifest" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 options: trace_err: ~ foo: bar steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'should pass the options to sipp' do expect_command_execution(/-trace_err -foo bar/) subject.run end end context "specifying a source port in the manifest" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 source_port: 1234 steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'should set the -p option' do expect_command_execution(/-p 1234/) subject.run end end context "specifying a to_user in the Scenario" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 from_user: pat to_user: frank steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'should set the -s option' do expect_command_execution(/-s frank/) subject.run end end context "specifying a media port" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 media_port: 6000 steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'should set the -mp option' do expect_command_execution(/-mp 6000/) subject.run end end context "specifying a stats file in the manifest" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 stats_file: stats.csv steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'should turn on -trace_stats, set the -stf option to the filename provided, and set the stats interval to 1 second' do expect_command_execution(/-trace_stat -stf stats.csv -fd 1/) subject.run end context 'with a stats interval provided' do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 stats_file: stats.csv stats_interval: 3 steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it "passes the interval to the -fd option" do expect_command_execution(/-fd 3/) subject.run end end it 'logs the path to the csv file' do expect_command_execution logger.should_receive(:info).with "Statistics logged at #{File.expand_path('stats.csv')}" subject.run end end context "no stats file" do it 'does not log a statistics file path' do logger.should_receive(:info).with(/Statistics logged at/).never expect_command_execution subject.run end end context "specifying a variables file" do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 scenario_variables: /path/to/vars.csv steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it 'uses CSV in the test run' do logger.should_receive(:info).ordered.with(/Preparing to run SIPp command/) logger.should_receive(:info).ordered.with(/Test completed successfully/) expect_command_execution(%r{-inf /path/to/vars.csv}) subject.run end end context 'with a transport mode specified' do let(:manifest) do <<-MANIFEST name: foobar source: 'dah.com' destination: 'bar.com' max_concurrent: 5 calls_per_second: 2 number_of_calls: 10 transport_mode: t1 steps: - invite - wait_for_answer - ack_answer - sleep 3 - send_digits 'abc' - sleep 5 - send_digits '#' - wait_for_hangup MANIFEST end it "passes the transport mode to the -t option" do expect_command_execution(/-t t1/) subject.run end end describe 'SIPp exit status handling' do let(:error_string) { "Some error" } let(:exit_code) { 255 } let(:command) { "sh -c 'echo \"#{error_string}\" 1>&2; exit #{exit_code}'" } let(:settings) { { command: command } } context "with normal operation" do let(:exit_code) { 0 } it "doesn't raise anything if SIPp returns 0" do quietly do subject.run.should be_true end end end context "with at least one call failure" do let(:exit_code) { 1 } it "returns false if SIPp returns 1" do quietly do logger.should_receive(:info).ordered.with(/Test completed successfully but some calls failed./) subject.run.should be_false end end end context "with an exit from inside SIPp" do let(:exit_code) { 97 } it "raises a ExitOnInternalCommand error if SIPp returns 97" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::ExitOnInternalCommand, error_string end end end context "with no calls processed" do let(:exit_code) { 99 } it "raises a NoCallsProcessed error if SIPp returns 99" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::NoCallsProcessed, error_string end end end context "with a fatal error" do let(:exit_code) { 255 } it "raises a FatalError error if SIPp returns 255" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::FatalError, error_string end end end context "with a socket binding fatal error" do let(:exit_code) { 254 } it "raises a FatalSocketBindingError error if SIPp returns 254" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::FatalSocketBindingError, error_string end end end context "with a generic undocumented fatal error" do let(:exit_code) { 128 } it "raises a SippGenericError error if SIPp returns 255" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::SippGenericError, error_string end end it "raises a SippGenericError error with the appropriate message" do quietly do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error SippyCup::SippGenericError, error_string end end end end describe "SIPp stdout/stderr" do let(:output_string) { "Some output" } let(:error_string) { "Some error" } let(:command) { "sh -c 'echo \"#{output_string}\"' && sh -c 'echo \"#{error_string}\" 1>&2'" } let(:settings) { { command: command } } def active_thread_count Thread.list.select { |t| t.status != 'aborting' }.size end context "by default" do it "proxies stdout to the terminal" do quietly do capture(:stdout) { subject.run }.strip.should == output_string end end it "proxies stderr to the terminal" do quietly do capture(:stderr) { subject.run }.strip.should == error_string end end it "does not leak threads" do original_thread_count = active_thread_count quietly do subject.run end sleep 0.1 active_thread_count.should == original_thread_count end end context "with :full_sipp_output disabled" do let(:settings) { { command: command, full_sipp_output: false } } it "swallows stdout from SIPp" do capture(:stdout) { subject.run }.should == '' end it "swallows stderr from SIPp" do capture(:stderr) { subject.run }.should == '' end it "does not leak threads" do quietly do original_thread_count = active_thread_count subject.run sleep 0.1 active_thread_count.should == original_thread_count end end end end end describe '#wait' do before { subject.sipp_pid = pid } it "waits for the SIPp process" do Process.should_receive(:wait2).with pid.to_i subject.should_receive(:process_exit_status) subject.should_receive(:cleanup_input_files) subject.wait end context "async" do subject { SippyCup::Runner.new scenario, logger: logger, async: true } it "waits for the SIPp process and cleans up input files" do Process.should_receive(:wait2).with pid.to_i subject.should_receive(:process_exit_status) subject.should_receive(:cleanup_input_files) subject.wait end end end describe '#stop' do before { subject.sipp_pid = pid } it "tries to kill the SIPp process if there is a PID" do Process.should_receive(:kill).with("KILL", pid) subject.stop end context "if there is no PID available" do let(:pid) { nil } it "doesn't try to kill the SIPp process" do Process.should_receive(:kill).never subject.stop end end it "raises a Errno::ESRCH if the PID does not exist" do Process.should_receive(:kill).with("KILL", pid).and_raise(Errno::ESRCH) expect { subject.stop }.to raise_error Errno::ESRCH end it "raises a Errno::EPERM if the user has no permission to kill the process" do Process.should_receive(:kill).with("KILL", pid).and_raise(Errno::EPERM) expect { subject.stop }.to raise_error Errno::EPERM end end end