# :stopdoc:
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# :startdoc:

module Wx::PRT

  # This class provides the default method of managing the print preview interface.
  # Member functions may be overridden to replace functionality, or the class may be used without derivation.
  # === 
  # Category:  Printing Framework
  # @see Wx::PreviewCanvas
  # @see  Wx::PreviewControlBar
  # @see  Wx::PRT::PrintPreview 
  class PreviewFrame < Frame
    # Constructor.
    # Pass a print preview object plus other normal frame arguments. The print preview object will be destroyed by the frame when it closes.
    # Note that size typically should not be specified explicitly to let the frame use its default size, adapted to its contents.
    # @param preview [Wx::PrintPreview] 
    # @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    # @param title [String] 
    # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] 
    # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    # @param style [Integer] 
    # @param name [String] 
    # @return [Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame]
    def initialize(preview, parent, title=("Print Preview"), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name=Wx::FrameNameStr) end
    # Initializes the frame elements and prepares for showing it.
    # Calling this method is equivalent to calling {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#initialize_with_modality} with {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind::PreviewFrame_AppModal} argument, please see its documentation for more details.
    # Please notice that this function is virtual mostly for backwards compatibility only, there is no real need to override it as it's never called by wxWidgets itself.
    # @return [void]
    def init; end
    # Initializes the frame elements and prepares for showing it with the given modality kind.
    # This method creates the frame elements by calling {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#create_canvas} and {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#create_control_bar} methods (which may be overridden to customize them) and prepares to show the frame according to the value of kind parameter:
    # - If it is {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind::PreviewFrame_AppModal}, all the other application windows will be disabled when this frame is shown. This is the same behaviour as that of simple {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#initialize}.
    # - If it is {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind::PreviewFrame_WindowModal}, only the parent window of the preview frame will be disabled when it is shown.
    # - And if it is {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind::PreviewFrame_NonModal}, no windows at all will be disabled while the preview is shown.
    # Notice that this function (or {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#initialize}) must be called by the application prior to showing the frame but you still must call <code>Show(true)</code> to actually show it afterwards.
    # @param kind [Wx::PreviewFrameModalityKind]  The modality kind of preview frame.
    # @return [void]
    def initialize_with_modality(kind) end
  end # PreviewFrame
