// How large a result set we try to return before splitting it up into smaller // chunks var CHUNK_SIZE = 50; // Okay, so this is some dodgy meta shit that I probably really shouldn't be // doing in javascript. It's not my fault the API is odd. function apply_constructor(klass, opts) { function applicator() { // This seems to be the only way to call .apply on a // constructor in javascript return klass.apply(this, opts); } applicator.prototype = klass.prototype; return new applicator(); } // Stops execution, sending a HTTP 400 response function argument_error(message) { throw nlapiCreateError('400', message); } // Returns a simple record as an associative array function get_record_by_id(type_id, fields, id) { var record = nlapiLoadRecord(type_id, id); var response = {}; for(var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { response[fields[i]] = record.getFieldValue(fields[i]); } return(response); } // Transfrom from a record type, to another, given ID. The set a bunch of // fields on that new record type. // Arguments:: // source_id:: source record internal id // source_type_id:: source record type, e.g. invoice // target_type_id:: target record type, e.g. customerpayment // data:: hash of key/values to set before saving the new deferred record // fields:: array of fields for target type function transform(request) { var deferred = nlapiTransformRecord( request.source_type_id, request.source_id, request.target_type_id ); for(var field in request.data) { deferred.setFieldValue(field, request.data[field]); } return(get_record_by_id( request.target_type_id, request.fields, nlapiSubmitRecord(deferred, true) )); } // In order to update an item, we create a diff of what has actually changed, // then commit just those changes. function update(request) { if(!request.data.hasOwnProperty('id')) { argument_error('update action requires an id'); } var diff = {}; var record = nlapiLoadRecord(request.type_id, request.data.id); for(var field in request.data) { if(record.getFieldValue(field) != request.data[field]) { diff[field] = request.data[field]; } } for(var field in diff) { record.setFieldValue(field, diff[field]); } return(get_record_by_id( request.type_id, request.fields, nlapiSubmitRecord(record, true) )); } // Return an array of hashes representing the result set. function retrieve_result_set(results, fields) { var response = []; // Can't seem to get all columns back without running nlapiLoadRecord, // I tried a few different ways and netsuite either returned null // responses or exploded spectacularly. So, we are inefficient for now. // // This is what has lead to the whole configurable chunking // implementation. for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { var result = results[i]; response.push( get_record_by_id( result.getRecordType(), fields, result.getId() ) ); } return response; } // Return the requested chunk offset, which should be incremented by one for // each chunk. function search_chunked(search, fields, chunk) { var offset = chunk * CHUNK_SIZE; var results = search.runSearch().getResults(offset, offset + CHUNK_SIZE); if(results.length == 0) { throw nlapiCreateError('400', 'NO_MORE_CHUNKS'); } return(retrieve_result_set(results, fields)); } // Called if we aren't specifically asking for a chunk of the result set. // Returns:: An array of records of length < CHUNK_SIZE // Raises:: A 400, 'CHUNKY_MONKEY' if the result size is >= CHUNK_SIZE, it is // expected that you now send a follow up request asking for chunks until // you recive another error, 'NO_MORE_CHUNKS' function search_no_chunked(search, fields) { var results = search.runSearch().getResults(0, CHUNK_SIZE); // If there are CHUNK_SIZE results, we need to chunk if (results.length == CHUNK_SIZE) { // So we send an error message to signify that the client // should make a different kind of search request throw nlapiCreateError('400', 'CHUNKY_MONKEY'); } return(retrieve_result_set(results, fields)); } // Only return the columns requested, not whole objects. // Returns:: Array of arrays containing all columns requested. function raw_search(request) { var columns = []; var filters = []; var response = []; // Generate filters for(var i = 0; i < request.data.filters.length; i++ ) { filters.push( apply_constructor( nlobjSearchFilter, request.data.filters[i] ) ); } // Doesn't work when we try to create columns then supply them at // creation, so we create them after we create the search. var search = nlapiCreateSearch(request.type_id, filters, []); // Now, for whatever reason, we can add columns. for(var i = 0; i < request.data.columns.length; i++ ) { columns.push(apply_constructor( nlobjSearchColumn, request.data.columns[i] )); search.addColumn(columns[i]); } var search_result = search.runSearch(); // We go 1000 at a time as that is the maximum we are allowed var MAX_PER_GET=1000; for(var i = 0; true; i += MAX_PER_GET) { var result_set = search_result.getResults(i, MAX_PER_GET); for(var j = 0; j < result_set.length; j++) { response.push([]); for(var k = 0; k < columns.length; k++) { response[j+i].push( result_set[j].getValue(columns[k]) ); } } if(result_set.length < MAX_PER_GET) { // No more results break; } } return(response); } function search(request) { // Maximum results to return before we split our response into a // chunked, multi request response. Note, this has nothing to do with a // HTTP chunked response, it's simply us requesting a different offest // each time. var filters = []; for(var i = 0; i < request.data.filters.length; i++ ) { filters.push( apply_constructor( nlobjSearchFilter, request.data.filters[i] ) ); } var search = nlapiCreateSearch(request.type_id, filters, []); if(request.data.hasOwnProperty('chunk')){ return(search_chunked( search, request.fields, request.data.chunk )); } else { return search_no_chunked(search, request.fields); } } // Retrieve a single record by id function retrieve(request) { if(!request.data.hasOwnProperty('id')) { argument_error('retrieve action requires an id'); } return(get_record_by_id( request.type_id, request.fields, request.data.id) ); } // Load a list of fields for type specified by type_id // Returns:: Array of strings // Delete a record by id function delete_id(request) { if(!request.data.hasOwnProperty('id')) { argument_error('delete action requires an id'); } // Return value is moot, should throw an error on failure nlapiDeleteRecord(request.type_id, parseInt(request.data.id)); return([]); } // Create a new record function create(request) { var record = nlapiCreateRecord(request.type_id); for(var field in request.data) { record.setFieldValue(field, request.data[field]); } // request.sublists is a hash that looks like this: // {'addressbook' => [{'addr1' => 'line 1 of address'}] // // Note: For some reason when you try to commit the line item, as the // documentation says you *must*, the item is not saved. // // So, we don't. And it works. for(var sublist_id in request.sublists) { for(var i = 0; i < request.sublists[sublist_id].length; i++) { var item = request.sublists[sublist_id][i]; record.insertLineItem(sublist_id, i + 1); for(var subfield in item) { record.setLineItemValue( sublist_id, subfield, i + 1, item[subfield] ); } } } return(get_record_by_id( request.type_id, request.fields, nlapiSubmitRecord(record, true) )); } // Given a record, sublist_id and array of fields, retrieve the whole sublist // as an array of hashes function get_sublist(record, sublist_id, fields) { var len = record.getLineItemCount(request.sublist_id); var response = []; for(var i = 1; i <= len; i++) { list_item = {}; for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { list_item[fields[j]] = record.getLineItemValue( sublist_id, fields[j], i ) } response.push(list_item); } return(response); } // Basically a wrapper for get_sublist() function fetch_sublist(request) { if(!request.hasOwnProperty('parent_id')) { argument_error("Missing mandatory argument: parent_id"); } if(!request.hasOwnProperty('sublist_id')) { argument_error("Missing mandatory argument: sublist_id"); } var record = nlapiLoadRecord(request.type_id, request.parent_id); return(get_sublist(record, request.sublist_id, request.fields)); } // Make sure we have the required arguments in our request object function pre_flight_check(request) { delete(request['code']); if (!request.hasOwnProperty('action')) { argument_error("Missing mandatory argument: action"); } // Some actions may not care about these if (!request.hasOwnProperty('fields')) { request.fields = []; } if (!request.hasOwnProperty('sublists')) { request.sublists = {}; } if (!request.hasOwnProperty('data')) { request.data = {}; } } // Render a PDF invoice // // Arguments:: // invoice_id:: the ID of the invoice to render // // Returns:: An array with only element, a base64 encoded string of the // generated PDF function invoice_pdf(request) { if(!request.hasOwnProperty('invoice_id')) { argument_error('Missing mandatory argument: invoice_id'); }; var file = nlapiPrintRecord( 'TRANSACTION', request.invoice_id, 'PDF', null ); return [file.getValue()]; } // Attach all customers in data from ourselves // Arguments:: // target_type_id:: target 'type_id' // attachee_id:: id of record type 'type_id' to attach from // data:: array of ids to attach // attributes:: optional attributes function attach(request) { for(var i = 0; i < request.data.length; i++) { nlapiAttachRecord( request.type_id, request.attachee_id, request.target_type_id, parseInt(request.data[i]), request.attributes ); } return([]); } // // Detach all customers in data from ourselves // Arguments:: // target_type_id:: target 'type_id' // attachee_id:: id of record type 'type_id' to detach from // data:: array of ids to attach // attributes:: optional attributes function detach(request) { for(var i = 0; i < request.data.length; i++) { nlapiDetachRecord( request.type_id, request.attachee_id, request.target_type_id, parseInt(request.data[i]) ); } return([]); } // As the last visible function, this is the one actually run and the return // value is sent back to the client as JSON. function main(request) { pre_flight_check(request); var actions = { 'delete' : delete_id, // delete is a reserved word 'create' : create, 'retrieve' : retrieve, 'search' : search, 'update' : update, 'fetch_sublist' : fetch_sublist, 'invoice_pdf' : invoice_pdf, 'attach' : attach, 'detach' : detach, 'raw_search' : raw_search, 'transform' : transform } if(!(request.action in actions)) { argument_error("Unknown action: " + request.action); } return actions[request.action](request); }