# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'buildr/core/project' require 'buildr/packaging' module Buildr module Eclipse #:nodoc: include Extension class Eclipse attr_reader :options attr_writer :name def initialize(project) @project = project @options = Options.new(project) end def name return @name if @name return @project.id.split('-').last if @options.short_names @project.id end # :call-seq: # classpath_variables :VAR => '/path/to/location' # Sets classpath variables to be used for library path substitution # on the project. # def classpath_variables(*values) fail "eclipse.classpath_variables expects a single hash argument" if values.size > 1 if values.size == 1 fail "eclipse.classpath_variables expects a Hash argument" unless values[0].is_a? Hash # convert keys to strings values = values[0].inject({}) { |h, (k,v)| h[k.to_s] = @project.path_to(v); h } @variables = values.merge(@variables || {}) end @variables || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.classpath_variables : default_classpath_variables) end def default_classpath_variables vars = {} vars[:SCALA_HOME] = ENV['SCALA_HOME'] if ENV['SCALA_HOME'] vars[:JAVA_HOME] = ENV['JAVA_HOME'] if ENV['JAVA_HOME'] vars end # :call-seq: # natures=(natures) # Sets the Eclipse project natures on the project. # def natures=(var) @natures = arrayfy(var) end # :call-seq: # natures() => [n1, n2] # Returns the Eclipse project natures on the project. # They may be derived from the parent project if no specific natures have been set # on the project. # # An Eclipse project nature is used internally by Eclipse to determine the aspects of a project. def natures(*values) if values.size > 0 @natures ||= [] @natures += values.flatten else @natures || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.natures : []) end end # :call-seq: # classpath_containers=(cc) # Sets the Eclipse project classpath containers on the project. # def classpath_containers=(var) @classpath_containers = arrayfy(var) end # :call-seq: # classpath_containers() => [con1, con2] # Returns the Eclipse project classpath containers on the project. # They may be derived from the parent project if no specific classpath containers have been set # on the project. # # A classpath container is an Eclipse pre-determined ensemble of dependencies made available to # the project classpath. def classpath_containers(*values) if values.size > 0 @classpath_containers ||= [] @classpath_containers += values.flatten else @classpath_containers || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.classpath_containers : []) end end # :call-seq: # exclude_libs() => [lib1, lib2] # Returns the an array of libraries to be excluded from the generated Eclipse classpath def exclude_libs(*values) if values.size > 0 @exclude_libs ||= [] @exclude_libs += values.flatten else @exclude_libs || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.exclude_libs : []) end end # :call-seq: # exclude_libs=(lib1, lib2) # Sets libraries to be excluded from the generated Eclipse classpath # def exclude_libs=(libs) @exclude_libs = arrayfy(libs) end # :call-seq: # builders=(builders) # Sets the Eclipse project builders on the project. # def builders=(var) @builders = arrayfy(var) end # :call-seq: # builders() => [b1, b2] # Returns the Eclipse project builders on the project. # They may be derived from the parent project if no specific builders have been set # on the project. # # A builder is an Eclipse background job that parses the source code to produce built artifacts. def builders(*values) if values.size > 0 @builders ||= [] @builders += values.flatten else @builders || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.builders : []) end end private def arrayfy(obj) obj.is_a?(Array) ? obj : [obj] end end class Options attr_writer :m2_repo_var, :short_names def initialize(project) @project = project end # The classpath variable used to point at the local maven2 repository. # Example: # eclipse.options.m2_repo_var = 'M2_REPO' def m2_repo_var(*values) fail "m2_repo_var can only accept one value: #{values}" if values.size > 1 if values.size > 0 @m2_repo_var = values[0] else @m2_repo_var || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.options.m2_repo_var : 'M2_REPO') end end def short_names @short_names || (@project.parent ? @project.parent.eclipse.options.short_names : false) end end def eclipse @eclipse ||= Eclipse.new(self) @eclipse end first_time do # Global task "eclipse" generates artifacts for all projects. desc 'Generate Eclipse artifacts for all projects' Project.local_task('eclipse'=>'artifacts') { |name| "Generating Eclipse project for #{name}" } end before_define do |project| project.recursive_task('eclipse') end after_define(:eclipse => :package) do |project| # Need to enhance because using project.projects during load phase of the # buildfile has harmful side-effects on project definition order project.enhance do eclipse = project.task('eclipse') # We don't create the .project and .classpath files if the project contains projects. if project.projects.empty? eclipse.enhance [ file(project.path_to('.classpath')), file(project.path_to('.project')) ] # The only thing we need to look for is a change in the Buildfile. file(project.path_to('.classpath')=>Buildr.application.buildfile) do |task| if (project.eclipse.natures.reject { |x| x.is_a?(Symbol) }.size > 0) info "Writing #{task.name}" m2repo = Buildr::Repositories.instance.local File.open(task.name, 'w') do |file| classpathentry = ClasspathEntryWriter.new project, file classpathentry.write do # Note: Use the test classpath since Eclipse compiles both "main" and "test" classes using the same classpath cp = project.test.compile.dependencies.map(&:to_s) - [ project.compile.target.to_s, project.resources.target.to_s ] cp = cp.uniq # Convert classpath elements into applicable Project objects cp.collect! { |path| Buildr.projects.detect { |prj| prj.packages.detect { |pkg| pkg.to_s == path } } || path } # Remove excluded libs cp -= project.eclipse.exclude_libs.map(&:to_s) # project_libs: artifacts created by other projects project_libs, others = cp.partition { |path| path.is_a?(Project) } # Separate artifacts under known classpath variable paths # including artifacts located in local Maven2 repository vars = [] project.eclipse.classpath_variables.merge(project.eclipse.options.m2_repo_var => m2repo).each do |name, path| matching, others = others.partition { |f| File.expand_path(f.to_s).index(path) == 0 } matching.each do |m| vars << [m, name, path] end end # Generated: Any non-file classpath elements in the project are assumed to be generated libs, generated = others.partition { |path| File.file?(path.to_s) } classpathentry.src project.compile.sources + generated classpathentry.src project.resources if project.test.compile.target classpathentry.src project.test.compile classpathentry.src project.test.resources end # Classpath elements from other projects classpathentry.src_projects project_libs classpathentry.output project.compile.target if project.compile.target classpathentry.lib libs classpathentry.var vars project.eclipse.classpath_containers.each { |container| classpathentry.con container } end end end end # The only thing we need to look for is a change in the Buildfile. file(project.path_to('.project')=>Buildr.application.buildfile) do |task| info "Writing #{task.name}" File.open(task.name, 'w') do |file| xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>file, :indent=>2) xml.projectDescription do xml.name project.eclipse.name xml.projects unless project.eclipse.builders.empty? xml.buildSpec do project.eclipse.builders.each { |builder| xml.buildCommand do xml.name builder end } end end unless project.eclipse.natures.empty? xml.natures do project.eclipse.natures.each { |nature| xml.nature nature unless nature.is_a? Symbol } end end end end end end end end # Writes 'classpathentry' tags in an xml file. # It converts tasks to paths. # It converts absolute paths to relative paths. # It ignores duplicate directories. class ClasspathEntryWriter #:nodoc: def initialize project, target @project = project @xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>target, :indent=>2) @excludes = [ '**/.svn/', '**/CVS/' ].join('|') @paths_written = [] end def write &block @xml.classpath &block end def con path @xml.classpathentry :kind=>'con', :path=>path end def lib libs libs.map(&:to_s).sort.uniq.each do |path| @xml.classpathentry :kind=>'lib', :path=>relative(path) end end # Write a classpathentry of kind 'src'. # Accept an array of absolute paths or a task. def src arg if [:sources, :target].all? { |message| arg.respond_to?(message) } src_from_task arg else src_from_absolute_paths arg end end # Write a classpathentry of kind 'src' for dependent projects. # Accept an array of projects. def src_projects project_libs project_libs.map { |project| project.eclipse.name }.sort.uniq.each do |eclipse_name| @xml.classpathentry :kind=>'src', :combineaccessrules=>'false', :path=>"/#{eclipse_name}" end end def output target @xml.classpathentry :kind=>'output', :path=>relative(target) end # Write a classpathentry of kind 'var' (variable) for a library in a local repo. # * +libs+ is an array of library paths. # * +var_name+ is a variable name as defined in Eclipse (e.g., 'M2_REPO'). # * +var_value+ is the value of this variable (e.g., '/home/me/.m2'). # E.g., var([lib1, lib2], 'M2_REPO', '/home/me/.m2/repo') def var(libs) libs.each do |lib_path, var_name, var_value| lib_artifact = file(lib_path) attribs = { :kind => 'var', :path => lib_path } if lib_artifact.respond_to? :sources_artifact attribs[:sourcepath] = lib_artifact.sources_artifact end if lib_artifact.respond_to? :javadoc_artifact attribs[:javadocpath] = lib_artifact.javadoc_artifact end # make all paths relative attribs.each_key do |k| attribs[k] = attribs[k].to_s.sub(var_value, var_name.to_s) if k.to_s =~ /path/ end @xml.classpathentry attribs end end private # Find a path relative to the project's root directory if possible. If the # two paths do not share the same root the absolute path is returned. This # can happen on Windows, for instance, when the two paths are not on the # same drive. def relative path path or raise "Invalid path '#{path.inspect}'" msg = [:to_path, :to_str, :to_s].find { |msg| path.respond_to? msg } path = path.__send__(msg) begin relative = Util.relative_path(File.expand_path(path), @project.path_to) if relative['..'] # paths don't share same root Util.normalize_path(path) else relative end rescue ArgumentError Util.normalize_path(path) end end def src_from_task task src_from_absolute_paths task.sources, task.target end def src_from_absolute_paths absolute_paths, output=nil relative_paths = absolute_paths.map { |src| relative(src) } relative_paths.sort.uniq.each do |path| unless @paths_written.include?(path) attributes = { :kind=>'src', :path=>path, :excluding=>@excludes } attributes[:output] = relative(output) if output @xml.classpathentry attributes @paths_written << path end end end end end end # module Buildr class Buildr::Project include Buildr::Eclipse end # Order is significant for auto-detection, from most specific to least require 'buildr/ide/eclipse/plugin' require 'buildr/ide/eclipse/scala' require 'buildr/ide/eclipse/java'